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WickedHope  Sep 2014
The Misfit
WickedHope Sep 2014
don't pity me
for my misfortune
nor question my
happy boredom
you need not understand
my joy at your upperhand
Michael McBride  Jan 2012
Michael McBride Jan 2012
He's here
He's there
He's following me
and hes following you
but i
i have the upperhand
i can see him
feel him
and hear him
i hear his thots
his prayers
he talks to me
telling you
things im not thinking
things he wants you to hear
but has no way of reaching
until now
he has me
to do his bidding
listen to his evil thots
telling everyone how he feels
a secret
my seret
but his has been told
mine has yet to unfold
Styles  Dec 2014
Bubble Bath
Styles Dec 2014
Listen to your heart
I know you hear me.
The touch of my lips, will always be there, like you are right near me, even though you can't feel it, believe it. Cause the way they make love, not many can't achieve it. Minds of thier own, doing as they please. ******* on your lips, loving how you tease. Know your spots like the back of my hand, not playing fair, trying to gain the upperhand, having my way with you, now you are starting to understand. Kissing on your bottom lips, in the same context, we basically having ***, in these stanzs. On our course to *******, trying to be the bigger man, and we know what's next, read the directions in the text; A Hot shower after our bubble bath, then repeat after having more ***
when you pull away
I hope you breathe
in fertile space
birthing trueyou

however I know
your patterns now:

when it gets hard, you
often coat confusion
rage and anguish
in diversion skin

grabbing angels
(or lost souls)
obscuring view

I may be obtuse
but you upperhand
with blinders

though I like to think
you're going full lotus
you may just be
escapist frolicking
in the park

do what you got to
open all the doors
that beckon you

I did
and will

(when the U co-signs)

their insides brim
invitations to
lessons or

walk with honor
next to them

just don't forget
the who you knew
beyond skin

the one you love and resist
for the same reason

prismatic eyeing
searing through
Grade A hiding

new school gypsy
alpha span omega
altared fēniks uprising
Devon Haley Feb 2013
        A statistic.
     A normal percent of a population.
Nothing great...
                            Just average.
         Nothing special.

How can one overcome normal when being average is out of our control?


Being average is harder than one could predict.
Clawing one's way to the top only to realize that the top is only slightly above average and the true top would be classified next to the great minds of einstein and issac newton, of course.

Every one of the population considered average either accepts their fate or decides they could be better.
An even smaller amount of those average people have the courage and strength to hope there might be something...
                            Special about them and without even trying there could be something likeable and charming about them.       Maybe.

A typical kind of person
           Could grow tired of always flowing with the crowd and one day
        Change direction...

Who knows?
       Maybe just maybe we'd find on a different path a place where home can be felt by the presence of a stranger and love could grow on trees and in the spring, bloom.      Maybe.

Maybe average is harder than people realize.

Every one trying to stand out just a little bit and succeed!
Show the world who they are
What they can be and
How they will break everyones old expectations !
And maybe once be special..

Being average is hard work.
Sure, you had to work your way up to being above average and intelligent but you were born with that genetic upperhand of being smarter than everyone else, ya know.

And i mean the people who are below average harbor doubt in themselves and usually come to term with the fact they can do no better.

But the people who are average.
The people who are average just
To be special for one moment
And in that one moment they need
To find the one person
Who could make them feel special all their life.

These are the thoughts of a hindered mind.
Dean  Sep 2014
Dean Sep 2014
not exactly a poem, sorry.

The turnkey was the fumbling sort, the sort that could be taken advantage of, Carver never thought about it more than a passing fancy. The kind of thought that was dangerous, it wasn’t a ten-year stretch after all. Popping the old guard and making a break could work, would work.  A couple of years is nothing in this joint, they told him, once you get a few connections in the yard, get on a baseball team, two years is a breeze. You might even miss it all. Carver was hesitant to heed the trappings of these old relics, they were just counting the days to nothing. He knew that very well might’ve been their prerogative, but for him there would always be that something. A lonesome post-office box, containing the culmination of his life’s worth. They didn’t know about it, none of them knew, his brother, his slick-*** lawyer, not even those rats, those ******* rats that got him in here. At the time he resolved that he would part with that secret of his post office box for no less than his life. Whatever dissent had marked him as the fall-guy passed him by. Complacence led Carver here but it would never happen again. No more concessions next time.

