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 Jun 2013 Sofia Byrne
dear red,
you are becoming quite excellent
at discovering human's motives
not that they are that hard to uncover...
every man
is looking for ***
despite the route he takes
through cooing
and every woman
is looking for
to make her smile
for a minute
because we want to be sad
so we can
cash in on that
gift card
we are
pieces of ****
and this is why
i want so badly
to believe
in god
maybe he's better than we are.
Her smile is ******* beautiful.
I don't even know what to do with it.
I'm sure you don't either,
You are probably looking at her like she is the
best thing that has ever happened to you,
in a way that you have NEVER looked at me.
She probably is, the best thing.
At this moment in time, I can't be happy for that.
I have so many emotions, sitting at the bottom of an empty bottle,
and her ******* smile is all that I can seem to see.
Not even you,
not even any ounce of you,
Just her.
And I'm sure your life with her will be beautiful,
I'm sure of it.
 May 2013 Sofia Byrne
Jessica Lee
such a simple word, such a powerful meaning.
I despise those who think strength is measured by how
much you can bench press,
or what kinds of athletic activities you take part in.
Strength is so much more than to be able to lift up a
250 pound weight, or to be the top notch wrestler.
To be able to not break down,
even when the world around you is crumbling apart,
that is truly what real strength is.
When you are able to go thru life day by day,
constantly getting hurt by those around you,
feeling lost without a place you belong,
and still not have a
single tear
stream down your face
takes true power; takes true strength.

— The End —