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I sit in my car waiting
For the money from that
Quick cash job
I just did
To hit my account,

So I can go inside
And get myself
Something to drink,

Fire trucks fill the
Roads under the
Glare of an afternoon

God, what a weird
Position I’ve
put myself in.
It felt like my time was coming,
I’m not afraid of what’s to come,

I’ll keep writing odes to love,
And life in sorrow,

I’m fading inward, starting from my fingertips,
So the moon has invited herself

To stay a little longer,
She weeps rain as tomorrow

Arrives with a picnic basket,
Heavy with what once was,

The morning sun sits in a corner,
Just ready to shine once more,

And what a beautiful morning
I have bought with breaths and sighs,

60 degrees haven’t felt this good,
It surfs upon the wind,

Carrying a boombox that
Plays melancholy,

It reaches my ears to remind
Me of the pain,

But thank god for beautiful
Mornings, and the clicking of time.

And pocket change.
I know very
Well that
I haven’t been
The greatest
At love,

I haven’t chased
Grand gestures or vows,
But stumbled through
The mornings after,
The movie dinners,
The silences
Between us
Where love sits,
Waiting to be noticed,
Not a princess in a tower
Waiting to be saved,
But just two people,
Trying to stay close
Despite the gaps.

I don’t know if
I’ve loved the
I’ve loved despite
The realization hits
Like a slasher movie,
Too late at night,
And too young
And unsupervised,

Sometimes I leave
Notes hidden in
Vases, behind cabinets,
Above the fridge,
And in the pockets
Of the new jeans
That I just got,
As a reminder to love,

Today I found one
In my glove compartment,
It’s getting cooler so
I rolled down the windows
And felt the breeze
Every time there was a red light,
I had the music loud,
Enjoying the mess of genres
That’s my Spotify playlist,
And I savored the moment,
In solitude, learning to love,
Not despite, but because of.
Last night I waited for
My pay check to hit,
12:00 am rolls around
The clock like kids
Playing leapfrog,
And I feel the frown
On my face
Muscle through
As the numbers go up
And back down,
god, do I
Wish rent
Was cheaper.
What would have been,  
If you would have let  
Me love you for a little  
Bit more, and the stars  
Kept shining as bright,  
And the green of the trees  
Kept complimenting  
The blue of the sky.

I imagined you in  
My arms, sinking  
Deep into my soul  
And finding soil  
Never touched before.  
Oh, how beautiful it  
Would have been if you  
Had let things flourish.

My love at a distance,  
I’ll mark you in my dreams,  
A special corner just for you,  
Carved into stone and adorned  
With pencil drawings,  
Night lights and pothos pots.

I’ll run out the cave as soon  
As lightning strikes,  
I’ll dance around my soul  
Ablaze. I’ll put my palms  
A little too close to the fire,  
Feel it burn so bright through  
Skin, nerves, and bone.

I’ll sit alone and  
I’ll watch it burn.
Y aquí voy otra vez,
Ignorante de la vida
Arrastrando mis pies
Por la brea, recogiendo
La tierra que se acumula
En las aceras ya que
No ha llovido en muchos

pero en mi corazón
Sigue siendo primavera,
Y las nubes lamentan
Haberte perdido mi amor,
Lloran lágrimas que azotan
El suelo con cautela,
Eternas y fría,

todavía espero que
Florescan los jasmines
Y las rosas, plantadas
Con amor y cariño,
Esperan por rayitos
De sol entre la espesa
Sombra que creó el
Haberte ido.

Soñador seré,
Y soñar haré.
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