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Dr Strange Dec 2014
Such a misunderstood element
Only seen as destruction
As if it's darkness itself

But fire isn't the annihilater it is sought out to be
It has saved more lives than it has destroyed
Though because it has destroyed at all, no one seems to recognize the good it has done
It's sad actually

In ancient times fire was feared
It was known as the element we see today
But as time went on it became an ally
It saved us from an era of darkness

It became our source of light
We began to cook with it
We Even started to mold items that we still use today
But fire is the enemy

On those cold chilly nights what is the first think you think of
Most people would think of heat
And from that we usually began to search for this heat
In most cases where does it lead us...

I know for my family it lead us to the fireplace
Keyword "fire"
It was probably the only time back then we would sit there and laugh together
Those few nights we were actually a family

And it's funny fire is the enemy
We use fire like a trash bag
When we need it we pull it out knowing we're going to dispose of it later
We should be ashamed of ourselves

Such a misunderstood element
But one thing is for sure
Fire is not the enemy
Dr Strange Dec 2014
Am I a fool
Believing the world could change
That it could be one day find its lost light
And finally shine by its own power

Am I fool
Believing life was over for me
That no understood me
Leaving me alone to contemplate my own existence

Am I fool
Believing lies I told  myself thinking I could be someone
That I could someday be the untitled king of the new world
Ruling my people with a smile upon my face

Am I fool
Believing that I am something other than darkness
That my life isn't for nothing
Or is that nothing more than false hope as well

Am I fool
Believing the could be something different
That what we see today is a lie
Then I gladly call myself a fool

A fool who will bring his foolish dream to reality
Dr Strange Mar 2016
Freedom is the one thing we all wish to obtain
The ability to do whatever, whenever we please
But by the definition are any of us truly free
Because at the bare minimum we all follow the rules of society
Dr Strange Jun 2015
It has been a long, long time since I felt this way
So long that I forgot how exquisite it felt
For the first time since that wretched day my soul is at ease
I can close my eyes and actually breathe
In my dreams I no longer see the rivers of blood
I no longer see the firey pitts of hell
No, I can actually see the beds of roses
I can actually smell their sweet scent
And I owe it all to you for setting me free
None of this could be if it wasn't for thee
Thank you for removing the shackles that forced me to my knees
You don't understand how happy I am to finally be able to be me
So I wrote this to show how grateful I truly am
Thank you for showing me the way
I'm glad you knew the right thing to say
Dr Strange Oct 2014
Depression ain't no joke ya know
one minute you're fine, the next you're six feet underground
Bet you didn't see that coming
Depression ain't no joke ya know

Then it only gets worse when someone who doesn't even know your pain has the audacity to say,"Get over it"
"Get over it," only if it was the simple
Do you think I enjoy always being sad and confused
Looking at the grounds as if it was the skies above

Then society never lets you grow from it
No, it must continuously pound you through the ground until your force to submit
Depression ain't no joke ya know

Now you're an angel hanging from a ceiling fan
Only instead of glowing with a smile upon your face and wings on you're back,
You have a look of despair, and tears dripping down your face
Depression ain't no joke ya know

Then you realize it was only dream and you're still alive
Causing you to cry yourself back to sleep
Only to be woken up once more by another bad dream
Depression ain't no joke ya know

No one seems to understand you
Then you become the weird quiet kid in the back of the classroom
One who envy the smiles upon everyone's face
So you put up a fake one just for precautions

Just to seem like you're not the sourpuss in the room
You know the one killing everyone's vibe
Then you try and mingle a little to back it up
But that's always where you go wrong

You just began to stare off into space
By space I mean the worms in the ground
Then you close yours eyes attempting to hide the crimson tears
Your goodbyes have been said mentally

You are now dead but alive
Hoping to be one day resurrected from your own ashes
The game is finally over
And the cause is death by depression
Dr Strange Jun 2015
I watched you fly away in a big gust of wind
You smiled as you looked towards the skies
I remember thinking there is no way she is getting that high
But then you began to rise and rise and rise
So I began to run faster and faster and faster
Only to miss you by an inch
So I watched you float away until you were out of sight
Then I turned around only to cry and clinch my fist so tight
I couldn't understand that my eyes were not playing tricks on me
That you really were gone from my tight clutch
Everyday after that I would watch the trees sway back and fourth
Listen to the birds sing as they flew around in the very skies I lost you in
Laid in open fields hoping that I'd be swept away just like you
Or at least you'd float back here next to me
Then I began to write
Into the wind she went
My love of my life
Will I ever see her again
Will I ever see the light
Is forgiveness in my future
Or will I continue to realize that I messed up
Into the wind she went
My love of my life
Rest in peace my beautiful queen
I'll never forget you I promise thee

