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Julian Mar 2020
Famigerate- to bring news from abroad
2. Opheliminy- the ability to provide ****** pleasure
3. Noogenesis-evolution of the mind
4. Nosocomial- pertaining to a hospital
5. Nullifidian- faithless
6. Neomort-braindead individual
7. Nummamorous- someone who is avaricious for money
8. Nemesism-self-directed frustration
9. Onanism- *******
10. Oculate- having eyes
11. Omniana- about all sorts of things
12. Narrowback- one who doesn’t engage in manual labor
13. Negaholic- persistently pessimistic
14. Faineant- puppet-king, useless ruler
15.Gerendum-something that is to be done
16.GIlderoy- a proud person
17.gobemouche- a gullible person
18. gradatim- step-by-step
19. gramercy-an expression of gratitude or surprise
20. grandeval-of venerable age but antiquated
21. gudgeon- a person easily cheated
22.fagin-someone who induces a crime
23. neovitalism-the theory that total material explanation is impossible
24. gamin- street urchin, imp
25. macarism- taking joy in anothers joys (antonym schadenfreude)
26. Kundlesroman- coming of age story about an artist
27.  macrobian- long-lived as in animated life
28. maidan-open space near a town
29.maeiutic-bringing out latent thoughts
30.mappemond-map of the world
31. mansuetude-meekness, milquetoast tamed
32.melomania-craze for music
33. meropia- partial blindness
34. mesothermic- only effective in temperate climates
35.metagnostic- incomprehensible, beyond understanding
36. metanoia- fundamental change in character (repentance)
37. metemperical- beyond the scope of knowledge
38. mewling- crying feebly
39.mirabiliary-miracle worker
40. misfeasance- doing a lawful act in an incorrect manner
41 motatory- consistently moving
42 mouchard- a police spy
43.muliebrity- womanhood
44. mulligrubs- a despondent or ill-tempered mood
45. myriarchy- government of 10,000 persons
46. mythoclast- destroyer of myths
47. mythopoeic-giving rise to myths
48. kamerad- to surrender
49. katzenjammer- hangover, uproar, clamorous environment
50. kenspeckel-easily recognizable or conspicuous
51.kerygma- teaching of the Christian gospel
52. kindergraph-picture of a child
53. kismet- fate or destiny
54. knubble- to beat with the fists
55. katabasis- military retreat in dire straits
56.facture-worksmanship the making of a product
57. familism- the tendency of a family to cohere as a group
58. farrago- confused mass of objects or people a disordered mixture
59. fastuous- haughty and ostentatious
60. ferial-pertaining to holidays
61. flapdoodle- gross flattery/nonsense
62. floruit- the dates of a persons birth and death
63. fluminous- having many rivers or streams
64. flummery- insipid lifeless gaucherie  of a compliment
65. fogram- antiquated
66. foothot-hastily immediately or on the spot imperative action
67. forswink- to exhaust by labor
68.fustian-garish magniloquence
69. futurition- future existence time to come
70.negotiosity- the preoccupation with business as a workaday trifle
71. nemorivagant-wandering through the woods
72. neoblastic- pertaining to new growth
73. nepotation- riotous behavior/ profligacy
74. nesiote-living on an island
75. nevus- birthmark
76. noctiflorous-flowering at night
77. noddypeak- fool imbecile
78. noetics- rules of logic
79. nomistic- based on a law of sacred books
80. nulliverse-purposeless universe
81. yenta-gossip or busybody
82. yobbery-hooliganism
83. yordim- emigrants who leave Israel
84.veduta- panoramic view of a town
85. velivolant- flying with sails
86.ventose- puffed up with conceit/windy/ flatulent
87.verecund-modest or shy
89. vespiary- wasps nest
90. vesuviate- to burst with heat/ erupt
91. vetanda- forbidden things
92. vetust-very ancient
93.viaggiatory- traveling frequently
94. viaticum-money for travel
95. vibronic- caused by an electronic vibration
96. Victoria- cry of triumph
97. videndum- thing to be seen
98. videtur- it seems
99. viduity- widowhood
101. virago- a manlike or heroic woman or a termagant
102. virason- sea breeze
103. virtu-love or taste for fine art
104. visagist- an expert in ****** makeup
105 visibilia- things that are seen
106 visiogenic-suitable for tv broadcast
108volupty-****** pleasure
109 voraginous-like a whirlpool
110. vulgus- the common people
111. vulnerary- healing wounds
112.verberate- to beat
113. ommateum- the composite eye
114. omnism- belief in all religions

