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Here's a few legitimate refugees:
political, poverty, drought, war, and religious.
They're right in the top drawer zone,
But who gives a flying Whoopi
That Miley will claim assylum in Bali Bali;
Or Rosie will fly over camps on her way to Switzerland.
I hope Cher,
Doesn't apply for residence on Cape Breton Island:
We don't want you, Babe.
These are the celebrity refugees,
Bailing out on the touted
Greatest Democracy on the planet.
****, if you don't like what you elect,
Look to history,
Stove pipe hats,
And the wonders to be achieved
Before the end of this decade.
They got enough cash for space,
For Mars!
I didn't mention all the others, like Stewart, Rosie, Samuel, etc. And please, don't send Bieber back.
There's a patient
In my bed,
There's nothing wrong
Inside her head.
She sleeps restless,
She breathes deep,
There's reason for her
Antic raving,
I understand she's misbehaving.
There, she shakes,
And chills and beads,
Calling names
And personal needs.
I'm no doc, but I'll prescribe
A script to calm her passionate side.
Take two pills,
I'll take mine,
Call in the morn,
Call anytime.
 Mar 2016 Stefan Michener
m i a
you were the stars in my eyes,

the blue to my skies,

the truth in my lies,

the art i couldn't keep inside,

[ b o o m]

then you became the evil in my eyes,

the thunder in my skies,

the secrets in my lies,

and the cold heart i kept inside,

[ b r e a t h e ]

drawing really gives me inspiration.
When I hear this music
I think of you
Crashing through my senses
Like a thunderstorm
Painting colours inside my eyes

I do not know you
I do not know myself
Things are changing
Beyond my control

When it was simple
The melody was soothing
But the two parts now encountered
Absorb each other
Becoming one

The quickening of my pulse
Takes me by surprise .......

Is it thoughts of you?
Or is it just the music?

(C) Pixievic
Monday afternoon musings.....!!
 Mar 2016 Stefan Michener
absolutely stunning*
miracles beheld
*memories iris and bones
I only make promises
To myself,
To ensure
I dissappoint
No one else.
Where do birds go at night?
When winter's silent furies
turn Hawthorns white,
cotton light on ground and grade.

Where do birds sleep till dawn
while pillowing clouds, twice height,
slumber across this evening sky.

Where do birds go to dream?
Swirling, feathered flurries,
to shiver off frostbite extreme.

Then upon a morning light
to round and wakeful nigh
with muffled wings burst into flight
tree branch waved goodbye.

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