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Selio Aras Apr 2015
Im sorry for the things i've done
I didn't mean to hurt anyone
I shouldn't have tried to run
From the things that i have done.
Selio Aras Mar 2015
With this sword I will defend
And hopefully not get harmed
My armor will protect me
As I fight for my life
I will save myself;
I will be a warrior.
I will win this fight
I need to and I know I will
Selio Aras Mar 2015
Pain is caused by people hurting you
Either mentally of physical
because they wish they could have
what you have always had...
Basically the definition of pain.. at least from my perspective.. Someone.. Please help me.. Im falling apart.
  Mar 2015 Selio Aras
Ashley Nicole
"You are in love. People in love smile like that."
I work in a personal care facility and one of the women I was taking care of Sunday night looked at me and said this. She couldn't be more right.

Update: She passed away this past summer. I'll always remember her sweet words and beautiful sense of humor. Rest easy, sweets.
Selio Aras Mar 2015
The world is a big cloud of confusion
Leading you towards pain and delusion
Showing you love as an optical allusion.
I hate love and I hate myself. Please, help...
  Mar 2015 Selio Aras
Kylie Loth
Is love patient?
Is love kind?
Is love stomachaches and butterflies?
Is love worth it?
All I know is love is complicated
It can amaze you
It can break you
It can take you to places you never knew
It can make you realize what's really true
Love is love
Something once discovered
But never understood
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