116. oxygeusia- extremely keen sense of taste
117. oread- mountain nymph
118. obganiate-to fluster someone by constantly repeating yourself
119. obelize-to treat something with contempt, scorn or regard as spurious
120. oppositive- garnering local support or disdain
121. odalisque- a female slave in a harem
122. orogenesis- mountain-building
123. orography- descriptions of mountains
124. omnify-to make known or universal everywhere
125. onolatry- the worship of donkeys, ***** or liberals
126. oikonisus-desire to start a family
127. obolary-very poor
128. obrogate-to alter the law by passing a new law
129. occamy-alloy imitating gold or silver oroide
130. olasin-of a long epoch or era
131. odontoloxia-crooked or abnormal teeth
132. oecist- the founder of a colony
133.oecodomic-pertaining to architecture
134.oeillade-an ogle, glance or wink
135.officialism-excessive devotion to station or position
136.oikonisus-desire to start a family
138.oligochrome-art using few colors
139.oligogenics-birth control
140.oleiferous-producing oil
141. ombrophilous-tolerating a large amount of rainfall
142. ommateum-compound eye
143.omnifarious-of all kinds
144.omnify-to make large or universal
145. omphalism- centralization in government
146.onomasticon- a dictionary of proper names
147. ontocyclic-to revert to an infantile state in older age
148.ontography-description of someones essence, form or being
149.ophidiodiarium-a house of snakes
150. ophidian-like a snake
151.opinable- capable of being thought
152.oppignorate-to pawn
153.optative-expressing a desire or wish
155.orarian-coastal, coast-dweller
156. organicism-conception of life or society as an organism
157. orthobiosis-correct or moral living
158.outrecuidance-overwhelming arrogance or self-esteem
159. oxyblepsia-extremely keen sight.
160. apolaustic- dedicated to the pursuit of enjoyment
161. azimuth-mark of the horizon
162.avizandum-private consideration of a case by a judge
163.aval-pertaining to a grandparent
164. auxesis-an aggrandizement permitted by hypertrophy with hyperbole an augmentation of meaning
165.autotelic- being an end in itself
166. autosoterism- belief one can obtain salvation through their own deeds and works and words
167. autology- a scientific study of oneself
168. aurigraphy-writing or engraving in gold; aureate magisterial wit
169. Atticism- elegance in expression that is also concise
170.atocia- female sterility
171. athetesis- rejection of a document as spurious and obelization
172. athanasy- deathlessness
173.assizer- someone in charge of demarcating weights and measures
174. aspergillum- a vessel for transporting and using holy water
175.aseity- self-origination
176. ascian- one inhabiting and equatorial zone/ someone without a shadow
177. arpenteur- a land surveyor
178.armipotent- having strong weapons in a war
179. armigerous-enabled to bear arms
180. aretaics- the science of virtue
181. arenoid/arenaceous- like sand
182.arctician- someone skilled with navigating the polar regions
183.archaeolatry- the worship of outmoded customs and ancient things
184. apistia-faithlessness in marriage
185. aphnology- the science of wealth
186. aphemia- loss of ability to produce articulate speech
187. apercu- a brief outline /glimpse/intuitive insight
188. apanage- privilege of office bequeathed to younger patrons at an early age
189. apagoge- proof by showing the falsehood of the opposite
190.antithalian- opposed to mirth and fun
191. antiscian- a dweller on the exact opposite side of the world
192. antipudic-concealing private body parts
193.antiloquy- speaking against some idea with hortatory force
194.antilapsarian- denial of the fall of humanity in both the future and in terms of original sin
195.anthroposophy- knowledge of the nature of humanity, human wisdom
196.antephialatic- preventing nightmares
197. anglice-in plain English
198.anemocracy- government by caprice or whimsy or by the wind
199.aneabil-single unmarried
200. anaudia- loss of voice
201. anatocism- compound interest
202. anapeiratic- caused by excessive usage
203. anagogy- mystical interpretation
204.anacusic- completely deaf
205. anacampserote- something that can bring back a past love
206. anabiosis- a return to life after apparent death
207.amyloid- starchy
208.amplivagant-stretching far having a great scope
209. amoretto- a cherub or a spirit of love
210.  amoret- love song
211.  ament- a person who fails to develop mentally
212. ambsace- bad luck or a low score
213.ambeer- juice from chewing tobacco
214. amaxophobia- fear of riding in a car
215. amasthenic- focusing light rays to a single point
216. amain-to a full degree, completely at full speed
217. alveromancy- divination using sounds
218. alpestrine- of or like alpine regions or mountains
219. arboricide- the killing of trees
220. alopecia- baldness hair loss
221. alogism- illogical statement
222. alluvion- impact of water on the littoral regions during a storm surge
223. allodic- not subject to a superior
224. algedonics- study of pleasure and pain
225. alamort- half-dead or rejected
226. aiger- tidal wave occurring in rivers
227.agrize- to horrify or disfigure
228. agravic- having no gravity condition of zero gravity
229. agrapha- things Jesus said that weren’t recorded in the gospels
230. aggiornamento- modernizing the teachings of the Catholic Church
231. ageotropic- turning away from the earth
232. agenocratia- opposing birth control
233. agathism- the triumph of evil over good using banausic nefariousness to achieve the ends
234. agapism- the ethics of love
235.agapeistic- Christian love
236. agamist- one who opposes marriage
237. agacerie- coquetry
238. affrayer- disturber of the peace
239. aegis- protection or support
240. advenient- due to outside causes
241.adoxy- ideas that are not heterodox or orthodox
242. adharma- unrighteousness
243.achroous- colorless
244.acersecmic- one whos hair has never been cut
245. acatalepsy- the unknowable nature of all things to precision
246. academicism- the theory that nothing can be known
247 abyssopelagic- depths of the ocean
248. abattoir- a public slaughterhouse
249. abactor- cattle-thief.
250. *******-speech-making intended for the mass-media
251. bumptious- offensively conceited or self-assertive
252.bummel-stroll leisurely journey
253. bullyrag- to assault with abusive language to badger
254.bullock- an ox or a castrated bull
255. bulimy- extreme hunger
256. bulbul- a gregarious songbird
257. bugaboo-loud or empty nonsense
258. bruit-something rumored widely
259. bromopnea- bad breath
260. babeldom- a confused sound of voices all at once
261.bagnio- a bathing house
262. bahadur- self-important official
263. baiseman- kiss on the hand
264. balatron- a joker or a clown especially if self-important
265.bambosh- deceptive nonsense
266. bantling- a brat or a ******* child
267. barbate-bearded
268. baragnosis- loss of ability to distinguish weight
269. barnard- a member of a gang of thieves that acts as a decoy
270.baryphonic- having difficulty speaking
271.battology- pleonasm, futile repetition in writing circumlocution
272. battue- indiscriminate slaughter an Aceldama without cause
273beldam- old woman, hag, ancestress
274. bellipotent-militarily powerful
275 belliferous- bringing war
276. benedict- a newly married man that has long been a bachelor
277. benet- exorcist
278 bethel- a place of worship for ******, a conventicle that teaches heterodox ideas
279 bewray- to betray, reveal or disclose a prized secret
280. bibacious- overly fond of drinking
281. biblioclasm- destruction of the bible
282. bibliognost- well-read individual person with wide knowledge of books
283.biblioklept- a stealer of books
284 bibulous- addicted to alcohol
285. biocentric- having life as the main principle
286.biognosy- general study or theory of life
287. bilious- ill-tempered or very unpleasant
288. billingsgate- coarsely abusive language
289. bilocation- ability to be in two places at once
290. binnacle- case where ships compass is kept
291. biogeny- vital essence or force
292. bionomics- study of organisms interacting in their environment
293.bismer- shame, disgrace, scorn
294. bisociation- association with one principle with multiple ideas sometimes two sometimes scores
295.blackguard- to vituperate and decry as a scoundrel
296. blandish- to flatter, coax, cajole
297.blarney- skillful flattery, nonsense
298.blench- to shrink or flinch
299.blehterskate- a garrulous talker of nonsense
300.blettonism- alleged ability to find an underground watter supply or an argosy of something hidden by clairvoyance
301. blissom- subject to or having strong ****** desires
302.bluestocking- an early feminist educated or literary woman
303. boanerges- a skilled speaker with a powerful stentorian voice
304.bodewash- cow dung
305 bodge- a piece of clumsy worksmanship or facture
306 bogan- quiet tributary or backwater
307 boggart- specter, bugbear, goblin
308 bolide- a large meteor that bursts a fireball
309 boman- a well-dressed criminal
310 bonification- paying a bonus or a reward
311. bonism- the doctrine the world is good but not perfect in the Panglossian sense
312. boodle- counterfeit money, means obtained by corruption
313.  borasco- a violent wind squall
314.borborology- a filthy talk that is burlesque
315. boscage- thick foliage or woodland extremely elegant prose or aureate poetry
316. boschveldt- bush country, wilderness of the intellectual imagination with acatalepsy challenged
317. bourasque- a tempest or stormy situation
318. boursocrat- a stock exchange official
319. bowery- a seedy or run-down district of a city
320. boyg- a problem difficult to come to grips with because it strain the imagination or writers block
321.brabble- to squabble or quarrel
322. brasero- a place where criminals, scoundrels traitors are burned alive
323. brassage- the difference in value in minting a coin and its value
324.breedbate- someone looking for an argument anywhere they can fetch it
325.brevet- commission to enable an officer to take a higher rank mobility
325.bridgewater- anything undesirable or worthless as of people or places
326.brio- enthusiastic vigor
327. Brocard- an elementary law or axiom that predicates a field for more complex synthesis and analysis
328.broch- luminous ring around the moon
329.bromidrosis- strong-smelling sweat or a rankling languor from work that effects other people with odium
330.broma- food or ailment
331. caboose- kitchen on the deck of a ship
332. cabotage- sailing or  flying to a destination that is domestic or in the same country
333.cachaemic- having poisoned or dysgenic blood to be eliminated from gene pool
334. cack- *******, worthless nonsense
335. cachet- mark of prestige, seal of approval from higher regnant authority
336. cacodoxy- bad opinion or wrong doctrine
337. cacogenics- study of racial degeneration from miscegenated lowlifes and guttersnipes
338. cacotopia- a place where everything is as bad as it can be
339. cadastre- record of ownership and value of property proof of IQ
340. cadge- to beg or sponge from another
341. caducity- being of a fugacious or temporary existence
342. caesarapopism- secular rule of a religious state
343.caitiff- base, cowardly and despicable
343 calando- slowing with gradually lowering volume as a fit of tears or mewling
343. calenture- tropical fever due to sweltering conditions anxiety around a hot woman
344. calescence- an increase in heat
345.callisteia- awards given for beauty
346. callithump- boisterous and noisy parade
347. calodemon- a good or propitious spirit
348. calvary- an experience of dreadful mental anguish
349.cambristy- science of international exchange
350. Camelot- a newspaper vendor
351. cameralism- mercantilism used a stranglehold for the leviathan to become an irrefragable mainstay inexorcisable
352. camisade- night attack
353. camorra- group united for treacherous, treasonous malfeasance or horrid ends
354. canter- someone who makes pretentious or affected statements that are hypocritical
355. cantonment- a small military town
356.cantative- of or pertaining to singing
357. captious- peevish ready to find faults breedbated
358. carking- imposing great hardship or pain like labor and such
359 carminative- relieiving flatulence making a brainfart
360. carnaptious- bad-tempered ill sullen mood
361.castophrenia- the feeling that thoughts are being stolen
362. casualism- the belief that chance is the governor of all things in an imperious way aleatory fatalism
363. catabasis- decline of a disease in a natural population
364. catadromous- migrating from fresh to salt water to spawn entering the dating world by engaging in brackish incalescence and philandering
365. catamite- boy kept for homosexual purposes among Greek pederasts
366. catasta- pedestal or stage for brutalizing slaves in public
367. catchpole- constable, sheriffs office
368 catechectics- teaching by question and answer
369. catena- series like a chain or sequence
370. cathexis- investment in emotional thought or idea or imago
371. cauponate- to engage in questionable or illegal activity in trade for material gain
372.centuple- hundred-fold increase
373. chaffer- to bargain or haggle.
374. chandelle- sharp upward turn in aviation or the stock market or ones personal fortunes
375.chantage- blackmail to prevent importunate calumny from percolating too widely especially if veracious
376. characterology- study of the development of a character in bildungsroman
377. charnel-room where corpses are placed
378. chicanery- clever but misleading talk, casuistry deception
379. chiliarchy- government by 1000 people vs. a myriarchy government by 10k
380. chiminage- toll paid for going through a forest (toll on explorers of deep intellectual ideas through gatekeepers)
381. chionablepsia- snow-blindnenss
382.  chirorocracy- government by physical force a brutal regime
383. chouse- to cheat or swindle
384.chrestomathic- pertaining to useful knowledge that can be applied in a discursive way for elaborative gains in comprehension rather than retreads of circumlocution
385.chyme-partially digested food or knowledge
386. cicerone- tour-guide
387.ciconine- of or pertaining to stocks
388. Cienega- a marsh or swamp
389. ciplinarian- one who teaches disorder like the Joker
390. circumduct- to cause to revolve around an imaginary axis as in conceptual gravity
391. circumforaneous- wandering around from market to market for best price
392. circumjacent- bordering on every side
393. clarigate- to declare war formally
394. clastic- able to be disconstituted into component objects
395. claustral- cloistered, secluded narrow-minded
396. claver- gossip
397. clavigerous- keeping keys around to extort people
398. cleronomy- inheritance
399. climacteric- a critical point in someones life
400. clinamen- inclination, bias, jaundice partiality
401. cliometrics- analysis of economic history using mathematics
402. clysmian- of or caused by a flood a pluvial torrent
403. coalize- to bring into a coalition
404.cockamamie- ridiculous incredible
405.cockshy- object of criticism or ridicule
406. codling- unripe apple or a city that is not formed right and needs some maturation
407. coeval- having the same duration in time
408. cogitabund- engaged in deep thought
409. collegialism- a theory that the church is separate from the state
410. compeer- someone of equal rank or stature
411.complicant- overlapping conceptually in latticework elegance
412. conceptualism- theory the universe exists solely in concepts
413. Comstockery- the suppression of lewd vices and ******* bowdlerization
414. conation- mental effort exerted in the pursuit of a goal or agenda
415. concetto- ingenious expression witticism
416. concinnity- harmony, elegance, congruity
417. conclamation- the shouting of many voices simultaneously
418. concubitant- marriageable age
419. Confiteor- prayer of confession of sin
420. congee- permission to depart
421. congener- something of the same type of nature
422. consciuncle- hair-splitting pedantic conscientiousness
423. consentient- unanimous
424. consecution-logical sequence or progression of an argument
425 constative- capable of being true or false
426. consuetude- custom or familiarity
427.contemper- to blend together for adaptation as in metaphor (to moderate by mixing)
428. contranatant- swimming upstream an uphill battle
429. contraplex- having messages passing both ways simultaneously
430. corrigendum-something that requires correction
431. cortinate- like a cobweb intricate and gossamer and interwoven by pesky urchins with byzantine aleatory design
432.coryphaeus- leader of a chorus the spokesman
433. cosmocrat- ruler of the world
434. cosher- to live on dependents
435.cosmotellurian- characteristic of both heaven and earth
436. cotquean- man who does womans work
437 counterblast- a defiant pronunciation or denunciation against the recriminations of evil
438. counterphobic- seeking out situation that is feared
439. cowcat- a person who exists to occupy space a goalie
440. crackjaw- hard to pronounce
441. crapehanger- a pessimist
442.credenda- things to be believed out of obligation
443. crimogenic- causing crime
444.cryptadia- things to be hidden from the public
445. cryptodynamic- having secret or hidden power
446. cryptogenic- of unknown origin
447. curiosa- pornographic books
448. cyanotype- blueprint
449.cyprian- lewd woman a *******
450. dacnomania- obsession with killing
451. dacoitage-robbing by a gang or a mob
452 daedal-formed with art, displaying inventive skill
453. dapatical-lavish:sumptuous, costly
454 darbies- handcuffs
455 darraign-to vindicate to justify or prove
456 dashpot-shock absorber
457. deadstock-farm equipment
458. deasil-sunwise motion
459. debel-to conquer in war
460. debellated-to conquer or overcome in a battle
461.debouch- to flow from a confined place
462.decarnate-denied or deprived of physical ****** form
463. decrassify- to make less crass or boorish
464. crass- without refinement in taste or sophistication, obtuse
464.dedition- surrender or capitulation
465. deek- to look at or see
466.defeasible- that may be annulled
467. defiliaton- depriving a parent of a child
468.definiens-word or words used in a dictionary definition
469.deflexure- deviation
470. deflocculate-to break down into small pieces
471. degringolade-rapid decline or decay: downfall
472. deipotent- having god like power
473 delaminate- to split into layers
474. delate- to pass on to charge with a crime
475 delenda- things to be destroyed or deleted
476 delignate-to remove wood from; deprive of wood
477delirifacient- to create delirium
478. delope- fire ones gun in the air in a duel
479. demarche- decisive measure taken in diplomacy
480. demegoric- pertaining to harangues by demagogues
481. dementi- official denial or refusal
482. demephitise-to purify air
483. demigration- change of abode
484.demisang- half-breed or hybrid
485. demiurge- creative spirit or entity
486. demology- study of human behavior
487. deodate- a gift to or from God
488. deosculate- to kiss affectionately
489. depayse- out of ones element or natural environment
490. deray- to go wild or derange
491. dexiotropic- moving to the right
492. diacope- a deep wound or incision
493. diestrus- a period of ****** inactivity
494. diffinity- lack of affinity
496. diphyletic-coming from two different ethnic groups
497.dippydo- someone who changes their mind often
498. dipsomania- cacoethes for alcohol
499. dirigisme- government controlin economic and social sphere
500. disembrangle- to free from dispute
501. disimmure- to free from walled captivity
502. disinure- to render something unfamiliar
503 disorbed- to be deprived on autarky or or authority or clarity of convictions
504. dittology- double-reading or interpretation
505. diutiurnal-lasting for a very longer time
506 docimasy-scrutiny through administering tests
507. dodoism- a stupid remark
508. dolee- someone who receives a government stipend
509. dompteuse- a female animal trainer
510. donnybrook- an uproarious brawl
511. donnism- self-importance
512 drollery- comic show, jest
513.  dreamery- a place habitable for dreamers (not illegals)
514. drygulch- to ****** by throwing off of a cliff
515. dramaturgy- perfoming dramatic stage productions esp. for broadway
516. dragoon- to compel by military bullying of chirorocratic force
517 dragoman- interpreter
518. dragonnade-perseuction by military means
519. drapetomania- urge to run away from home
520. doxographer- someone who adduces opinions and adds them to an onomasticon of sorts especially with respect to philosophy
521.  ducdame- a meaningless refrain
522. duende- the power to attract using personal charm
523. dulia- veneration of saints instead of God
524. durative- still inchoate having undergoing transformation
525. dumose- bushy
526.dwale- stupefying drink
527.  dysania- having a hard time waking up in the morning
528. dystocia- during childbirth
529. abderian- excessive cackling cachinnation or idiotic laughter
530 abecederian- a novice learning the alphabet
531. accidia- inability to think because excessive sadness
532. acrasia- acting against ones own best judgment
533 acronycal- occurring at sunset
534 aeolist- pompus windbag bombast who pretends elegance but is boring
535 aflunters- in a messy disordered state
536 agathocacological- containing both good and evil forces
537 agroof- flat on your face
538 alphamegamania- old man marrying younger bride
539. alychiphobia- a fear of failure
540. alytarch- a referee who enforces game rules
541. amrita- drink the endows immortality in Hinduism
542. anteric- vindictive spite against a former lawyer
543 apikoros- a jewish person that doesn’t follow jewish law
544, apocatastasis- a belief that all will be saved by God
545 aprosexia- inability to concentrate
546. aristophren- someone of ennobled intellectual ability
547 avetrol- an out-of-wedlock child or an illegitimate child.
548. apricate- to beaze under the sun
549. earwig-to pester with demands or eavesdrop (extortion)
550 ebriection- mental breakdown because of bibulous crapulence
551. ecbolic- serving as a midwife to birth or abortion
552. ecclesiastry- affairs of the church
554. echinate- like a hedgehog, prickly
555. eclat- to make notorious
556.eclat (accent on first letter) publicity, dazzling effect foudroyance
557.ecmnesia- loss of memory for endemic period or epoch
558. ecophobia- fear of home
559. ecphonesis- theoretical exclamation
560. ecphrasis- low-level plain interpretation
561.egestuous- desperately poor
562. egoism- pursuit of self-interest is highest ideal
563. eigne- first born child
564 eirenism- peaceful state of mind
565 eisegesis- faulty interpretation of a text
566 elapid-pertaining to cobras
567.eluetherian- freedom giving
568 eleutheropomania- ardent about freedom
569 enantoniodroma- being replaced by somethings opposite
570. enceinte- pregnant
571 encraty- self-control
572. endlong-lengthwise
573. energumen- someone possessed by an evil spirit
574. engastrimyth- a ventriloquist
575 engouement- excessive infatuation
576 engrenage- series of decisions leading to an unspoken goal
577.enosimania- chronic obsession that one is sinner
578 entryism-joining a group to hijack the agenda and change policies
579 entelechy-perfect realization of ultimate goal or reason for existence
580. epeolatry- worship of words
581. epicene- having characteristics of both sexes
582.epicrisis-critical appreciation for literature
583. epimyth- leitmotif of a story especially a moral lesson
584. epulary- of or pertaining to banquets
585. equiparate-to treat or regard as equal as in ***, definition or philosophical ******
586.  equipollent- having equal power or force
587. eremite- hermit or religious recluse
588. erethism- abnormal irritability
589. ergasia- love of work
590 ergatocracy- populist government
591.eschaton- end of the world end-times
592 esemplastic-unifying diverse ideas into one a syncretism
593.esemplasy-the unifying power of the imagination
594. estaminet- small bar or café
595. estoppage- preventing litigation by censoring the internet
596. ethmoid- of or like a slave
597. estrapade- horse or bulls attempt to throw off a writer
598. eucrasy-statement of fitness or health physically
599. eudaemonism-ethical belief that happiness equates to morality
600. eumoireity-happiness due to chastity and moral virtue
601.eupathy- state of contentment
602.eupraxia- orthodox or correct course of action
603. euthenics- science about improving living conditions
604. eutrapely- wit and ease in conversation
605. badot- an idler who is silly
606.balbutiate- to stutter or stammer
607. ballicatter- ice that forms around docks or airplanes or rigid elements of cabotage
608.bawcock- a nice gentlemen
609. belgard- a sweet loving look for females at men
610. bibliopolist- a person that deals In rare books
611. blatteroon- a person with logorrhea cant stop talking
612. bonnyclabber- spoiled milk that has congealed
613. breem- female pig that wants to mater
614.  cacoepy- incorrect pronunciation of a word
615 cagophilist- a collector of keys
616 callet- a drab untidy woman
617calligyniaphobia- fear of attractive woman or askance around them
618 capernoited- slightly intoxicated on bibulous terms
619. celation- the act of hiding a pregnancy
620. chamade- a signal inviting negotiations
621. charette- intensive effort to complete something before the deadline
622 charientism- an artfully veiled insult
623. choregus- a financial banker in ancient Greece
624. chrisom- a child dying before baptism
625. chronomancy- deciding on the best time for something
626.chryselephantine- decorated with gold and ivory
627 cicisbeo-man with which a woman is having an affair
628. clapperclaw- to berate or scold with blackguarded billingsgate or obelization
629 clappedudgeon- a beggar from a family line of beggars
630. clepsammia- an hourglass that measures sand
631. cloffin- to sit idly by a fire
632. collieshangie- an uproar or frenzy a donnybrook but more muted, a quarrel
633. colporteur- someone who delivers books or bibles to people
634.colposinquanonia- measuring beauty based on breast size
635 comprachio- person who buys disfigured children to use as salesman
636 comestion- devoured by fire
637 comprivigni- relation of a child to its step-siblings
638 concionnative- pertaining to public speaking
639 consuetudinary- a guide to local customs for business purposes
640. cosmopoietic- world creating
641.costermonger- seller of fruits and vegetables
642. crambazzle- a worn-out old man
643. cretaceous- chalky or grayish white
644. crose- to whine empathetically with someone in pain in a zoological sense
645. cryptaesthesia- ESP
646 culch- *******, flotsam, trash garbage
647 cullion- a rude mean-spirited person
648.cyesolagnia- attracted to pregnant women
649 davering- walking or maneuvering in a dazed manner
650. deesis- supplication to a divine being
651. dejerate- to take a solemn oath
652 delitescent- to be hidden or concealed
653. demitoilet- a style of formal elaborate dress that is informal
654. dephologisticate- to make fireproof
655. deturpated -to defile or disfigure
656. dignotion- distinguishing mbark or feature a nevus
657 dikephobia- fear of justice
658 diophysitic- having two personalities
659. dippoldism- beating school children with cruel methods that are archaic
660. ditokous- producing twins
661. diurnation- to sleep during the day
662. dommerer- a beggar who pretends to be deaf or mute to garner support (a politician deigning)
663. doyenne- the eldest member in a group
664. doytin- to walk around stupidly and aimlessly looking mentally challenged
665. drawcansir- a person that kills both friend and foe or destroys his own cause while fighting his opponents
666.drazel- an immoral woman
667. dratchell- a slovenly, lazy woman
668. dringle- someone who likes to waste time
669. drizzen- bemoaning working hard a bleat of negotiosity sometimes of boursocrats
670 drogulus- something that can’t be identified or described because it is ineffable  without physical form or effects
671. druxy- meretricious appearance rotten inside
672. dudman- a scarecrow made of old clothes
673 dwizzen- to shrivel up like a fruit wizened with age
674. dysania- trouble waking up in the mourning
675.dysepulotic- not healing quickly enough
676. dyslogistic- expressing disapproval
677. dysteleologist- believes nature has no meaning and purpose
678 dyvors- bankers in disrepair after good names ruined by agiotage
679 eccaleobion- something which gives life like anabiosis or brings alive
680 echopraxia- immature parroting or aping of things they heard or people they witness
681 efter- a patron that robs people during a show
682 eisoptrophobia- fear of mirrors because of ugliness
683. emacity- urge to spend money
684 enchorial- belonging to a certain country
685 entheate- divinely possessed by a demiurge or god
686. ephorize- to having a controlling influence over militancy
687 epincion- victory song
688. Epirot- someone who lives far away from the coast unlike an orarian
689. esquivalience- unwillingness to perform a job asked of you
690. estrapade- horses attempt to remove the rider (or a bulls attempt)
691 eustress- stress related to a happy event
692. faffle- work that takes too long and produces substandard results
693. fangast- eligible for marriage among women concubinial nubile
694. fashimite- slave to fashion industry
695. feaque- a *****, lazy man
696 ferriation- taking time off of work to travel on holiday
697. fettler- a person skilled at repairing tools or machinery
698 fewterer- a kennel owner who keeps dogs around
699. finifugal- shunning the end of something’
700. flamfoo- girl in gaudy clothes thinking she is fashionable when its not
701. flaneur- an idle man that never works
702.flaneusse- woman who refuses to work
703. flosculous- pertaining to flowers
704 flothery- being drab, uncouth untidy while pretending parvenu fashions of the classy and proper
705 flyndrig- an impudent or deceiving woman
706. foison- a very bountiful harvest
707. franion- pleasure-seeker or hedonist
708. frigoric- mythical substances though to transmit cold
709 frustraneous- unprofitable and completely useless
710 fucoid- resembling sea-****
711 fustilug- a fat clumsy indolent slob
712fysigunkus- a person who lacks curiosity
713 facinorous- atrociously wicked
714 gaberlunzie- wandering hobo or beggar harmless
715 gallywow- a man who can’t have children
716 gamin(e)- homeless child male or female
717 gammerstang- tall awkward woman
718 gaum- to stare vacantly or handle clumsily
719 geck- an expression of scorn or discontent
720 genizah- a repository of banned books
721 gezellig- comfortable feeling around kin or friends
722. gigantomachize-to be at war with ones superiors
723 gigmania- smug obsession with obtaining middle-class stature
724 girouettism- changing ones opinion to match the vogue stance
725 glaikery- silly or foolish behavior
726 gnap- to criticize in an acerbic or biting way or tone
727 griffonage- sloppy handwriting
728 groak-to stare at someone hoping to get food
729 gubbertushed-to have bucked teeth or odontoloxia
730. guerdon- reward or payment
731. fallibilism- empiricial knowledge cannot be proven’
732. femicide- destroying anothers reputation
733. fandangle- pretentious tomfoolery
734. fanfaron- an empty boaster
735 fardel- anything cumbersome or irksome
736. farrow- to give birth to piglets
737 featous- shapely, well-made, handsome
738 favonian- pertaining to zephyrs or west winds
739 ferity- state of barbarism or savagery
740 ferule- cane or rod used in punishment
741 fescennine- marked by the use of vulgarity or obscene language
742. fideicide- the killer of a faith
743. finical- excessively precise in trivial matters
744. finitism- belief in finitude of universe or god
745 flagitious- grossly wicked, guilty of heinous crimes
746. flambeau- flaming torch
747 flamen- pagan priest
748 flammule- little flame
749 flannel- ostentatious nonsense
750 flaught- snowflake
751 fleer- to mock or jeer to make faces in contempt
752 footle- to waste time to act foolishly
753 foraminated- perforated with small holes
754 foreright- directly in front of
755 forfend- to ward off or avert
756forsifamiliate- to free from parental *******
757 formant- anything that demarcates or determines or limits or defines
758 fortuitism-evolution by random chance
759. fossarian- clerical person moonlighting as a gravedigger
760 fossor- gravedigger
761 fouter- to mess with aimlessly
762 fragor- a crash
763 frantling- mating call of a peacock
764 fremitus- vibration or rumbling
765 frescade- a cool walk a cool or shady place
766 frigolabile- susceptible to colds easily hacked
767. frogmarch- to carry an uncooperative drunkard or prisoner
768 frottage-rubbing for ****** gratification
769 froward- turned away, self-willed, unreasonable, perverse adverse uncooperative
770 fumatorium- place for smoking
771 fumet- the scent of game when high
772 fumiduct- smokestack
773 fundus- the bottom of anything
774 funest- deadly lamentable
775 furfur- dandruff or scurf
776. fustilarian- term of abuse
777. futtock- the rib of a ship
778. gabble- to talk inarticulately as in a baby
779. gabelle- a salt tax
780.gad- to wander about idly in search of pleasure
781 gadarene- headlong, precipitate
782 gadzookerie- the use of archaisms in literature
783. galanty- shadow play
784 gallionic- uncaring indifferent
785 gallomania- obsession with France
786. gammadion- a *******
787.gammon- to feign an action to produce a hoax
788. gangue- worthless rock where valuable metals occur
789. gangway- either side of the upper deck of a ship
790.gardyloo- warning cry
791. gaud- trick or practical joke
792. gauleiter- overbearing wielder of petty authority
793. gaumless- stupid, witless, vacant
794.gawdelpus- a helpless person
795 geist- spirit or intellectual inclination
796 gelogenic- producing laughter
797 genarch- head of family or clan
798. genesiology- study of heredity and genetics
799. gentilitian- belonging to a race or a clan
800. geofact- natural rock that looks like an artifact
801. geotaxis- response of an organism to gravity
802 geotechnics- study of increasing habitability of earth
803 gerdoying-imitation of a sound of a crash
804. gerent- one that rules or manages
805 giaour- one who doesn’t follow islam
806gilliver- wallflower
807 gimcrack- a trivial mechanism or trick
808 ginnel- narrow alley between high building
809. glebe-church land granted to clergyman
810. gleek- a trick or joke
811. gleet- disgusting STD mucous
812 gnomic- ignifying general truth
813 gnomonics- study of time using sundials
814 goetic- pertaining to black magic
815 goliardy- riotous or lustful behavior
816 gorsoon- boy-servant
817 gradgrind- one who regulates things based on stats
818 gramary- magic, enchantment
819 grapnel- small anchor used for dragging or grappling
820. grauncher- incompetent clumsy mechanic
821. graupel- frozen rain or snowflakes
822. gravamen- grounds for legal complaint, grievance
823. gregatim- in flocks
824. gricer- trainspotter or railway enthusiast
825.grimoire- magicians book for summoning spirits
826 grinagog- constantly grinning person
827grithbreach- breach of the peace
828.grobianism- slovenly boorishness
829. groundling- a person with inferior taste, commoner
830. gynics- knowledge of women
831 gyrovague- a monk who travels from place to place
832 habromania- insanity producing beatific delusions
833.hadeharia- constant use of word hell
834 haecceity- aspect of existence on which individuality depends
835 halation- blurring in photograph due to light reflection
836 hallux- big toe
837 hamartia- character flaw leading to downfall
838 handfast- a firm grip, a contract
839 hamshackle-to fetter or restrain
840. hardihood-boldness or audacity
841. harridan- sharp-tongued scolding woman
842. harry-to plunder, ravage destroy
843. hawkshaw- a detective
844.heapstead- buildings around a mineshaft
845.hebdomadally- every week
846. hebenon- anything with poisonous juices
847. hebephrenia- dementia in puberty
848 hecatomb- large sacrifice or slaughter of 100
849 hederaceous-pertaining to ivy
850. hednon- wedding present
851. heeler- worker for a local politican or political party
852. hegumene- head of a nunnery
853. heliofugal- moving away from the sun
854. heliosis- sunburn
855. helobious- living in marshes or moors
856. helotry- class of slaves
857hemitery- congenital deformity
858. henotheism- tribal belief in a god but not the oml one
859.heresiarch- leader of a heretical movement
860. heroon- temple of a hero
861. hetaera- paramour, *******, meretrix, concubine
862. heterochrony- divergence from normal time sequence
863. heterodyne- interference due to different wave frequencies
864. hexaemeron- six days of creation
865. hierodule- temple slave
866.hierology- the science of sacred matters
867. hieropathic-strong love of the clergy
868. hipped- offended, melancholy peevish
869. hobohemia- community of hoboes
870. holm- island in a river
871holocryptic- inscrutable undecipherable
872. holt- woody hill or grove
873. homolegomena- books of the bible used in early Christianity
874.hornbook- rudimentary treatise
875. hornwork-cuckoldry
876.houghmagandy- fornication
877. houndstooth- fabric with an irregular checked pattern
878.humgruffin- a terrible person
879. hyaline- glassy or transparent
880. hylarchic-ruling over matter
881hylicism- materialism
882. hyle-matter
883. hylogenesis- the origin of matter
884.hylozoism- the belief that everything is endowed with life
885.hymeneal- relating to marriage
886. hypaethral- roofless open to the sky
887.hyperarchy- excessive government
888. hyperborean- living in extreme north
889.hyerbulia- excessive zeal for activity or action
890.hyperemesis- excessive vomiting
891. hypobulic- weak-willed
892.hypogeiody- surveying underground
893. hypogeum- underground chamber
894. iatramelia- medical negligence
895 ibidem- in the same place
896.ichneumous- parasitical
897 ichnogram- footprint
898. iconoduly- worship of icons or images
899. iconophilism- obsession of pictures as a hobbie
900. ideogenous- of mental origin
901. ideopraxist- someone who is impelled to carry out an idea
902. ideoprone- spoken but not written
903 idolect-distinct form of speech
904 ideogeny-study of the origin of ideas
905. idiocrasis-intrinsic peculiarity or unique feature
906 idioglossia- private language developed between children
907. ignavia- laziness, laxity
908. ignosceny- forgiveness
909. illecebrous- enticing, attractive
910.illimitable- supreme infinitude
911. ignotism- mistake due to ignorance
912. illation- act of inferring from premises
913. immortelle- everlasting dried flower
914.immunifacient- causing immunity
915. imparlance- delay in pleading for amicable adjustment
916. impavid- fearless, undaunted
917. impennate- feathless, wingless
918. imperseverant- lacking the power to perceive
919.  impetrate- to obtain by entreaty, request or prayer
920. imponent- that which levies an obligation
921. impropriate- to appropriate for private use
922. incivism- neglect of duty as a citizen
923.imcompossible- incapable of coexisting
924.incondite- poorly constructed
925. incuse- impressed or stamped upon
926.  indifferentism- belief all religions are equally valid
927.  indiscerptible- unable to be separated
928. indite- to compose
929. induciae- peace treaty or armistice
930. induviae- persistent leaves on dead plants
931. infomania- obsessive devotion for obtaining facts
932.infumate- smoky blackened
933. ingeminate- to reiterate or redouble
934.ingerence- intrusion interference
935.ingle- a fire in a room fireplace
936indlenook- alcve by a large open fire
937. ingravescent- growing more severe
938. inlagation-pardoning an outlaw
939. innominate- having no name
940. inopinate- not thought of unexpected
941.inquinate- to corrupt or defile
942.inquierendo- authority to inquire into something
943. inscient- having little or no knowledge
944. insidiate- to conspire against or betray
945. insolate- to treat by exposure to suns rays
946. instanter- at once
947. intempestive- unseasonablem untimely inopportune
948.interamnian- between two rivers
949. interlunation-dark time between old moon and new
950. interrex- one who rules during an an interregnum
951. interrobang-!? Or ?!
952.intertesselation- a complex interrelationship
953. intorted- turned inward
954.inurbanity- lack of manners
955. invictive- insurmountable undefeated
956. ipseity- state of being oneself
957. iracund- inclined to become angry
958.iridal- pertaining to a rainbow
959. iridine- rainbowlike
960. iridize- to make iridescent
961.  irrecusable- that cannot be rejected
962. irredenta- clamoring for territory to be returned to natural fgroups
963. irreption-stealthy entrance subtle or creepy intro
964. isapostolic-equal or contemporary with the apostles
965. isagoge- academic intro to a subject
966. isochronous- having the same duration
967. isocracy- equal political power
968.ivresse- drunkenness
969. izzat-public esteem, honor
970. ivoride- iimitation ivory
971. isorropic- of equal value
972. isonomy- equal privileges under the law
973. joss- luck or fate
974. jongleur- wandering minstrel
975. jow- to ring a bell
976.jumboism- admiration for large things
977. jumentous- like a horse
978. kalon- beauty more than skin deep
979.kantikoy- to dance as a form of worship
980. kame-steep irregular ridge
981. karezza- prolonged *** avoiding ******
982. keck- to retch ro feel digusts
983.kedge- small anchor to keep a ship steady
984.keelhaul- to punish by dredging under the keel of a ship
985.keeve- large tub
986. kemb- to comb
987. kenodoxy- a love or study of vainglory
988. kermesse- cycle race held in an urban area
989. kickshaws- a worthless keepsake or article
990.killcow- a bully or a swaggerer
991.killcrop- a greedy insatiable baby, a changeling
992. kinematics- study of motion
993. kinetogenic- causing movement
994.knackish- cunning, crafty
995. knickpoint- discontinuity of a river because of an erosion curve
996. kriegspiel- a wargame to teach strategy
997.kritarchy -government by judges
998. kurgan- prehistoric burial mound
999.kyrie- religious petition for mercy
1000.kyriolexy- use of literal expressions
1001. agenhina- a guest at an inn
1002. labarum- moral standard; ecclesiastical banner bearing Christ’s monogram
1003. labefactation- a weaking decay: overthrow
1004.labiomancy- lip-reading
1005.labrose- thick-lipped
1006.labtebricole- living in holes
1007. lacertilian- pertaining to lizards
1008. lackaday- expression of regret or deprecation
1009.laconicum- sauna
1010. lacuna- a blank space or missing part
1011.ladronism- robbery and banditry
1012.laeotropic- turning to the left
1013.laetificate- to cheer one up
1014. lagan- wreckage or goods found at the fundus of the sea
