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 Sep 2017 loveinquandary
The Calm
The lonely is the only place I go
probably because isolation is the only friend I know
Broken-hearted but kindness is the only feeling I show
Because the saddest people find a way to smile til tomorrow

With a damaged heart and a wounded soul
I find the strength to breach the cold
Eyes red with tears, heart full of pain
My mind is lost, fighting to be sane
Intrepid but my heart is no fool
Wise old soul, experience's school

The lonely know the wilderness best
The lonely are the kindest, the saddest, the wisest
I'm tired
I'm tired of everything
I want to cry
I want to shout
I want to explode
I want to stop
I want to do something
but I'm tired

I want to curse people
I want to curse myself
everything, and everyone
who caused me
to feel like this
to feel lost and alone
so vague and so drowned
to feel so tired

I felt suicidal
thinking death could end it all
but I don't know
I've been overthinking so much
and my mind is tired
my heart is tired of pain
and it's palpitating with grief and hatred

I'm useless, so worthless,
I felt nothing
no one

and despite all of these
all I want is someone
someone to support me
someone who will care
someone who will be there
because I'm tired
but no one dared to
no one attempted to
and no one did

that is why I'm tired
it hurts so much
this **** heart in my chest
beating so loud for others
yet it's hollow for myself
I am so lucky to have met you
Before you I was in a constant state of feeling blue
I love it when you call me by my name
It makes me show off and spit my game
Having you interested in me has made all the difference
I won't ever have to talk about my love life in past tense
I get to feel good about myself knowing you love me
And I'll always let you know that I love you too wholeheartedly
Expressing my love for you is something I'll always do
Because I want you to know just how much I have fallen in love with you.
And this one is about her now that she's agreed to be my girlfriend.
There was a love in her heart
No one could ever quite understand
Not even herself
And each day she lived
She wish she didn't love
Didn't love a man who either;
Couldn't love her back,
Or did not exist,
Or who claimed to love her and broke her

There was a love bestowed upon her
It's been there since birth
And she's never quite known why

She's never known just what to do
And she is so tired of crying
Because a love like that hurts so **** bad

She's hoping one day her love
Will finally be cherished
Finally be shared
But for now
She lays awake
Dreaming beautiful daydreams
Because she can control those for the most part
It's the dreams she has when she closes her eyes
That cause the most fear
Because what if,
What if they come true
And she never gets the love she needs.
 Jun 2017 loveinquandary
 Jun 2017 loveinquandary
It was clear
that between us two,
I was lucky enough
to have the better deal.
For him
I stopped.
I began to revolve around the thing that changed me.
I became the only thing you didn’t want.
You thought more of him.
The man you despise.
My exact opposite.
You wanted to get rid of me.
You were too afraid.
You wanted to keep your friends.
I’m your friend too.
I can bring bad things sometimes, but I bring good things too.
I know you hate me now, but please don’t make me leave.
Don’t make me leave.
There’s so much we haven’t done together.
I thought you’d continue to cherish me.
But ***** it.
It’s over.
It’s too late now.
I’m done.
You’ve ended me with the call of your pistol.
Time to say goodbye
I don't want to love you
But my heart doesn't understand

I can't have you
The love we once had is gone

When I look in your eyes I almost feel it but then you turn it off without a second thought

I however cannot turn off my emotions or my love

And I hate myself for the weight of my love

And I hate myself for being jealous over what's probably nothing

You're not mine
I cannot get jealous

I need to find someone who loves me but I just can't seem to find anyone but you that I can love

My heart is stupid
My mind is screaming
But I'll still turn up in your bed
Still dream of another life
One where maybe
All my dreams come true.
Over thinking making me jealous. I hate that person and I hate that I do. They just frustrate me. And I wish I didn't always love you so much.
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