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 4d apollo
I lie
I lie
I lie

I hide my behavior
to keep you safe.

I keep quiet
not to offend you.

I agree with you
to keep you happy.

I walk on eggshells
for you and
it’s never enough.

I lie
I lie
I lie

but when the truth
arrives at that
final moment;

jaws will drop
plates will shatter
dogs will growl

you’ll be long gone
after seeing what
a ghastly beast
I am

but for now

I lie
I lie
I lie

to keep us
 4d apollo
all that pain
and belittlement
you served me
day and night
when no one
was looking
made the little
man within you
feel much, much,
much bigger
but now you
stand before me
with no teeth
and the big man
within me
has forgiven you.
 6d apollo
teach me how to look
at you like I know exact-
what we'll do next
It’s a sunny day,
I watch you
Slip through
My fingers
As I dip my hands
Into you,
Smoke dangling
From my lips
Like scars.

Tell me,
My love,
My new love,
My new found love,
Will I lose you too?

The tide pulls back,
a quiet thief,
stealing footprints
before I can trace them twice.

Tell me,
is love always like this?
A flicker in the dark,
a matchstick kiss,
a fleeting warmth
Tired and soulful eyes.

Or will you stay,
linger like salt on skin
like a song I whistle,
long after the music fades.
 Mar 10 apollo
spilled tears
Once you drew me naked,
And I did not recognize the man,
A stranger in my skin,
I couldn’t trace where I began.
I know you have the picture
Tucked between your pages
I know I have your heart
Tucked between my teeth
El olor del café y de los periódicos.
El domingo y su tedio. La mañana
y en la entrevista página esa vana
publicación de versos alegóricos

de un colega feliz. El hombre viejo
está postrado y blanco en su decente
habitación de pobre. Ociosamente
mira su cara en el cansado espejo.

Piensa, ya sin asombro, que esa cara
es él. La distraída mano toca
la turbia barba y saqueada boca.

No está lejos el fin. Su voz declara:
Casi no soy, pero mis versos ritman
la vida y su esplendor. Yo fui Walt Whitman.
 Mar 10 apollo
 Mar 10 apollo
Trying to love you when you don’t love me is like drinking acid
It burns my tongue and coats my throat and brings tears to my eyes
Nothing I do or say or where I can go will stop the burn of unreturned care
Nothing you do or say or where you can go will stop me from downing another bottle
 Mar 10 apollo
Lost Indeed
Today was a good day,
but I missed you by my side.
Yesterday was a bad day,
and I longed for your hand in mine.

Now tomorrow is on its way too
I don’t know what it will be,
but I know I’ll be missing you.

— The End —