1015.lagniappe- gratuity or a gift given
1016. laicism- opposition to the clergy or priests doctrine of protestants
1017. lairwite- fine given to married women for adultery
1018. lamister- fugitive
1019. lanai- private balcony in a hotel room
1020.lancination-sharp shooting pain
1021. lares- local roman gods
1022.largition- giving of largesse
1023.larithmics- study of population statistics
1024. larrup-to flog or thrash
1025. laterad- towards the side’
1026. laterigrade- moving sideways
1027.latipennate- having broad wings
1028. latitudinous- wide or broad interpretation
1029.latration-yelping or barking
1030. latria- highest degree of veneration assigned to God over saints
1031lavadero- place for washing gold ore
1032. laveer- to sail against the wind
1033.layette- babys complete set of clothing
1034. laxism- belief that an unlikely opinion might be safely followed
1035.lection-reading in church lesson
1036. legalism- belief that salvation requires adherence to the nomisitc law of seculars
1037. legicide- killer or destroyer of laws
1038. legist- person knowledgeable about the law
1039. leman- lover sweetheart or paramour
1040.lemures- spirts of the dead
1041. lemma- preliminary proposition, theme, argument or headword
1042.lendrumbilate- to gullibly believe in a words veracity
1043. lentiginose- minutely dotted, freckled
1044.lentor- sluggishness viscidity
1045. lepidine- composed of scales
1046.lepidity- facetious wit
1047 lethe- oblivion forgetfulness
1048.lethologica- inability to remember the right word
1049.lethonomia- tendency to forget names
1050.levant- to run away from a debt
1051. lexer- law student
1052. lias- fossil-bearin limestone
1053.liberticide- destruction of liberty
1054.libidinist- lewd person
1055.libken- place to sleep in
1056. libricide- killer of books
1057.libration- apparent oscillation of moons visible surface
1058.lickerish- lecherous, *****, greedy
1059. lido- open-air swimming pool or bathing beach
1060.lientery- discharge of chyme
1061.ligyrophobia- fear of loud noises
1062.limacine- pertaining to slugs
1063. limiculous- living in mud
1064.limitrophe- near the frontier or border
1065.limnetic- living in fresh water/pertaining to
1066.limosis- abnormally ravenous appetite
1067. lipsanographer- one who writes about relics
1068. literatim- letter for letter
1069. litotes- understatementby affirming negation of the contrary
1070. liturgician- one who studies church rituals
1071.liturgist- leader in public worship
1072. livedo- pathological blueness of skin word borrowed from another language
1074.locanda- lodging house an inn
1075.lobcock- bumpkin, boor or lout
1076. lochetic- waiting in ambush
1077. locutory- room for conversation
1078.lodesman- pilot
1079. logice- in a logical manner
1080.logodaedaly- verbal legerdemain
1081. logomania- pathological loquacity
1082. logos- divine rational principle
1083.loimic- pertaining to the plagues or like a plague
1084.lollop- to bound about wildly
1086.longueur-period of dulnnes or teidum’
1087.lordolatry- worship of nobility
1088. lorgnon- an eyeglass
1089.lotophagous- indolent, lazy, dreamy feeding on lotuses
1090. lour- to look sullen or threatening
1091.lucifugous- avoiding light
1092. lucriferous- yielding profit
1093.ludibund- playful
1094. lunarist- one who believes the moon affects the weather
1095.lunisolar- pertaining to both moon and sun
1096. lustrate- to purify by sacrifice
1097. lychgate-roofed gate of churchyard
1098.lypemania- pathological mournfulness
1099.lyterian- indicating the end of a disease
1100. lythcoop-auction of household goods.
1101.  macadamize- to cover a road with small broken stones
1102.machair- low-lying sandy beach
1103. macrology- much talk  with little to say
1104. macroscian-one with a large shadow
1105. madescent- growing damp
1106. maculose- spotted
1107. maffick- to celebrate exuberantly and boisterously
1108. magisterium- teaching function of the Catholic Church
1109. magomancy- divination by magic or sorcery
1110. magpiety- garrulousness
1111. mainsail- principal sail
1112.malapert- bold, forward, saucy
1113.malism- belief the world is evil
1114.malison- a curse
1115.mamelle- a rounded hill
1116. mallosesmic- suffering from frequent and severe earthquakes
1117. mammothrept- spoiled child
1118. mandarism- government with large bureaucracy
1119.mandriarch- former of a monastic order
1120. mantology- fortune telling
1121. maquette-small model of something made on a large scale
1122.  marasmus- wasting away of the  body from malnutrition
1123. marrano- jew converted to Christianity to avoid persecution
1124. margaric- pearl like
1125.martext- ignorant preacher
1126.maskirovka- use of deceptive camouflage as a military stratagem
1127. mathesis- mental discipline, wisdom
1128.matinal- of or pertaining to the morning
1129.matriotism- love for country or other institution when regarded as mother
1130. malchus- short-cutting sword
1131. malefic- doing mischief, producing evil
1132. malgrado- notwithstanding
1133. mainour- the stolen goods found on a thief
1134. mammer- to stammer waver or be undecided
1135. mamzer- illegitimate child
1136. manciple- steward of college or monastery
1137. manqué- having ha unfulfilled amibition/ failing to achieve expectation
1138. margaric -pearllike
1139.maricolous- living in the sea
1140. martext- ignorant preacher
1141.  matroclinic- more like the mother than the father
1142.  maunder- to grumble, to drivel to mutter
1143.  mazy- dizzy. Confused
1144. mediagenic- able to produce a good image in the media
1145. medicaster- quack or charlatan
1146. meedless- undeserving, unrewarded
1147. megalography- art memorializing history
1148.megascopic- visible to naked eye
1149. melano- abnormally dark person or animal
1150. melismatic- florid in melody
1151.  memoriter- from memory by heart
1152. mentatiferous- telepathic
1153.  mereology- study of part-whole relationships
1154. meristic- divided into parts or segments
1155. mesocracy- government by the middle-class
1156.  mesquin- mean ungracious
1157. metage- official weighing of goods
1158.metagnomy- divination
1159. micrander- dwarf male plant
1160. micropolis- small city
1161. millitaster- solider without skill or ability
1162.milt- fish spawn
1163.mimature- mimicry
1164. minauderie- display of affection
1165. minimifidian- having the smallest possible degree of faith
1166. minimism- reduction of the dogma to the least possible
1167.minutious- paying undue heed to minutiae
1168.mirador- watchtower or belvedere
1169. miscegene- person of mixed racial heritage
1170. mistetch- bad habit
1171.mnemonotechny- a tactic to increase memory capacity
1172. mobilism- belief nothing is fixed
1173. modalism- belief the trinity are three modes of the same entity
1174.  modish- fashionable stylish
1175.mofussil- provincial rural
1176.mogigraphia- writing with difficulty
1177. mogilalia- speaking with difficulty
1178. mollycoddle- an effeminate man
1179. momilogy- study of mummies
1180.mondain- worldy fashionable o such a person
1181. monergism- theory that the holy spirit alone can act
1182. mongery- marketing or trafficking in discreditable ways
1183. monoculus-one eyed person
1184. monoideism- fixation on single thought or idea
1185. monophysitism- belief that cchrist was primarily divine but in human form
1186. monosy- separation of parts normally fused
1187. Montero- huntsman
1188. Montgolfier- balloon using fire for propulsion
1189.monticolous- mountain dwelling
1190. morbiferous- disease- bringing
1191.morcellate -to divide into smaller portions
1192. mordant- biting, caustic, incisive, corrosive
1193. morganise- to secretly do away with
1194. morgue- haughtiness or arrogance
1195. morient- dying
1196.  morigeration- deferent behavior
1197.morioplasty- restoration of lost parts of the body’
1198. morosis- pathological feeble-mindedness
1199.morphaen- of or like pertaining to dreams
1200. morse- walrus.
1201. nabalitic- churlish
1202. naissance- new development
1203 nancifully- in an effeminate manner
1204. nanity- some deficiency in a certain respect
1205 naos- inner cell of a temple
1206. napoo- to destroy or ****
1207 narcocracy- government by drug cartels
1208 narcose- hallucinogenic stupor
1209.narquois- mocking malicious
1210. narrowcast- transmit a program for a narrow audience
1211. narthex- small entrance or porch to a church
1212. naskin- prison
1213 natable- able to float
1214.natalitial- like a birthday
1215. naticide- killing your own child
1216. naturism- communal nudism
1217. naucify- to despise to hold in low esteem
1218.naufrague- a shipwrecked person
1219. naumachy- mock sea battle
1220. naupegical- relating to ship building
1221. navarchy- rulership of the seas
1222. nave- largest part of the church where congregation sits
1223.nebbich- colorless, inconsequential person
1224.nebulist- artist with indistinct lines
1225. necessitudinarian- determinist
1226.necrogenic- deriving from dead animals
1227 nefandous- abominable despicable
1228.nefastous- wretched, miserable
1229.negaholic- habitually pessimistic.
1230. pagophagia- eating ice
1231. palliard- a vagabond or drifter who sleeps in the hay in peoples barns
1232 pancratic- accomplished in many sports or disciplines
1233.panjandrum-self-important person with vainglory that thinks they are powerful
1234. pantagamy- married to everybody
1235. pantomancer- one who sees omens in every event
1236. pantophobia- fear of everything
1237. papabile- a candidate for pope or another high office
1238 papyrocracy- rulership by paperwork or the press
1239. parabolanus- a monk who treats diseases
1240. paradiorthosis-a false correction or addition of misconceptions to correct data
1241. paralian- one who lives by the sea
1242. paralipophobia- fear of responsibility
1243.paratersiomania- obsession with being a ******
1244. paravent- to shelter from the wind
1245. parergon- a second job or additional source of income
1246. parisologist- a person who uses ambiguous language
1247. parnel- mistress of a priest
1248. parrhesiastic- ability to speak freely
1249.parousimamania- an obsession with the return of Christ
1250. pasilaly- a universal language
1251. passulation- the act of drying up and turning into a raisin
1252. pastorauling- walking through fields with significant other
1253. pataphysics- the science of imaginary solutions or nonsensical philosophies
1254. patavinity- use of local slang when writing
1255. pathenophilia- the love of virgins
1256.pathognomy- the study of emotions or the physical response thereto
1257. pavonine- resembling a peacocks tail, iridescent
1258. pauciloquent- using as few words as possible
1259.peccatiphobia- fear of sinning
1260.pecunious- having a lot of money
1261. pedipulate- to operate with ones feet
1262. pedotropy- raising children properly
1263.peenge- complain with a whining tone crose
1264. pelagic- relating to open oceans
1265. peniaphobia- fear of poverty
1266. penotherapy- control of prostitutes to prevent STDS
1267. peramene- very pleasant
1268. percontation- a question or inquiry
1269. perculsion- extreme shock or concern
1270. perendinate- to delay indefinitely
1271. perfuncturate- to do a task in a careless manner
1272.periblebsis- a wild look accompanying delirium
1273.periclitate- to endanger or risk of danger
1274. perissopedics- dealing with gifted children
1275. pernoctation- staying up all night working
1276. pervulgate-to publish something
1277. phagomania- insatiable hunger
1278 pharisee- a very self-righteous person
1279. phanerolagnist- a psychologist studying human lust
1280. phasmophobia- fear of ghosts
1281.phenakism- an act of treachery or cheating
1282.phengophobia- fear of sunlight or the sun
1283.philalethist- a lover of truth
1284. philocalist- a lover of beauty
1285.philocubist- lover of dice games
1286.philodespot- lover of tyranny
1287.philodox-lover of ones own opinions
1288.philogeant- lover of everything on earth
1289.philographer- collector of autographs
1290. philogynist- lover of women
1291.philoneist- lover of fads or trends
1292. philonoist- someone who is seeking knowledge
1293. philoprogeneit- the love of your own children
1294. philosophunculist- someone who pretends to know more than they really do know to impress
1295.philoxenist- someone who loves to entertain strangers
1296.phobanthropy- fear of humanity in general
1297.phonocamptics- science of echoes
1298. phronemophobia- fear of thinking
1299.phrontistery- a place for study or concentration or contemplation
1300.phudnik- irritating person with a PhD.
1301.physitism- worship of nature
1302.pickthank- a sycophant or yes man
1303.pilosism- excessive hair
1304.pilpul-debate among rabbis about the Talmud
1305. pismirism-saving of every bit of money such as hoarding
1306.placophobia- fear of tombstones
1307.planomania- urge to roam
1308.pleionosis- the habit of exaggerating ones own importance
1309.plenilune- time of the full moon
1310.plevisable- able to be bailed out of jail
1311. plongeur- one who washes dishes for a living
1312.plousiocracy- government by wealthy and elite
1313. pococurante- insouciant or indifferent
1314.podlec- bad person who inspires contempt and hatred
1315.poinephobia- fear of punishment
1316.pollarchy- rulership by the mob
1317. polydipsia- excessive thirst either literally or figuratively
1318. polyandry- marriage to several men
1319. polylogize- to talk excessively
1320. polyloquent- someone who can talk about a multitude of subjects with mastery’
1321. pomology- study of how fruit grows
1322.ponerologist- one who expounds on the evils of nature
1323. ponophobia- fear of overworking
1324. posology- area of medicine dealing with dosages
1325. precibal- before dinner
1326. preterition- theory that God has predecided who he will save and will neglect everyone else
1327.preternuptial-after the marriage
1328.preterpluperfect- more than perfect
1329. proficuous-advantageous and useful
1330.prosophobia- fear of progress
1331.psaphonic- preoccupied with planning your ascent to wealth
1332.psephology- study of political elections
1333.pseudoautochiria- a ****** made to look like a suicide
1334. psithurism-the sound of the wind around rustling leaves in the forest
1335.psychomancy- divination by talking to the dead
1336. psychopomp- one who leads the spirits of the dead and the living on a righteous course
1337.ptochocracy- a government by the poor
1338.puellaphilist- one who loves girls
1339.pule- to complain like a small child
1340.pullulate- to breed rapidly to overpopulate
1341.pyrrhonist- an extreme skeptic who accepts nothing at face value
1342.pysmatic- always questioning or inquiring
1343.pythogenic- coming from garbage
1344 ecocentrism- a philosophy or perspective that places intrinsic value on all living organisms and their natural environment, regardless of their perceived usefulness or importance to human beings.
1345. subitize- rain-. ain caliber skills at counting or assizing
1346 shivaree- m a mock serenade with kettles, pans, horns, and other noisemakers given for a newly married couple; charivari
1347. manqué- having failed, missed, or fallen short, especially because of circumstances or a defect of character; unsuccessful; unfulfilled or frustrated (usually used postpositively): a poet manqué who
1348. garbology- the study of the material discarded by a society to learn what it reveals about social or cultural patterns
1349. prorogue- to discontinue meetings of a group without dissolving it
1350 . prosopography-a description of individuals life character or physical form.
1351. paciferous- peace-bringign
1352. pais- a place where people are selected to be drawn
1353. palatine- having royal authority over a region
1354.paideutic- educational method or theory
1355. paludism- marsh-fever , malaria
1356.palzogony- foreplay
1357.pamphyticism- doctrine that material is the overriding force in reality
1358. panaesthesia- a totality of perception
1359. panarchy- universal rule or dominion
1360.panaestheticism- theory that matter might inhere with consciousness
1361 pancosmism- theory that only the material universe exists
1362.panegyry- religious festival or grand assembly
1363. panmixia- the cessation of natural selection
1364. pansophy- universal knowledge
1365. pentarchy- world government
1366. pantoglot- speaker of all languages
1367 raith- quarter of a year
1368 ratomorphism- belief that all human sapience translates to animals some if not all
1369.rectalgia- pain in the ***
1370.recumbentibus- a sockdolager a knockout blow
1371 rememble- a false memory
1372. repine- to express discontent or longing
1373.rhabdophobia- the fear of magic
1374. roil- to make muddy or disturb sediment
1375 roorback- a fake news story to discredit a political opponent
1376 sabaism- worship of stars
1377. salariat- class of society earning salaries
1378.salebrosity- uneven and roughness
1379. samizdat- illegal writing by political dissenters
1380. sandapile- coffin
1381. sapphism- the state of being lesbians
1382. saprogenic- causing rot or decay
1383. sarcinarious- able to carry a heavy burden
1384. sardanapalian- luxuriously effeminate
1385.sarmassophobia- fear of love play
1386. Sarvodaya- an idealized society with no class system
1387. satisdiction- saying everything needed to be said
1388.satrapess- a petty tyrant of an official
1389. saxify- to turn to stone or rock.
1390.scabilonian- a disliked garb that is tacky
1391.scacchic-pertaining to chess
1392.scaldabanco- a priest with a fiery sermon
1393.scelestious- evil or wickedness
1394. scholaptitude- natural ability to be a scholar
1395.scollardical- an insult for sophomaniacal intellectuals who brag
1396.scopolagnia- pleasure gained by a ******
1397.selachostomous- shark-mouthed
1398. semelparous- having only one child
1399. senectitude- old age
1400.sepicolous- living in bushes or hedges
1401.shanachie- person who enjoys regaling stories or legends
1402. shurocracy- a government based on consensus
1403.shunamitism- rejuvenation of an older man by a younger woman
1404. silentium- a place where silence is enforced
1405. sithcundman- oldest resident of an area
1406.skoptsy- self-castration
1407.skookum- first-rate or the best
1408.slubberdegullion- a churlish boor a slob
1409.smatchet- a small nasty person or child
1410. smellfungus- a person who finds fault with everything or one
1411. snirtle- suppressed laughter
1412. solivagant- wandering all alone
1413. sodality- an organization or group
1414.somnifuguous- something that prevents sleep
1415. sophrosyne- wise moderation and prudence and good sense
1416 spaneria- a place with few men
1417.spanogyny- a place with few or no women
1418. sparge- to moisten by sprinkling with water
1419.sphallolalia- flirtatious talk that leads nowhere
1420. spindrift- an ocean spray which is blown by the wind
1421. spuddle- to treat minor business as though it were important
1422.squirearchy- government by landed gentry
1423.stafador- a fake or an impostor
1424. stagiary- student of law
1425. stalko- poor man who pretends riches
1426.stenotopic- one can only live in a very limited environment
1427. stichomancy- random passages from bible divination
1428. stratocracy- government formed by the military
1429.stupration- the **** of a ******
1430. stygiophobia- a fear of hell
1431.succedaneum- an acceptable but inferior substitution
1432. symposiarch- master of ceremonies
1433.syndyasmia-  open marriage where both are free to philander
1434. syntality- the predictable behavior of a social group.
1435. tachophobia- fear of speed
1436. tachydidactic- being taught rapidly
1437 tanquam- person educated enough to attend college
1438. tantony- one who always follows others
1439. tantrels- people who refuse to get a job
1440. tarassis- male equivalent of hysteria
1441. tartarology- study of hell
1442.tatamae- something agreed on publically but not privately
1443.temulentia- advanced drunkenness verging on unconsciousness and blackout
1444.tentiginous- full of lust
1445.theanthropism- belief in union of divinity and carnality (divine and human)
1446.theocristic- anointed by God
1447.theocrasy- worship of different gods
1448. theogamy- marriage between gods
1449.theoktony- the death of God or god
1450.theologoumenon- individual opinion on God or divinity
1451. theomastix- divinely ordained disaster
1452.theomicrist- one who mocks god
1453.theoplasm- the stuff gods are made of
1454. theophany- divine manifestation
1455.timmynoggy- a device that saves time or labor
1456. timocracy- government of honorable people
1457.tirocinium- a soldiers first battle
1458. tomecide- murdering a book
1459.tregetour- a street magician or juggler
1460. tropoclastics- science of changing habits
1461. turpitude- a shamefully wicked act
1462.tycolosis- accident prevention
1463. tyrophilia- love of cheese
1464.tziganologist- one who studies gypsies or their culture.
1465. wagtail- an obsequious person or a harlot
1466. wallydrag- a feeble or worthless person or animal
1467. walm- to spout or boil up
1468.wanhope- despair
1469.wanion- ill-luck misfortune
1470. wankle- unstable or unsteady
1471. wanze- to decrease or waste away
1472.  wasm- an outdated policy doctrine or theory
1473.waygone- exhausted from long travels
1474.waywiser- instrument for measuring mileage traveled
1475.weirdward- bordering on supernatural
1476. welter- turmoil or chaos
1477.whangam- an imaginary animal
1478.whemmle- to overturn to throw into a state of disorder
1479. wieldless- unmanageable
1480.wilder- to cause to stray
1481.windlass- circuitous movement , indirect action
1482. winterkill- to **** by exposure to cold
1483.witeless- blameless
1484.witwanton- to engage in irreverent wit
1485.womanthrope-hater of women
1486. wondermonger- one who promises miracles
1487.wonderwork- prodigy, miracle, thaumaturgy
1488.wone- custom, dwelling place or habit
1489. woolage- untidy hair
1490.woopie- well-off older person
1491.workshy- hating or avoiding work
1493.worricrow- hobgoblin or scarecrow
1494.wrackful- destructive
1495.wretchock- the weakest of a breed
1496.wynd- narrow street or lane.
1497. Nuncle- to defraud
1498. Numquid- an inquisitive person
1499. Nubilate- to obscure
1500. Nowise- not at all
1501. Novercal- fear of one’s step mother
1502. Noxal- wrongful injury by animal or object of another
1503. Novantique- both old and new as a reparation of an ill-served problem
1504. Novalia- lands broughten under new cultivation
1505. Noometry- mind measurement
1506. nonpareil- of the utmost elegance or superlative stature
1507.noosphere- sum of human intellectual activity
1508. normalism- the state of being normal
1509. nosophobia- fear of disease
1510. nostrification- acceptance at a foreign university
1511. notalgia- back pain
1512. nothingarian- person who has no particular belief
1513 notarikon- making words from letters from someones sentence
1514. nomism- belief moral conduct comes from observance of laws
1515. nomocracy- a government based on the rule of law
1516 nocicepty- susceptibility to pain
1517. noema- stating something obscurely for others to figure out
1518. nexility- compactness of speech
1519. neritic- belonging to shallow waters near land
1520. neoteny- presence of puerile qualities among adults
1521. neorama- interior view of a building
1522. Neonomianism- the feeling that gospel abrogates existing laws
1523. obiter- in passing incidentally
1524. objectivism- the theory that all reality is objective
1525. objuration- the act of binding by an oath
1526. obmutescent- persistently silent
1527.obsecrate- to beseech or implore
1528. obtenebrate- to cast a shadow over
1529. obvolute- overlapped or twisted
1530. olid- rank smelling
1531.oligomania- an obsession with a few thoughts or ideas
1532. olivet- artificial pearl
1533. omniety- the state of being all (allness)
1534. omnigenous- of all kinds
1535. omniparity- general equality
1536 ontal- of like or pertaining to reality or existence
1537 operose- laborious or tedious
1538. ophelimity- ability to please sexually able to satisfy
1539. ophiuran- brittle star
1540. opiniaster- one who holds onto an opinion despite castigation
1541.optative- mood describing desire or wish
1542.orbific- creating the world
1543.orchesis- art of dancing and rhythmic movmenet
1544. orthodromics- sailing by most direct route
1545. orthian- high-pitched
1546. orthotropism-vertical growth
1547. ostiolate- having an opening
1548 otarine- pertaining to seals
1549 otosis- mishearing of speech
1550. outmantle- to exceed in dress or ornament
1551.outrance- the utmost extremity the bitter end
1552.outroop- auction
1553overflush- superfluity
1554.overhaile- to overtake or overpower
1555. owlery-place frequented by owls
1556. oxyacaesthesia- extreme sharpness of the senses
1557. parvanimity- smallness of mind
1558. parviscent- having little knowledge
1559. passiuncle- a lesser or minor passion
1560. pasigraphy- a system for universal writing
1561. patibulate- to execute by hanging
1562 patibulary- of or like the gallows
1563. peccable- liable to sin
1564. pedententous- proceeding slowly
1565. peirastic- experimental or tentative
1566. pejorism- severe pessimism
1567. peradventure- possibly
1568.percoct- well-cooked or overdone
1569. percurrent- running through the whole length
1570. percutient- having the power to strike or striking
1571. peregal- fully equal
1572.perenate- to survive from season to season on grumbling crumbs
1573.perruquier- a wigmaker
1574. perse- ark blue or bluish grey
1575. perseity- independent existence
1576.perpend-to weigh in the mind, to consider carefully
1577. personalism- the belief that all humans possess spiritual freedom
1578. personalia- personal details possessions or stories
1579. perstringe-to constraint, to censure
1580 pessimum- point of life least favorable to circumstances
1581. phanopoeia- visual imagery in poetry
1582. pharos- lighthouse or beacon
1583. phenogenesis- origination of racial groups
1584. philippic- a speech or writing full of bitter condemnation
1585. philistine- materialistic in outlook uncultured
1586. philocaly- lover of beauty
1587 philter- love potion or charm
1588. phonophorous- transmitting sound waves
1589. photaesthesia- sense of vision
1590.phototonus- sensitivity to light
1591.phrenesis- delirium or frenzy
1592. phylactic- defending against disease
1593. phylarchy- government by a certain class or tribe
1594. picine- resembling woodpeckers
1595.piend- a salient angle
1596 pigmentocracy- government by one skin color
1597.pigsconce- blockhead
1598. pigwash- ******* nonsense or poppycock
1599.pilgarlick- poor wretch; self-pitying person
1600. pisteology- science or study of faith pistiology
1601. placet- vote of assent in a governing body
1602. plafond- decorated ceiling
1603. planster- petty or poor planner
1604.plashy-full of pools or puddles marshy or boggy
1605. plebania- mother curch having authority over several other local churches
1606.plenum- space completely filled with matter
1607.pleonexia- greed or avarice
1608.pleroma- fullness and abundance
1609. plexus- network
1610. plexure-networ, web interweaving
1611.plutonomy- economics
1612poculation- drinking of alcoholic beverages
1613. poculent-fit for drinking
1614 pogonip- dense fog of suspended ice particles
1615.pogonophile- lover of beards
1616.pokerish- causing terror, uncanny
1617.poivrade- pepper sauce
1618.polemology- the study of war
1619. politicide- killing people based on political beleifs
1620. polyacoustic- amplifying sounds
1621.polyergic- having many functions  
1622. polydemic- native to several countries
1623. polyhistor- a person with exceptionally wide knowledge
1624.polyphiloprogenitive- very fertile very imaginative
1625. polypharmacy- the treatment with many medicines
1626. polyopia- multiple vision
1627. polypsychic- having several souls
1628.polysemant- a word with a variety of meanings
1629.pontist- bridge-builder
1630. popinjay- conceited person
1631. popple- to flow tumblingly to heave choppily
1632.porlocking- irritating intrusion or interruption
1633.porphyrogenitic- of royal birth
1634. portreeve- mayor
1635.postcenium- the part of the stage behind the scenery
1636. postulant- a candidate for a religious order
1637. potager- garden laid out to outmantle
1638.pother- choking smoke or dust, fuss, commotion
1639. potomania- alcoholism
1640. poudrin- small ice crystals
1641. pourboire- tip or gratuity
1642.pragmatica- royal edict that has nomothetic force
1643. pratal- grown in meadows
1644. preceptive- concerning rules of conduct law or precepts
1645. preciation- evaluation of value or price of thing
1646. preconcert- to settle beforehand
1647. pregustation- foretaste
1648.predestinarianism- the theory that time is fixed in design nothing can change
1649.predevote- foreordained
1650. prefulgent- extremely bright
1651. premotion- divine impulse determining the will
1652. premundane- period before earth existed
1653. prepone- to schedule earlier
1654. probabilism- belief that knowledge is probable but not certain
1655.procacity- petulance and insolence
1656procellous- stormy
1657. pro rata-proportionally
1658. probabiliorism- when in doubt one must choose most likely answer
1659. projectionism- some qualities are a mental projection
1660.proleptical- prehistoric
1661 profectitious- derived from a parent or ancestor
1662. prosodemic- contagious or infectious
1663. prosit- toast to good health
1664. protogenic- formed at the beginning
1666. gawdelpus- evil
1667protervity- peevishness wantonness
1668.protistology- study of protests
1669. proreption- creeping attack or secretive advance of troops
1670. protensive-extensive in time or length
1671. protopathy- first or direct experience
1672. protoplast- original ancestor
1673.proxysm- close or near relationship
1674.pruritus- itching of the skin
1675. pseudography- inadequate spelling
1676. pseudolalia- incoherence of speech
1677.psilanthropism- the denial of Christ’s divinity
1678.psilosophy- shallow philosophy limited knowledge
1679. psychagogue- conductor of souls to the underworld
1680. psychalgia- mental pain or distress
1681.psychiasis- healing of the soul
1682.psychism- belief in a universal soul
1683.psychogony- development of mind or soul
1684.psychosophy-doctrine or theory of a soul
1685.psychorrhagy- separation of soul from body
1686. psychotaxis- alteration of mental outlook to suit personality
1687. psychurgy-mental function operation or energy
1688.pauperization- product of beggars (ptochogony)
1689.pucelage- virginity
1690.puericulture- child-rearing
1691. purlieu- persons usual haunts a neighborhood
1692.purpresture- encroachment on public property
1693.pushful-energetically enterprising
1694. pusillanimous- cowardly having a weak character
1695.putanism- prostitution lewdness
1696.pyrosis- heartburn
1697.pyrrhotism- state of being red-haired
1698. adiaphoron- something someone is theologically indifferent to
1699.anchorite- one withdrawn from the world for religious reasons
1700 archimandrite- head of monastery or convent
1701. autocephality- ecclesiastical self-government
1702. autotheism-belief that one is god incarnate or Jesus Christ
1703. auto-da-fe burning of a heretic
1704. calotte- a roman catholic skullcap
1705. camerlengo- a papal treasurer
1706. canticle- short holy song or sung prayer
1707. cartulary- keeper of monastic records
1708 catabaptism-belief in wrongness of infant baptism
1709. churchism- devotion to church rules over religious precepts
1710. compaternity- spiritual relationship between childs parents and godparents
1711. credo- concise statement of doctrine
1712. deodate- gift from god
1713. dyotheletism- belief that Christ had two wills
1714.ecclesiastry- affairs of the church
1715. epiclesis- calling on the holy spirit to consecrate the Eucharist
1716. eschaton- end of the world end-time
1717. exequy- funeral rites
1718.florilegium- anthology of writing by church fathers
1719. hassock- kneeling cushion in a church
1720. hieratical- priestly bound by religious convention
1721. housel- the Eucharist
1722. hyperdulia- veneration of ****** Mary above saints and angels
1723. jubilate- third Sunday after easter
1724.kirking- the first attendees after getting married
1725. Magnificat- canticle in praise of ****** mary
1726.manciple- steward of a college or monastery; purveyor
1727 monophysitism- belief that Christ was primarily divine but in human form
1728.monotheletism- belief Christ only had one will
1729. mystagogical- relating to religious initiation
1730. orison-prayer
1731. Parousia- the second coming of Christ
1732.passalorynchite- religious person who takes a vow of silence
1733. pericope- a passage read in liturgical ceremony (excerpt)
1734. pietism- unquestioning dogmatic devotion
1735. pneumatophany- appearance of a spirit especially the holy ghost
1736pneumatomachy- denial of divinity of holy ghost
1737. prebend- stipend for clergymen
1738 pseudepiscopy-  existence or rule of a spurious bishop
1738. rasophore- low ranking monk for Greek Orthodox
1739. requiescat – prayer for the dead
1740 rogation- asking for supplication especially ecclesiastically
1741. rood- cross or crucifix at the entrance of a church
1742. sacramentarianism- belief that sacraments have unusual powers
1743.sacrarium- a place where sacred objects are kept
1744.sigillum- the seal of confession
1745. simony- buying or selling ecclesiastical offices
1746 shrive- to hear a confession and give absolution to
1747. synod- council or assembly of religious people
1748 terce- prayer held at 9am
1749. theodidact- one who is taught by God a student of God
1750. theody- hymn in praise of God
1751. tremendum- feeling of ovewrhelimg awe associated with religious experience
1752. tritheism- belief members of trinity are separate Gods
1753. tropology- figurative language, moral interpretation of the bible
1754.ubiquitarianism- a belief that Christ is everywhere
1755. ultramontane- south of the alps supporting the pope
1756.undercroft- a crypt or vault under a church
1757. verger- church usher and attendant
1758 vicegod- derogatory term for the pope
1759 frankalmoign- land tenure requiring religious obligations on part of tenant
1760 galilee- porch in front of church
1761. eremite-hermit, religious recluse
1762. euchology- prayer book
1763. quizzacious- satirical
1764. quoz-absurd person or thing
1765.quoniam- female genitals
1766. mollycoddle-evil
1767. quod- prison
1768. quisquilious- made of *******
1769quisquous-perplexing, difficult to deal with
1770. quilombo- foreign settlement where slaves hide or fugitives
1771.  quidlibet- minor trivial point in argument
1772. quidditative- quirky, eccentric
1773. quiddle- a fastidious person
1774. questmonger- guy with job to collect inquests
1775.querulist- one who complains
1776. quantulate -to calculate the magnitude of
1777.quantulum-small quantity
1778.quantuplicity-relative magnitude of a quantity
Neologisms Part 1
1779Nauclatic (fairgoers): The deeply spiritually intertwined with nature just being introduced to the comforts of civilization
1780Rengall: Reified by concrete effrontery in discovery (Indiana jones)
1781flagstall: to lose national unity because of corruption
1782Escraven: timid in the usage of secret terminology
1783Glaggle: impress with gobbledygook that is divorced from substance
1784 Flagstag: an undue importance of inconsequential elections
1785 Fritty: someone who wastes their time
1786Gollumny: covetousness for a talisman
1787Akabu: deserted time-travelers stranded in the future or the past
1788kloffen: A placid body of water
1789Hermallop: dumping an uglier woman for a hotter one
1790 Radiohoo: fake top secret rap and pop music
1791 Radioglare: Menacing threats by objectionable musical trends
1792 Aushehotaria: Having an O.B.E. relationship
1793Wickersnatcher: Stolen time travel pirate goods/pirates
1794Slalem: navigating the esoteric in common contemplation
1795scroogid: Spoilsport based on false expectations
1796 Xenucography: Cryogenic attempts at eternal life
1797 Qwersy: too popular to be ****** with
1798Minimasque: No ***** given about poor people
1799Oxyholotron: specious time travel paradox
1800 Errid: poor mismanagement that leads to drought
1801 wavesnatcher: chronic pirate of obscure music
1802Niminal: sea monster of pain
1803Retrude: introducing obsolescence that is unplanned
1804Qart: art apportionment among museums
1805Grimsuetude: Morose temperament impaired deeply
1806Qwestun: Cast System of Extras
2515Vilium: Missing obvious ****** opportunities
2516Veridium: Success with women
2517laskerade: Free-for-all euphoric party
seguage: Connections among times
Hortosynchrony: simultaneously played chants
Vangermyte: Sycophant NSA agents that cozy up to the stock market
Primitude: first in line
primiventure: first expedition
quilldoten: keep it on wax
jengadangle: arbitrage based on financial collapse or playing the VIX
Chrenodendron: Ancient Time Traveler
Chrenodamiange: Near future time traveler to the past
Chrenoid: seen a time machine before
Chrystrenic: The pacification and mollification of sentiment
Jakatta: wisdom of the disguiseans
ugmentum: bad trends continuing
Jocknee: To worship sports
Hackencrude: Stupid vituperative pornographic sentiments
Gullarge: a large unassailed lie fed by the media
glawson: To browbeat with nepotism in legal cases
virecreant: A male person that never flirts with women
hollertrap: Announcing non-neutrality in a world that is divided
qwink: *** between celebrities
qwasthink: an intricate pattern of visualized words
Trocket: Synergized tree-minds meeting in one body
Squirebell: A formal diplomat
Yessurp: Codeine addict
Matrhine: A smart German
poiliosis: a fake disease that is artificial
Dubois: A teed to the nines gangster that robs the corrupt blind
Flissoid: Gloss, beauty, eloquence but nasty personal hygiene among women
Reskig: Sparing animals from painful slaughter
Salug: a salute that hurts your reputation
rainshod: oppressive cold winters in pacific nw
tinjesk: Poker-Faced villain
qwiss: Orgiastic non-contact make-outs
repcrevel: Venality on Wall-Street and the Capitol Building
drass: Useful lingerie
pinhoke: Cause an idea or a campaign to sink
ribbacle: A shibboleth of pretended intellect
fuly: auras of lightning on LSD
renvard: auras of synesthesia
plackique: sports memorabilia
ponkoss: beach-dweller
klipfrag: ancient movie footage
skrimch: haunted cities
roerik: kingpin of secrets
wespian: breezy fall leaves
rintinole: covert voyeurism
qaest: a fake life to replace a real one
brumble: fight among drunk people
bilkey: knowledge about the stock market insider information
wreggle: blackwashing history
hoyjoipolloi: free drugs and bubble-gum for every Canadian
qwartion: wicked schemes that involve abortion and clones
flipcrave: switching  drug cravens (tim tebow)
teaboat: to be aboard a flailing vessel before it gets ransacked by reason and logic
sollow: hollow and sadness percolating over a victim
strollow: people evil enough to deserve being alone
chenkenwhich: prestidigitation in fake time travel
glickstorm: a hail of gay ******* rick-rolling
wrikpond: The betting pool aggregate form at any casino
histeriological:someone who understands historical trends
tribance: Prerogatives of esoteric knowledge handed down to native americans
hilswop: changing nearby universities
slore: lore for mentally handicapped people
rigamorhole: the information about where elite people hang out
qazz: gurgling soda down
pleckigger: An agricultural apportionment of land that is rational and logical
Ruby-Tuesday-blues: song meaning
halliformatic: person who goes to heaven
squalorformatic: a person who goes to agony
fitterformatic: borderline on both
syvil: nurturing old people
jeccha: democrat trap
oinslew: a large catholic family
erlap: a short confiment
tawy: chewy and sweet
pordeg: high degree mason that is poor
kallince: shrieking with terror at movie theater
groussaints: best house music
rindkline: best EDM
wrepolis:city owned by musicians
ilkengor: similar military strategies
qwarth: wars fought for vain reasons
bracking nudes: ugly women naked *******
swarp: time warp speed
swarpollock: nonsensical UFO lie
WHOLOGANS: spies that always attend international matches between rival countries that get the best information
Gilvaringe: habitual injector of methamphetamine
webbdoodle: decline of kinesiology because of technology
twatterclap: frustration with writing
grangull: witty yet naïve
dormitage: finding the best AirBnB and roommate
wayspaying: reckless neutering of men by feminism
wartle: a slow war by a pathetic guerilla enemy
tranception: communication of souls in eternity
rittle: a mind-teaser for dumb people
Minkumpf: a book on animal genocide
pregromanging: predictive programming about cool fashions in the future
Shilluminatus: a fake illuminati person
Ralphiesque: Someone on the wrong side of history
cognoscenti: real illumination
whasper: Ghostly contact with ghouls
frimple: folding your clothese every day
Treecheese: money to be made in preserving rainforests
tattermedalion: pretended poor person that lives in poverty to disguise his wealth
flocksturr: focuses on avionics of top secret craft
panejectifron: time-travelers exiting their cars
pancledes: time travlers that can be identified
covertthow: an attempt by spies to gain more power
martle: someone too slow to survive on mars
marstion: foothold on habitable planet
wibble-wabble: tergiversation in high pressure situations
flipsquire:99th percentile IQ
frankquibber: 98th percentile IQ
cloveryield: the earnings of luck on aleatory circumstance
actsequlade: quaint TV sitcoms
gimply: with a great gait
fourteenfive:genius level intelligence
qwence: the place for elite people to congregate
Bilderberg: the crownpiece of kapstone paper that selects comfort lazily based on nepotism that worships enough owls until the decided date and that foists roosters to meet with clement (exceptionally) and inclement fate
frohemian: black hipsters
Effrogallant: Bold non-linear flirtation
Sart: coffin for poor people
Ralsk: secret underground subway system
riniguss: landlocked prosperity
tryme: corruption in court for poor people
whyern: beginning of stardom
marzarratea: Ghoulish time-travelers who talk too often
Awgrudge: underwhelming emotional reaction
Virtualasis: long-distance non-physical romance
qwask: infiltrate the untouchables
rijuice: A preordained outcome of an important game
Lagonagria: The uncertainty of scores even with prophetic insight
wopper: someone who is permanently oppressed
axile: carefully being cut or carved
tannen: that sins sometimes
pruke: ***** that comes from nausea that is forced
pluke: excessive absorption of new knowledge
ghallitosis: Fear of the unknown in time-travel
jimpster: a contactee by liaison with time travelers
