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Hunter  Mar 2024
Shield Maiden
Hunter Mar 2024
Shield Maiden Astrid - In the heart of the Viking age, amidst the rugged landscapes of Scandinavia, there lived a tribe known as the Fjord Fangs. They were a fierce people, renowned for their prowess in battle and their unwavering loyalty to their chieftain, Sigurd the Bold. But amongst them, there was one whose courage burned even brighter than the northern lights: Astrid, the shield maiden.

From a young age, Astrid had trained alongside the warriors of her tribe, honing her skills with sword and shield. She possessed a spirit as untamed as the roaring seas, and her determination was unmatched. Despite the expectations placed upon her to conform to traditional roles, Astrid yearned for something more - to prove herself on the battlefield alongside her fellow warriors.

When news reached the Fjord Fangs of an impending invasion by a rival tribe, led by the fearsome chieftain Ragnar the Ruthless, the warriors prepared for battle. But Sigurd hesitated to send Astrid into the fray, fearing for her safety. However, Astrid refused to be sidelined, insisting that she could fight alongside her comrades and defend her people with all her strength.

As the rival tribe descended upon their lands, Astrid stood shoulder to shoulder with her fellow warriors, her shield held high and her sword gleaming in the sunlight. With a ferocious battle cry, she charged into the fray, her courage inspiring those around her. Despite facing overwhelming odds, the Fjord Fangs fought with a tenacity born of desperation and the determination to protect their home.

In the midst of the chaos, Astrid distinguished herself with acts of unmatched bravery. She defended her comrades with unwavering resolve, her shield deflecting blow after blow, and her sword striking true against their foes. Her leadership on the battlefield rallied the warriors, turning the tide of battle in their favor.

In a climactic showdown, Astrid found herself face to face with Ragnar himself, the imposing chieftain towering over her. With a steely gaze and a fierce determination, she squared off against her adversary, refusing to back down. In a clash of steel and fury, Astrid fought with all her might, her every move a testament to her skill and courage.

In the end, it was Astrid who emerged victorious, her blade piercing Ragnar's defenses and striking him down. With their chieftain defeated, the rival tribe fled in disarray, their hopes of conquest dashed upon the rocks of Astrid's indomitable spirit.

From that day forth, Astrid was hailed as a hero among her people, her bravery and leadership earning her the respect of all who knew her. And as the fires of victory burned brightly in the night sky, the Fjord Fangs stood united once more, their tribe stronger than ever before under the fearless guidance of their shield maiden.
Ottar Mar 2013
Vague recollections,
Of curio collections,
Salt and pepper shakers, unused
crystal ashtrays, reflecting rainbows
of northern prairie light on days bright.

A prairie girl, did you miss the place near the Arctic Circle,
your home?  Did Odin and Freya call you away from here to
there, or was Thor, or Loki the thunder in your angry voice
that I feared and may have hid under the steep basement
stairs, quietly in the dark hoping you were unaware.

Some of your children, and
your spouse, left before you did,
I know that was tough, and a shame.
You were tougher, though, you did
suffer in you aging frame.

I know you loved us all, I know you knew me too,
very early you said of me "he is a sensitive child", which
I have found to be all too true, many years after you have
gone I miss you, grandpa and dad, Audrey and Vic too.
Did you all find Valhalla at Heaven's Gate?

So I will not stir up the past, nor
will I hurry, through each day, for
I will remember, and smile at those
memories that brought me joy, prose
and rhyme not of a child, but a Viking man.

Larissa Nov 2013
Rose Tyler, Bad Wolf, blonde bombshell.
Through time with the Doctor she did propel.
She loved the Doctor and he loved her too.
If it's my last chance to say it,
Rose Tyler, I--

Jack Harkness, the flirt, the man of men.
He pops up at the Doctor now and again.
They met with a lie,
Now he can't die
Forever here now and then.

Martha Jones, the doctor, the woman that heals.
Her time in the TARDIS caused all kinds of feels.
She pointed a gun to save the Doctor's skin
Yet in the end, her and Mickey did win.
All kinds of fun and all kinds of sass.
Martha Jones, one badass.

Donna Noble, ah, how does one describe thee?
Married a creeper and set the Oods free.
Through the Daleks and Rose, it seemed to end the world
Until the Doctor's DNA and her's accidentally swirled.
Of all the companions, she was a supreme member
Most important woman in the universe,
Too bad she won't remember.

