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Dear depression,

Sometimes I yearn to run from you
to be swept away
until the day
my world changes
from grey sky
to milky white and blue

somewhere where the rain
doesnt bury me beneath a sea
of my own tears
it holds me captive in fear
swallows me

in its black mouth
while frantically I look for an exit
but there is none
not one I can see
at least not at the beginning
the dark is long in length

all consuming
yet though I feel like death
I do not die
Somehow I find the strength
hidden deep inside of me
the secret to living

to conjure the light within
feel the well of hope swell
in that sliver of will
see tomorrow as a quill
and rewrite sorrow into joy
paint the future bright

I deserve to be happy
To be free to fly
even if it takes time
I will mend
All will be well with my soul
in the end

I'll be who
I was always meant to be
burn like a wildfire
Brilliantly shine


A survivor
Writing about my depression and anxiety helps me in my overcoming of it. Im in recovery and one day soon I know ill be completely free; happy.
 Jan 2017 Shawn
If I Die
 Jan 2017 Shawn
If I die today don't say you'll miss me.
I've been dead inside for years yet somehow you couldn't tell when you kissed me
If I die tomorrow please don't cry
All I've wanted for years was to be able to die..
To finally be free of my thoughts & my misery
To be able to see once & for all if being here served a purpose
Does god really exist? Or was living by all those rules simply worthless.
When I'm gone please don't pretend you care
Because when I was alive, you were never there
All I ever wanted was to appreciated & understood
But all you ever saw in me was the bad, not the good
Now I'm gone & you wanna talk about how you loved me.
Yet When I was alive you put everything above me.
Basically what I'm saying is don't wait til its too late, because feeling so alone can lead to self hate.
Self hate to self harm
Self harm to killing myself
When if you'd taken the time to ACTUALLY care, it could've done a world of help.
 Nov 2016 Shawn
Jack Jenkins
 Nov 2016 Shawn
Jack Jenkins
I'm sorry I couldn't get to you
I'm sorry you had to take your own life
I'm sorry I didn't love you more
I'm sorry you felt you couldn't carry on
I'm sorry I didn't notice
I'm sorry you fell for me
Yeah just found out today a friend of mine killed herself.
 Nov 2016 Shawn
You played your cards and played them Right,
You should be proud, you won the Fight

You bit the bullet, just like superman Would
SO Funny Lots of folks never thought you Could

They placed your name in print, trying to throw you Down
When all was said and done, They were looking like a Clown

Now for the main attraction, Let's cut the Cake,
SO you can show the world you  have what it Takes
 Nov 2016 Shawn
The Dedpoet
All the silence does not mean
You are alone,
It is the world waiting for you
To listen;
And in the darkness you are
Found by the light
Of your hope.

And in the tears of your
Pain you are born,
There you become stronger
And it creates order.

Pick up your flesh as your spirit
And speak your happiness
As if the tip of your tongue
Was the mountain's peak
Speaking at the sky,
The burden is a caged bird
And only the conscious can set
It free.
And sing to yourself so that
You know you are never alone
In your body.

Know that your crazy is beautiful
Because it makes you YOU,
Wear your skin like
Your cozy blanket and cuddle
In the warmth of yourself.
     You are not broken,
But scattered like the night
With pieces like stars shining,
    Open your pain and yourself
To the wound of the world and heal
Whatever you choose.

— The End —