sessomotto: rocketship
whilded: anticipation of death (thanatopsis)
praken: Aeolian winds of mythical divinity
mustreacle: expectations that are unrealistic that ruins lives
klangquant: making enemies of the aristocracy
pyer: effigy of a dead person bearing no blood
crabwhisker: when two people have such different associations they have no emotional propinquity and therefore can't relate to each other
prull it: implode a building
wetringle: droplets of vaginal fluid
cravvel: people with VD that pretend celibacy
revdection: the art of inventing new words to gain an advantage
trekleador: knowledge of the time before humans reigned supreme in sentience
grendelize: to use bewitched impediments to occlude progress
flivverscrape: to create an accident to moorganize someone
findrompscar: the culminated furtive workings of cryptaesthesia
lendrumbline: to use A/V technology to make people less intelligent
frivver: an unwarranted paranoia caused by misinformation provided by mendaciloquence
umjunction: the meeting of embattled tribes in common agreement for ulterior motives
1900. tabacosis- tobacco poisoning
1901. tabanid-blood ******* insect gadfly
1902. tabescent- wasting or shriveling
1903. tablature- mental image or picture
1904. tacenda- things to not be mentioned
1905.tach- link
1906tachism- painting by smearing or splattering
1907. tachymetry-measure of speed
1908.tachyscope- early cinematograph
1909. taeniacide- killing of tapeworms
1910.taghairm- ancient divination Scottish highlands
1911. tagmeme- analysis of arrangement of spoken elements
1912. talionic- retributive: like for like
1913. talaric-relating to the ankles
1914tanistry- succession by previously elected representative
1915. tantivy- at full gallop, headlong
1916.taphephobia- fear of being buried alive
1917tapotement- use of light taps in massage
1918. tarradiddle- senseless talk, nonsense
1919. tardigrade- slow-paced
1920. tartarology-beliefs about the underworld
1921.tastevin- wine-taster
Religious Lexicon Expansion
    1. Acquinesk- religious people distracted from religion
    2. Trimfeet- steadfast attuned devotees to God
1922. rackrent- excessive rent
1923. Rabelaisian- coarsely hilarious
1924. rach- dog that hunts by scent
1925.racemiferous-bearing clusters or bunches
1926.raciology- study of racial differences
1927.racloir- scraper used by early hominids
1928.radicated-rooted, established
1929.radiciform- like a root’
1930. radicolous- living on roots
1931.raffish-disreputable, ******
1932. ragabash-idle worthless fellow
1933.ragmatical- wild, ill-behaved
1934.raisonneur- a person in a play or book or movie embodying authors viewpoint
1935.ramate- branched
1936.ramellose- having small branches
1937.rampallion- scoundrel or villain
1938.rampick- dead tree or tree decayed at top
1939.ranarian- froggy
1940. rand- border, edge or margin
1941.randan- uproar, din, riotous conduct
1942.rangiferine- pertaining to reindeer
1943. rannygazoo-foolish nonsense
1944.rantipole- wild or disorderly
1945.rantize- to sprinkle with water in baptism
1946.rarisssima- extremely rare books
1947.rasorial-scraping the ground for food
1948.rath- prehistoric hill fort
1949.rathe-quick; early; eager
1950.ratten-to practice sabotage advance
1951.ravelin- detached work with two embankments
1952. razzmatazz-meaningless talk; hype; nonsense
1953.reast- to become rancid
1954.rebec- medieval in terms of music
1955.reboant- marked by reverberation, resounding
1956.rebus- picture puzzle resembling a word
1957.recadency- relapsing into old habits
1958. recense- to revise critically
1959.recoct- to cook again
1960.rectiserial-in vertical ranks
1961.redargue-to refute or confute
1962.redhibition- return of a defective product or cancellation of a sale
1963.redintegrate- to make whole again or to restore (esp of mind)
1964.redivivus-resuscitated come to life again
1965. redshort- brittle at red heat
1966.reductionism- belief that the complex can be simplified in terms of phenoms
1967.reflation- increase in economic activity
1968.refocillate-to refresh or cherish
1969.refugium- an area that retained earlier geographical conditions
1970.regelation- freezing together again
1971.regalism- monarch head of church affairs
1972.regius- royal
1973.reguerdon- to reward
1974.regreet- to exchange greetings
1975.regula- rule of a religious order
1976.regulus- an impure metal (bad sounding metal band)
1977. reinfund- to flow in again
1978.rejoinder- sharp and clever answer
1979.relache-relaxation, rest, no performance
1980. relationism- doctrine that relationships between entities are entities themselves
1981reliabilism- justified belief is reached by reliable cognitive processes
1982. relume- to light up or light up again
1983.remontant- flowering more than once per season
1984.remora- delay or obstacle
1985.renverse- to reverse or upset
1986.reprehend- to rebuke
1987.reptant- creeping, crawling
1988. repunit- number consisting of two or more identical integers
1989.requiescat- prayer for the dead
1990. retiform- shaped like a net
1991.resistentialism- the humorous theory that inanimate objects display malice towards human (or compassion)
1992.resofincular- resembling a wire hangar
1993.restiform- shaped like a cord
1994.retrad- backward
1995.retrocede- to move backwards in time or in thought
1996.retrocognition- extrasensory knowledge of past events
1997.retrogress-moving backwards, degeneration
1998.retromorphosis- turning for the worse
1999.retrophilia- love of past things or things past
2000. revalorize- to restore the value of a currency
2001.revet- to face with masonry
2002.rhabdos-magic wand
2003.rhathymia- personality factor leading to optimism and cheerfulness
2004.rheme- speech element that expresses an idea
2005.rhinocerial- very heavy weight or burden
2006.rhipidate- fan-shaped
2007.rhizic- the root of an equation
2008.rhizogenic-producing or growing roots
2009.rhombos- bull-roarer
2010.rhonchial-pertaining to snoring
2011.rhypophagy- eating filth
2012.riant-laughing merry
2013.rictus- gaping mouth or orifice
2014.ridgeling- half castrated animal
2015.rillet- small brook or stream
2016. rimple- to wrinkle
2017.riometer- device for measuring absorbed cosmic radio waves
2018.risorgimento-revival: rebirth
2019.rivage- shore or bank
2020.roborant- strengthening drug or tonic
2021.roborate- strengthen or corroborate
2022.roche- rock or cliff; a rocky height
2023.rom- a gypsy man
2024.romage- tumult
2025.roodge- to push or lift with effort
2026. rookery- state of confusion
2027.rosarium- rose-garden
2028.rottack- ******* or nonsense
2029.roturier- plebeian
2030.roue-man devoted to life of pleasure a rake
2031.rubinetto- faucet
2032.rubricality- a ceremony
2033.rubster- lesbian
2034.ruffianize- to behave violently
2035.runagate-fugitive or vagabond
2036.rundle- rung of ladder
2037.runcinate- having irregular serrated saw-toothed divisions (pleonasm)
2038. ruptile- easily breakable
2039. Sabbatarian- one who keeps the sabbath strictly
2040. sabliere- sand pit
2041.sacerdotalism- belief that priests are necessary mediators between God and man
2042.sacrarium- place where sacred objects are kept
2043. salsipotent- ruling the salt seas
2044.saltant- leaping or dancing
2045.saltative- able to jump
2046.samaj- Hindu religious assembly
2047. sanctanimity- holiness of mind
2048.sanguisugent- blood-*******
2049.saprodontia- tooth-decay
2050.sarcoid- flesh-like
2051. sapwood-soft tissue beneath the bark of a tree
2052.sarcophilous- fond of flesh
2053.sative- cultivated
2054.satnav- satellite assisted navigation
2055.sauterelle- mason’s tool for making angles
2056.saxifragrous- breaking stones
2057.scambling- haphazard meal
2058.scandent- climbing
2059.scaramouch- ruffian; scoundrel
2060.scarp-to make steep
2061.scavage-refuse scavenged from the roads
2062. scepsis- philosophical doubt
2063.schizogenesis-reproduction by division
2064.schizotrichia-splitting of hair (hair-splitting pedantic)
2065.schoenabatic- rope-walking
2066.scholiast-writer of marginal notes
2067.sciaphobia- fear of shadows
2068.scientaster- petty scientist
2069.sciolism- superficial pretensions to knowledge
2070. sciomancy- divination using ghosts
2071.sciosophy-system of knowledge without basis in science
2072.scobiform- like sawdust
2073.scopophilia- ****** pleasure from seeing things
2074.scortation- fornication
2075.scribacious- given to writing
2076.scride- to crawl on all fours
2077.scrim- durable fabric that is plain
2078.scrimshank-to evade work or duty
2079. scriniary-keeper of archives
2080.scrivello- elephant’s tusk
2081.scrow- scroll of writings
2082.scullion-mean contemptible person
2083.scutage- tax on a knight’s fee
2084.sebastomania- religious insanity
2085.secodont- to having cutting teeth
2086.secretum-private seal
2087. secundine-afterbirth
2088.sederunt- sitting of a court; gathering long discussion
2089.segnity- sluggishness, slothfulness
2090.seismotic- causing earthquakes
2091.sejungible- able to be disjoined
2092.selenic- pertaining to the moon
2093.selenocentric- prizing the moon above the earth
2094.selenolatry- worship of the moon
2095.sematic- serving for recognition, attraction or warning
2096.semese- half-eaten
2097.seminative-producing growth
2098.seminule-small seed or spore
2099.sempervirent- evergreen, always fresh
2100. senectitude-old-age
2101. sennet- musical fanfare
2102.sensiferous- conveying sensation (of a machine)
2013.sententia- opinion or aphorism
2103. sept-division of a tribe (clan)
2104. sepulchral-funereal: dismal and gloomy
2105 septiferous- having barriers
2106 septemfluous-in seven streams
2017. seraglio- harem
2108.serific- silk-producing
2019.serology- study of sermons
2110. serotinous- flowering late
2111.servilism- system of slavery or serfdom
2112. shail- to shamble to stumble
2113.shambolic- chaotic
2114. Shearling- one year old sheep
2115. shend- to destroy or ruin, disgrace or corrupt
2116. sheol- hell a place where they dead live a shadowy existence
2117. shroff- to test money to check for impurities
2118.sibylline- prophetic, oracular
2119.sicarian- murderer assassin
2120. siderism- belief stars influence human affairs
2121. sigillum- seal of confession
2122. sillograph- one who writes satires
2123.silvics- study of a trees life
2124.silviculture- growing of trees
2125. simony- buying or selling ecclesiastical offices
2126. simultagnosia- inability to see the fragments of the whole
2127.sipe- to percolate or ooze through
2128. situla -a holy bucket
2129. skaw- low cape or headland
2130. skelder- to beg, swindle or cheat
2131. skellum- villain, rascal, scoundrel
2132. skerry- small rocky islands
2133.skeuomorph- retained but no longer functional stylistic feature
2134. skewbald- patches of white and some other color
2135. slade- little valley or dell
2136. slatternly- slovenly
2137. sleech- slimy mud
2138. slummock- to move slowly or awkwardly
2139. slurvian- slurred speech
2140. smalt- deep-blue
2141.smaragdine- emerald green
2142. snift- to blow out steam
2143. sociocracy- government of society as a whole
2144. sociogenesis- origin of human societies
2145. soilure- stain or pollution
2146. solatium- something given as compensation for a suffering or loss
2147. soldatesque- soldier-like
2148. solifidianism- faith alone saves the soul theory
2149. soligenous- produced by the sun
2150. sollevation- insurrection
2151.solonist- wise man
2152.somatasthenia- weakness of the body
2153. sonance- sound of instrument
2154. sondage- trial bore of excavation; sounding out an opinion
2155. soothfast- truthful or honest
2156.sopite- to dull, lull, put to sleep or end something
2157. soporose- sleepful
2158. soroche- mountain sickness
2159.sottisier- collection of jokes, quotes or ridiculous remarks
2160. souteneur- prostitutes **** or bully
2161.souterrain- underground house
2162.spadassin- swordsman or fighter
2163. spado- impotent person or animal (castrated)
2164. spancel- to hobble
2165. spansule- tr capsule
2166. spargosis- swelling
2167. speciesism- humans more important than others ans
2168.speciocide- killing species
2169.spelean- cave-dwelling
2170. speos- ancient Egyptian cave temple
2171.sphairistic- tennis-playing
2172.spheterize- to make ones own or appropriate, arrogate
2173. sphygmodic- pulsating
2175.spinosity- thorniness
2176. spinney- corpse or small clump of trees
Neologisms Part IV
Bruption: the end of a phone call because of an awkward or sensitive topic
Reninjasque: Complete mastery of emotional intelligence
Frikmag: The ability to distinguish fake and real news
Raltention: the strength of an idea to be communicated in all languages
Epinger: A buzzword with a double-meaning
Writhose: Escaping an embarrassing situation with tact that doesn’t offend
Grivvy: Attuned to the cosmos through psychedelics
Halldorn: A suppression of libido caused by qualms
Fregget: To promise quixotic gratuities to win votes
Ragtagger: Someone whose superstitions outweigh common sense
Hortoriginality: An idea independently conceived that mirrors another ideation by accident working independently
Synquest: Asking a coded question meant to elicit a secretive idiolect response
Fraverscribble: To invent a hobgoblin for mediagenic hyperboles to divide societies based on psephology or an otherwise foofaraw concept to transfix the news
Fravvel: Encrypted messages hidden in the newsworthy on mediagenic channels
Wertong: Rich people that are exclusive in their luxuriance that don’t care about the poor
Demasque: Evil corruption that is inescapable because of internet censorship
Fondink: Pellucid writing meant to appease simpletons and obey orthopraxy in language even when you are capable of much more ennobled speech
Histrinkage: The ability to surpass the average alien species in terms of communicative intelligence
Weatrean: Personal prosperity derived from behaving as your authentic self
Wretcheen: Personal prosperity derived from being a wagtail conformist who disguises their true inclinations
Trinkochre: An ugly scene that inspires people to compassion or pity
Treony: Someone who pretends to care about civil rights but only does so to pander to common decency
Whitelash: anger by white supremacists at minorities for no good reason
Estrockentch: The manipulation of men by attractive women who play mind games circumducted around personal conceit, a testy affair of tentative persiflage
Astroud: the strong voice of an opinionated leader that is simultaneously a hollertrap because it is so strongly tilted in one direction or another
Lazaretta: the cloyed fame of celebrity leading to subpar movies or music
Denoratum: The excessive charity of the rich to help charities that matter to the third-world rather than just first-world problems
Mendoratum: Someone who donates generously but only for first-world problems
Inkthorn: a misspoken vituperative overreach against someone who appears like an enemy when they are actually a friend
Frethorn:mind control that seeks to cadge you into lewdness beyond your normal inclination to subvert someone beneath the bailiwick of corporatism
Ashowel: a disaster foreseen that is avoided by both prescience and surveillance
Vowelinger: a glare of contempt from someone who pretends you don’t matter or exist
Retchination: highlighting someone’s flaws above their virtues
Propinkiquenege: Someone who pretends to be for womens rights or gay rights but actually only does it to seem ‘woke”
Pytherian: able to flirt on an intellectual level but dissociated from common rules of dating
Artrench: a lasting work of virtuosity widely emulated even in garbology
Swirk: to work rapidly and elegantly on a complicated problem
Asterongue: someone whose position of stature is a mediagenic creation rather than a reflection of true talent or someone who cheats their way into the elite by being a pickthank
Estander: a lonely incel who is attractive but shy
Zillium: a dramatic terrorist attack that forces exigency
Dranger: Indignation because of psychiatric injustice
Vinsky: Power derived from integrity and talent
Weedledge: contaminated marijuana designed by the DEA to get people off of drugs
Kinkativy: momentary lapse of chastity in the throes of lewdness
Sweedle: to borrow excessively from someone else and then take credit
Arentrum: The ability to console the sick and the disconsolate with honesty and petitions of prayer
Crudenzy: the end of a faddish but simplistic vogue by the introduction of succedaneum
Porster: a fake vaccine given to influential people or their families to induce autism or genetic mutations unfavorable
Risctender: to endanger someone’s safety for a monetary gain especially a petty gain
Dengonin: underground band or corporation that knows everything about the future
Gentincture: rewarding people with good genes the best business ideas and the highest positions in Hollywood
Gentink: marrying someone because they are a genetic match
Hallswallop: the spread of a secret beyond the intended reach at great peril to society
Fliction: myths created by movies about the future
Swandamo: someone who is popular only because they are photogenic
Effleck: temporary state of mind that doesn’t define a person
Sertivine: Genetically engineered athletes
Denostram: a period of temptation by evil forces that must be resisted
Gollendary: someone with perfect scores on standardized tests
Wernique: someone skilled at understanding but not creating anything new
Flinker: a deep bout of depression after a break-up
Tortivinity: a deep-seated ignorance derived from a jaundiced upbringing
Draksting: a racially motivated arrest or crime against minorities for racial reasons
Hindermangle: a relationship that is hard to get out of even when combative
Intonorous: preoccupied so much with something else they don’t understand what is being said to them both verbally and nonverbally
Timespun: the alteration of the past by the future as a theoretical possibility
Toonardical: the mass deception of resourceless older people or dullards by spoon-fed mediagenic hyperbole into taking a political position
Kisswonk: a lucky break in a dangerous situation to personal repute
Hibble: to obganiate a talking point until it becomes so hackneyed it gets replaced by another talking point
Yentrify: to make clothing more modest and people meeker by cultural impediments
Flapdoon: to obsess yourselves with eccentric fascinations leading to incongruity with your social group
Grimsuetude: encounters with death that make you more scared of dying
Manoore: the dirt on powerful people derived from spying on them using compact devices
Narquiddity: the feeling of empty painlessness at the expense of obligation
Traindeque: to inculcate a bricolage of civility in a less acculturated person by brainwashing them
Fliphaven: to migrate to a smaller town because of a relationship
Frinteran: someone who willingly gives another person cancer to spite them
Nyejay: a purposeless person bent on convincing the world it has no purpose
Bernacle: someone who abandons integrity to gain power
Wernaggle: an annoying querulousness about a topic that is boring
Yimpoke: to talk to a friend you haven’t heard from for a while
Junediggle: the giddy feeling of being on an extended holiday without obligations
Trayne: modifying an environment so it is more socially suitable to both humans and other species
Frackling: someone who suppresses free speech because of misguided utopianism
Cackloney: a toxic substitute medication passed off as a brand name pill by disguising its appearance that ruins the mind or the health of an individual
Dontolesque: knowing more about the past than how to handle the present
Gribbean: someone that alters their rhetoric and sacrifices integrity to please any crowd he visits
Sveldtang: hidden messages in music that are almost inaudible
Excorify: to expose hidden meanings in art
Fustilugianate: to use mind control to **** intelligence by vibronic waves
2179. systematology- study of systems
2180 syntonomy- brevity, conciseness
2181. syntagma- organized body or group.
2182. syrt- quicksand
2183.synoecy- association of one species to benefit one species only
2184. syngenesis- ****** reproduction
2185. synsematic- having no meaning outside of a specific context
2186. syngraph-contract signed by all parties
2187. synectics- study of process of invention
2188. syncrisis- comparison of diverse or contradictory things
2189.synclastic- curved in all direction towards a singular point
2190.synaxarion- the account of a saint’s life
2191.synanthy- growing together of two flowers
2192. synaesthesis-harmony of different impulses from a work of art
2193. synallagamtic- mutually or reciprocally obligatory; bilateral
2194. syndicalism- doctrine of direct worker control of capital
2195.synechodochial-broadened or narrowed in interpretation
2196.synechthry- cohabitation of hostile species
2197. splenitive-ill-tempered splenetic
2198.spondulicks- available money or funds
2199. sprauncy- smart, dapper
2200.springal- active man or youth
2201.spumid- frothy, foamy
2202.spuria- spurious works
2203.squaloid- pertaining to sharks
2204.squandermania- irrational propensity for profligate spending
2205. staddle-support for a haystack
2206. staffage- decorative accessories or addition to work of art
2207.stasiarch- ringleader in sedition
2208. stasiology- study of political parties
2209.statolatry- worship of the state
2210.steganography- writing in a secret, hidden, encoded manner
2211.stegmonth- period of recuperation after childbirth
2212.stegophilist- one who climbs buildings for sport
2213. stellify- to set amongst the stars
2214.stenoapaeic- with a narrow opening
2215. steven- outcry, loud call
2216.stigmatophilia- obsession with tattoos
2217.stirpiculture- selective breeding
2218.stiver- something of little or no value
2219. stoichiometry- measurement of proportions in chemical reactions
2220.stodge- to cram, stuff or gorge with food
2221.storge- natural or parental affection
2222.stotious- drunk
2223. stramineous- strawy, light, worthless; straw-colored
2224.stratarchy- rulership of an army
2225.stratous- in layers
2226.strepsis- twisting
2227.stridor- harsh shrill sound
2228.strigine- owl-like pertaining to owls
2229.struthious- pertaining to ostriches
2230.strobic- appearing to spin or like a spinning top
2231. structuralism- theory that emphasizes structure or order of ideas to produce meaning
2232. suaviloquence- pleasing or agreeable speech
2233.sub dio- outdoors in open air
2234. sub rosa- secrety in confidence
2235.subaerial-in open air
2236.subaltern- ranked quantitatively but not qualitiatively
2237.subhastation- sold in a public auction
2238.subfocal- of something which someone is only dimly aware
2239.subfusc- dusky, somber
2240. subjoin- to add at the end or afterwards
2241.subniveal- under snow
2242.subnubilar- under clouds
2243.subreption- misrepresentation or false deduction
2244.substitutionalism- theory that memory substitutes for independent reality of past experiences
2245.substratose- imperfectly stratified
2246.substruct- to build beneath to lay a foundation
2247.subsultus- convulsive movement
2248.subtrist- somewhat sad
2249.subturbary- under turf
2250.subvention- granting money in aid
2251.succenturiate- to supply what is lacking to supplement
2252.succiferous- producing sap
2253.succorrhoea- excessive secretion
2254.succus- juice extracted from plant
2255.sudation- sweating
2256 suede- light beige
2257.sufflaminate- to check, obstruct or block
2258.suffragan- assistant bishop
2259.suicidology- study of suicide
2260.suidian- of or pertaining to pigs
2261.sulcate- with grooves or furrows
2262.summa- comprehensive treatise
2263.sumpsimus- a correct expression that replaces a popular but wrong one
2264.sumptuary- pertaining to expense or extravagance
2265.supercalender- to give high polish to
2266.supercargo- ship official in charge of business affairs
2267. supercherie- deception, hoax, fraud
2268. superfetate- to conceive during pregnancy
2269. superfetation- superabundant production or accumulation
2270.superfuse- to pour over
2271.superjection- exaggeration or hyperbole
2272.supersensible- beyond physical perception, spiritual
2273.supersolid- magnitude of more than three dimensions
2274.suq- middle-eastern marketplace
2275. surbate- to bruise from walking
2276. surcuigerous- producing suckers
2277.surd- irrational number
2278.surdomute- deaf-mute
2279. surexcitation- excessive excitation
2280.surquedry- arrogance
2281.suscept- host of a parasite
2282. swage- groove, grooved shaping tool
2283 swale- marshy hollow depression or meadow
2284. sward-portion of land covered by grass
2285.swasivious- agreeably persuasive
2286.sweven- vision in  a dream
2287. swink- to toil or labor
2288.swive- to **** a chick
2289.swoopstake- in an indiscriminate manner
2290.sybil- female prophet, hag, witch
2291.sympatric- occupation of same regions but not breeding
2292.symphily- living together for mutual benefit
2293.symphoric-accident prone
2294. symposiast- participant at conference
2295. taupe- brownish-grey
2296.tauricide- killer of a bull
2297.taurine -of or pertaining to bulls
2298.tautochronous- lasting the same amount of time
2299. taxeme- a basic unit of systems of classification
2300. tecnology- teaching of children
2301.teen- injury or grief
2302.teg- sheep in its second year
2303.tegmen- covering or shell
2304.tegminal- covering or protecting
2305.tegular- like overlapping tiles or slates
2306.telaesthesia- perception of events taking place far away
2307.telegony- influence of prievous mate on offspring or current one
2308.telenergy- application of a spirit energy at a distance
2309.telesis- making use of natural or social pressures for a goal
2310.telestic-pertaining to or like mysteries
2311;.telmatology-study of swamps
2312.telodynamic- pertaining to transmission of power to a distance
2313.teloteropathy- telepathy between persons
2314.temenos- place dedicate to a god, a sacred precinct
2315.temerarious- rashly or presumptuously daring
2316.temperative- having a moderative influence
2317.tempestive- timely or seasonal
2318.temporicide- killing time
2319.tendentious- designed to advance a cause
2320.tentation- experiment by trial and error
2321.tentigo- priapism, morbid lasciviousness
2322.tenue- bearing, carriage, manner of dress
2323.terriginous- earth-born derived from the land
2324.terreplein-top of a rampart where guns are mounted
2325.testamur- certificate of passing an examination
2326.thalposis- sensation of warmth
2327.thanatism-belief soul dies with the body’
2328.thanatousia- funeral rites
2329.thanatophobia- fear of death
2330.thelemic- allowing people to do as they wish
2331.thelemite- libertine
2332. theodicy- defense of goodness in the face of evil
2333.theopneustic- divinely inspired
2334.theotherapy- faith healing
2335.theriac- antidote to venomous bites
2336.theriology- animal worship
2337.thermogenesis-production of heat
2338.thermolabile- easily decomposed by heat
2339.thermolysis- decomposition caused by heat
2340. thermaesthesia- sensitivity to temperature
2341.thesmothete- law-giver
2342. theurgy- miracles by good spirits or magic
2343.thooid- like a wolf
2344.thole- to endure and suffer
2345.thumomancy- divination by ones own soul
2346.thyestean- cannibalistic
2347.thymogenic- due to emotion
2348.thymopathy- mental disorder
2349.tigerism- swagger
2350.tigrine- pertaining to tigers
2351.tilth- agricultural work
2352.tingent- adding colour having the ability to tinge
2353.tisicky- wheezy, asthmatic
2354.titivate- to dress or spruce up
2355.tittup- to walk in an affected manner or prancing mincingly
2356.tocophobia- fear of pregnancy or childbirth
2357.togated- wearing a toga dignified
2358. toman- 10,000
2359.tonitruous- thundering
2360.toparch- ruler of a district
2361. tophaceous- gritty
2362. topophobia- stage-fright
2363.torpefy- to make numb or paralyze
2364.torpillage- ect
2365.torrefy- to roast with heat
2366.tortious- committing a wrongful deed
2369.traduce-­ defame or slander
2370.tralatition- metaphor
2371. trangam-showy or worthless article
2372.transmigrationism- belief soul passes into another body after death
2373.transvolation- flying higher than normal
2374.tremogram- irregularity in handwriting
2375.tribade- lesbian
2376.*******- lesbian ******* in *******
2377.trichoid- hairlike
2378.triduan- lasting three days
2379.trieteric- occurring in alternate years
2380.tristiloquy- mournful manner of speech
2381.troat- toe bellow like a roaring buck
2382. tropophilous- flourishing in seasonal extremes of the climate
2383.trouvaille- fortunate find
2384.trucage- faking works of art
2385.trucidation- slaughter
2386.trumpery- showy nonsense chicanery
2387. tuism- theories that humans have two selves
2388.tunicate- to cover with layers
2389.turncock- valve for regulating water flow
2390.turnverien- athletic club
2391.turriform- shaped like a tower
2392.tutiorism- doctrine that one should take the safer moral course
2393.twizzle- to swirl or spin
2394.typhlophile- one who is kind to the blind
2395.typhonic- tornadic or whirlwind like
2396.uberous- yielding abundant milk
2397.ubication- condition of being in a certain location
2398.ubique- everywhere
2399.ughten- morning twilight
2400.ullagone- cry of lamentation at a funeral
2401.uloid- like a scar
2402.ultimation-act of bringing to a conclusion
2403.ultimogeniture- inherited by last son
2404.ultrafidian- going beyond faith
2405.ultradian- of cycles longer than an hour but shorter than a day (natural biological)
2406.ultrageous-violently extreme
2407.ultroneous- spontaneous, voluntary
2408.unasinous- being equally stupid
2409.uberufen- exclamation to avert ill luck following boasting
2410.unconsentaneous- not in agreement
2411.uncial- pertaining to an inch or an ounce
2412.underbreath- subdued voice, rumor
2413.unicity- uniqueness oneness
2414.unicornic- resembling a unicorn
2415.unipotent- powerful in one direction only
2416.universalism- autocatastasis
2417. unligable- unable to be bound together
2418.upas-poisionous or harmful institution or influence
2419.uranophobia- fear of heaven
2420.urbacity- excessive pride in one’s city
2421.urbarial- founded on registered property
2422.urman- swampy pine forest
2423.ursicide- killing of a bear
2424.usance- habit or custom
2425.usitative- constituting a usual act
2426.usucaption- acquisition of property by long usage and enjoyment
2427. usufruct- the right to use and enjoy something
2428.utile- profitable and useful
2429.utinam-earnest wish or desire
2430. uberty- fruitfulness, abundant productiveness
2431.ubity- place or locality
Neologisms Part V
Findrouement: to realize the excesses of hedonism by personal experience to motivate your qualms
Egintoch: Puritanism enabled by Churchism of eisegesis of the bible that is overly restrained
Wamzel: Someone whose peccatiphobia outweighs their ability to adventure with moderate restraint
Artwrench: Someone whose art is diminished by conformity of the broader world of kitsch
Efflamen: A celebrity who is rarely heralded or held in high esteem because of social pressures
Drimple: a cute personal eccentricity only observed after a long-time dating
Flarmey: A hardly newsworthy event designed to enslave people to a narrative that are dull
Trimscreet: Someone obsessed by petty details of organization and neat habits
Troudasque: A pertinacious flirt who goes straight to the point for ****** encounters
Alienavesce: The act of self-distancing yourselves to people with bold intellects
Yundimber: Self-sabotage by being too conscientious of oneself
Potvagrant: someone who becomes a different person when drunk than sober
Gimdermang: an obsessive visagist of the English Language who is unsatisfied even with satisdiction
Tralleyripped: so obsessed with vanity as a girl that they never start conversations unless asked
Grindole: someone who rarely smiles even in beatific circumstance
Trinkadour: someone enslaved by an acquisitive mindset of proffered consumerism
Tytanium: the alchemy of ill-fated love that ends poorly because of excessive initial fascination
Cordslave: someone so tethered to technology they forget the intellectual world because of diversion
Indentilation: craving for desperate attention by signaling through social media or otherwise
Hambasket: a comfort-eater who gains weight because of depression
Gourdinance: a euphoric interlude in a rock music song that is plangent with euphoria
Slellum: a mediocre part of a good song that turns people away
Terresting: someone imprisoned by mundane considerations and myopia rather than providence
Flargentum: hidden meanings in songs widely missed because they are obscure or unexpected
Porlecked: a feeling you get when you realize someone is insincere or just plain stupid
Nimongue: rapid-fire insight expressed elegantly to impress people
Flargent: so domineered by aleatory lability that their lives become soap-operas of histrionics
Deskandent: the tedium of working menial jobs especially when overqualified
Ertiminasque: the inelegant narrative fiction of the commonplace used to usurp the sciamachies of reality
Whartonize: to turn independent minded people into smug elitists through indoctrination
Transekond: a song that is memorialized because of hedonistic sprees of youth remembered in nostalgia
Frappern: the alteration of musical appreciation caused by having an audience of discriminative listeners
Slivverdeck: crafty gambles based on nothing but intuitive instinct that prove rotten
Fatewrench: a slow corrosion of faith based on nothing more than bad happenstance
Rindstretch: a situation where there are no possible people to talk to that are single
Clorence: a devoted sincerity to every facet of love imaginable: complete devotion
Grimscravel: a delight in histrionics as a social engineering gambit because of rampant stupidity
Flagstench: the moral opprobrium of jingoistic circumstance that arouses countermanded hatred
Redstrall: the opposition and isolation of Republican white men by feminists and liberals
Bluepomp: the bumptious belief that progressive onolatry is a ‘woke’ witeless movement that should be obeyed with hortatory even violent force
crinkman: a prophet blessed by God to deliver new wisdom
Waterdrip: the tortuous progression of time leading to a certain preordained outcome
kendarme: when everyone knows who you are but pretend otherwise esp. for corruption
finkly: being powerless to change circumstances
ergotall: a big consequence to a minor action in a positive direction
ergotile: a small consequence to a big action in either a positive or negative direction
flarium: music that traveled to the past from the present or the future
thillore: subpar art that receives rave reviews because it is flippant and no other reason
stringoche: insular self-obsession
frizzlounge: a popular spot for status-obsessed patrons
hyjamb: a gridlock in Washington D.C. by design
hikkle: rejection of popular consensus on wall street (usu. To great personal gain)
arknick: a frenzy common to only one of several urban areas because of provincial paroxysm’
reginkeer: the threshold of trust needed to sustain an intimate relationship
trimpoline: buoyant because of good looks or constant luck
Esauline: someone who trades their birthright to corporate slavery
Jolk: the obsession with foofaraw on the internet
Jolker: someone who does dangerous or stupid things to get internet famous
wrathcheque: money made off of a disaster especially artificial
wragatek: evil technocracy seeking biometrics on everyone
wragapole: overpowering docile stupidity that makes humanity easier to tame
qwippa: someone powerful who is poor
zenkidu: antediluvian knowledge that survives
harprick: to use incisive reasoning to demoralize an opponent in an argument
harraitim: the people that believe I am a prophet
graklon: the people that are trying to enslave me
graklongeur: intellectual persecution instituted from the top-down
trillom: fake activism done for propinquenege
drawflark: an overstated estimate of sea water levels caused by climate change (both sun and man)
retchallop: to dehumanize someone by enlisting the giant tortoise with hackencrude
retchanvil: to be an outspoken critic of a topic considered tacenda but imponent on all affairs
wipple: a minor moral mistake overstated for expediency
dratrenk: a lucrative trend created by venality
yording: a former believer who has flagging faith
francketor: a complete genius at metacognition
whindmast: a very sharp conversationalist in all circumstances
gentreng: something vogue to honest intellectuals but few others
wesperm: unfavorable situation for men in general
chawme: catchy low-key deep house for quiet moments
trikongue: making dishonest promises in an election
tallespin: to gloat over victory in a videogame
troponder: challenging the limits of imagination that goes too far astray from reality
underminnow: misrepresentation by a brief soundbite
ryesolagnus: someone who uses LSD
frapplank: a profligate gambler who wastes his family fortune
intorgurent: someone who overstates the value of ritual (especially ritualized contrition)
hinkerg: an obstacle to obtaining power
inslambous: a predatory flirt with so-called ‘toxic masculinity’
jamble: to bet a small wager on a risky bet
fropollow: a sedentary **** smoker who prefers solitude
trimkoppa: a warped parent who teaches non-binary values
florew: a mathematical or logistic axiom that is believed to be correct but turns out to be incomplete or arranged in an insufficient way to pave the future
alloreck: the downsides to being famous (privacy especially)
flipcreek: change of TV or media habits
commerstargal: the incubation of TV commercials in your head affecting buying decisions
spikelund: betting on the stock market based on the names of the companies involved
flonky: 50s era nostalgic feel relating to a pop culture artifact
resselenque: the examination of high art  by modern standards
stigstall: a stalemate between nefarious forces and righteous ones that limits the extent of thaumaturgy
crosslinger: a prominent leader of religious devotion without a formal title
errundle: a desultory way of comportment that leaves you stranded
brocrawler: someone with very heightened expressive intelligence that isn’t a wernique
flindagger: someone whose preoccupation with *** damages their conduct
stretchgrave: people from the past who knew in detail about artifacts from the future
hamparthia: someone recovering from a personal defect in a heroic way
presstungular: a code of conduct that restrains mediagenic disclosure that everyone agrees on tacitly
rapknock: impediments and obstacles to fame based on circumstance and pedigree only
floundrewl: conditioned to believe that people that die in disasters or otherwise deserved death or otherwise wouldn’t be missed
yeltincture: the disadvantage of being vocal about provincial issues
flambaste: to discover personal secrets and use them as an overhang to compel obeisance
grambazzle: someone who ages quickly because they do too many drugs
grambounce: moderate indulgence in ******* on the weekends
wravel: to expound upon minutiae in an enlightened way
torpindage: intimidating people about the mafia by using  TV and Movies to make them seem more violent
Yulliver: a hypersensitive person who is easily intimidated by circumstance
hinderbaggle: the cumulative effect of plastic on pollution around the world
lavondeur: a volcanic tirade of recrimination against a baseless accusation
primposition: to try to use prison politics to endear violence or ****** aberration
stultimathy: the art of lampooning people with divergent ideas
rendavation: the diversification of entertainment on YouTube creating mismatches in syntalities
abaddon: the crestfallen feeling you get when hype is overstated
glamborge: a surfeit of pretentious glamour that treacles too quickly to have lasting value
tempcoverage: a preordained song lyric or movie reference referring to the future before it happens
whistlemonger: someone who touts their knowledge of secrets too openly
flyndresque: a restless nonconformity to hidebound standards flaunted for attention and regarded as vogue
whadronque: a concerted effort by the media to hide an inconvenient truth for boondoggles
kilmarge: an untidy mess that exacerbates the tongue of the puritans
subnublear-incontinent drivel of gribbean barnacles to the bernaggles of opportune subfusc blettonism that owes patronage to scrimshaws of duty by wetchrean designation
Winklean- to trust intimations of superstition that are subliminal above clarion declarations of widely heralded facts
ewnastinque- the proliferation of pornographic sentiments among the youth
bludgergrumble- To exert great power and finesse and demand the minutiae of life to align with annealed priorities that you incur from statemanship or stature
Retinoise- the fanfare of correspondence among the plucky people allied to your cause
Aswallone- A staggering feat of disguised xenophobia that is implicit rather than stated directly
DMC Words
wiggletemper- manipulating subtleties to micromanage threats to power dynamics
atomkent- a feeble attempt made in resignation to empower people that is dishonest
slimpondrique- the skeletonization of society made by ossified moralism that neglect prophecy
refracturism- the fundamental belief that all human knowledge is siphoned from selective filters that translates with deeply engraved entropy an inherent human distortion of the pristine reality
swallock- the divergence of human perspectives based on differences in receptive intelligence
trykle- the protrusion of uncomfortable truths of specious lies from the treasury of percolation
flakmention- the dredged arguments of revived past controversy becoming relevant again in a different context swaying generations in a different context
metatron- annihilation of the concept of existential chords of harmony to create the dissuasion of many to regard with nescience what should be upheld as an indelible memory of a sturdy reality negated by supervised neglect
flombrick- an overlooked part of the latticework of a phenomena that hides in obscurity because it is either such a nuance or so integral to the  reformulated design that it gets overlooked as either an axiom or a reputable spandrel
asperingum- a mistaken hope that tragedy can unite the human family into communal ******* for the shibboleths of a tribe to become universal
slimmerback- a reduction of complexity needed to explain the ineffable to a wider audience
flajourney- an enhancement of intellect predicated on music taste that primes intelligence
flajoust- a sarcastic song meant to demean the audience because of its glaring simplicity
feldtround- the holistic reprisal of a negligent professor or public official because he is slanted in the wrong direction or imposing too many opinions