I dedicate this poem to all of those who lost their partner. May they rest in peace.
Dr Strange Oct 2014
I can't seem to accept that you're gone
Constantly I find myself turning around only to discover you're no longer there
I miss you so much
Though you died nearly six years ago,
At night I cry myself to sleep missing your presence
Why...why did you have to leave me in this world all alone
It's so cold in this dark corner,
And my tears only make it worse
Every night I would wish upon the stars hoping for your return,
Write sad song wishing you would respond
I can't help but blame myself for your death;
Maybe if I was there you would still be alive,
Or maybe I would be dead as well
Now the only thing that brings me comfort is this gun to my head
It speaks to me, ya know (laughs nervously)
It say that all I need to do is pull the trigger and all my pain will go away
Then we can be together once again,
But I don't want to die yet
I mean yes my heart aches
It even has a gaping hole in the center of it
But somehow it still remains in tact
Half its original mass, but still fighting to survive
Everything I know today is because of you
You taught me that life was a heartache
That it will stab me non-stop trying to get me to break
It almost got me to
I was on the verge to breaking
Almost forgot everything and gave in to the night
So close to smiling because I was losing my mind
But it's not over yet, not for me
Now that I see its treacherous ways
I'm ready to stand tall like you taught me to do
Thank you grandpa, I owe it all to you
Dr Strange May 2015
Close your eyes and listen freely
Smell the sweet aroma of the outdoor air
Just close your eyes and hear nature sing
Listen carefully for its true beauty
Do you hear the squirrels rustling in the trees
Birds singing their lovely melodies
Flowers blooming in the open fields
Earth dancing to the sun's tones
Pebbles dropping to meet the ground
Rivers strolling because their free
Trees tap dancing in the wind
Bees buzzing as happy as can be
Open your eyes and look where you are
This is nature and so much more
This is what we call the great outdoors
Dr Strange Mar 2015
Make it stop, make it stop
But it feels so good
My guilty pleasure
The rush...the rush is something I have never felt before
It has heart pounding begging for more
But the very thought of it makes me wanna puke
I hate it, I hate it so
Seeing them scream in pain and agony
This is not who I am!
I'm afraid
Still I want more and it is driving me insane
I sicken myself as I search for a reason to finally let it all go
To make some poor soul pay the price that is not there's to own up to alone
But as my fist swings back and foward I do not care
I just smile and laugh as if it is game to me
But when I finally come back to me sense I wish to cry
The sight is something I despise and I just wonder to myself
Was this really me, I couldn't be
I'm too sweet an innocent to have done something so voracious
But it was me and I hate it
Make it go away
Make it stop, make it stop
I don't care how much I enjoy it
Just make it go away
I beg I don't want to hurt anyone else
please, this pleasure is not fun
I beg of thee release me from this torment
I just want to be free of this guilty pleasure
So please just make it stop...

I can't live this life any longer

Dr Strange May 2016
In this hand I hold a gun
In the other hold my brain
Now I'm about to go ******* insane
As I drown in a reflexing pool only to come out the ******* same
Only difference is I'm in a new world where I'm considered an outcast
All because I chose my brain over a gun
Because I rather give a life then take it
Yes, apparently now I'm a lame
This truly is a new age
One where a baby knows the scent of **** before he can speak his own momma's name
It's a wonder how anybody can be sane
Because how can anyone stay sane with that knocking sound in their brain
Yelling at them constantly this is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong over and over and over again
So now I'm picking up the gun
Looking at the engravings oh look that's my name
This bullet is for me so watch me blow out my brains
I'm sorry I couldn't do it, the ******* overcame
Haha...It truly is resilient, the true master of this game
I guess this is the story of all the brains
Dr Strange Dec 2014
Dare I say flawless
Dare I say beautiful
Dare I say a dream come true
Have you figured it out yet,
I speak of you
These roses are red
Those violets are blue
But you...
Well you are something far beyond just being true
You are a creature of my imagination
Yet, you exist in reality
You are neither an angel nor a demon,
But something in between the two
Your voice is that of a sirens'
Every word you say has the perfect pitch of the perfect tone
Music to my awakened ears
Your eyes appear to be stars in the enriched skies
Your smile an oasis of pure unimaginable beauty
Then there is just you as a whole
you are...something I can't explain
You're smart,talented,and just fun to be around
A girl like deserve something no mere man can offer
Something no one wants to willingly give
So listen to me and take my hand
Let's walk off into the sunset together
Looking forward to the future leaving the past behind
I give to you this with great ease
I give you the keys to my beating heart
I'd like to dedicate to a very special girl in my life, though she is not mine. I soon hope to claim her a such sometime soon in the future
Dr Strange Apr 2015
I never thought I stood a chance
But tell me why it hurts so bad
To see her laugh and smile holding another man's hand