Cellblock B wasn’t devoid of small charms. The periodic mewing of this crooner or that, with what seemed like a common intonation amongst them, all tapping from a collective unconscious. The window with a view of the yard, although mostly obscured by another cell block, was still something. Lately he had been privy to comparative bliss, his erstwhile roommate having to nurse off in the infirmary the sepsis resulting from a shiv wound after an ill-judged altercation in the mess hall. The daily motions had long since become routine, Carver thought that in many respects, this was not too dissimilar from his army days. Avoiding the unsavoury types was the key to surviving both.    

Conversations which abounded lacked privacy and tended toward the trivial, but listening in did occupy a sizeable chunk of Carver’s day. Someone, Carver was fairly sure it was Fuzzin two cells down was wondering why he was growing more hair in his right underarm compared to the left, and was resolute in uncovering the mystery. Sal in the cell to the left was perpetually reciting his conquests, ****** or otherwise, to anyone that would listen. “I was in Maine for a year and a half. Lobstering up there. I mean, what else is there to do. In Maine....” A collective murmur took the cellblock suddenly, stirring Carver out of his reverie. Sal dutifully motioned and whispered “cell inspection”, Carver did the same for his neighbour. The deputy warden for cellblock B was a short rotund man Williams, who as appearances go, looked like he should be better acquainted with ledgers and stock tickets than prison walls, but was a lax sort, permitting what modest allowances someone in his position had the leeway to do. I have heard harmonicas and guitars chiming after meals regularly, unheard of in any other cellblock. Thomson’s mattress was tossed down the way...of course every now and then a few examples had to be made to appease the warden, Thomson’s codeine addiction not doing him any favours by way of effective concealment. I exhaled a sigh, not so much in condolence as boredom, as even the strewn mattress and its assorted artefacts was becoming as familiar as the yellowed walls and the evening chill.

It was the 14th and Carver was due for a visitation. 9:30a.m. and already in the throes of being worked up, he was sure to be getting worked upon soon enough. Carver cracked his knuckles against the edge of the table in the visitation room, an apparent thick black line bisecting the table with ‘hands behind the line’ mirrored on each side. “Hello Maurice.” Carver winced, knowing that she was purposely diving into ways to put him ill at ease, commencing with the upperhand, by calling him Maurice the name he hates, not Maury. “How’s life treating you?” The smirk barely contained in the pinstriped pencil skirt, her hips less so.  “Yeah okay, it’s okay. Great to see you here.” And he meant it. Not that her presence normally roused anything like that sort of sentiment, their domestic life was a burned out cinder even before he was busted.  But there was a particular warmth in her notes, just an untouched civility foreign in place like this, tending to be drawn out from the inmates one gesture at a time, often for good. Carver thought to 8 months prior, camped at opposite ends of the house, their wares might as well have been labelled ‘his’ and ‘hers’. Evenings were carefully orchestrated, where arcs in their lines of vision only merged for the briefest of instances and only as a measure to avoid any dreaded physical contact. The prospect of *** was a joke, Carver well aware that she was ******* at least the grocer and his broker, but felt better for it. One less unfulfilled expectation he had to relieve. “I’d ask how you’re dealing with the weather, but I guess you’re keeping pretty warm these days.” She half-stifled an involuntary scoff, “You know I don’t need to hear this now, Sam is due for the dentist at 2.30 and I want to get him all washed and ready, I’m not here for your games.” “So who is it today? Talbot? Someone from the club?” Carver questioned without a hint of animosity. She breathed a defeated sigh, “You know I’m not going to talk to you about this here.” Carver jolted, the seat raised an inch or two on the linoleum, “I’m just asking if you’re ******* around, and you don’t give me a straight answer so what do I have to assume huh?” The guard was giving allowance more than he had any obligation to, but Carver’s voice was raised enough to disturb a few of the surrounding groups. He moved his way over, “Hey, what’s the ruckus here Carver, keep it down okay. What’s this box up here, move your hands back, c’mon, you know the rules. Diane piped up, “It’s just a taint, sir.” The guard prodded it with his baton, quizzically. “hmm oh yes? I thought those were seasonal, okay just keep it down.”