2432. sphenoid-wedge-shaped
2433. sigmoid- S shaped
2435medusiform- shaped like a jelly fish
2436. vermillion- bright-red
2437viridian- chrome-green
2438 watchet- pale blue
2439. xanthic- yellow
2440. umber-brownish red
2441.puccoon- blood root; dark red color
2442. jacinthe- orange-color
2443. modena- crimson
2444. icterine-yellow
2445heliotrope-purplish hue/ ancient sundial
2446 eburnean-of or like ivory/ ivory-colored
2447corbeau-blackish green
2448. cyaneous- sky-blue
2449.filemot- of a dead leaf color or a dead leaf
2450. lsteritious- brick-red
2451.gridelin- violet-gray
2452 atrous- jet black
2453.celadon- pale green
2454 adevism- denial of gods or legends of pagans
2455 euhemerism-explanation of mythology as growing from history
2456 fideism- doctrine that knowledge depends on faith more than reason
2457 gymnobiblism-bible presented to the illiterate to their understanding sufficient
2458 tychism- accepts role as pure chance
2459 titanism- a spirit of revolt against regnant authority defiance against social convetions
2460. terminism- time-limit for repentance
2461. theopantism- belief God is the only reality
2462. privatism- not indulging outside interests at all
2463. positivism- theory that is not observable cannot be known
2464 panzoism- belief that humans and animals both share vital life energy
2465. perfectibilism- ideas of humanity perfecting itself to completion
2466. panspermatism- belief that life is extraterrestrial in origin
2467. organicism- belief that life is an organism from the granular to the profoundly panoramic
2468 numenism- belief in local deities or spirits
2469. monadism-theory that there exists ultimate units of being
2470. kenotism- theory that Christ shed his divinity to become human
2471. immoralism- rejection of morality
2472 illuminism- belief in an eternal internal  light
2473 ignorantism- belief ignorance is a good thing
2474. aspheterism- denial of private property
2475. aestheticism- beauty is integral to other qualities of reality
2476- bullionism- strong belief in gilded exchequer.
2477-Hypnogeny- the production of a hypnotic state
2478 Icterogenic- causing jaundice
2479. Nubigenous- cloud-born
2480. xylogenesis- growing on wood
2481. thymogenic- due to emotion
2482. thaumatogeny- doctrine of the miraculous origin of life
2483. spodogenous- caused by waste matter
2484 noegenesis- the production of knowledge
2485. morogenesis- the cause of segmentation
2486. marigenous- produced by the sea
2487. lithogenesis- rock-building
2488. ectogenesis-variation in response to outside conditions
2489. catogenic- formed from above
2490. anogenic-formed from beneath or below
Neologisms Part 6
Grangerine- a menacing sultry backlash against debased conformity to diminutive virtues of hamartias
Abordinance- A secretive stipend paid to silence people
Flaxounce- A counterfeit homeopathic remedy that is toxic
Creeze- to walk away from a confrontation before it begins either because you are meek or because of kisswonk
Ammenque- To loiter around waiting for deliverance with futility because of inclement circumstance or otherwise poor luck
Serratink- to rudely and abruptly end a conversation with anteric spite
Trillop- a meager insistence on the lowest possible price done obstinately regardless whether the other person budges ( a hefty understatement of capital)
Yernage- the peak-time of a person’s life in terms of felicity that is often restated in nostalgia
Implucture- the menagerie of talent that crowds the most elite spots in the city
Wallsong- An intrepid curt minatory rebuff of cordial standards because of boorish rudeness either provoked on unprovoked
Alkender- complete financial acumen that beats any market without insider knowledge
Kindoreal- the suitable mentality of hospitality based on conditions of success rather than just gratuity at the ire of the inferior
Sweenedge- the ability to master the panoramic matrix but extremely reserved in disclosing knowledge of dynamics for self-protection
Curdact- to weather inhospitable vicissitudes by forbearance and petition to divine authority
Sterkle- to leap at the first chance for monetary prosperity without considering divestiture or alternative options
Clex-the fantasia that enchants the droll simpletons but bores more astute observers
Gigantopariah- someone who is aloof from others because of stature or longiniquity of intellect
Walkong- the primitive directive to shut off a region from outside influences because of naive nativism at the peril of the economy
Zalk-to be the embodiment of a fictional character in a Movie
Zalkengur-when a movie you watch resembles your real-life conditions
weedratch-the oversaturation of drugs in society caused by the ostentation of celebrities using drugs in excess amounts
Tripsnitch- someone who is burrowed within a criminal caste who snitches for monetary gain that goes unnoticed
Hambourne- someone who is more prone to mysticism than religion and regards all religious traditions as contributions to the divine understanding without shroffing for apocrypha
Erzle- to be uncouth and rude around someone you are attracted to because of hapless happenstance
Pandemonstrance- the overstatement of hype to scare down the scale of a pandemic
Inkburch- someone who appreciates hypertrophy and is attentive to small detail but is a step short of full comprehension of intellectual reticulation
Trimlegger- someone who markets covert information or induction into secret societies for a price
Halkorn- to horde essential items months in advance of calamity only to gouge people when it arrives
Wintermingle- To borrow from the exigency of dearth the demands for select luxuries only experienced in times of dire straits and capitalize on squalor to beef up demand
Alvantage- a complete continuity of perception that is stereodimensional and therefore attentive to the scrutiny of missed details
Amporge- to galvanize a select community with a lot of power even when meeting the tacenda of disdain among common audiences that either don’t understand or don’t agree ideologically with the stance (elite pandering at common exchequers expense)
Wetragged- the hoist of ****** appeal founded on confrontations of lust that is effrogallant and leads to wide ****** currency
Rigmangle- to bet a lot of stake on mass confusion even when the profiteering is dishonest and unscrupulous
Tripsconce- to travel to a distant location to escape the tether of obligation often in a hurry if to escape the malingering malice of people that you want to   avoid
Wallbagger- someone who is sinister against immigration because of xenophobia that prizes anti-immigrant stances as the most important issue
timelounge- a place where future events are succinctly hinted at or discussed at a more elite institution than a frizzlounge
updame- to fetch affection from the most beautiful women in society
flavenicker- someone who appreciates all culinary dishes and makes a habit of trying new food (or someone with a ravenous intellectual curiosity)
roundhackle- the looming insecurity about appearance that motivates the sublimation of other talents that is inescapable
wednongue- someone who is eager to adopt vogue ideas just because they are vogue especially in the circle of fashimites that care only for popularity rather than sustainability even though they suspect a decline in the fad in short order
rellamp- to shine light on obscure issues in a convoluted ecphonesis that few will understand but in a way that shimmers the syncrisis of meaning
redominage- the sterling repute of some outmoded ideas fashioned with new monikers or disguised in redhibitions of federalese that appall liberal voters but create an adiaphorous reaction among Republicans
dissgowl- to riot in malcontent over untidy conditions of urbanization
inkbalk- the rejection of complex ideas because you don’t understand them in writing
waltroom- an avenue to secret conveyance of covert information (IOP)
flickerstorm- a spreading agent that enhances clarity if only temporary about spiritual realities by promulgating homilies that enchant perdurably
edumancipation- the liberation of the educational system from doctrinaire inculcation and the provocation of free thought found in autodidactianism
winkdrip- a secret ****** by the state on a foreign national beyond scrutiny
albenture- the ability to see complex patterns from a limited amount of information by intuitive conjecture in an almost clairvoyant way
poolswap- the emigration of wealth from one country to another because of unstable domestic or foreign conditions or other prospects of currency bonanza
plodge- to perform ******* very well
lipsmurch- an extraordinary *******
travestime- a bleak portrayal of a vibrant zeitgeist founded on petty objections that focus on the worst rather than best aspects of any heyday
alpenesture- the luxury of living near ski resorts
cartonimble- someone who prays often that often overstates the degree of their own sin because of a peccant fixation that is halldorn
trewde- to hail environmental causes that are inconvenient in a blaring way to the culprits behind the fossil fuel industry
trince- to be indecisive because of shifting mosaics of certainty of once irrefragable axioms that predicate your view of reality
sleeporge- to escape emotional pangs of depression or concern by popping a sleeping pill to escape turmoil
plammer- to brag about various pedigrees of stature in a modest way that still provokes envy even in modesty
mendlatch- to change your security settings out of hyped precaution
flomp- to spill your beer or liquor on someone because you maunder with intoxication
krift- an impasse on a contentious issue between two power brokers especially with respect to finance within a single entity or company
lingobagger- someone who reiterates the same concepts over and over again to a drooling audience of simpletons because they lack mutual understanding
keelnog- the alcoholism of sailors explained by cabin fever ( a general malaise caused by alcoholism that leads to diminished favor of reputation)
slogmarch- the steady growth of momentum in a financial movement caused by piggybacks of press and repcrevel concerns that form astroturf movements
limpedgy- simple writing that showcases flair but is still suboptimal for understanding deeper issues
covvenger- the stoop of science to a lower level to elevate dignitaries with fondink to a higher stature of conveyance despite a noticeable dimple of pretended normalcy among the highly gifted
willborne- a strong inclination that becomes an exalted ambition that serves a pecuinary cause as well as an altruism to society
Tortneyed- hackneyed ideas reiterated by tortivinity by ignorant people that converge on the same hikkles of obganiation
Hackumber- to disclose the most embarrassing personal secrets or corporate secrets of any given entity
Terrample (adj)- sufficient for the needs of Earth as a whole both in terms of its psychological effect and ultimate impact on ecosystems
Timberlask- the preservation of rugged idealism of picaresque roguery in a world that disenchants more than enthuses without denting pride or shibboleth
Flackey- a pedestrian answer to a simple question meant to dissemble a guise of presentation rather than bearing authenticity
Flackourge- a completely dishonest portrayal of oneself in a job interview or a date that is easy to detect
Grazzle- to astound a dismissive person with an unconventional answer which shatters paradigms about what a person or a group is capable of
Grazzly- Boldly intrepid in brave authenticity that showcases intellectual finery
Tralleyromp- a party for conceited photogenic people that are obsessed with ostentation that becomes a free-for-all saturnalia or a competitive bout of flairs of pulchritude
Halk-to insert a memorable catchphrase from a movie or song into spoken or written language
Halkend- an obsessive patron of the arts that quotes movies and music too much
Junctition- a moment of profound epiphany or euphoria memorialized in nostalgia especially when bound to a song, a place or a person on one particular date
Junctingent- a nostalgia that blurs many salient moments of excessive lavish celebration or personal acmes of achievement into one solitary remembrance that bedizens retrospection with a vague shimmer of sheen
Soundrack- the collection of songs that you are the most fond of
Soundracketeer- someone who has a very wide selection of music, especially universally agreed upon as tasteful music
Twatternabble- writing that is inelegant but is used solely to memorize words rather than convey meaning
Ligony- a period of overindulgence remembered fondly
Wassertail- the feeling of the degraded quality of music that you listen to too often and therefore maintains fewer feelings of euphoria
Wangermist- the gravity of new sonorous music to ****** ears that enchants rather than belies sentiments as the fresh engraving of a future treasure
Flukenhague- a bad policy by a mandarist government that seeks more ulterior control of the syndicalism of mismanaged graft in societies that have more hyperarchy than democracy
Flamestun- shower the world with genius that is unexpected and achieve acclaim thereby
Reninjuble- naturally good-natured giving off the appearance of emotional mastery that is calculated when it is in fact symptomatic of a general convivial nature that enlivens all who participate in it
Renkle- to upset someone emotionally by highlighting their flaws indirectly as through an awgrudge or a motion of flippant effrontery that balks at the haecceity of another person
Halvonk-To signal an amicable agreement on your own terms when you own the leverage of negotiation by making uncial concessions about minor points of contention but thrusting new items of hortatory clarity into your negotiosity
Cotopaxy- the peaceful armistice between warring covert tribes embedded within domestic think tanks between the tacenda but still maintaining hostile posture to interrogation
Autodimplage- A steep stark insecurity about a recurrent mannerism some might find eccentric that becomes flanged in misperception and recoils into sheepish resignation (especially applied to traits you cannot change that are related to both personality and appearance)
Plasmamium- the interrogation of physics at a deeply consequential level that requires a recursive itinerant imagination that can fathom the epiphenomena of the flux between states of matter and existence especially focused on Thermodynamics
2492. aeropleustic-related to aerial navigation
2493. adipic- relating to fatty substances
2494. ampelidious- relating to vines
2495.alveolate- like a honeycomb
2496. anatine- relating to ducks
2497. amphiscian- relating to torrid regions
2498. anguine- relating to snakes
2499. agrestic- relating to fields, rustic, unpolished
2500. acerate- resembling a needle
2501. areopagitic- relating to courts or tribunals
2502. auricular- spoken secretly
2503. campestral-relating to the country/level ground
2504.centrobaric- relating to the point of the center of gravity
2505. conative-relating to purposeful actions
2506. cothurnal- relating or pertaining to tragedy
2507. crenitic- pertaining to mineral springs
2508.delphinine- relating to dolphins
2509. denary- ten-fold
2510. diacoustic- relating to the refraction of sound
2511. edaphic- of like or pertaining to the soil
2512. emporeutic- relating to trade
2513. erotetic- engaged in rhetorical questioning’
2514. hesternal- pertaining to yesterday
2519.raad-electric catfish
2520rabbet-groove designed to catch an edge
Wernottle-to suckle a cadged infancy into deliberate fruition with lurched maturation
Askenge-to intuitively understand the power structures and streaks of permeable influence that percolates apace of advanced societies
Sledgingull-to browbeat with impropriety in castigation to reform the soul into acquinesk refinement of the trimscreet
Retty-producing intensely aboriginal ****** drives in a platonic ceremony of palatial lusts encaged by abreaction
Flawking-to illustrate the foibles in any structure of government especially when verging on tyranny
Wrinhork-to demassify a syndicated element into generic use in order to provide commonplace relief
fabrefaction n 1652 -1678
act of fashioning or making a work of art
The sculptor felt that fabrefaction was more important than the end result.
fallaciloquence n 1656 -1761
deceitful speech
Your fallaciloquence, though charming, will not convince the jury to acquit.
famelicose adj 1730 -1775
often or very hungry
The tribe's crops frequently fail, and their children are famelicose.
famigerate v 1623 -1736
to carry news from abroad
The bloggers famigerated about the conditions in the war-torn country.
ficulnean adj 1716 -1716
of fig-tree wood; worthless
His ficulnean arguments failed to convince his professor to raise his grade.
filicology n 1884 -1884
study of ferns
Filicology is a discipline for which paleontological training is a great asset.
findible adj 1656 -1790
able to be cleft or split
This pie is perfectly findible, if we can agree to some simple rules for cutting it.
flosculation n 1651 -1651
an embellishment or ornament in speech
The speaker's lecture was rendered laughable by ridiculous flosculations.
foppotee n 1663 -1663
What a pitiful foppotee he was, always oblivious to our jeers!
frenigerent adj 1656 -1681
bearing a bridle
The frenigerent filly flew fast from the fire.
fumificate v 1721 -1792
to make or cause smoke or incense
The only problem with the new grill is its tendency to fumificate.
gardeviance n 1459 -1706
chest for valuables; a travelling trunk
She kept her linens in that old gardeviance for over sixty years.
gardevisure n 1610 -1840
visor of a helmet as shown on heraldic devices
Since you're so ugly, why not place a gardevisure on your coat of arms?
gaudiloquent adj 1656 -1727
speaking joyfully or on joyful matters
Her gaudiloquent tone was thought excessively perky by the stodgy faculty.
gelicide n 1656 -1681
a frost
Unfortunately, the flowers were killed too soon by an early gelicide.
gipseian adj 1749 -1749
belonging or pertaining to gypsies
The gipseian rhythms made her feel as if she were in the Middle East.
gleimous adj 1398 -1790
slimy; full of phlegm
Its gleimous tongue slipped between its teeth and ensnared the moose.
gnathonize v 1619 -1727
to flatter
I can tell that you're just trying to gnathonize me, you sycophantic buffoon!
graocracy n 1830 -1830
government by an old woman or women
High voter turnout among elderly women may soon lead us into a graocracy.
graviloquence n 1656 -1656
grave speech
The bishop's funeral orations were known for their graviloquence.
gumfiate v 1820 -1820
to cause to swell; to puff up
He just had his wisdom teeth extracted, so his cheeks are gumfiated.
gutturniform adj 1886 -1886
shaped like a water pitcher
She was never able to mould the clay into a proper gutturniform shape.
gypsation n 1656 -1681
action or process of plastering with gypsum
The gypsation of the room took much too long and irritated his allergies.
habroneme adj 1886 -1886
having the appearance of fine threads
Her habroneme hair was admired by many hairstylists for its fine texture.
halatinous adj 1886 -1886
saline; salty
The halatinous mist brought back memories of his childhood at the seashore.
hecatologue n 1894 -1894
code consisting of 100 rules
The teen whined that her parents' list of rules was practically a hecatologue.
helctic adj 1658 -1658
acting to drag or draw out; drawing
While leechcraft is derided, it is medicinally useful from a helctic perspective.
hemerine adj 1854 -1886
daily; quotidian
The hemerine ritual of walking her dog kept her in good physical shape.
hercotectonic adj 1672 -1672
of or pertaining to the construction of fortifications or walls
The fort's hercotectonic strength was insufficient to repel cannon-fire.
hirculation n 1656 -1721
disease of vines where they grow no fruit
Despite a fantastic growing season, the vineyard was crippled by hirculation.
hirquitalliency n 1652 -1652
strength of voice
The wrestler's hirquitalliency compensated for his lack of strength and talent.
historiaster n 1887 -1894
petty or contemptible historian
While Foucault is widely praised today, he was no more than a historiaster.
hiulcity n 1681 -1681
an opening or cleft
They stepped into the hiulcity in the cliff face, unaware of the danger within.
homerkin n 1662 -1663
old liquid measure for beer
"I'm so thirsty I could drink a homerkin of beer," Simpson lamented.
hymnicide n 1862 -1862
killing of hymns through alterations
Many accused the revisionists in the Church of committing hymnicide.
hyometer n 1886 -1886
rain gauge
Her homemade hyometer was overwhelmed and destroyed by the deluge.
hypenemious n 1855 -1886
full of wind; windy; of an egg, malformed
Let us protect ourselves against the hyenemious assault of the hurricane.
icasm n 1664 -1664
figurative expression
He protested at his trial that the death threat he delivered was only an icasm.
ichorescent adj 1684 -1684
growing or becoming ichorous
After several months, the carrots were disgustingly ichorescent.
ichthyarchy n 1853 -1853
the domain or rule of fishes
Despite his ichthyarchy, Aquaman is really a very pitiful superhero.
ictuate v 1822 -1822
to emphasize; to put metrical stress on
She preferred free verse over carefully-ictuated classical poetic styles.
igniparous adj 1684 -1684
bringing forth fire
The heroes were scorched by the dragon's igniparous emanation.
impigrity n 1623 -1721
quickness; speed
The impigrity of the contract's signing led to vexing legal wranglings.
improcerous adj 1656 -1658
low; short
The coffee table was much too improcerous to be of any real use.
incabinate v 1672 -1672
to enclose in a cabin; to confine
The solution to her writer's block was to incabinate herself at her country villa.
ingeniculation n 1623 -1658
bending of the knee
His ingeniculation was in vain, and she turned away in disgust, never to return.
ingordigious adj 1637 -1734
greedy; avaricious
Your ingordigious ways are cruel and heartless; charity is the path to joy.
inocciduous adj 1656 -1658
of a star, never setting
Polaris was his inocciduous guide as he trekked across the Great Plains.
inobligality n 1663 -1663
quality of not being obligatory
Granting the inobligality of bringing a gift to the party, it is still polite to do so.
interfation n 1656 -1658
act of interrupting another while speaking
His boorish interfations were ill-received at the academic lecture.
inveteratist n 1715 -1715
opponent of reform; one who inveterately holds to tradition
The golf course's manager, being an inveteratist, continued to refuse women entry.
ipsographic adj 1817 -1817
He used the CD burner primarily for ipsographic purposes.
irredivivous adj 1656 -1656
unable to be revived
Despite Dr. House's best effort, the patient remained irredivivous.
isangelous adj 1768 -1774
equal to the angels
I've had just about enough of her isangelous and self-righteous diatribes.
jecorary adj 1684 -1684
of or relating to the liver
The alcoholic's refusal to seek treatment caused him no end of jecorary trouble.
jobler n 1662 -1662
one who does small jobs
We've found a great jobler who takes care of our repairs quickly and cheaply.
jumperism n 1800 -1876
principles of a jumping Methodist sect
While snake-handling is ridiculous, it is no worse than jumperism or the stylites.
jungible adj 1656 -1656
that may be joined
The trailers are jungible by means of a complex hitching system.
jussulent adj 1656 -1658
full of broth or soup
The bubbling of the jussulent cauldron and the crackling of the campfire soothed her.
kalotypography n 1834 -1834
beautiful printing
Medieval manuscripts are attractive, but modern kalotypography surely surpasses them.
keleusmatically adv 1885 -1885
imperatively; in an imperative mood
"Sit down!" the teacher instructed his wife keleusmatically, to her chagrin.
kexy adj 1608 -1884
dry, brittle, withered
The rustling of the kexy leaves alerted the campers to the bear's presence.
krioboly n 1850 -1882
sacrifice of many rams; bath in blood of rams
Contrary to rumour, pagan rituals do not involve krioboly or baby-eating.
labascate v 1727 -1727
to begin to fall or slide
He watched with helpless horror as the baby carriage labascated down the stairs.
lagenarious adj 1657 -1657
He brought our champagne in a lagenarious vessel, much to our embarassment.
lambition n 1658 -1800
act of licking or lapping
The child's lambition of the ice cream was interrupted by gravity, the cruellest master.
lampistry n 1874 -1874
art of decorating lamps
The church bazaar is always full of skilled needlework, lampistry and other crafts.
lardlet n 1659 -1659
small piece of bacon to put into meat to enrich with fat
The secret to her *** roasts is the use of lardlets to enhance the flavour of the meat.
latibule n 1623 -1691
hiding place
The girl emerged triumphantly from her latibule, only to find her friends had already left.
leeftail adj 1674 -1869
in great demand; having a quick sale
The new Corvettes are a leeftail product, no doubt because of the economic boom.
legatarian adj 1766 -1766
of or pertaining to a deputy or legate
The vice-president seems uncomfortable with his legatarian duties.
leporicide n 1788 -1914
killer or killing of hares or rabbits
Elmer Fudd's futile attempts at leporicide were always foiled by his intended prey.
lignatile adj 1855 -1855
living or growing on wood
She collected lignatile mushrooms on her hike, confident in her identifications.
lignicide n 1656 -1656
We will not tolerate the lignicides who would despoil our old-growth forests!
lococession n 1656 -1656
place for giving
Deposit your alms in the lococession we have provided, and you will be rewarded.
locupletative adj 1802 -1812
tending to enrich
Your locupletative contributions have helped furnish the new stadium lavishly.
logarithmotechny n 1724 -1775
the art of calculating logarithms
But sir, without my calculator, I will be reduced to painful logarithmotechny!
lubency n 1623 -1669
willingness; pleasure
My lubency to help you in this matter will not be increased by your paltry bribes.
lugent adj 1656 -1889
weeping; mourning
After hearing of the attack, her brothers were lugent at first, then enraged.
Lutherolatry n 1859 -1883
worship of Martin Luther and his teachings
The priest was poorly received for his denunciation of Lutherolatry and paganism.
macellarious adj 1656 -1656
pertaining to butchers or meat markets
Some practitioners of the macellarious arts are more humane to animals than vegans.
magastromancy n 1652 -1652
magical astrology
Her reliance on magastromancy to decide the students' grades got her in trouble.
magistricide n 1670 -1670
the killing or killer of a teacher or master
While many have considered magistricide, few are bold or wicked enough to do so.
magophony n 1711 -1711
massacre of magi or priests
The acts of magophony that accompany religious intolerance are simply unacceptable.
maleolent adj 1657 -1727
having an ill odour
His maleolent recipe was avoided by all but the most courageous or polite guests.
mancation n 1727 -1727
maiming; mutilation
The general would suffer no mancation or execution of fallen enemy troops.
mariturient adj 1765 -1765
eager to marry
He was beset with offers from several distant cousins who were desperately mariturient.
mecography n 1603 -1890
measurement of the dimensions and weight of body parts
The ****** company used mecography to obtain necessary data about its clientele.
medioxumate adj 1723 -1723
of gods of intermediate rank between those of heaven and of hell
Medioxumate deities such as those of the Greek pantheon are rarely worshipped today.
melanochalcographer n 1697 -1697
engraver of copper printing plates
No melanochalcographer can match a photographic print in quality of reproduction.
miliaceous adj 1684 -1890
like millet or the millet-seed
This miliaceous gift will keep our nation from starvation, but will not appease us.
mingent adj 1685 -1685
discharging *****
The mingent dog amused the children but not the owner of the flower garden.
misqueme v 1395 -1658
to displease; to offend
If my actions misqueme you or your friends, you need only leave me alone.
mitescent adj 1727 -1727
growing mild
You're becoming mitescent in your old age, and can hardly stomach conflict any more.
mochlic n 1657 -1753
drastic purgative medicine
This mochlic remedy is worse than the disease, but at least it will be over quickly.
modernicide n 1774 -1774
killing or killer of modern people
While the Luddites were radical traditionalists, they never engaged in modernicide.
molrowing n 1860 -1896
caterwauling; cavorting with prostitutes
Her son is a molrowing vagabond without any social graces, much to her shame.
montivagant adj 1656 -1658
wandering over hills and mountains
The montivagant hiker crossed the Alps with ease but was stymied by the Andes.
morsicant adj 1891 -1891
producing the sensation of repeated biting or pricking
After sitting for several hours, I had a terrible morsicant pain in my rear end.
mowburnt adj 1548 -1900
of crops, spoiled by becoming overheated
The heat wave last August left us with heaps of mowburnt and useless crops.
mulcible adj 1656 -1656
able to be appeased
Despite his promises of food, the crowd was not mulcible and began to riot.
mulomedic adj 1678 -1678
relating to the medical care of mules
The doctor's mulomedic abilities were of enormous importance to the trek's success.
murklins adv 1568 -1674
in the dark
She stumbled murklins about the house until she found the light switch.
myriander adj 1693 -1693
consisting of ten thousand men
Fable XIV, Livre V.