I should be elated she found one who makes her feel special  
But that's not the case
And I don't understand

He buys her flowers
Take her out to dance
Makes her feel like she is the queen of the world

Now every time I speak to her she seems so happy
Always talking about the sweet thing he does for her
And I just put on this fake smile pretending I am happy for her

Truth be told I am happy for her
It just feels like a part of me tearing
Like hell's fire is raining down upon me

I never stood chance
But I just never imagined the pain would be this great
Never imagined I'd feel this way
Dr Strange Jun 2015
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I can't say that I love you
But I really want to
I'm not trying to be a creep
But I see you in my sleep
You stand by a creek
As from a distance I take a peak
I really want to say hi
But my fear says bye
So I simply run away
As my heart cries inside
I can't help but to think that you're too beautiful I
That I'm not good enough to be your guy
Then my prideful soul laugh as it's high
Turns me around and forces me to look your eyes
You're oh so beautiful star like eyes
For a second I really thought I was looking into the skies
So this is me speaking from the soul
As I say forget my fear's goodbyes
And say what my heart cries
So from my heart to yours...
Dr Strange Jul 2016
We use to be a strong team
Unbreakable or so it seemed
I remember all the laughs we once shared
All the wars we fought as a family
We were inseparable
Now it's seems we vanished from the face of the earth
I don't know what happened to us
Don't know how are once entwined lives because so distant
But I just wanted to send this message to all of you
Just to say I haven't forgotten about y'all
And that I miss you guys
May we rise once again
Dr Strange May 2015
Will the fighting ever stop
I understand that humanity thrives off the violence
But this...this is just ridicules
I feel like a frightened little school boy
Screamed for my mommy and everything
Why must the explosions be so loud
They are really scary
I run with head facing the ground
As my crimson tears fly off my face
Screaming for my life as everything behind me blows to bits
My mommy dead
My daddy dead
My brothers dead
My sisters dead
I'm all alone now
The only one not dead
Finally I wiped the blood from eyes
But I was no longer afraid
Even though it appeared I had walked through the gates of hell
My mind seemed to have snapped
I had became a rose born from hell's fire
Whose only destiny was to burn as desired
Dr Strange Jun 2017
A gentle breeze blows across a terrain engulfed in flames
Riding a storm that cages its victims in a shroud of doubt
Chaining its pray to the very earth that crumbles beneath their feet,
Causing their souls bellow and weep
The sky begins to fall, crying as the storm approaches
Casting a fear that strikes with no mercy
A little boy reaches out unafraid, unfazed by the destruction that has come to claim his home,
And whispers, "it's going to be okay"
Suddenly the sun rises, piercing through the darkness that left his village hopeless
And he smiled as the storm disappeared into the horizon
Brother poem of Hopeless
Dr Strange Jun 2017
I find myself in chains walking across an open field
Drowning in a sea of my own doubt,
As life whoops me like a newly reformed slave
Systematically ripping me of my pride and high self esteem
Until I'm nothing but a mindless zombie with a soul
My heart shattered unable to comprehend why it was sentenced to die in the most painful way
Why it leaks a substance that resembles that of tar
Screaming in pain and agony as it is shredded for parts
I tried running away but my legs feel like jello
My mind won't function, it's too damaged by the blood infested whip that squeeze the life force out of it
And my soul just watches crying tears of blood,
Weakening every second of everyday as it trembles in disbelief
I want to go home, but there is no home for me to go to
So I just lay there rotting away until my damaged remains turns to dirt and blows away
Sister poem of hope
Dr Strange Nov 2014
Where is everyone going
What have I done
I'm all alone now
I can only cry
Thinking of the good I could of did
The pain I could of healed
But instead...
**I became death,destroyer of all worlds
Dr Strange Nov 2014
Bow down to me.
Look me in my eyes and bow down to me
Drink my blood and feel pain to the extreme
Cry the forgotten tears of desperation
Feel the scorching flames that course through your veins
Then bow down to me
Gravel at my feet
Know who I am,
And what I have done
That I once was a hero of great faith
But now...
I am death,destroyer of all worlds
Dr Strange May 2015
I believe I can fly
I got shot by the FBI
All I wanted was some chicken wings
And maybe collard greens

