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RC May 2015
"I have some really nice words
He gave me really nice words."
She said
RC May 2015
I'm tired as hell of the life I've been given
Can't escape now
should've pushed the blade farther
but somehow I didn't.
Still disappointed
it's no longer a decision
Can't escape now
from the life I've been given.
RC Apr 2015
It just hurts.

I feel like nothing
no numb or pain
or rush to leave
I'm nothing;
intangibly here.

and restless
like the smoke
evanescing from
depleted lungs.

constantly pressures
my mind.
My thoughts
compress my body.
I can feel them
crawling up my throat
strangling me.
I'm lost
in muted asphyxiation.

I'm always high now
pills or ****
alcohol or pills
it's not for the thrill
Yet, I'm
always clambering
to get higher.
Reaching further
too high
too far
I'm gonna burn in the stars
and wash up
like the sky
on the shore.

There are
traces of love
diverged in
this outer space.
But who do the stars favor
if they're
indigenous to night?
To adore the Moon
and his
myriads of
wavering light?
When I'm
in love with the Sun,
his devoted passion
and dynamic love.
But the Earth...
he keeps me grounded
and we
don't even speak,
he's the dream
that keeps me up
at night
the tongue in my cheek.

Of all the
astral bodies
owns what's left
of my heart.
She's a void
a frozen star.
I'm sure
she knows
the distance I'd go
to maintain
our gravity.
Forgive her for
stolen star
don't question why
she became a
black hole
though I'm quite sure
she doesn't even know.
Sorry it's long. Just need to write. Can't focus on anything else.
RC Apr 2015
I still love you.
I caught myself searching for those
lingering stares;
like your eyes don't want to leave.
You still glance at me too intensely
to be considered
just a figment of background
in each other's presence
but I still harbor every memory
in the shores of my mind,
always greeting my thoughts
when I don't want to swim too deep.
RC Apr 2015
I want you
I just want you.
It's like I'm in this constant struggle with myself
and your subconscious
to bring you closer to me
to harbor you like I need you to harbor me
to listen to my head like I know you try
to show me you care
instead of handing over fistfuls of words
that I can't feel
no matter how many times you layer promise
after promise
over old wounds.
im like throwing up words rn
RC Apr 2015
It was like dousing myself in gasoline
and waiting for sparks to fall from our lips
anticipating the moment our bodies reached such a high degree
our proximity glowed red.

Craving the spread of your feelings
from limb to clambering limb
flames leaping from fingertips
and burning the places I falsely called love.

But I eat your ash with a smile
fan the cinders still presiding in my heart
with your brimming words;
ignore the fact I'm still cold
and it looks like you're running out of matches.
RC Apr 2015
I told you
"I wish I could tell you how I feel
but you don't read poetry"
and you chuckled
like I spoke a foolish language
and your voice grabbed me by the hands
and led me further from you.
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