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sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Honey hold my hands  
When you are in trouble  just hold my hands you know I am there in time of stress
You know it right you know it well
So honey come hold my hands
I  can make through this journey  of up and down
so don't feel sad don't feel low
Just hold my hands and let it go ..
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Its you and me together
Together  we fall
Together we cry
Together we do things that's make us smile when you go left and I go right
Well it's seems like nothing is right ??
Darkness has come. I am not feeling very well are not any more with me
I feels so sad
Baby just come back
Let's be together
Its you and me together .....
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Just you and me
looking at each other
watching the sun rise
watching the sun set together
Darling its a beautiful day
What a beautiful day .

Flower smiling, the Sun is shinning
and the  moon is waiting for its turn .
see the night has come
now its just you and me
looking at each other
and i say

oh Darling its a beautiful Night
What a beautiful Night  .
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Sun shine Bright
Like our Love Life
oh! baby i hold you so tight !
I can feel you baby
I know you alright

Sun shine Bright
Like our Love Life
Let it go, Let it go the bad times,
Oh baby Look at us you are mine

Sun shine Bright
like our Love life
If i lost ,I know you will find

So baby Sun shine Bright
like our love life

I know you alright
when you ask me to make a cup of tea with no sugar ...!right?
but i forget and made with sugar ..right;)
then you have it with smile so bright ..
oh! baby you know thats the way  I like ..

sun shine bright
like our love life...

— The End —