I believe I can sore
I got robbed by the F-ing *****
She took everything I ever had
After making me beg for more

I believe I can crawl
Because I can't walk anymore
The pain was too much to bear
Too much for my little self

I believe I can die
Lay six feet underground
Just rotting away
Waiting for the day

I believe in my future
The future that won't change
I believe I can fly
Then I believe I'll crash
Dr Strange Jun 2015
I can fly like a bird with no wings.
I can chew like a ****** with no teeth
I can die like a dead man's corpse
I can do anything if I just believe

I can swim like a fish with no fins
I can dig like a dog with no paws
I can eat like a lion with no appetite
Hell I can do anything if I just believe

I can sing like a singer with no voice
I can dance like a dancer with no rythme
I can shine like a sun with no light
**** right I can do anything if I just believe

I can write like a poet with no imagination
I think like a man with no brain
Who am I kidding
I can't do anything
Dr Strange Nov 2014
If I am mad
What am I mad at
This answer that I seek
The solution I cannot find

If I am mad
Who is to bare this misery with me
Pay for their crimes against my essensence
Burn in hell where they belong

If I am mad
Who is to draw my sword if I lose control
Save me from myself
Perish in the Pitts of no return

If I am mad
Is there a such thing as being "safe"
Who will survive the chaos
Break me if it comes to such a thing

If I am mad
Will I cry as I realize what I've done
Will I choose to continue my existence upon wretched plain
Or will I choose to say goodbye to all but I

If I am mad
God help these poor innocent souls
End me I beg thee
Force me to drop dead before their very eyes

If I am mad
Allow me to go in peace
For I know what comes next...
Is everything but
Dr Strange Oct 2014
If I'd known you'd leave for real,
I would of wrote you a love poem
I would of held you tighter,
And whispered," I love you", in your ears
I would of gave you the world,
And made all your pain disappear
Only if I knew you'd leave for real
I would have never taken you for granted
I would of listen to your soft sweet voice
I would of looked you in your eyes and accepted I got lost in them every time
Baby, only if knew you'd leave for real
I would of held your hand,
And walked along the shores of the sandy beaches
I would of acknowledged your beautiful smile,
And made you feel like you were the queen
But see I was focused on the wrong things
Now you're gone because of me
If only I'd known...maybe you'd still be here
Dr Strange Feb 2015
I can only imagine what my dream girl would be like
I mean will she have short hair or long hair
Will her eyes be brown or blue
Will she have a smile of an angel
What will her personality even be like
Does she want to have kids or not
The possibilities were endless and I could only imagine
That was before I met you
For a second I thought I died because I thought you were a fallen angel  
Word escaped my shaking soul
My heart was tugging me so hard telling me to run as fast as I could
But my feet they wouldn't move
I never felt anything so exhilarating
Constantly I asked why does it feel so good but hurt so bad
Then you said those first words and I simple died inside
So nervous I became but words were just flowing out of me
Now I can only think of you
Beautiful girl from the mystic blue
Dr Strange Oct 2014
Hahahaha what a shame
The human race is so pathetic
Jumping on mere a child
So many of you and only one of him
What a disgrace
You dare call yourself adults
Letting this "CHILD" rally you up
Like seriously do you not have lives
Wasting your time trying to win a war that cannot be won  
Because if you do manage to "WIN"
What do you gain
"Oh,I made this kid shut up"
Newsflash LOSER you're nothing but a bully
A grown *** bully
One who apparently does not have a life
Because he/she is wasting his/her time trying to fight a child
So do yourself a favor and back the hell up
And while you're at it grow a pair
Cause apparently you don't have any if you're jumping on a kid
Dr Strange Oct 2014
I tired
I sleep now
But I too afraid to close I eyes
This dream, this horrific dream
Is this a river of blood I see
Where is it coming from
What is this place
I hands...
Why are I hands red
Is this hell
Can't be
I a good boy
I did nothing wrong
Are those people I see down there
I go get answers from river blood people
I run, i run
I run as fast I little legs can take I
Who is I?
Am I I?
Yes, I I
I me
Me I
If I is me
Me must be I
I confused
Me confused
me no feel too good
Me lay down now
Where is me
who is me
me sleepy
Me still know no where I is
I know me
Me no I
I no me
I am a living being
I must wake up now
Goodbye dream
Until next time
Need help a work in progress
Dr Strange Jun 2017
Bunny, I lied
I told you that I wasn't in love with you,
When in reality you are all I can think about
My heart bleeds when you're not around,
And it cries when you talk about other guys
It drowns itself in its own sorrow
As it attempts to burn away the feelings that freeze my insides
I love you and I have for a long time
I love that laugh you think is so ugly
That beautiful mind you try so hard to hide
I can't help but to smile when you get all riled up
And when you call my name the angels sing a song so lovely
You truly are the apple in my eye, the love of my life
And I'm sorry I was so late
But now that you're here by my side
There isn't anything in this world that will get in between you and I
Dr Strange Oct 2014
Am I ready