Of all the companions, no one remembers Ms. Astrid Peth.
Her one and only appearance ended in death.
She stowed away on the flying Titanic
With passengers, aliens, and angels that were satanic.
Astrid wanted to travel and see the stars.
Her death seemed to add to the Doctor's scars.
He wasn't able to bring her back in the flesh
For the Doctor was the cause of her final, last breath.

Finally we come to little Amelia Pond.
Waited twelve years for the Doctor's bond.
She sat on her suitcase, face raised to the stars
Thinking of Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars.
He came back when she was supposed to marry Rory
But she still snogged the Doctor, being predatory.
It was Amy and Rory Pond in the ends
Even when the stone angels did descend.
Some mainstream Whovians say Ms. Pond's overrated,
But after all, she was the girl who waited.

Melody Pond, also known as River Song
She was fair, cunning, and strong.
Amy's daughter, but looked years older.
Amy wouldn't believe her no matter what River told her.
River Song, a time lord herself.
But even her story went to the shelf.
She was put in jail for killing a good man.
But even then, with the Doctor she ran.
The Doctor and River, hands fastened tight.
She still didn't want to let go with all of her might.
Dr. Song and the Doctor were on different tracks in time.
Hopefully, she'll be back, witty, fierce, and sublime.

The mystery. All the loose ends come to Clara Oswald.
The latest companion to be installed.
She once was a woman, mind in a machine
But now she's in the flesh, cruising the scene.
Oswin Oswald was a governess and a barmaid
Until she came back, unashamed to be afraid.
Even though she is a mystery to be solved,
Here's to our angst, Ms. Oswin Oswald.

But one day all the companions will be gone
And the Doctor will be alone again.
He will think of all the lives he's withdrawn
Hoping for a lifelong friend.
Though his intelligence, sexiness, and brilliant mind
There are no other like him, he's the last of his kind.
The man who travels around kissing strangers;
The impossible doctor meeting some painters.
Many wonder how long he can cheat the clocks
But until then, he's just a madman with a box.
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who or any of the characters affiliated with them.
Shelby Young Jan 2012
All I know of you
is the love I had for you
when I fell into this dream.
You were beautiful,
the way the sky turns orange and pink
at the end of an exhausting day -
slowly revealing a sky of starlight
that has taken years on end to reach my sight.
There was a sudden pull -
whether I toward you or you toward me
I'm still not sure -
but I know it was there.

You were swaddled so tight
in a blanket that bowed to your beauty.
Warm, needy eyes peeked
from behind peachy little eyelids,
laying full trust in my hands.
Before I knew it,
you were gone.

They took my baby.
Her name
is a bittersweet taste in my mouth.
Their words are
branded on my face -
"Ma'am, please sit down.
You're not being rational."

"There is no baby."
There is no baby,
but I feel her.
I feel her like a twister
pulling me in,
but I've been put in restraints.  
Regardless of the ache in my bones
begging to be with her,
they've locked me up.

I am detached from reality.  
Everything is wrong.
No one can tell me where she is.
They act as if
my eyes are turning to goo
and sliding out of their sockets -
avoiding eye contact
in fear of sympathy rising in their souls.  
They stay on my trail,
dabbing away anxiety
as it seeps from my pores -
hoping I won't see or feel it.
I smell their fear
as I pace back and forth,
brainstorming my escape.

My dear Astrid,
where could she be?
I feel her tugging at my heart,
begging for a heroine.
Adrenaline is burning through me -
screaming at my body,
demanding I run for my baby
find my baby.

And my dream ended.
I've spent every day since then
looking for my baby.
I feel her in my heart.
Maybe she's real
and maybe I'm crazy -
either way,
I will never forget
my beautiful, stolen, and forgotten
daydream baby.
Xoaquín Oznian Dec 2018
[Hurts So Good by Astrid S is playing in the background]

"Do you feel important now?"
you asked me in a gentle whisper
as you were caressing/kissing me
I said "Hell yeah I feel important."
"Good" you said
"Do you?" I asked
"This is not about me. It's about you." you said
You smiled as you touched my face
as you pressed your ****, seductive body into mine
A blossoming trail of infinite kisses followed
tears in your eyes
lust on your lips
seduction in your voice
my hands on your hips
your hands on my body
tight was your grip
tight were your lips
the deeper you pressed them
into my neck
my nails digging into your skin
I cry at the very craving of you
what have you done to me?
hurts so good
Sia Jane  Jun 2015
The break-up
Sia Jane Jun 2015
You know I told Lana we broke up.

No she said you were ****** though. Astrid was sat
at her desk typing.