Carver motioned to the box, “Why did you need to bring that here? I don’t need you parading my taint around. You know I’m trying to get parole in three months? What have you done with it?” “It’s just a taint.” “Yeah, but what’s with all this purple and green stuff here? All these spiky bits, I don’t remember that.” “Well, two months ago you asked for the taint and I’ve got it here, so what else do you want from me.” Carver listened to her speak but looked passed, to the frosted glass, wishing that a window was all that really kept him between here and there. “Christ, I’ve had enough of this, I come all the way down here, spend fourty minutes caught in that dratted excuse of a highway, and you won’t even thank me for bringing your stinking taint along. AND, just last week you were all taint-this and taint-that, why do I bother.” She flung around just slow enough for Carver to observe her figure it in all its majesty. A drop in his stomach, as she moved off with authority. “Wait!” He flung himself towards her. “Please...I’m sorry....please....just...leave the taint.” “Here just take your **** taint, I hope you’re thinking of it when Sam and Eliza are eating that canned **** and asking what their father is doing so I can be sure that I’m explaining what a worthless **** you are and be accurate about it.” The words fell on heedless ears, Carver and his taint. The taint and Carver.

Fuzzin was moving back to the cellblock alongside Carver, “Buddy, your wife has some ***, you better hope my parole don’t come through before yours.... say...what’s in the box.”
jeffrey conyers Nov 2012
You come across sincere to some.
And real to others.
When all you are is an actor of pretense.

For as soon as they turn their back.
You're talking about them.
You're like an informant.
Working to get an upperhand.

And once the information is received.
You advise others of the contents.
Which only benefit you.
Cause you an actor of pretense.

You could win an Oscar.
A Tony.
And a Emmy award.
Cause you know ways to put on a false face.
And fool many of us.

Be honest.
Be true.
Cause you can get sources of info to suit you.
derelictmemory Dec 2013
I dream of having you as mine
I dream of claiming your lips under light
I dream of having each touch of yours
I dream of searing the memory of you in my mind
I dream of having spent a day with only you
I dream of creating a life with you

But these dreams are mine
       And these dreams are fictional
       They will not come true

You will not be mine
        I will not have you
        And life as I know it
                Will always have the upperhand

I will be deprived of your touch
                                 Starved of your taste
                          Blinded by the sight of nothingness
             And I will shed tears like no other

                                     As they rip you from my soul
                               Just so they can feel the anguish
                                          The pain
   The darkness
                                                                           The loneliness
                     And the suffering

That only comes from living in a world

Devoid of you

              Devoid of your smile
                    Devoid of your laugh
                           Devoid of your warmth
                                  Devoid of your heartbeat

And as you die
                             I will die
As will I live
                         And only spend my days
                         All my remaining hours

                                   Loving you

                                                                       And only you

For the ****** only have that
       The ****** have nothing else
                                         But the love they once had
                    And the memories that they keep

But eventually
                           That will be forgotten
                                                 The emotions will run dry

And I would have spent an eternity

                            In absolute nothingness
Kathryn Irene  Sep 2018
Kathryn Irene Sep 2018
Drown me
          as I have sinned
          for stealing your heart
          I held you captive
          those chocolate eyes
Your hand in mine
          I mislead
          into your heart
You have the upperhand
          Pulling me by my strings
          grabbing the keys
I beg you not
          The chains now broken
          you just walk away
          I'm left alone
          My heart a prison
- SkullsNBones
View more poems on my instagram
Colette Williams Feb 2015
You have no idea what it's like
Seeing life as a power struggle
The imaginary scoreboard in your mind
Created not by your choice
Yet so engrained that it becomes a reality
Comparing yourself to everyone and everything
Making sure you always have the upperhand
It's sickening.
crimewavves  Mar 2014
crimewavves Mar 2014
I still love you even though you dropped out of school
because your taste in music and the way you make everything feel like spring
outweighs any doubts I might have.
I still have a pair of your Hanes in my dresser drawer where I stored
you away for so long as well.
You have the upperhand.
You still have every bit of
emotional pain I've channeled into you over
the past year.
I still stuck by you through the neglect and ignorance, you still loved me
despite all the doors I broke off the hinges.
You saw through
all the anxiety attacks and outrages.
You survived me, you conquered me with love.
They say, it's just a phase,
just a phase.
But I could never walk away.

— The End —