The question I've been attempting to bypass all this time

Am I ready

Am I ready to accept the responsibilities that will be bestowed before me by me simply saying,"yes"

Am I ready

Am I ready to sacrifice my life, when yours is in danger

Am I ready...

I don't know if I am
It's not that I'm afraid,
But that I am terrified
I look in the mirror then look at you and think,
"You're too beautiful for I"
At the same time I don't want to hurt you
You can understand that can't you

I want to spend all of eternity with you
Make you smile and feel special inside
Hold you when your cold
And walk upon the sandy beaches hand to hand
Can't you understand that
I thought about this long and hard
Analyzing ever possible out come twice

I just don't want to mess up,
But because I am so afraid I just don't know what to say
So am I ready
Truth be told I am not
But I can't let you go, not again
So for our sake
I am ready

I love you, baby girl
Dr Strange Oct 2014
As I walk through the battlefeild of hate
Bleeding every step of the way
I remember the reason why I fight
The reason why I must return home

As the blood gushes out of my open wounds
My strength never dwindle beyond my reach
I crawl in pain making my way
Just to live another day

As I watch my comrades fall to the ground
My fears grew stronger
And my pride lit the night,
I'm coming home...that I do swear

I made a promise
One that I plan to keep
I will not die here
Not as long as my heart beats

You wait for me at home
And I will see you soon
My love of my life...stay strong my dear
For me...please...I will end this here
Dr Strange May 2015
I never meant to break your heart
I never meant to walk out that night
I never meant to make you cry
I never meant to assassinate a part of you

I never meant to die that night
I never meant to run away
I never meant to
Please believe I never meant to

You see, I was always afraid
You were touching a part of me that I never thought anyone could
It felt so strange but it felt so right
And I hope you understand that it was too much for me at time

So I simply took a break
Running as fast as I could to the other side of the world
But when I finally arrived I realized I had made a great mistake
But I convinced myself that it was already too late

I never muscled up the courage to return home to you
I thought maybe you'd be upset with me
That you would never forgive me
Just causing me to really die inside

But I started to think that maybe I deserve to
Just thinking about how I must've made you feel
I began to cry every night starring at an old picture of you
Then I made up my mind that I was coming back home to you

But when I finally arrived I realized I had made another mistake
Because all I saw was you smiling away
I don't know what I really expected
I mean you were always too beautiful to be single forever

I see you got the two kids you always wanted
A boy and a girl named them Linus and Aries
I'm so happy for you
You fulfilled your dream

Then to make it even better you forgave me
I should be so elated, jumping in so much joy
But for the life of me I can't even put on a fake smile
So I walked away again

This time I went to the lake by the old house we bought together
Then I pulled out the gun you brought me for my birthday
Finally I closed my eyes and began to pray
Next thing I know I was dead

I never meant to break your heart
I never meant to walk out that night
I never meant to make you cry
I never meant to assassinate a part of you

