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 Dec 2015 Sibyl Vane
My last Sabrina lasted for 81 days.  She simply did not wake this morning.  Failure was narrowed down to the algorithmic pattern simply losing its conformity.   I am deeply sadden at this failure as I thought I truly brought her back this time.  

Solution for problem:   Further study of Sabrina 201 is that the pattern could remain intact  if I was to add a free will process.  This would completely free her of an erratic need to completely love me. She could love me freely with no boundaries or given thoughts.

Sabrina 202 is a success!  She is so beautiful!  And she loves me!  

I followed Sabrina 202 to the market today and saw she met with another man..

My worst fears have succumb! Sabina 202 has fallen in love with someone else.

She left me for him..

I am afraid to start a Sabrina 203.  My true Sabrina loved only me.

No number.
My just Sabrina.
You cannot invent love..
 Jan 2015 Sibyl Vane
Haydn Swan
We are the tin men
never the thin men
we walk in lines
within confines
never to weep
seek emortal sleep
 Jan 2015 Sibyl Vane
I am not a boy
I am a tumor
I am an angler in the deep darkness waiting
I am enclosed, claustrophobic, and suffocating
extrapolating, because
I am a calculator and I want all the solutions to your infinity
I am a sine function perfectly predictable
I am a cancer
I am a twig in your forest, and the words in your thesaurus
that bore us because
I am a scholar
I am a hunter
I am an architect through the desert sands that demands
and understands because
I am a boy.
And I am not a boy, because
I am a tumor.
 Dec 2014 Sibyl Vane
I'd pause as
you'd say Grace,
fork hovering in space
even though I didn't
hold that faith.
Call it gracefull,
and you were grateful,
You were great...
at times
Moody and complex
enough to frustrate...
at times
Changed my mind
on a lot of things,
changed it back again,
enigmatic to the end.
Faith restored and lost
When this Angel was sent.
So I utter this grace
to our beginning
and our end.
 Jun 2014 Sibyl Vane
Leia R
 Jun 2014 Sibyl Vane
Leia R
I love how when you visit

You sit on the other couch silently

Reading your book

How every minute or so

I hear the flipping of flimsy


Sometimes, when I glance at you

I see different emotions passing

Across your face

I love to watch you change position

As you shift your body

Across the sofa

I love how you bury yourself

Into the literature so that you

Don’t even hear me talk

But that’s okay because

Watching you quietly is

All I really need.

 Jun 2014 Sibyl Vane
Leia R
This one feeling,

is one I truly

U N D E R S T A N D.

I'm just empty,

Disconnected from

E V E R Y T H I N G.

And for a moment,

it's as if I don't

E X I S T.

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