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They just came off the carousel
And now they will roam and
Wander with blissful stares

I will soon join them, hoping
To find wild women and
Coconut lotions

We will be free, we’ll dance
And swim

They just came out of the water
And now they will journey
Into the night’s mystery

I will soon join them, excited
To discover new voices in
New places

We will be free, we’ll talk
To one another and share our
Lust for experience

They just came out of the
Woods and now they will
Sleep with their lovers, awaiting
The blink of dawn
"I am from a deep ocean
while you, from the highest mountain.

Your beauty obviously inspired other
While mine, still need to search under the darkness of water.

That sun keeps you more beautiful
and me, I am nothing- I'm just a fool.

That sun got your all attention
for you, she was the best description of a perfection.

And now you fell in love to that sun
that's why, you don't even want her to go down.

Her sunshine keep you no harm
and her presence keep you feel warm.

In a deepest sea, I'm just an ordinary stone,
While she, is like a princess sitting on a throne.

You believe, you destined to be with her and she is to be with you.
but how about my feelings, Will you consider it too?

I must stop now, comparing myself to her.
Cause whatever I do, to you- I don't matter.

So I'd rather stay down in this cold and sorrow sea.
And wait for that someone who will take the risk to pick and see me."

Yhinyhin / 03-16-16 2:16 am
I'll be happy if you and her will be together till the end, I am happy to both of you Basty and Ms. Irah. </3 ^_^ (though its really hurt)
I imagine this
feels somewhat like flying away
over a dark plane
My name is Lilith
The first female created
I was cursed by God
Because submission, I abated
I would not heed
To Adam's call
I was his equal
I too, deserved to stand tall
You will not find my story
In the ancient Hebrew book
But I am everywhere
If you take a closer look
The world was new
When I was cursed
I was not Eve,
I would be heard
I too was created
From the earth
Just as Adam was
He thought I should lie beneath him
Simply just because
I whispered Gods secret name
Then I flew away
Mankind has despised me
Ever since that day
I am blamed for everything
By men and women alike
Most consider me a demon
And wish my head on a spike
There are many legends
That have slandered my name
All because I wouldn't submit
I shall forever carry this blame

Different versions of the legend of Lilith can be found all through out history. She is the original feminist.
Listen to me through tears
Rescue me from my fears
My pain.
Help me

MY transitions in Life
Less severe,
No more confusion,
Fears...and never, no no never
To say...HELP...ME!

Elevate Me!
Make my heart leap!
Make me FEEL
At one
With You

Settle me down tonight
Let Me your feet.
That Fresh
In YOUR purity...

Your wings
Comfort me,
With ME

(By Violet.)
Birds were returning,
Pleasant wind made the atmosphere loving,
The leaves were moving in a rhythmic way,
The sky was cloudy and grey.
The trees were far
Looked like coming near.
I was seating to hear
The sound of leaves and chirps of birds.
The branches seemed dancing with the windy beats,
The wind was sweeping away fallen twigs.
Over there were two kites!
Flying and making childish fights.
Little beautiful flowers
Under the flowery bowers
Attracts every poet for hours.
Then a little rain made everything more romantic,
I wish I was with my angelic.
The symphony was like of a music hall,
How romantic were those all.
 Apr 2016 Stefan Michener
a trip across Europe
we would sit
on a train
taking us
my head would lean against your shoulder
as we
listen to music
until I
fall asleep

the train goes faster
through the fields and the marsh and the mist and the cities and the sky
it takes us
across this corner of the world
as you
read me stories of the empires that once traversed these lands
how they came to be
how they fell
socio economics
and all the things that tickle you pink as the sweet pea flowers growing
as you can see throughout the meadow.  

our fingertips rest against on top of each other
the train goes faster
the train goes faster
the train goes faster

I wake up
I have not seen Europe from the window of a train
and  I have not seen you, lately
you are
after all
the dreamer examines her pillow to find mascara stains. did she forget to wash her make up off after the party or did she cry herself to sleep again?
She was the
heavenly centerfold
in the magazine
of his imagination.
Taunting angel ****.
Too unreal to touch,
too real not to try.

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