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  Nov 2016 loveinquandary
and i know i've told you this story a million times but ****, man, it hurts. it hurts knowing that i have no one left, that maybe i am that girl who ends up alone in the end. it hurts knowing i don't really fit in anywhere and that guy at school told me that everyone thinks i'm a stuck up ***** and i guess maybe he's right but it hurts it hurts it really ******* hurts. it's weird because i used to dream about being this broken because it would be good for my poetry but now i'm broken and my poetry's still ****. they're asking me where i wanted to go for university and the answer is hold on, do i even want to go to university can i stand another four years in four walls surrounded by people who don't give a **** about me? i've done it all my life and i'm losing my mind i really don't wanna go down that road anymore, you know? i've been sleeping a lot lately and i wake up when it's dark and that helps i guess the drugs help me sleep but it's getting harder to find the motivation to wake up every single day i push the clock a little further thinking maybe this is it maybe this is when it all ends if i just sleep a little longer. the nightmares. the nightmares, they don't get any better and i wake up in the dark and i wake up all alone and i scream. for you. for help. for God. at some point between praying to you and praying to God i start mixing up names and i pray to you for God and i pray to God for you and i don't really know who i'm praying to anymore, really. maybe it doesn't matter. point is i'm struggling, i'm suffering, and if there's a chance, if there's a little bit of salvation hidden beneath the pebbles of my path: give it to me, please, save me somehow.
My echo wont reply for me.
My reflection will not look at me.
My shadow does not walk with me.
My footsteps will not follow me.

I lost myself to someone else.

And they never gave me back.
  Nov 2016 loveinquandary
blue mercury
step one.
you close your eyes.
you close them tight.
then you press your palms
against your
closed eyelids,
you start seeing red spots that remind you
of a song you wrote
for someone so long ago.
that someone doesn't matter anymore,
not really, so eventually,
neither will he.

step two.
you wear a nightgown.
the one with the lacy v neck, the one
that exposes your thighs,
the one with the vintage roses.
you wear it to bed to remind yourself
that you don't have to wear his attention
like a perfume
to feel ****.

step three.
you listen to those songs.
you know which ones.
you listen to them and sing or rap along
until your throat is sore, until
your chest hurts. do it
until you don't know why you're crying,
then write a song about why
you are crying,
so that when you look back,
you can see that it doesn't matter.
heartache fades.

step four.**
dive into a body of water in only
your under garments.
force yourself
to swim,
no matter how much
you want
to drown.
not very easy steps. i lied. whoops.
  Aug 2016 loveinquandary
your mouth is a door,
and someday you are going to be told that it's just better left closed.

your eyes are the windows to your soul,
and someday people are going to tell you to draw the curtains.

your heart has been unpacked from the basement,
and someday someone is going to tell you to put it away.

and your optimism is a candle in your windows, and someday everyone's going to try and blow it out.

i'm telling you this,
because when that someday comes i want you to know what to say.

you say,

"my mouth is a door, and i hold the key."
"my eyes are the windows to my soul and i'll wash them regularly."
"my heart will not be put away, it goes with everything."
"my optimism is a candle, and it keeps me warm."

when that someday comes,
i want you to know what to say...

you say,
"this is my house, and it's not for sale."
  Aug 2016 loveinquandary
-i wish i had the guts to rip open my skin and pull out the sadness that lies within.
  Jul 2016 loveinquandary
Star Gazer
I am happy now
From the bottom of my heart
Thanks to you darling.
I woke up with a smile when I slept with a frown.
loveinquandary Jul 2016
He asked me why I still had so much energy
Although I was drained and tired
I told him
I'm used to this
But what he didn't know
Was that
Even though the world drained a part of me away
He was the reason i felt so alive
you changed me
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