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 Aug 2013 Sofia Byrne
I always wondered when
I was going to stumble upon
one of your pictures, I ended
up realizing you're not pouting.
I didn't really want you to anyway
I've been doing the same things I
was doing with Chaz, trying out
the nun business trying to be the
****** freaking mary so as not to
hurt you, but I'm not actually
hurting you am I? Because you're
doing just fine and I don't need
to walk on eggshells, I love you
but I don't need to walk on
eggshells I LOVE YOU but
I don't need to walk on
******* eggshells.

I'm done pouting.
(c) Brooke Otto

prepare for the onslaught of poems about this.
 Aug 2013 Sofia Byrne
Despite crying I am
relieved that you seem
(c) Brooke Otto
Criss-cross the stars,
and call it a night.
If it feels right,
then do it again.

In the green fields,
where the sun shines bright,
we lose track of time,
and play pretend.

When there's no where to go,
and we have no home,
we know She will be there.

When we lose our minds,
and our brothers die,
we know Mother Nature will be there.

Atop the hills,
of tall green grass,
our memories last,
forever, for now.

Time ticks on,
ticking so fast,
making present past,
so long.

When there's no where to go,
and we have no home,
we know She will be there.

When we lose our minds,
and our brothers die,
we know Mother Nature will be there.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
 Aug 2013 Sofia Byrne
the leaves spin
in her wake even
when the wind does
not blow, even when
she stands

(c) Brooke Otto
 Aug 2013 Sofia Byrne
don't listen to the things
he says he'll never do
because circumstances
change and emotions
often run
(c) Brooke Otto

 Aug 2013 Sofia Byrne
if you wanted advice from me
i wouldn't tell you to take life by the horns
as "they" always say
i would tell you to leave it be
it will come for you
if it wants you
of the fittest
They say follow the rules
There's a predetermined path
Disregard the heart
Obey the minds morality
But choose your own destiny
No more cliched love stories
No xy algebra , but 1+1 math
Go back to a more simplistic start
Monopoly of cloned society slaves
Working for similar goals until their graves
Discrepancy is rejected
Individuality gets neglected
Pour your soul into the ocean now
The deeper it goes
The safer it gets
Watch it fall as the sun bastes on the waves
I fail; still you succeed
I cry; still you smile
I stumble; still you stand
I crumble; still you're strong

Where my failures fall into a darkened hole
They hide and grow and wreck my soul
They torture me until I am no more
And like a lion they fiercely roar

I scream; you answer
I need; you supply
I find; you're treasure
I fall; you rescue

I find you like a dove alighting
And I slowly, slowly give up my fighting
I run into your outstretched arms
Where you protect me from failures and harm.
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