Yes I said I'm pretty ****** ******. I sat on the sofa
and hugged a cushion.

For ***** sake I thought you don't even care. Typing away
blissfully ignorant. I just ignored her after that.

You know what I thought I am allowed to be ******. Fo'real I have
every ******* reason to feel hurt by you. Especially after
what you did AGAIN! The typewriter stuck and you flipped the lid
to fix it. I just sat curled up in a ball.

I'm so done with your attitude and all your expectations.
I am allowed to need affection just as much as you do. The cat
jumped on my lap. As I pet his head he purred with
content. At least someone cares I whispered to him.

Just because I am forgiving too **** forgiving.

You finished the last lines. Rolled the paper off and
placed it next to the others. You then started another piece.

I can not believe Astrid is just sat here with nothing to say
to think you are the only one who matters.

And isn't it ******* good that my heart forgives easily I am always
saying that to Lana. Astrid's back is to me as I mutter
under my breath. She doesn't even notice.

I got up and went outside for a ***. The cat followed me as always
my faithful companion I thought. Ugh I was still ******.
I don't know how I trust you but I know I'll stay even though
I told Lana I was leaving  and I'll never tell you that I pinky promised
no more of your drama or your recklessness I thought.
As the cat circled me I blew out smoke rings one for each affair.

Baby I finished she called to me through the window. You wanna pour
us a drink. Of course I replied with a smile.

I was so *******!

  © Sia Jane
Inspired by "The Quarrel" by Diane Di Prima
duang fu  Aug 2018
duang fu Aug 2018
the mightiest conqueror -
do you hear your battle cries
ring clear in your ears?
as the ends of your weathered
cloak tickle the ground,
these vapid plains seem
to awaken -

she told you this Kingdom
was not yours to lead,
and looked down on you as you
picked up the broken pieces
of the cup she sent
flying across the room -

the words that he spat
were as sharp as the sword
he held to your throat.
speak not of royalty, he said.
for you will have none of it -

you falter and you fall
and you whisper to yourself,
they're right. this kingdom
isn't rightfully mine.

but if I fight for it and win,
it **** well is.

but that's just your song;
but that's not entirely wrong.

(so do you blame others for
making you a bad person?)

(or do you blame your motivations
for making you a bad person?)
Written 2nd August 2016, inspired by Regina & Snow White from the American TV show Once Upon A Time.
Amelia Jo Anne  May 2013
Amelia Jo Anne May 2013
I have a habit
of hypnotizing myself
I like to put on my veil
a shroud of alteration
marry myself to the haze
again & again
I baptize everyday before I
light the world on fire
lose myself in the afterglow
live in the confusion

I love the girl who is
the sister of Leila, Ophelia, Astrid
o, Sweet Mother Mary
pray for me, stuck in melancholy
& losing ground
unity in Heaven's Rose
you are euphoria
mostly because I have
arranged my wills
to center & propel
those wills of yours
think for me
show me I can't live without you
do for myself what you do for me
let's swim in the river
where I forget everything for a little while
enrapture me
all day every day all ways
Lawrence Hall Jun 2021
Lawrence Hall

                   When Astrid-The-Wonder-Dog Commands,
                                        Her Servant Obeys

When a six-pound dachshund wants your attention
SHE WILL HAVE IT (it goes without mention)
Did you hear about the dyslexic atheist who did not believe in Dog?
Lawrence Hall Nov 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                  A Treatise on the Burrowing Habits of Dachshunds

                                                   in memory of


                six pounds of barking, yapping, demanding, and love

A dachshund will burrow under the garden fence
For every dachshund thinks she is a wolf
A fearsome apex predator with a squeaky toy -
This is in the nature of dachshunds

A dachshund will burrow into your tightly-closed hand
Nosing out the doggie treat you have hidden there
A fearsome apex predator and omnivore -
This is in the nature of dachshunds

A dachshund will burrow into your end-of-day lap
Watching both the television and the cats
A fearsome apex predator drooling on your book -
This is in the nature of dachshunds

A dachshund will burrow, borrow, beg, and bark
And in her foreshadowing of that better World to come
A dachshund will burrow deeply into your heart -
And love you forever

This is in the nature of dachshunds

And of you
This is from several weeks ago. I dedicated it to Astrid-the-Wonder-Dachshund who shortly before 0200 on a Sunday morning breathed her last with my hand resting on her to the end. Now she runs and plays with your dear pups and pets under the loving Hand of God Who "...will not deny one who is so blithe to go to Him" (A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS).

— The End —