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 May 2020 anna
Claire Elizabeth
I write a lot about love and about the smell of rain. They go hand in hand, after all.
They both make my heart ache and my mouth water for something I don't yet have.
 May 2020 anna
anna burns
12:21 am
 May 2020 anna
anna burns
the small act
of you leaving
for the night
crushed me in flight
my solo sleep
causes tears to creep
 May 2020 anna
I wana close my eyes
& wake up next to you
I wana see your worst
that leads up to the best of you
I wana lay on your chest
& listen to your heart beat
Look up into your eyes
& tell you that it belongs to me
I wana please you
mentally, emotionally & physically
I wana make you smile
be your saving grace
kiss all over your face
& give you the best of me
I wana make you wana run home to me
& make love to me
because you love being alone with me
I want you to trust deep down in your core that I adore you
Do anything for you
I love you with all of me
I Would never do you any harm
You not being part of my world
means everything in life is wrong
I wana be your confidant
your best friend, lover & your wife
I want you to know that
where you belong is forever in my life.
 May 2020 anna
Happy for You
 May 2020 anna
I'm happy for you
Really, I mean it
There's nothing that I need more
Than to know you're doing alright

But I just... I can't help it...

Within the privacy of my own mind
I remind myself
That I will never have that kind of happiness
I will never get to live like that
And I want it so badly
I can't take it away from you
By letting you in on what I'm feeling
It would seem that some of my favorite people are doing quite well for themselves. Truly, I'm glad for them, but I am reminded of the emptiness inside me that I don't expect to ever be able to fill.
 May 2020 anna
Verdant Quo
like water
I poured myself into her until she was overflowing at the brim

like reinforced steel
I bridged my heart to hers and welded myself to her soul

like the sun
I filled myself with light to cover her darkness

like a blanket
I shielded her from the harsh world underneath the covers

like magnets
I orbited her aura until we inevitably collided

like a seed
I felt myself growing up from her

Then, like an idiot
I could tell she felt nothing.
 May 2020 anna
brandon nagley
I'm the blood
Inside her vein's;
In love, O' love,
Madly insane.
Pouring down
Like sensual rain;
I'm the blood
Inside her vein's.
I feedeth her heart
Into her soul,
I enter in silver
She cometh out
Gold; I'm the blood
Inside her vein's,
Inside her mouth
I swirl again, tis
I'm the love inside
Her head, I enter
On in, angelic
sentient; tis
I'm the spirit
Inside her chalice,
She drinketh me, over-
Taketh me by her
Asian palace: im the
Blood inside her vein's,
I'm vital, I'm living,
Once again; I'm the king
Inside her dream's, inside her chamber, tis do I sleep.
I'm the blood inside her vein's, and O' how sweet doth her plasma taste. Tis I'm the blood inside her vein's........

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
 May 2020 anna
Amanda N Skaggs
Inside this dwelling.
Unimaginable joy.
Seeing through glass panes.
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