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If forever really means forever,
everyday I’ll tell you how much I love you.
If forever really means forever,
I’m sure it’ll be worth living with you.
If forever really means forever,
I wouldn't worry about going away from you.
And if forever doesn't mean forever,
it is okay, because I've got your love and you.
 Aug 2014 Sneha Chelimilla
Knees to chest, sitting on the floor
Slowly rocking forward to back
Breathing slowing and fading
I can not feel

The devil on the left says
"Do it. You'll feel again."
The devil on the right says
"End your pain. Take the jump."

Where is the angel
The angel who is suppose to save
The angel that will make me feel
Like I am of worth and I am okay

Either way
I am doomed to destruction
My sight changes to the devil
I look to the left

The lighter burns in my hand
Everything is slow motion
Slowly touching the flame
To my pale skin

A rush of relief
Runs through my bones
My heart pounding fast
My body becoming weak

The devil on the left says
"Don't you feel better?"
But I don't.
So I lay in bed

With a new battle wound
From a war I lost against myself  
As I lay to sleep
I go back to where I once was


“pinky promise you’ll be there for my play?”

i don’t do pinky promises.

“why not?”

I don’t make promises that i can’t keep. because a broken promise is just about as bad as a broken tequila bottle shoved into the soft spot just below your ribs.


speaking of tequila, let me tell you why i don’t do pinky promises.
it was a few falls ago, three if you really want to get technical.
i’d come down to visit you on a weekend instead of staying home to study like i should’ve been.
it was eleven to eleven. 

drunk. dear gods we were drunk. we’d just stumbled out of the greasiest mexican restaurant i’d ever eaten in. 
but hey. the margaritas were cheap, and more importantly, they were the only place in the area that would serve to minors. They even included a free shot of tequila when you asked for your check, that went down with similar smoothness to the way my debit card slid through the reader and emptied my bank account a little more.

but yes. you and i were drunk. and as we strolled down fifth avenue i-


No, i mean her. not you.

“who is ‘her?’”

that’s not important. do you want me to tell the story or not?


anyways. as we strolled down sixth avenue i-

“i thought it was fifth avenue?”

Can you not?


as we strolled down whatever the **** avenue it was, i couldn’t tell my feet from the concrete because the street lamps tinged everything an odd warm shade of brownish orange.
to stop myself from falling i reached out and wrapped my arm around your shoulder. 

I can still feel the fur from your coat brushing on my cheek.
you didn’t protest, and i sure as hell wasn’t going to stop.
we were drunk. and talking. 
talking about nonsense, about school, about our grades, about boys… 
it’s funny that if we talked for long enough, without a doubt, our conversation would drift to the subject of love.

You knew that I liked you. back then i thought you just liked to torture me. 

we stopped at the burning open palm of the street light before us. 
i stopped you mid-sentence. 
‘i could love you better’.

after those five words left my lips i suddenly wasn’t very drunk anymore.

there was no turning back now,  so i had to just roll with it. 

‘you waste all of this time on these boys who do nothing but hurt you…. but i’ve loved you for years now. you and i both know that you deserve better. that i would be better. every single time you come up in conversation with my old friends or my parents they ask whether or not we’ve finally gotten together or not. what’s stopping us?’

You stared at me for a long time, saying nothing, but it didn’t take a psychic to see the indecisiveness and longing and anxiety and fear swirling inside of you like your unmentionables in your Maytag.

“I guess i don’t really have a good reason. it’s just…. awkward, you know?” 

She paused. I tried not to betray any emotion with my face. 

"I'll cut you a deal. if in two years, we aren't seeing anybody... we'll give 'us' a shot." 

Not quite the answer I was looking for, but it was better than a flat out 'No'. little did I know at the time that they were essentially the same thing. 

I stuck out my pinky finger.

'Pinky promise?'
"Pinky promise”, she replied.

We locked eyes, locked pinkies in an embrace, and seconds later the ghostly white of the pedestrian walk signal shone down on us. 

We broke our gaze and walked off into the night.

That was three years ago, and it’s probably safe to say that we won’t be taking that shot.
I don’t hold it against her. But i learned through three years of waiting not to make promises that you can’t or don’t intend to keep.
 Aug 2014 Sneha Chelimilla
You told me your favorite color was orange at least three times, you loved everything about it. I never really liked it much, the fruit or the shade it was, it used to give me headaches. You said you loved the way it was part of the sunset, right before the sun hits the horizon and the colors start to blur, you loved the way it was everything all at once, and in my mind I thought, "just like you." I'd get married in an orange dress if I could spend the rest of my life with you, and I know it gives me headaches when I stare at it too long but you're like the orange sunset and I'd stare at you forever if you'd let me.
Part of my color series.  Not my favorite.
The voice of doubt is one much stronger than the voice of reason.
I had not doubted you.
I used my reason as an excuse not to doubt you.
But then your patterns grew gravely familiar.
I could predict your interest, to a point where I was no longer an attraction but a possession.
Merely a requirement to you.
I was nothing more than a scrap.
Something you cared for once, then got weary of when introduced to something beyond you.
Sick of your own effortless routine that I had become a part of.
The part in which I had played the leading role.

I frequented your conceited yet altruistic mind.
Invited you to join mine; so we could aspire together.
You only did as you wished.
Failed to recognize my absents when my side of us went still.
You unsucessfully took note to my dire craving for your attention.
Yet you managed to achieve the stability
of your own well rounded needs.    

I now doubt you under the influence of reason.
Your lack of heed gave me no incentive to pursue your mindless regime.
I doubt you know what you have.
What you had.
August 19, 2014
 Aug 2014 Sneha Chelimilla
Arun C
I yell into life
I remember the
and forget the
this a mistake
an answer?
They say my head doesn't work,
They say my hearing is selective,
They say I'm unmotivated,
They call me lazy,
and stupid,
and fat...
They say I need to eat less,
They say I need to get out more,
They say I need to sleep less,
They say I need to work more,
They say my 3.9 gpa isn't good enough,
They say 29 isn't high enough on the ACT,
They say I'm not trying hard enough,
They say I need to do more with my family,
They say I complain too much,
And hide in my room,
And cry too much...
They say I need better taste in friends,
They say my life hinges on doing better,
They say I need to be better,
They say that they wish they'd had no children,
...They say they love me...

They claim to be my parents.
*I hate figures of authority
One moment**
Just One moment
Look at me
Look into my eyes
Did you ever feel?
Did you ever feel?
I am sorry to be Silent
But, thought you can feel me
May be I went wrong
I thought
Telepathy may work
It's me who has to say
I am silent
This silence
Cost me you
The valuable you
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