I never meant to die that night
I never meant to run away
I never meant to
Please believe I never meant to
Dr Strange May 2015
What is wrong with me
My mind thinks one thing and my body does another
I feel so broken and confuse
Why won't nothing ever go the way I want it to
I have so many great ideas for the future
I wanted to bring to the light parts of the sea that no other human has ever seen
But now as I look at myself in the mirror I second guess everything I do
Am I destined failure?
I know that I'm smart but for the life I can't show the rest of the world
I feel trapped and claustrophobic in my own mind
Bringing my worst nightmares to reality
I failed my own mother!
All I ever wanted to do was make her proud of me
And I promised I would as we faced all life's struggles together
I can't but to think I can't do it
That my true future is life on the street begging for loose change
What if that really is my future
What if I really am a destined failure
I'm sorry...mother
Dr Strange May 2015
Every time I close and open my eyes
I want to believe that this entire situation I'm in is just bad dream
But no matter how many times I repeat this little ritual of mine
Each time seems more realistic then the last
But still I just cannot believe
I never thought she'd actually leave me
Considering how long we have been friends
Possibly more than we even believed
Then this man who is no one wants to step in and force us to say our goodbyes
Saying he doesn't like it when we talk
And by that he means how I make her laugh and forget what it means to be sad
He views me as a threat
Keep in mind I'm only 17 and he is 23
How is that I'm a threat to a man who is 23 to get girl who is 19
The dots just don't seem connect
I would just say goodbye to just get him off my nuts
But I just can't
I just can't say goodbye to her of all people
I never really thought I stood a chance to get the girl
But considering how this man willing to stoop down so low to get me out the picture
Maybe just  maybe I do
I never really said it to her face...
I never actually thought I'd fall in love with her
But judging by emotions I feel when threatened with the possibility of losing her...
I think I actually love her
Dr Strange May 2016
I am insane
Is what society says when they say my name
I am insane
Because society and I don't act one in the same
I am insane
Because I don't actively participate in life's little game
Because I rather be free to fulfill my dream
And not be chained down and forced to believe this is not who I'm meant to be
So I am insane
Only because I'm free spirited and envision something different for myself
Something society doesn't quite compute in their little brains
So with that being said
I am insane
But I can't say I am ashamed
Never be afraid to be who you are, even if society says otherwise
Dr Strange Jun 2016
Let us paint a beautiful picture
Using bones as paint brushes
And blood as paint
Let the scream be our muse
And the world our canvas
Let them see my majestic mind
As I haunt down my supplies
Yes, let us paint the most magnificent piece of all time
Let the world know that I've that I have not lost mind
That I'm just committing this mass suicide
That they are the ones who have gone insane
And I am realist who is making the world beautiful again
Oh yes, let us paint this beautiful picture!
Maybe I'll even sign my name with the bodies that remain
Just so the world acknowledge my greatness
As I smile and **** this dead girl's corpse
So sweet, so sound asleep as stroke her hair
I could could just lay here and marvel at the beauty
This truly is a beautiful picture
Let it be known that I meant inside the mind of a crazy person not my own
Dr Strange Mar 2017
A single tear drop falls from the forbidden skies <br>
Flooding the earth with the pain from a single guy<br>
His heart betrayed ripped to shreds forcing him to hide <br>
He loved her but now she says bye <br>
And thus the sky continue to rain dry <br>
As he dies on the inside
Dr Strange Aug 2015
In the dawn of day,
This poem was written
My love was scribbled on a thin sheet of paper
As the stars danced in midnight sky
And the moon just whispers
So far away you are,my love
So far away
My heart is weak
Though you're only down the street
My mind lost in an endless pool of thoughts of you
I just want to hold you in my arms as I listen to your cute laugh
Look into your beautiful eyes as the river flows by
I wish to feel as if this moment is nothing but a dream
A dream in which I never wake from
Your smile, your smile is something beyond this world
It shines brighter than something, well bright
In all honesty it can't be described
Nor can my love for you
But I guess this little poem will have to do
I really love you
Dr Strange Dec 2014
I speak in behalf of the trees
The voiceless souls who lay dormant upon this wretched plain
I speak in behalf of the animals
Whose homes we destroy everyday for our own personal gain
I see their tears
The ones they conseal underneath their blood drenched skin
I feel their pain
The pain us humans seem to ignore because we are cold hearted  beings
Don't you see what we are doing
Mother nature is screaming in agony as we laugh in her face
She gives us life
In return we give her death
She gives us a home
In return we give her regret
It's a shame really
We should be appalled in ourselves but we are too busy basking in our own glory
Our temporary glory at that
What will we do when mother nature has nothing else to offer us
All because we sapped her dry
Because we are greedy vessels of pure meat
Maybe then we will taste a piece of our own "glory"
What we deserve...
And that is death!
Check out the rest of the collection if you liked this one
Dr Strange May 2019
He...was only fifteen
A little boy desperately trying to become a man but... had other plans so he'll never get the chance
Now all he'll ever hear is that he is a monster
A killing machine because he betrayed his dreams
You see...he wanted to be a doctor
Instead he became a school shooter
Made the front page because he killed seven people
But where was his front page when he fed hundreds of homeless children
Or when the led the charge to fund the rebuilding of communities of hurricane victims
Was none of that front page worthy
Of course not,
because you rather hear about how the mighty fell instead of what made them so mighty to begin with
You rather feel like you're not such a ****** person because you're not out  here decapitating heads or molesting little children
Well congratulations,
You have successfully become part of the problem
Part of a society that glorifies mass murders and racist, sexist prickes
Yet ignore the good deeds of an everyday samaritan
But then again you're probably proud of that
So again congratulations
Dr Strange Dec 2014
When the world is your enemy
And darkness runs the bit of world you befriended
What is there left to do
It's all down hill from here
The other day I watched my best friend get gunned down by a white man
Then blamed it on me imprisoning me for eleven years
But through it all I remained mute shocked puzzled wondering
Is it because I'm black
Or is it because some other unknown reason
This man took a life and I got in trouble for it
My friend is six feet underground and I'm behind bars!
Is it because I'm black god has forsaken me
Vengeance struck my soul
As destruction clouded my judgement
What did I do?
I hate you!
Forget this world!
I'm done
Smite me down I beg thee
This world is just not meant for me
Well I guess I'm bringing this series back
Dr Strange Jul 2016
Black lives matter
The ******* they chant
They say peace and equality is what they seek
Half in which don't even know what they speak
Seeing the opportunity to riot and act a fool
Giving the white man more ammunition to eradicate like they wanted to
Using us and our "protest" as an excuse to pop a cap in our ***
Just to watch us bleed out until we lay in our final beds
And here I am waiting for the breaking news
The black race has gone extinct
So I can be the fool who yells out

