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  Jun 2017 Shanath
This is the point, isn't it? To write you a truth that you won't ever read, or want to, for that matter. But sometimes, just sometimes, I wish you would.

Reason number one that I quite possibly loved you; I was lonely, and you were not. You were having conversations with all these girls and could easily not be bored. You weren't dull and you brought taste back into waking up, and eating normally became a thing.

Reason number two consisted of you making me feel important; even though, I already knew that I was. I have a lot going for me and I was constantly working towards it. I wanted my future and then you wanted to be a part of it. I chose to let you. Then you started to not "allow" me to have that future.

Reason number three was that you loved kids. But not more then me.

Reason number four; Love is not a reason nor does it have reason. It was not love.

But I do love myself, even if you didn't, or don't. And I have a future, and will continue towards it regardless of whether or not you are in it.

And one, last thing. I didn't need you. I wanted you. And love is nothing, if not a choice to keep the conversation going. Love was the fight you left in the middle of, the one where I kept pleading you to come back and talk. You never came back, but I kept talking.
  Jun 2017 Shanath
(A poem over a few thousand miles)
by JAC and JAB

We never age in memories,
But in stories, we do.
Our words mature with us,
So our stories do too.

Our days grow older
And our pages unfold,
Until we become the author
*Living a story untold.
Italics by JAB.
Shanath Jun 2017
                                  A week in my mind,
                       My body carelessly toured
                                                      My home
           And the world through a screen.

      I have been acting a moth on a wall
                      Repelling any movements,
                                    An itch on my nose
           Or a flutter of my devilish wings.

                   I drifted through the rooms,
          Making a few grunts in response,
       Words typed into measured boxes,
                           And my eyes cast down.

                                       But on my wings,
              Were two massive hidden eyes
                             Dressed as black spots,
          Almost as if they were torn holes.

                                           So things I saw,
                                                I overheard,
                                                   I observed
                                         And I scoffed at-

                            Two little glowing suns
                Blinding, lay in a pile of meat.
                                           Two little birds
                               That never got wings.

                                    A digital document
   Defining accomplishments of my life,
                                                   One big lie
                              I can't seem to correct.

                         One platform lined with
A millions dreams and secrets spilled.
                                       That shuts down
      Comes up but the dreams are tired.

           One big assembly of happy feets
                          A roar of laughter at me.
      An hour of lesson will be forgotten,
                                     I was a case study.

           One small group of broken souls
                              And delusional hearts
                                  To keep up my past,
                                               I abondoned.

                                             One thin book
                                Parted in the middle,
                                               Upside down
                                I can't seem to finish.

                                             Two sore legs
                                      And heavy thighs,
                                        Chipped off nails
                               In an attempt to shed.

                          Given up ideas on paper
                          Stacked inside a drawer.
                                           Dried off paint,
                                  Major white spaces.

                                             A swollen sky,
                                       A blistering land,
                                             Wilted plants.
                       Rain since morning today.

                                           An unmed bed,
                         Pile of shirts in the chair,
                   Wires tangled on two tables.
                                     A corner left to sit.

                                         One dear friend,
                                  Some unsaid words.

(I am a mess)
No point made (?)
Shoo me away
Or I will sit dormant on the wall for ages.

(The usual thoughts).
Shanath Jun 2017
As a kid I found a hammer,
But I knew not how to use it.
I carried it everywhere
Like most girls carried

Then I saw a few men
Use their hands thrashing walls.
The walls stayed intact
But their knuckles

So I learnt a new trick
I waved my hammer like a wand,
And ran through the town
Entering buildings, breaking

When the violence in the world ended,
I tried to caress people
But instead I hit them hard.
Then I realized my hands were the

So I thrashed the mirror first
To see how it could feel.
I saw it broke, the world stayed intact.
So with my hands I bashed my
The usual thoughts.
  Jun 2017 Shanath
Pagan Paul

The Grandfather clock
draws in time
and holds its breath


A slow exhalation
paints the mind
with images of silence.

© Pagan Paul (June 2017)
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