Sur la cire brûlante imprimons une image ;
Elle s'y fixera d'autant plus fortement
Que le cachet si mou dans le premier moment
En se refroidissant se durcit davantage.
Leçon pour nous : par un outrage
Avons-nous blessé notre ami,
Et du mal dont il a gémi
Voulons-nous effacer jusqu'à la cicatrice ;
Qu'au plus tôt il soit réparé,
Avant qu'en son cœur ulcéré
L'amitié se refroidisse.
martin murray Jan 2018
God shows us love
God shows us kindness
God shows us righteousness

••••True he deliver's us from sin

Use words of recherché
Which has God's cachet
That is how God would like us to be

••••True he delivers us from sin

We have all lied, insulted, and planned animus malice
Felt angered, bitter, and resentful emotions

••••Oh what a God-awful feeling

Praise the venture Jesus died for our sins
Thank God for every word in the scriptures

••••True he delivers us from sin

Opus dedicated to God to show partially how we should be, and how God loves people
martin murray Jan 2018
God shows us love
God shows us kindness
God shows us righteousness

*True the almighty God deliver's us from sin

Use words of recherché
Which has God's cachet
That is how God would like us to be

True the almighty God delivers us from sin

We have all lied, insulted, and planned animus malice
Felt angered, bitter, and resentful emotions

Oh what a God-awful feeling

Praise the venture Jesus died for because Jesus died for our sins
Thank God for every word in the scriptures

True the almighty God delivers us from sin

Opus dedicated to God to show partially how we should be, and how God loves people
Benjamin King Apr 2013
She slowly fainted in his arms
after failed attempts of his charms
she had not coped with what he had hoped
only gone in the way of harm's

And the blade was stuck
deep in her heart
he watched her pupils dilate
but had no fraternal feelings to impart
upon her undesirably fierce and dry fate

Moments of minutes went by
the atmosphere began to clarify
the scenario that would terrify
much more than the most potent
of cacti or fungi

And near he was drawn
without fear towards the dawn
of grotesque mutilation
an act of sheer exploitation

This hunger wasn't getting any younger
he had to heed the need and proceed

First he quenched his thirst
of desirous yearning
infected her like a virus, earning
euphoric pleasure, but this was not the real treasure

Second he reckoned that a peek wouldn't hurt
it was a situation he couldn't revert
so he dug in deep like a creep
with shining silver he mined and drilled her

Third and last, he conquered and harassed
her entrails, which disgustingly unveiled
a regretful miasma pouring out of the lifeless plasma
she got the last laugh, but he didn't hear any laughter

Now the darkness approached
his mind gradually felt encroached
and on the cold, rugged, concrete floor
an innocent beauty lay
tainted with horrific gore
and not a single thing to say

Thereafter he collapsed
with a peculiar shout
as he blocked the whole world


It was a bright summer morning
dewy, dabby and wet
dark twinkling thoughts
competed to fill his head
fragments of odd memories
of vivid amenities
flickered like an unstable light bulb
projecting images of resolution
implying personal evolution

A trail invited him
the green hills excited him
and he wandered the path of exemption
like a pilgrim, seeking redemption
but he came upon a tree
with branches full of fleas
he examined it for a while
but went on like a careless child

Sliding down a hillside surprised to collide
with an unoccupied, undignified graveside
he quickly absconded and swiftly responded
to an extroverted residence presented with great convenience
and as his legs were tiring his energy was expiring
he became an intruder, quite aspiring.

