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showyoulove Dec 2024
I am empty bless and break me
Take me where I am needed most
You fulfill me and you will be
Holy Father, Son and Holy Ghost
You poured your life out over me
I pour myself out at your feet
Fling the doors now open wide
Let the light of love inside
Open the windows in this place
Fill the air with truth and grace
As the spirit feely dances
Know the joy of second chances
Feel the movement all around
Shoes are off on Holy Ground
I am empty my soul is open
And the word of God is spoken
Fill me a spirit of beautiful ardor
And courage if I die a martyr
I am burning for you, I am yearning
I am pining for your peaceful presence
Come, Lord, and fill me with your essence
I give it all to use me as you see fit
Let nothing be wasted, not even a little bit
Spirit, you found me. Now surround me
Help me follow wherever you go
The wind that blows eternal
Free as clouds and rivers flow
I am empty now no longer
And my life is now complete
For the Lord that lives within me
Conquered death: he can't be beat
showyoulove Dec 2024
Lord, make me to be a living channel
An instrument of your comfort and peace
You speak to me and my soul comes alive
You are the living word, your words are life-giving
Blood and water poured from your sacred heart
Bathing the world in your mercy and grace
In the waters of baptism by the blood of the lamb
It is because of this that, today, I am who I am
Your river runs through me in deep currents of grace
When you said "Peace be with you" was it the look on my face?
I was unbelieving for the pain was too much to bear
It wasn't that I didn't want to believe or that I didn't care
My Lord and my God! Have mercy on me: a sinner
I am not worthy to be in your presence my God and King
I feel the movements of the spirit
In the deepest currents of my being
Open my eyes to see and my heart to believe
You opened yourself and were broken for me
Break open my heart and help me to receive
This flood of mercy and grace freely shed
To give me new life when I had been dead
In my weakness, in my doubt and my shame
You take my hand and gently call my name
"Peace be with you. It is I. I am real.
Do not me unbelieving, but come and feel
The hands that were pierced for love of you
Let my mercy and grace, Child, cover you".
Lead me Lord from fear into peace, despair into hope
From tears into laughter, from mourning into dancing,
From doubt to belief, from death into life
Guide me Lord from out of darkness into Your light
Jesus, I believe, help me trust in You!
showyoulove Dec 2024
Abba, bless me, so in all that I do
In all things, I may give glory to you
Grant, I pray, the peace and the grace
Content to be still and gaze at your face
I love to sit by your side and listen to your voice
But so often I'm restless: distracted by noise
Rushing around in perpetual motion
When I need to be in perpetual devotion
God be my joy, come and be my light
Come to my aid; rescue me in my plight
By rising to life, the flesh, you glorified
In the shadow of your cross I will hide
In death, you overcame both sin and grave
Your love for me was strong enough to save
Be my one love, my God, my King, my Prince of Peace
Satisfy this holy hunger and ever increase
You take us back even when, your love, we spurn
You come running out to meet us on our return
You are my inheritance and my worth Oh Lord
You reconcile us to yourself with one accord
showyoulove Dec 2024
Sometimes we need a place to be alone with God
When you feel walked over like a sad piece of sod
We need to find a secret place, the soul's retreat
Where the love between heaven and earth shall meet
I can disappear inside the shadow of his wings
And know the peace that true closeness brings
I can fly away and leave this world and its cares behind
It is in these times that the Lord will gently remind
Us He is our strength and our strong tower
And in his radiant glory, the darkness will cower
I will wash in the stream of eternal life
By grace, I will be made like new
I will bask in healing warmth of the light
Of love that can only come from You
I will join the angels in their unending son
And dance with every ounce of my being
I will sit at your feet the whole day long
I can scarce take in the splendor I'm seeing
I will spend an hour in your presence
But a second is an hour, an hour is a day
My soul finds a pure profound pleasance
And, once again, I know that I will be okay
showyoulove Dec 2024
Sometimes we are walking down the road
Chatting and discussing the news of late
Minding ourselves when we meet a fellow
Who is traveling in the same direction
Clearly a visitor, he's so awfully out of date
But we walk and talk and bring Him up to speed
He talks to us in words both sacred and profane
Words that harken to our spirits' unity
And speak to our hearts individually
Our hearts burn deep within us
Like an age old song or ancient melody
Something foreign, but pleasantly familiar
What it is, I can't quite recall
Finally, we arrive at our destination
The sun is low and the day is growing old
Our companion makes to keep travelling
"Where are you going? It's late.
Please stay and join us at table".
During the meal He takes the bread
Blesses it and says a prayer
Our eyes are opened, but He isn't there
"That man had to have been our Jesus!
As He spoke, were not our hearts burning?
And when He sat at table, were not our souls yearning?
We clung to His words like dying men
And the awakening when He said Amen!"
But we had been blind to his presence before us
He was there while we were thinking "poor us"
Looking right at Him, still we could not see
Our friend who died upon the hill of Calvary
Open the eyes of our hearts and may we be of one accord
To recognize that, on the road, we were walking with the Lord
From Luke 24: 13-32
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