"I so called this too"

As my ghost floats to join the rest of you
Check out the rest of my black lives matter poems at

Dr Strange Dec 2014
**** poetry!
It's not what it use to be
Its words are used as weapons of war
Now it is nothing more than senseless bullet aimed at the people we once called family
Our brothers and sisters who were once banned together to spread their majestic words
But maybe I'm wrong...
Maybe poetry hasn't changed at all
In fact, maybe it is I who has evolved into this new being
New flesh and blood that covers my naked body
A being that expects so much more from its old art
If that's the case...
Maybe I should walk away now in search of something that can keep up with my evolution
Just maybe I should finally say goodbye to my dear friend poetry
**To be continued
I really don't know what to believe in anymore should I continue to write or say goodbye to it all.
Dr Strange Dec 2014
I could never say goodbye to the art that grew on me like a fungus
Even if it isn't the same as I remembered it
Poetry is my lifeblood
My soul within my soul
It is my mortal heart
I just have to accept that this is a new dawn
A new day for the failing mastermind
So is this farewell poetry
Yeah sure over my dead body it is
But as long as I live
As long as my heart beats
Even when it finally stops
I am poet to the very end
Nahh I could never leave my one true love. Not now or ever
Dr Strange Oct 2014
Let's get real
No more games
No more lies
Let's just get real

Poetry is not a battlefield
People are meant to die in an outlet of emotions
It was not meant to be this way

Why do we have guns aimed at each other
When the truth is we all have something in common
Shouldn't we be helping each other instead of having death matches
Why is this happening

What happened to roses are red, violets are blue
I love you too
When did poetry become so dark
When did it become a weapon of mass destruction

The oceans are so red when they were once blue
They're tainted by the blood some of us try and cleanse our hands of
Other stand by the once clean rivers shooting themselves in the head
As they just give up on the sacred art