The hallway seemed warped
on the wall a cachet, forked
a regal insignia
to the eyes like ambrosia is to the tongue
and that was when someone sprung
out and swung a knife at him
yelling and screaming about his break in

He was apprehensive
he turned from defensive to offensive
concerned that he would be defeated
and as she retreated he dealt a lethal blow
ending the show, felt the afterglow
as the knife like a dart
spiked and impaled her restless
and fast beating heart.
Prathipa Nair Jul 2016
Love birds were they
Tamed in different cages
She, in the cage of caste
He, in the cage of cachet
Never did the owners knew
Holding hands together
Can bring them both
The caste and cachet
Adding the pith of love
Lack of courage in facing it
Love birds surrender
Themselves to death
Muse Reine
Tu veux et tu exiges que je me retienne
Que je ne m'exhibe pas au tout venant
Et que je ne bande que sur ordre exprès de toi
Le cachet de la poste faisant foi
A la minute heure seconde que tu t'es choisie
Pour me déguster à distance.
Tu dis que c'est la présence et non l'absence qui te stimule
Et tu me dis que je te manque
et que ma présence volcanique
Te couvre de toutes parts
en dépit de la distance.
Moi je m'interroge
Et je pense que c'est cette absence qui te met en transe
Et je veux t'aimer profondément dans cette distance
Comme tu n'as jamais été aimée. désirée, choyée, goûtée, savourée
Léchée, embrassée, pénétrée, visitée, hantée, caressée, avalée, touchée
Consommée, étreinte, engrossée, jouie, priée, chantée, dénudée
Comblée, tétée, mordillée, mouillées, aspergé, respectée
Mais pour cela il faut que ton âme et chair soient à nu
Et la nudité dans la distance passe par la photographie ou la vidéo
Et si tu veux que l'oiseau te respecte
Il faut que tu le fasses voler et siffler d'aise à ta vue
Car il n'aspire qu'à cela soir et matin :
Voler au-dessus de tes collines et tes plaines
Plonger dans tes lacs et rivières
Nager dans tes eaux poissonneuses
Plonger son bec dans ta chair ouverte et complice
Et en tirer des petits poissons multicolores et chanteurs
Chuchoter à ton oreille
Les mots qui te font fondre de rires et de désir
Ma muse précieuse et généreuse...
Alors pour t'être agréable ma bien-aimée
C 'est promis juré craché
Désormais je ne banderai plus que des yeux
Je ne banderai plus que des lèvres
Tu pourras me bander les yeux et me bâillonner les lèvres
Tant que tu voudras
Je banderai encore
Et si cela ne suffit pas
Pour te prouver mon amour
Je banderai aussi des oreilles et du nez
Je banderai des mains et des doigts de pieds
Je banderai de ma langue
Mi pangolin mi orphie
Je banderai de mon ombre
Une fois deux fois trois fois
Autant de fois qu'il le faudra
Ce ne sera jamais dans le vide
Car je banderai en toi
Et même l'air qui t'environne
Le soleil et la lune banderont de concert
Jusqu'à ce que nous soyons orphies nues, chair et arêtes en rut,
Sublimement réunis pour notre danse farandole et tantrique
Enfin retrouvée.
Michael R Burch Apr 2020
The Making of a Poet
by Michael R. Burch

While I don’t consider “Poetry” to be my best poem—I wrote the first version in my teens—it’s a poem that holds special meaning for me. I consider it my Ars Poetica. Here’s how I came to write “Poetry” as a teenager ...

When I was eleven years old, my father, a staff sergeant in the US Air Force, was stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany. We were forced to live off-base for two years, in a tiny German village where there were no other American children to play with, and no English radio or TV stations. To avoid complete boredom, I began going to the base library, checking out eight books at a time (the limit), reading them in a few days, then continually repeating the process. I quickly exhausted the library’s children’s fare and began devouring adult novels along with a plethora of books about history, science and nature.

In the fifth grade, I tested at the reading level of a college sophomore and was put in a reading group of one. I was an incredibly fast reader: I flew through books like crazy. I was reading Austen, Dickens, Hardy, et al, while my classmates were reading … whatever one normally reads in grade school. My grades shot through the roof and from that day forward I was always the top scholar in my age group, wherever I went.

But being bright and well-read does not invariably lead to happiness. I was tall, scrawny, introverted and socially awkward. I had trouble making friends. I began to dabble in poetry around age thirteen, but then we were finally granted base housing and for two years I was able to focus on things like marbles, quarters, comic books, baseball, basketball and football. And, from an incomprehensible distance, girls.

When I was fifteen my father retired from the Air Force and we moved back to his hometown of Nashville. While my parents were looking for a house, we lived with my grandfather and his third wife. They didn’t have air-conditioning and didn’t seem to believe in hot food—even the peas and beans were served cold!—so I was sweaty, hungry, lonely, friendless and miserable. It was at this point that I began to write poetry seriously. I’m not sure why. Perhaps because my options were so limited and the world seemed so impossibly grim and unfair.

Writing poetry helped me cope with my loneliness and depression. I had feelings of deep alienation and inadequacy, but suddenly I had found something I could do better than anyone around me. (Perhaps because no one else was doing it at all?)

However, I was a perfectionist and poetry can be very tough on perfectionists. I remember becoming incredibly frustrated and angry with myself. Why wasn’t I writing poetry like Shelley and Keats at age fifteen? I destroyed all my poems in a fit of pique. Fortunately, I was able to reproduce most of the better poems from memory, but two in particular were lost forever and still haunt me.

In the tenth grade, at age sixteen, I had a major breakthrough. My English teacher gave us a poetry assignment. We were instructed to create a poetry booklet with five chapters of our choosing. I still have my booklet, a treasured memento, banged out on a Corona typewriter with cursive script, which gave it a sort of elegance, a cachet. My chosen chapters were: Rock Songs, English Poems, Animal Poems, Biblical Poems, and ta-da, My Poems! Audaciously, alongside the poems of Shakespeare, Burns and Tennyson, I would self-publish my fledgling work!

My teacher wrote “This poem is beautiful” beside one my earliest compositions, “Playmates.” Her comment was like rocket fuel to my stellar aspirations. Surely I was next Keats, the next Shelley! Surely immediate and incontrovertible success was now fait accompli, guaranteed!

Of course I had no idea what I was getting into. How many fifteen-year-old poets can compete with the immortal bards? I was in for some very tough sledding because I had good taste in poetry and could tell the difference between merely adequate verse and the real thing. I continued to find poetry vexing. Why the hell wouldn’t it cooperate and anoint me its next Shakespeare, pronto?

Then I had another breakthrough. I remember it vividly. I working at a McDonald’s at age seventeen, salting away money for college because my parents had informed me they didn’t have enough money to pay my tuition. Fortunately, I was able to earn a full academic scholarship, but I still needed to make money for clothes, dating (hah!), etc. I was sitting in the McDonald’s break room when I wrote a poem, “Reckoning” (later re-titled “Observance”), that sorta made me catch my breath. Did I really write that? For the first time, I felt like a “real poet.”

by Michael R. Burch

Here the hills are old, and rolling
casually in their old age;
on the horizon youthful mountains
bathe themselves in windblown fountains . . .

By dying leaves and falling raindrops,
I have traced time's starts and stops,
and I have known the years to pass
almost unnoticed, whispering through treetops . . .

For here the valleys fill with sunlight
to the brim, then empty again,
and it seems that only I notice
how the years flood out, and in . . .

Another poem, “Infinity,” written around age eighteen, again made me feel like a real poet.

by Michael R. Burch

Have you tasted the bitterness of tears of despair?
Have you watched the sun sink through such pale, balmless air
that your soul sought its shell like a crab on a beach,
then scuttled inside to be safe, out of reach?

Might I lift you tonight from earth’s wreckage and damage
on these waves gently rising to pay the moon homage?
Or better, perhaps, let me say that I, too,
have dreamed of infinity . . . windswept and blue.

Now, two “real poems” in two years may not seem like a big deal to non-poets. But they were very big deals to me. I would go off to college feeling that I was, really, a real poet, with two real poems under my belt. I felt like someone, at last. I had, at least, potential.

But I was in for another rude shock. Being a good reader of poetry—good enough to know when my own poems were falling far short of the mark—I was absolutely floored when I learned that impostors were controlling Poetry’s fate! These impostors were claiming that meter and rhyme were passé, that honest human sentiment was something to be ridiculed and dismissed, that poetry should be nothing more than concrete imagery, etc.

At first I was devastated, but then I quickly became enraged. I knew the difference between good poetry and bad. I could feel it in my flesh, in my bones. Who were these impostors to say that bad poetry was good, and good was bad? How dare they? I was incensed! I loved Poetry. I saw her as my savior because she had rescued me from depression and feelings of inadequacy. So I made a poetic pledge to help save my Savior from the impostors:

by Michael R. Burch

Poetry, I found you where at last they chained and bound you;
with devices all around you to torture and confound you,
I found you—shivering, bare.

They had shorn your raven hair and taken both your eyes
which, once cerulean as Gogh’s skies, had leapt with dawn to wild surmise
of what was waiting there.

Your back was bent with untold care; there savage brands had left cruel scars
as though the wounds of countless wars; your bones were broken with the force
with which they’d lashed your flesh so fair.

You once were loveliest of all. So many nights you held in thrall
a scrawny lad who heard your call from where dawn’s milling showers fall—
pale meteors through sapphire air.

I learned the eagerness of youth to temper for a lover’s touch;
I felt you, tremulant, reprove each time I fumbled over-much.
Your merest word became my prayer.

You took me gently by the hand and led my steps from boy to man;
now I look back, remember when—you shone, and cannot understand
why here, tonight, you bear their brand.

I will take and cradle you in my arms, remindful of the gentle charms
you showed me once, of yore;
and I will lead you from your cell tonight—back into that incandescent light
which flows out of the core of a sun whose robes you wore.
And I will wash your feet with tears for all those blissful years . . .
my love, whom I adore.

Originally published by The Lyric

I consider "Poetry" to be my Ars Poetica. However, the poem has been misinterpreted as the poet claiming to be Poetry's  sole "savior." The poet never claims to be a savior or hero, but more like a member of a rescue operation. The poem says that when Poetry is finally freed, in some unspecified way, the poet will be there to take her hand and watch her glory be re-revealed to the world. The poet expresses love for Poetry, and gratitude, but never claims to have done anything heroic himself. This is a poem of love, compassion and reverence. Poetry is the Messiah, not the poet. The poet washes her feet with his tears, like Mary Magdalene.

These are other poems I have written since, that I particularly like, and hope you like them too ...

In this Ordinary Swoon
by Michael R. Burch

In this ordinary swoon
as I pass from life to death,
I feel no heat from the cold, pale moon;
I feel no sympathy for breath.

Who I am and why I came,
I do not know; nor does it matter.
The end of every man’s the same
and every god’s as mad as a hatter.

I do not fear the letting go;
I only fear the clinging on
to hope when there’s no hope, although
I lift my face to the blazing sun

and feel the greater intensity
of the wilder inferno within me.

Second Sight
by Michael R. Burch

I never touched you—
that was my mistake.

Deep within,
I still feel the ache.

Can an unformed thing
eternally break?

Now, from a great distance,
I see you again

not as you are now,
but as you were then—

eternally present
and Sovereign.

by Michael R. Burch

for the survivors of 9-11

I am besieged with kindnesses;
sometimes I laugh,
delighted for a moment,
then resume
the more seemly occupation of my craft.

I do not taste the candies...

The perfume
of roses is uplifted
in a draft
that vanishes into the ceiling’s fans

which spin like old propellers
till the room
is full of ghostly bits of yarn...

My task
is not to knit,

but not to end too soon.

This poem is dedicated to the victims of 9-11 and their families and friends.

Love Unfolded Like a Flower
by Michael R. Burch

Love unfolded
like a flower;
Pale petals pinked and blushed to see the sky.
I came to know you
and to trust you
in moments lost to springtime slipping by.

Then love burst outward,
leaping skyward,
and untamed blossoms danced against the wind.
All I wanted
was to hold you;
though passion tempted once, we never sinned.

Now love's gay petals
fade and wither,
and winter beckons, whispering a lie.
We were friends,
but friendships end . . .
yes, friendships end and even roses die.

by Michael R. Burch

In our hearts, knowing
fewer days―and milder―beckon,
how now are we to measure
that wick by which we reckon
the time we have remaining?

We are shadows
spawned by a blue spurt of candlelight.
Darkly, we watch ourselves flicker.
Where shall we go when the flame burns less bright?
When chill night steals our vigor?

Why are we less than ourselves? We are shadows.
Where is the fire of our youth? We grow cold.
Why does our future loom dark? We are old.
And why do we shiver?

In our hearts, seeing
fewer days―and briefer―breaking,
now, even more, we treasure
this brittle leaf-like aching
that tells us we are living.

Dust (II)
by Michael R. Burch

We are dust
and to dust we must
return ...
but why, then,
life’s pointless sojourn?

Leave Taking (II)
by Michael R. Burch

Although the earth renews itself, and spring
is lovelier for all the rot of fall,
I think of yellow leaves that cling and hang
by fingertips to life, let go . . . and all
men see is one bright instance of departure,
the flame that, at least height, warms nothing. I,

have never liked to think the ants that march here
will deem them useless, grimly tramping by,
and so I gather leaves’ dry hopeless brilliance,
to feel their prickly edges, like my own,
to understand their incurled worn resilience―
youth’s tenderness long, callously, outgrown.

I even feel the pleasure of their sting,
the stab of life. I do not think―at all―
to be renewed, as earth is every spring.
I do not hope words cluster where they fall.
I only hope one leaf, wild-spiraling,
illuminates the void, till glad hearts sing.

It's not that every leaf must finally fall ...
it's just that we can never catch them all.

Originally published by Silver Stork

Less Heroic Couplets: Funding Fundamentals
by Michael R. Burch

*"I found out that I was a Christian for revenue only and I could not bear the thought of that, it was so ignoble." ― Mark Twain

Making sense from nonsense is quite sensible! Suppose
you’re running low on moolah, need some cash to paint your toes ...
Just invent a new religion; claim it saves lost souls from hell;
have the converts write you checks; take major debit cards as well;
take MasterCard and Visa and good-as-gold Amex;
hell, lend and charge them interest, whether payday loan or flex.
Thus out of perfect nonsense, glittery ores of this great mine,
you’ll earn an easy living and your toes will truly shine!

Originally published by Lighten Up Online

Marsh Song
by Michael R. Burch

Here there is only the great sad song of the reeds
and the silent herons, wraithlike in the mist,
and a few drab sunken stones, unblessed
by the sunlight these late sixteen thousand years,
and the beaded dews that drench strange ferns, like tears
collected against an overwhelming sadness.

Here the marsh exposes its dejectedness,
its gutted rotting belly, and its roots
rise out of the earth’s distended heaviness,
to claw hard at existence, till the scars
remind us that we all have wounds, and I
have learned again that living is despair
as the herons cleave the placid, dreamless air.

Originally published by The Lyric

Moon Lake
by Michael R. Burch

Starlit recorder of summer nights,
what magic spell bewitches you?
They say that all lovers love first in the dark . . .
Is it true?
Is it true?
Is it true?

Starry-eyed seer of all that appears
and all that has appeared―
What sights have you seen?
What dreams have you dreamed?
What rhetoric have you heard?

Is love an oration,
or is it a word?
Have you heard?
Have you heard?
Have you heard?

Originally published by Romantics Quarterly

Tomb Lake
by Michael R. Burch

Go down to the valley
where mockingbirds cry,
alone, ever lonely . . .
yes, go down to die.

And dream in your dying
you never shall wake.
Go down to the valley;
go down to Tomb Lake.

Tomb Lake is a cauldron
of souls such as yours―
mad souls without meaning,
frail souls without force.

Tomb Lake is a graveyard
reserved for the dead.
They lie in her shallows
and sleep in her bed.

I believe this poem and "Moon Lake" were companion poems, written around my senior year in high school, in 1976.

Mother of Cowards
by Michael R. Burch aka "The Loyal Opposition"

So unlike the brazen giant of Greek fame
With conquering limbs astride from land to land,
Spread-eagled, showering gold, a strumpet stands:
A much-used trollop with a torch, whose flame
Has long since been extinguished. And her name?
"Mother of Cowards!" From her enervate hand
Soft ash descends. Her furtive eyes demand
Allegiance to her ****'s repulsive game.
"Keep, ancient lands, your wretched poor!" cries she
With scarlet lips. "Give me your hale, your whole,
Your huddled tycoons, yearning to be pleased!
The wretched refuse of your toilet hole?
Oh, never send one unwashed child to me!
I await Trump's pleasure by the gilded bowl!"

Frantisek “Franta” Bass was a Jewish boy murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

The Garden
by Franta Bass
translation by Michael R. Burch

A small garden,
so fragrant and full of roses!
The path the little boy takes
is guarded by thorns.

A small boy, a sweet boy,
growing like those budding blossoms!
But when the blossoms have bloomed,
the boy will be no more.

Jewish Forever
by Franta Bass
translation by Michael R. Burch

I am a Jew and always will be, forever!
Even if I should starve,
I will never submit!
But I will always fight for my people,
with my honor,
to their credit!

And I will never be ashamed of them;
this is my vow.
I am so very proud of my people now!
How dignified they are, in their grief!
And though I may die, oppressed,
still I will always return to life ...

Options Underwater: The Song of the First Amphibian
by Michael R. Burch

“Evolution’s a Fishy Business!”

Breathing underwater through antiquated gills,
I’m running out of options. I need to find fresh Air,
to seek some higher Purpose. No porpoise, I despair
to swim among anemones’ pink frills.

My fins will make fine flippers, if only I can walk,
a little out of kilter, safe to the nearest rock’s
sweet, unmolested shelter. Each eye must grow a stalk,
to take in this green land on which it gawks.

No predators have made it here, so I need not adapt.
Sun-sluggish, full, lethargic―I’ll take such nice long naps!

The highest form of life, that’s me! (Quite apt
to lie here chortling, calling fishes saps.)

I woke to find life teeming all around―
mammals, insects, reptiles, loathsome birds.
And now I cringe at every sight and sound.
The water’s looking good! I look Absurd.

The moral of my story’s this: don’t leap
wherever grass is greener. Backwards creep.
And never burn your bridges, till you’re sure
leapfrogging friends secures your Sinecure.

Originally published by Lighten Up Online

Keywords/Tags: amphibian, amphibians, evolution, gills, water, air, lungs, fins, flippers, fish, fishy business

Unlikely Mike
by Michael R. Burch

I married someone else’s fantasy;
she admired me despite my mutilations.

I loved her for her heart’s sake, and for mine.
I hid my face and changed its connotations.

And in the dark I danced—slight, Chaplinesque—
a metaphor myself. How could they know,

the undiscerning ones, that in the glow
of spotlights, sometimes love becomes burlesque?

Disfigured to my soul, I could not lose
or choose or name myself; I came to be

another of life’s odd dichotomies,
like Dickey’s Sheep Boy, Pan, or David Cruse:

as pale, as enigmatic. White, or black?
My color was a song, a changing track.

This is my translation of one of my favorite Dimash Kudaibergen songs, the French song "S.O.S." ...

by Michel Berger
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Why do I live, why do I die?
Why do I laugh, why do I cry?

Voicing the S.O.S.
of an earthling in distress ...

I have never felt at home on the ground.

I'd rather be a bird;
this skin feels weird.

I'd like to see the world turned upside down.

It ever was more beautiful
seen from up above,
seen from up above.

I've always confused life with cartoons,
wishing to transform.

I feel something that draws me,
that draws me,
that draws me

In the great lotto of the universe
I didn't draw the right numbers.
I feel unwell in my own skin,
I don't want to be a machine
eating, working, sleeping.

Why do I live, why do I die?
Why do I laugh, why do I cry?

I feel I'm catching waves from another world.
I've never had both feet on the ground.
This skin feels weird.
I'd like to see the world turned upside down.
I'd rather be a bird.

Sleep, child, sleep ...

"Late Autumn" aka "Autumn Strong"
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
based on the version sung by Dimash Kudaibergen

Autumn ...

The feeling of late autumn ...

It feels like golden leaves falling
to those who are parting ...

A glass of wine
has stirred
so many emotions swirling in my mind ...

Such sad farewells ...

With the season's falling leaves,
so many sad farewells.

To see you so dispirited pains me more than I can say.

Holding your hands so tightly to my heart ...

... Remembering ...

I implore you to remember our unspoken vows ...

I dare bear this bitterness,
but not to see you broken-hearted!

All contentment vanishes like leaves in an autumn wind.

Meeting or parting, that's not up to me.
We can blame the wind for our destiny.

I do not fear my own despair
but your sorrow haunts me.

No one will know of our desolation.

My Forty-Ninth Year
by Michael R. Burch

My forty-ninth year
and the dew remembers
how brightly it glistened
encrusting September, ...
one frozen September
when hawks ruled the sky
and death fell on wings
with a shrill, keening cry.

My forty-ninth year,
and still I recall
the weavings and windings
of childhood, of fall ...
of fall enigmatic,
resplendent, yet sere, ...
though vibrant the herald
of death drawing near.

My forty-ninth year
and now often I've thought on
the course of a lifetime,
the meaning of autumn,
the cycle of autumn
with winter to come,
of aging and death
and rebirth ... on and on.

Less Heroic Couplets: Rejection Slips
by Michael R. Burch

pour Melissa Balmain

Whenever my writing gets rejected,
I always wonder how the rejecter got elected.
Are we exchanging at the same Bourse?
(Excepting present company, of course!)

I consider the term “rejection slip” to be a double entendre. When editors reject my poems, did I slip up, or did they? Is their slip showing, or is mine?

Spring Was Delayed
by Michael R. Burch

Winter came early:
the driving snows,
the delicate frosts
that crystallize

all we forget
or refuse to know,
all we regret
that makes us wise.

Spring was delayed:
the nubile rose,
the tentative sun,
the wind’s soft sighs,

all we omit
or refuse to show,
whatever we shield
behind guarded eyes.

Originally published by Borderless Journal

by Michael R. Burch

I have no words
for winter’s pale splendors
awash in gray twilight,
nor these slow-dripping eaves
renewing their tinkling songs.

Life’s like the failing resistance
of autumn to winter
and plays its low accompaniment,
slipping slowly

The Drawer of Mermaids
by Michael R. Burch

This poem is dedicated to Alina Karimova, who was born with severely deformed legs and five fingers missing. Alina loves to draw mermaids and believes her fingers will eventually grow out.

Although I am only four years old,
they say that I have an old soul.
I must have been born long, long ago,
here, where the eerie mountains glow
at night, in the Urals.

A madman named Geiger has cursed these slopes;
now, shut in at night, the emphatic ticking
fills us with dread.
(Still, my momma hopes
that I will soon walk with my new legs.)

It’s not so much legs as the fingers I miss,
drawing the mermaids under the ledges.
(Observing, Papa will kiss me
in all his distracted joy;
but why does he cry?)

And there is a boy
who whispers my name.
Then I am not lame;
for I leap, and I follow.
(G’amma brings a wiseman who says

our infirmities are ours, not God’s,
that someday a beautiful Child
will return from the stars,
and then my new fingers will grow
if only I trust Him; and so

I am preparing to meet Him, to go,
should He care to receive me.)

Keywords/Tags: mermaid, mermaids, child, children, childhood, Urals, Ural Mountains, soul, soulmate, radiation

The Blobfish
by Michael R. Burch

You can call me a "blob"
with your oversized gob,
but what's your excuse,
great gargantuan Zeus
whose once-chiseled abs
are now marbleized flab?

But what really alarms me
(how I wish you'd abstain)
is when you start using
that oversized "brain."
Consider the planet! Refrain!

There’s a Stirring and Awakening in the World
by Michael R. Burch

There’s a stirring and awakening in the world,
and even so my spirit stirs within,
imagining some Power beckoning—
the Force which through the stamen gently whirrs,
unlocking tumblers deftly, even mine.

The grape grows wild-entangled on the vine,
and here, close by, the honeysuckle shines.
And of such life, at last there comes there comes the Wine.

And so it is with spirits’ fruitful yield—
the growth comes first, Green Vagrance, then the Bloom.

The world somehow must give the spirit room
to blossom, till its light shines—wild, revealed.

And then at last the earth receives its store
of blessings, as glad hearts cry—More! More! More!

Originally published by Borderless Journal

These are poems I have written about Shakespeare, poems I have written for Shakespeare, and poems I have written after Shakespeare.

Fleet Tweet: Apologies to Shakespeare
by Michael R. Burch

a tweet
by any other name
would be as fleet!

Fleet Tweet II: Further Apologies to Shakespeare
by Michael R. Burch

Remember, doggonit,
heroic verse crowns the Shakespearean sonnet!
So if you intend to write a couplet,
please do it on the doublet!

Stage Fright
by Michael R. Burch

To be or not to be?
In the end Hamlet
opted for naught.

by Michael R. Burch

for Kevin N. Roberts

Ophelia, madness suits you well,
as the ocean sounds in an empty shell,
as the moon shines brightest in a starless sky,
as suns supernova before they die ...

Shakespeare's Sonnet 130 Refuted
by Michael R. Burch, circa age 18

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
— Shakespeare, Sonnet 130

Seas that sparkle in the sun
without its light would have no beauty;
but the light within your eyes
is theirs alone; it owes no duty.
Whose winsome flame, not half so bright,
is meant for me, and brings delight.

Coral formed beneath the sea,
though scarlet-tendriled, cannot warm me;
while your lips, not half so red,
just touching mine, at once inflame me.
Whose scorching flames mild lips arouse
fathomless oceans fail to douse.

Bright roses’ brief affairs, declared
when winter comes, will wither quickly.
Your cheeks, though paler when compared
with them?—more lasting, never prickly.
Whose tender cheeks, so enchantingly warm,
far vaster treasures, harbor no thorns.

Originally published by Romantics Quarterly

This was my first sonnet, written in my teens after I discovered Shakespeare's "Sonnet 130." At the time I didn't know the rules of the sonnet form, so mine is a bit unconventional. I think it is not bad for the first attempt of a teen poet. I remember writing this poem in my head on the way back to my dorm from a freshman English class. I would have been 18 or 19 at the time.

Attention Span Gap
by Michael R. Burch

What if a poet, Shakespeare,
were still living to tweet to us here?
He couldn't write sonnets,
just couplets, doggonit,
and we wouldn't have Hamlet or Lear!

