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  Jun 2016 loveinquandary
Just so you know, I kind of
adore you
loveinquandary Jun 2016
Ever felt nostalgic for a love that hasn't happened?
Ever wanted to dedicate your favorite love song to a future lover?
Ever felt like the world would crumble if you're never going to meet your soulmate?
Ever wanted to risk it all and just confess your love to your crush?
Ever felt like you won't be good enough for your future lover?
Ever realized that overthinking will bring nothing but countless questions with no answers?
sometimes it's my mind which brings me so much sadness
  Jun 2016 loveinquandary
Star Gazer
I really thought you were in love with me.

For the longest time, that was what I
Wanted to believe.
  Jun 2016 loveinquandary
Star Gazer
We go to sleep knowing that we are loved
By those who we love
We go to sleep knowing that we are enough
For our prince and princesses.
  Jun 2016 loveinquandary
Star Gazer
I want to love you the way I love the stars. I want to stare at you with pure admiration, inspired to think about the future and let the moonlight dance a little on my skin. I want to love you in a way that I'll be afraid to blink because I fear with a single blink I would see your beautiful face and in another blink I would see your back as you walk away. I want to love like I would be afraid to go on without you. I want you to be my breath of air, my drink of water, my means of life and my everything. I want to love you to the point that I would crumble if you were to let go of your grip, I would shatter and break. I want you to be the adhesive that holds me together while at the same time I will hold you together. I want you to feel your hugs with the sun's rays, I want to feel your kisses with the sea water drifting along the winds, I want to feel your happiness from everywhere that I walk and I want to see your smile twinkle with the stars of the night.
  Jun 2016 loveinquandary
Star Gazer
...And I love you more than I do myself.
I love you with a heart that lives deep in the shadows
Where only your light could fetch it out of the barren wastelands.
It was your love that has shown me light
It was your love that I longed for
It was your love that I will die for.
It was you.
  Jun 2016 loveinquandary
I am not a worthless piece of art.
I am God's Masterpiece.
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