Is this really what poetry has become
A blood bath of sad songs
Such disparity
Is this the truth of poetry is

Then it only becomes worse because of those who embrace the dark art
Drawing swords striking down anyone who dares fight against them
Will this stupid cycle of chaos ever end
This is not what it was meant to be

Poetry was meant to be the angel of light
Not the lord darkness
Now look at this new so called "poetry"
Look at this new disgrace
Dr Strange May 2015
Does is it make us weak because we fear
Fear of failing
Fear of dying
Fear of fear
When afraid we become morons in a way
Doing stupid things that we would have not done on our own
Ruining relationships,
Friends or significant others
Causing chaos where none should exist
But does that really make us weak
No, it makes us human
It only makes us weak when don't face our fears
Constantly running away like a coward
Becoming schizophrenic as we attempt to rescue ourselves
Adding on another type of fear
Fear of forgetting who we are
Forcing us in this endless loop
Eventually we'd  end up alone in a dark place
Not even attempting to escape because we feel as if we belong here
Where ever "here" may ever be
All because we were too afriad to face a simple fear
Allowing ourselves to just shrink until there is nothing left but the dust of own remains
So don't be weak and overwhelmed by fear
Be strong and overcome the overwhelming
Dr Strange Oct 2014
Before I was a poet who didn't know what he wanted to be
Lost in tragedy always being looked down upon by thee
I was never good enough no matter what I did
Always sitting in the darkest corner wondering why this had to be
Always crying becoming the pathetic boy they pushed upon me
But now that I think about it...
I should be laughing not crying
Thanking not dying
Smiling not pouting
I mean it's my birthday after all
I'm finally seventeen soon to be thirty
I don't care that I'm not the best at what I do
Or that i probably won't ever be
But one thing I promise to thee
All these years you were wrong about me
You don't know me
The obstacles I survived to get to where I am
The battles I fought losing parts of me
I would love to see how you survive my war
But until you fight it...
Don't do me
I don't care about your back story;
You sure as hell don't care about mine,
But you see...
To be or not to be
The thing is I am me,
And I am proud to be
Dr Strange Dec 2014
I said no thus I lose another friend.
She claimed she "loved" me
Giving a lecture on everything she liked about me
How I was so sweet to her, always treating her as if she was a princess
Always there for her when she needed me to be
Now she is mad at me, ready to rip my throat out
All because I don't feel the same way she felt about me
I'm sorry you misunderstood my kindness as a act of love
I'm sorry I feel as if a have a whole life ahead of me
I mean...
Let's get real I'm only 17 what kind of love do you expect me to feel
Oh you are the most wonderful girl in the world even though I never left my home town
I wouldn't dare tell you that lie
You see I actually do care about you
So why would I dare consciously set you up to feel pain
What sense does that make to you but it's whatever
You want to be mad at me because I told you the truth so be it
I rather that then hurting  you with lies
At least I can rest in peace
Though I hope we can still be friends
If you gonna let that get in between us
Then I suppose we go our separate ways
Dr Strange Jul 2016
So it's late
Time for bed but I can't sleep
Instead I'm up writing these poems meant for thee
Poems you'll probably never get the chance to read
So I mine as well burn these words
Just to watch them float away in the simple breeze
Because you and I will never be
We're just friends...
But I guess that's the tease
Dr Strange Feb 2015
I love her,
I love her with ever breath I breathe
And there is nothing anyone can do to change that
Nothing they could do to break the bond
But look at us now
I'm alone in a dark corner and she's dancing with another man
But still...I love her
Dr Strange Nov 2014
I was told tears are a sign of weakness
That they will lead to my demise
So I laugh just to test it out
Looking pain right in the eye
Why am I still alive
I'm crying after all
Do you not hear my tears of joy
Its sound is splashing all over the place
Loud and clear "demise"
I guess that makes me... mortal
A slayer of demise
For I am laughter, bringer of joy
Healer of all pain
Laughter is the best medicine haven't you heard
Dr Strange Mar 2015
In the past I may have been a failure,
But that was in the past and this is now
The damage has been dealt already,
And I cannot change that
All I can do now is continue moving foward using my past to make a better future
That is all I can do now
In the past I may have been a failure
But my past does not determine my future
So on this day I pledge with every breath I breathe
No more.
No more!
I shall rise
In the past I may have been a failure
But in the future...

I will be a leader
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