Yes, a sonnet may end in a couplet,
which we moderns can write in a doublet,
in a flash, like a tweet.
Does that make it complete?
Should a poem be reduced to a stublet?

Bring back that Grand Era when men
had attention spans long as their pens,
or rather the quills
of the monsieurs and fils
who gave us the Dress, not its hem!

by Michael R. Burch

There were skies onyx at night... moons by day...
lakes pale as her eyes... breathless winds
******* tall elms ... she would say
that we’d loved, but I figured we'd sinned.

Soon impatiens too fiery to stay
sagged; the crocus bells drooped, golden-limned;
things of brightness, rinsed out, ran to gray...
all the light of that world softly dimmed.

Where our feet were inclined, we would stray;
there were paths where dead weeds stood untrimmed,
distant mountains that loomed in our way,
thunder booming down valleys dark-hymned.

What I found, I found lost in her face
while yielding all my virtue to her grace.

“Chloe” is a Shakespearean sonnet about being parted from someone you wanted and expected to be with forever. It was originally published by Romantics Quarterly as "A Dying Fall"

Sonnet: The City Is a Garment
by Michael R. Burch

A rhinestone skein, a jeweled brocade of light,—
the city is a garment stretched so thin
her festive colors bleed into the night,
and everywhere bright seams, unraveling,

cascade their brilliant contents out like coins
on motorways and esplanades; bead cars
come tumbling down long highways; at her groin
a railtrack like a zipper flashes sparks;

her hills are haired with brush like cashmere wool
and from their cleavage winking lights enlarge
and travel, slender fingers ... softly pull
themselves into the semblance of a barge.

When night becomes too chill, she softly dons
great overcoats of warmest-colored dawn.

“The City is a Garment” is a Shakespearean sonnet.

by Michael R. Burch

for Beth

The night is full of stars. Which still exist?
Before time ends, perhaps one day we’ll know.
For now I hold your fingers to my lips
and feel their pulse ... warm, palpable and slow ...

once slow to match this reckless spark in me,
this moon in ceaseless orbit I became,
compelled by wilder gravity to flee
night’s universe of suns, for one pale flame ...

for one pale flame that seemed to signify
the Zodiac of all, the meaning of
love’s wandering flight past Neptune. Now to lie
in dawning recognition is enough ...

enough each night to bask in you, to know
the face of love ... eyes closed ... its afterglow.

“Afterglow” is a Shakespearean sonnet.

I Learned Too Late
by Michael R. Burch

“Show, don’t tell!”

I learned too late that poetry has rules,
although they may be rules for greater fools.

In any case, by dodging rules and schools,
I avoided useless duels.

I learned too late that sentiment is bad—
that Blake and Keats and Plath had all been had.

In any case, by following my heart,
I learned to walk apart.

I learned too late that “telling” is a crime.
Did Shakespeare know? Is Milton doing time?

In any case, by telling, I admit:
I think such rules are ****.

Heaven Bent
by Michael R. Burch

This life is hell; it can get no worse.
Summon the coroner, the casket, the hearse!
But I’m upwardly mobile. How the hell can I know?
I can only go up; I’m already below!

This is a poem in which I imagine Shakespeare speaking through a modern Hamlet.

That Mella Fella
by Michael R. Burch

John Mella was the longtime editor of Light Quarterly.

There once was a fella
named Mella,
who, if you weren’t funny,
would tell ya.
But he was cool, clever, nice,
gave some splendid advice,
and if you did well,
he would sell ya.

Shakespeare had his patrons and publishers; John Mella was one of my favorites in the early going, along with Jean Mellichamp Milliken of The Lyric.

Chip Off the Block
by Michael R. Burch

for Jeremy

In the fusion of poetry and drama,
Shakespeare rules! Jeremy’s a ham: a
chip off the block, like his father and mother.
Part poet? Part ham? Better run for cover!
Now he’s Benedick — most comical of lovers!

NOTE: Jeremy’s father is a poet and his mother is an actress; hence the fusion, or confusion, as the case may be.

Keywords/Tags: Shakespeare, Shakespearean, sonnet, epigram, epigrams, Hamlet, Ophelia, Lear, Benedick, tweet, tweets

Untitled Epigrams

Teach me to love:
to fly beyond sterile Mars
to percolating Venus.
—Michael R. Burch

The LIV is LIVid:
livid with blood,
and full of egos larger
than continents.
—Michael R. Burch

Evil is as evil does.
Evil never needs a cause.
Evil loves amoral “laws,”
laughs and licks its blood-red claws
while kids are patched together with gauze.
— Michael R. Burch

Poets laud Justice’s
high principles.
Trump just gropes
her raw genitals.
—Michael R. Burch

When Pigs Fly
by Michael R. Burch

On the Trail of Tears,
my Cherokee brothers,
why hang your heads?
Why shame your mothers?

Laugh wildly instead!
We will soon be dead.

When we lie in our graves,
let the white-eyes take
the woodlands we loved
for the *** and the rake.

It is better to die
than to live out a lie
in so narrow a sty.

Perhat Tursun (1969-) is one of the foremost living Uyghur language poets, if he is still alive. Tursun has been described as a "self-professed Kafka character" and that comes through splendidly in poems of his like "Elegy." Unfortunately, Tursun was "disappeared" into a Chinese "reeducation" concentration camp where extreme psychological torture is the norm. According to a disturbing report he was later "hospitalized."

by Perhat Tursun
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

"Your soul is the entire world."
— Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

Asylum seekers, will you recognize me among the mountain passes' frozen corpses?
Can you identify me here among our Exodus's exiled brothers?
We begged for shelter but they lashed us bare; consider our naked corpses.
When they compel us to accept their massacres, do you know that I am with you?
Three centuries later they resurrect, not recognizing each other,
Their former greatness forgotten.
I happily ingested poison, like a fine wine.
When they search the streets and cannot locate our corpses, do you know that I am with you?
In that tower constructed of skulls you will find my dome as well:
They removed my head to more accurately test their swords' temper.
When before their swords our relationship flees like a flighty lover,
Do you know that I am with you?
When men in fur hats are used for target practice in the marketplace
Where a dying man's face expresses his agony as a bullet cleaves his brain
While the executioner's eyes fail to comprehend why his victim vanishes, ...
Seeing my form reflected in that bullet-pierced brain's erratic thoughts,
Do you know that I am with you?
In those days when drinking wine was considered worse than drinking blood,
did you taste the flour ground out in that blood-turned churning mill?
Now, when you sip the wine Ali-Shir Nava'i imagined to be my blood
In that mystical tavern's dark abyssal chambers,
Do you know that I am with you?

Shock and Awe
by Michael R. Burch

With megatons of “wonder,”
we make our godhead clear:
Death. Destruction. Fear.

The world’s heart ripped asunder,
its dying pulse we hear:
Death. Destruction. Fear.

Strange Trinity! We ponder
this God we hold so dear:
Death. Destruction. Fear.

The vulture and the condor
proclaim: "The feast is near!"
Death. Destruction. Fear.

Soon He will plow us under;
the Anti-Christ is here:
Death. Destruction. Fear.

We love to hear Him thunder!
With Shock and Awe, appear!
Death. Destruction. Fear.

For God can never blunder;
we know He holds US dear:
Death. Destruction. Fear.

The State of the Art (?)
by Michael R. Burch

Has rhyme lost all its reason
and rhythm, renascence?
Are sonnets out of season
and poems but poor pretense?
Are poets lacking fire,
their words too trite and forced?
What happened to desire?
Has passion been coerced?
Must poetry fade slowly,
like Latin, to past tense?
Are the bards too high and holy,
or their readers merely dense?

by Michael R. Burch

He comes to me out of the shadows, acknowledging
my presence with a tip of his hat, always the gentleman,
and his eyes are on mine like a snake’s on a bird’s—
quizzical, mesmerizing.

He ***** his head as though something he heard intrigues him
(although I hear nothing) and he smiles, amusing himself at my expense;
his words are full of desire and loathing, and while I hear everything,
he says nothing I understand.

The moon shines—maniacal, queer—as he takes my hand whispering
"Our time has come" ... And so together we stroll creaking docks
where the sea sends sickening things
scurrying under rocks and boards.

Moonlight washes his ashen face as he stares unseeing into my eyes.
He sighs, and the sound crawls slithering down my spine;
my blood seems to pause at his touch as he caresses my face.

He unfastens my dress till the white lace shows, and my neck is bared.
His teeth are long, yellow and hard, his face bearded and haggard.
A wolf howls in the distance. There are no wolves in New York. I gasp.
My blood is a trickle his wet tongue embraces. My heart races madly.
He likes it like that.

Less Heroic Couplets: Baseball Explained
by Michael R. Burch

Baseball’s immeasurable spittin’
mixed with occasional hittin’.

Infatuate, or Sweet Centerless Sixteen
by Michael R. Burch

Inconsolable as “love” had left your heart,
you woke this morning eager to pursue
warm lips again, or something “really cool”
on which to press your lips and leave their mark.

As breath upon a windowpane at dawn
soon glows, a spreading halo full of sun,
your thought of love blinks wildly—on and on . . .
then fizzles at the center, and is gone.

The Wonder Boys
by Michael R. Burch

(for Leslie Mellichamp, the late editor of The Lyric,
who was a friend and mentor to many poets, and
a fine poet in his own right)

The stars were always there, too-bright cliches:
scintillant truths the jaded world outgrew
as baffled poets winged keyed kites—amazed,
in dream of shocks that suddenly came true . . .

but came almost as static—background noise,
a song out of the cosmos no one hears,
or cares to hear. The poets, starstruck boys,
lay tuned in to their kite strings, saucer-eared.

They thought to feel the lightning’s brilliant sparks
electrify their nerves, their brains; the smoke
of words poured from their overheated hearts.
The kite string, knotted, made a nifty rope . . .

You will not find them here; they blew away—
in tumbling flight beyond nights’ stars. They clung
by fingertips to satellites. They strayed
too far to remain mortal. Elfin, young,
their words are with us still. Devout and fey,
they wink at us whenever skies are gray.

Originally published by The Lyric

The Singer
by Michael R. Burch

for Leslie Mellichamp

The sun that swoons at dusk
and seems a vanished grace
breaks over distant shores
as a child’s uplifted face
takes up a song like yours.

We listen, and embrace
its warmth with dawning trust.

Dawn, to the Singer
by Michael R. Burch

for Leslie Mellichamp

“O singer, sing to me—
I know the world’s awry—
I know how piteously
the hungry children cry.”

We hear you even now—
your voice is with us yet.
Your song did not desert us,
nor can our hearts forget.

“But I bleed warm and near,
And come another dawn
The world will still be here
When home and hearth are gone.”

Although the world seems colder,
your words will warm it yet.
Lie untroubled, still its compass
and guiding instrument.

Geraldine in her pj's
by Michael R. Burch

for Geraldine A. V. Hughes

Geraldine in her pj's
checks her security relays,
sits down armed with a skillet,
mutters, "Intruder? I'll **** it!"
Then, as satellites wink high above,
she turns to her poets with love.

Advice to Young Poets
by Nicanor Parra Sandoval
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

write however you will
in your preferred style.

Too much blood flowed under the bridge
for me to believe
there’s just one acceptable path.
In poetry everything’s permitted.

Originally published by Setu

A poet births words,
brings them into the world like a midwife,
then wet-nurses them from infancy to adolescence.
— Michael R. Burch

The Century’s Wake
by Michael R. Burch

lines written at the close of the 20th century

Take me home. The party is over,
the century passed—no time for a lover.

And my heart grew heavy
as the fireworks hissed through the dark
over Central Park,
past high-towering spires to some backwoods levee,
hurtling banner-hung docks to the torchlit seas.

And my heart grew heavy;
I felt its disease—
its apathy,
wanting the bright, rhapsodic display
to last more than a single day.

If decay was its rite,
now it has learned to long
for something with more intensity,
more gaudy passion, more song—
like the huddled gay masses,
the wildly-cheering throng.

You ask me—
How can this be?
A little more flair,
or perhaps only a little more clarity.

I leave her tonight to the century’s wake;
she disappoints me.

The following translation is the speech of the Sibyl to Aeneas, after he has implored her to help him find his beloved father in the Afterlife, found in the sixth book of the Aeneid ...

The Descent into the Underworld
by Virgil
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

The Sibyl began to speak:

“God-blooded Trojan, son of Anchises,
descending into the Underworld’s easy
since Death’s dark door stands eternally unbarred.
But to retrace one’s steps and return to the surface:
that’s the conundrum, that’s the catch!
Godsons have done it, the chosen few
whom welcoming Jupiter favored
and whose virtue merited heaven.
However, even the Blessed find headway’s hard:
immense woods barricade boggy bottomland
where the Cocytus glides with its dark coils.
But if you insist on ferrying the Styx twice
and twice traversing Tartarus,
if Love demands you indulge in such madness,
listen closely to how you must proceed...”

Uther’s Last Battle
by Michael R. Burch

Uther Pendragon was the father of the future King Arthur, but he had given his son to the wily Merlyn and knew nothing of his whereabouts. Did Uther meet his son just before his death, as one of the legends suggests?

When Uther, the High King,
unable to walk, borne upon a litter
went to fight Colgrim, the Saxon King,
his legs were weak, and his visage bitter.

“Where is Merlyn, the sage?
For today I truly feel my age.”

All day long the battle raged
and the dragon banner was sorely pressed,
but the courage of Uther never waned
till the sun hung low upon the west.

“Oh, where is Merlyn to speak my doom,
for truly I feel the chill of the tomb.”

Then, with the battle almost lost
and the king besieged on every side,
a prince appeared, clad all in white,
and threw himself against the tide.

“Oh, where is Merlyn, who stole my son?
For, truly, now my life is done.”

Then Merlyn came unto the king
as the Saxons fled before a sword
that flashed like lightning in the hand
of a prince that day become a lord.

“Oh, Merlyn, speak not, for I see
my son has truly come to me.
And today I need no prophecy
to see how bright his days will be.”

So Uther, then, the valiant king
met his son, and kissed him twice—
the one, the first, the one, the last—
and smiled, and then his time was past.

Originally published by Songs of Innocence


Unaware it protects
the hilltop paddies,
the scarecrow seems useless to itself.
—Eihei Dogen Kigen, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Fading memories
of summer holidays:
the closet’s last floral skirt...
—Michael R. Burch

Scandalous tides,
removing bikinis!
—Michael R. Burch

She bathes in silver
on her reflections ...
—Michael R. Burch

Sulpicia Translations by Michael R. Burch

These are modern English translations by Michael R. Burch of seven Latin poems written by the ancient Roman female poet Sulpicia, who was apparently still a girl or very young woman when she wrote them.

I. At Last, Love!
by Sulpicia
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

for Carolyn Clark, who put me up to it

It's come at last! Love!
The kind of love that, had it remained veiled,
would have shamed me more than baring my naked soul.
I appealed to Aphrodite in my poems
and she delivered my beloved to me,
placed him snugly, securely against my breast!
The Goddess has kept her promises:
now let my joy be told,
so that it cannot be said no woman enjoys her recompense!
I would not want to entrust my testimony
to tablets, even those signed and sealed!
Let no one read my avowals before my love!
Yet indiscretion has its charms,
while it's boring to conform one’s face to one’s reputation.
May I always be deemed worthy lover to a worthy love!

II. Dismal Journeys, Unwanted Arrivals
by Sulpicia
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

for Carolyn Clark, who put me up to it

My much-hated birthday's arrived, to be spent mourning
in a wretched countryside, bereft of Cerinthus.
Alas, my lost city! Is it suitable for a girl: that rural villa
by the banks of a frigid river draining the fields of Arretium?
Peace now, Uncle Messalla, my over-zealous chaperone!
Arrivals of relatives aren't always welcome, you know.
Kidnapped, abducted, snatched away from my beloved city,
I’d mope there, prisoner to my mind and emotions,
this hostage coercion prevents from making her own decisions!

III. The Thankfully Abandoned Journey
by Sulpicia
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

for Carolyn Clark, who put me up to it

Did you hear the threat of that wretched trip’s been abandoned?
Now my spirits soar and I can be in Rome for my birthday!
Let’s all celebrate this unexpected good fortune!

IV. Thanks for Everything, and Nothing
by Sulpicia
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

for Carolyn Clark, who put me up to it

Thanks for revealing your true colors,
thus keeping me from making further fool of myself!
I do hope you enjoy your wool-basket *****,
since any female-filled toga is much dearer to you
than Sulpicia, daughter of Servius!
On the brighter side, my guardians are much happier,
having feared I might foolishly bed a nobody!

V. Reproach for Indifference
by Sulpicia
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

for Carolyn Clark, who put me up to it

Have you no kind thoughts for your girl, Cerinthus,
now that fever wilts my wasting body?
If not, why would I want to conquer this disease,
knowing you no longer desired my existence?
After all, what’s the point of living
when you can ignore my distress with such indifference?

VI. Her Apology for Errant Desire
by Sulpicia
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

for Carolyn Clark, who put me up to it

Let me admit my errant passion to you, my love,
since in these last few days
I've exceeded all my foolish youth's former follies!
And no folly have I ever regretted more
than leaving you alone last night,
desiring only to disguise my desire for you!

Sulpicia on the First of March
by Sulpicia
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

“One might venture that Sulpicia was not over-modest.” – MRB

Sulpicia's adorned herself for you, O mighty Mars, on your Kalends:
come admire her yourself, if you have the sense to observe!
Venus will forgive your ogling, but you, O my violent one,
beware lest your armaments fall shamefully to the floor!
Cunning Love lights twin torches from her eyes,
with which he’ll soon inflame the gods themselves!
Wherever she goes, whatever she does,
Elegance and Grace follow dutifully in attendance!
If she unleashes her hair, trailing torrents become her train:
if she braids her mane, her braids are to be revered!
If she dons a Tyrian gown, she inflames!
She inflames, if she wears virginal white!
As stylish Vertumnus wears her thousand outfits
on eternal Olympus, even so she models hers gracefully!
She alone among the girls is worthy
of Tyre’s soft wool dipped twice in costly dyes!
May she always possess whatever rich Arabian farmers
reap from their fragrant plains’ perfumed fields,
and whatever flashing gems dark India gathers
from the scarlet shores of distant Dawn’s seas.
Sing the praises of this girl, Muses, on these festive Kalends,
and you, proud Phoebus, strum your tortoiseshell lyre!
She'll carry out these sacred rites for many years to come,
for no girl was ever worthier of your chorus!

• We may not be able to find the true God through logic, but we can certainly find false gods through illogic. — Michael R. Burch

Rag Doll
by Michael R. Burch, circa age 17

On an angry sea a rag doll is tossed
back and forth between cruel waves
that have marred her easy beauty
and ripped away her clothes.
And her arms, once smoothly tanned,
are gashed and torn and peeling
as she dances to the waters’
rockings and reelings.
She’s a rag doll now,
a toy of the sea,
and never before
has she been so free,
or so uneasy.

She’s slammed by the hammering waves,
the flesh shorn away from her bones,
and her silent lips must long to scream,
and her corpse must long to find its home.
For she’s a rag doll now,
at the mercy of all
the sea’s relentless power,
cruelly being ravaged
with every passing hour.

Her eyes are gone; her lips are swollen
shut to the pounding waves
whose waters reached out to fill her mouth
with puddles of agony.
Her limbs are limp; her skull is crushed;
her hair hangs like seaweed
in trailing tendrils draped across
a never-ending sea.
For she’s a rag doll now,
a worn-out toy
with which the waves will play
ten thousand thoughtless games
until her bed is made.

Keywords/Tags: Sulpicia, Latin, Latin Poems, English Translations, Rome, Roman, Cerinthus, Albius Tibullus, Uncle Valerius Messalla Corvinus, birthday, villa, poem, poetry, winter, spring, snow, frost, rose, sun, eyes, sight, seeing, understanding, wisdom, Ars Poetica, Messiah, disciple
"The Making of a Poet" is the account of how I came to be a poet.
She does not lose well
will not forget
It will haunt Her
avorite Pencil
Tip Softened
Just So...
A Paw pushed it
Somewhere to a Secret Spot
Out of Vision
Her Reach
A Peice of Paper
Elusive, Yet there...
Lodged Deep Amidst
A Stack
of Most Important Things

She does not Lose Well...

Not in terms of Games or Competition..
But the things in Her Life
That Envelop Her World.
Tough, Scrappy,
Oh-So Tender
Holding all things Dear
Close to Her Heart

Loss is a Place of 
Deepest Contemplation
Her Memories
Are Alive
Stay with Her
Immense Joy
Her Deep Well of Sadness
A Cachet of Stories
Expanding Outward
like Ripples in a Pond.

She does not Lose Well

The Creatures and People
That are Immersed
In Her Life
Even One Pulled Out
Like a Building Block
A Tear
A Gap
A Hole in Her life

She does Not Forget
Or Minimize the
Pertinance of
A Moment that has
Touched Her Heart

When it is Time for
The Loss
The Breaking of Her Heart
Can be Felt through
Filled with Divine Wisdom
She is Able to See
All Aspects at Once.

The Purpose
The Moment
Becomes Filled
With Rainbows of Light
She will Bathe in that Beam...
Helps Guide Them Home
Knows Intuitively

She Trusts in the Divine
Finding There Solice
Amidst the Flutterings 
Her Tender, Broken Heart.
Grief Shrouds Her
A Mystical Shawl
A Veil that Holds her Dearly
till the Pain
Becomes at Least Bearable..

Then She will
To Tell Her Stories
Once Again.

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
Free Verse
My first Poem
Written in responce and deep respect to an Amazing Friend/Poet's Vigil. in her Mothers passing
judy smith Feb 2016
For the past five seasons, the New York-based designer Rachel Comey has forgone a traditional runway show in favour of a more intimate dinner and presentation at the Pioneer Works Center for Art and Innovation in Red Hook, Brooklyn. This season, she is taking her show on the road, stepping off the New York calendar altogether. Instead, she plans to present her Autumn/Winter 2016 collection in Los Angeles in late March to support the launch of her first retail store on the West Coast, scheduled to open in April.

Located at 8432 Melrose Place, the store is the second physical retail presence in Comey’s portfolio; the first opened in June 2014 on Crosby Street in Manhattan, New York. Editors and buyers who wish to see the collection during New York Fashion Week will still be able to schedule private appointments and the designer also plans on releasing a look book of images prior to the show.

Comey is the latest of several brands — including Burberry,Tom Ford and Louis Vuitton — to stage activations in Southern California in the past year. (While Ford and Burberry did shows in Los Angeles-proper, Vuitton took to nearby Palm Springs.) On February 10, the Hollywood Palladium will host what might be Hedi Slimane's last men’s show for Saint Laurent. Indeed, Los Angeles’ emergence as a legitimate cultural capital and growing fashion hub has been well documented.

The exact date and location of Comey’s Los Angeles event has yet to be decided. But the designer said it would be similar in format and concept to the dinner theatre-style shows she has preferred as of late, with a live performance and a guest list filled with creative class types who reflect the brand’s point of view. (Notable Spring 2016 attendees included NPR reporter Jacki Lyden, actress Parker Posey, writer Zadie Smith and artist Cindy Sherman.) “I’ve been showing for a long time, but how many shows did Cathy Horyn come to before we started doing dinners. Maybe two over 13 years?” Comey said during a recent studio visit. “I get it. Shows are ten minutes and really what are you learning about the brand? The collaborative effort between the environment and the music and models and the chef feels very honest for us and what we are trying to do. It's something we really believe in."

There will be one significant change to Comey's unconventional presentation formula besides the location. Instead of simply showing pieces from Autumn/Winter 2016, the designer plans to incorporate current-season pieces into the line-up, which will be available to purchase the next day. The idea is to boost interest in the opening of the Los Angeles store, which will sit alongside The Row, Chloé, Isabel Marant, APC and several other high-fashion retailers on Melrose Place. “We want to use the show as a way to introduce ourselves and connect with people,” said Comey.

Architect Elizabeth Roberts and interior designer Charles de Lisle, both of whom worked on Comey’s New York store, are collaborating on the interiors of the 2,600-square foot space. Additionally, Los Angeles-based architect Linda Taalman has been brought onto the team to consult on the design.

Both the Los Angeles event and store opening reflect the quiet transformation of the Rachel Comey brand over the past three years, as the designer's intellectual, arts-and-crafts aesthetic has grown more popular with a broader audience in the United States and beyond. (Comey’s dropped-hem “Legion” jean, for instance, has driven denim trends for several seasons.) Her decision to shift her presentation format from a traditional runway show to a seated dinner elevated Comey’s cachet on the fashion week calendar, while the success of her New York store has helped to drive a significant evolution of the business. Direct retail — both the physical store and e-commerce — now makes up 27 percent of the company's nearly $10 million in annual sales. Roughly half the brand's sales are still generated by domestic wholesale partners, while the other quarter comes from Comey’s growing presence at international stockists.

“The [New York store] was such a game changer for us because of the connection to the customer,” she said. “I think people didn’t realise the breadth of the collection. When you’re a wholesaler, people cherry pick it however they want. Which is nice, I like that in a way. But it’s also nice to have our own store, our own space and do things the way we want to do it.”

Indeed, Comey, who has been designing womenswear under her namesake label since 2004, has found that her greatest successes have come out of staying true to her vision. “I now have the faith and confidence that if you do things that are meaningful to you — rather than stick to the industry standard — [things] will probably work out,” said the designer, who is also working on a revamp of her e-commerce site.

“We’ve never been championed by a celebrity or a powerful editor. It’s really always been by word of mouth, loyal customers and just keeping on.” Now, it’s time to test out that philosophy on the West Coast. As Comey put it, “California is the promise land.”Read more at: |
I, a hyphenated Italian,
will claim Shakespeare
descended the long
staircase, to write
our empiric wrongs.

It's all there in the plays,
if you've a keen enough eye
to catch these things,
and his name has cachet,
while mine needs
a laureled bling.
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— The End —