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Love that feeling of completion
A giddy happy go lucky
Overwhelming warmth
Despair when apart

Lust a need an itch
Overtakes all reason
Desire short circuits the brain
Pleasure is all you can think about

Love is emotional
A bond that is tight
Encompassing pain, pleasure,
Heart wants to explode with an ache unexplainable

Lust electricty, sparks flying
Body heated, throbbing,
A need for release
A fire fulfilled by two bodies joining

Love has it's own heat
Bodies join in a mind blowing ecstasy
More emotional than physical
The two combine are greater than just one or the other

Lust will die in time without love
When you lust someone that is all it will be
Lust disappears
It doesn't last as that is all it is ***

Love builds and grows
Sometimes it falters
Words fail at times and feelings weaken
The door opens allowing lust to enter for another

Love should conquer all
Yet it does not if it isn't fought for
Marriage is never perfect
Love can last for eternity and beyond

Lust fades like the sunset over the water
It is swallowed up becomes mundane
If you pick lust over love
I hope you find out before you are to late

To late for what you might ask
I would say before the one that loves you gives up
Love will persevere but not forever
Love has its own lust rekindle it before allowing your eyes and
your hands to wander

Which do you think is better
To know love without lust?
To have lust without love?
Me? I want to have my love and lust with just one
Written by Jennifer Humphrey all rights reserved
Kaitlynn  Sep 2010
Kaitlynn Sep 2010
My fluttering heart gives me away
in the awkward silence that followed
the electricty of a forbidden touch.
Look into my eyes and tell me
that you love her enough
to cash in your best years
to change diapers and work too many hours
for overpriced formula at your local grocer.
You truly are an extrovert turned introvert,
giving up on your dreams to change lives
with your soul induced chords
intrically written with stories of your past.
rained-on parade May 2015
Touching you was like static electricty in a dark room,
a makeshift thunderstorm in your fingers,
you had more noise in you than a little heart could handle;
so you came bursting open:
screaming, hands punching the air and gasping
for sanity; they said if you hear God it's probably purgatory
what would they call it
when I hear the windclap of your hips a sonic boom
and the quiet of your eyes like blood rushing to my head
in an anechoic chamber;
would they call it madness or delusion
or a mix of a little bit of both; could be alcohol,
could be love
because when I lit a match
in your darkness,
it burned the whole house down.
Such ****** and passion,
intricate pictures we cannot imagine
Devoid of self, utter surrender
plunge into the streams of your soul
Finding the hot wires,
forming strings so we can find home
Not having a memory of what it means to be alone
Ode, to you, Love I say

It is not so much the words posted, but the context condensed
How you unwrap the figures textual 'til they make sense
It is not so much the touching and cuddling
but the invisible electricty of extrasensory connecting
It is not so much the breath on my neck as you reach in to kiss me
But the etheric messages of wind telling me you miss me
We have had a try to attempt to twist this style
To find the spiraling curls in prose
To dissect the detailed aerial strips of the scent of a rose
Ode, to you, Love I say

Poetry is forever
pottery forms artifacts of clay but do they stay?
This sweet ode paints a picture that will remain
in the drawers of eternity...
I cannot lie, it has been something of a frailty
my pursuits of love have quieted my frivolity
I have since been calm, playing an instrument imaginary
Waiting for a tone that will help me find my tune
You are that song that ends too soon
Ode, to you, Love I say

Just echoes and epiphanies
voices and mellow claps singing into me:
Ode, to you, Love I say
on this day a heart will not break
but will be strong and find its way.
A soft touch
Slides across the skin
Chill bumps rise
As belly quivers within

Expert hands used perfectly
Heighten desire
Every touch more exciting than the last
Body heats up like a fire

Lips press to the silken flesh
Velvet tongue delves out
Washing the skin almost
A moan escapes loudly

Teeth nip at skin
Nails scrape the surface
Buds tighten to a sensitive nub
Lips find and kiss

******* deeply
Knocking the wind from the lungs
Back arching
Hands cling to the head

Gasping as body grows hotter
Cries grow louder
Hands move faster
Lips meet lips

Moves grow demanding
Flesh to bare flesh
Growls mix with moans
Bodies entwine

Tension Grows tighter
Movements get faster
Heat engulfs them
Volcanic force surrounds

Electricty surrounds
Crackling and hissing
Shrill voice piercing the ears
Gutteral moans vibrate ear hairs

Finally shaft enters well
Nectar surrounds it delicately
Muscles squeeze and release
Steel hits harder and deeper

Friction increases
Sweat beads on surface
Honey flows against the tight rosebud
Fingers twist and release the plesaure spot

Perfect rhythm
Increases to a frantic dance
Changing position
Depth  unhead of obtained

Whimpers, Whines then Cries
Moans, ahhs, and Groans
Squishing slaps heard repeately
Mouth mash and bite

Timing almost right
It is on its way
Winding tighter
Growing hotter

Suddenly it comes
Body hammers quick and hard
Then pauses and and slams again
Milky white meets clear and thick

Panting cries reach high pitch
Waves of passion overcome all
Collapsing together
Entwined forever

Lovers thats what they are
Now and forever
Never very far from the other
Love You See



Love the best of them All
Written by Niyahlove all rights reserved
Jay Jimenez  Aug 2012
i laugh
Jay Jimenez Aug 2012
My body laughs tonight
it giggels and wiggels
As the goose pimpels form all over it.
laying in the grass checking out the freckels of mother nature
Feeling her sweat
the dew tickels my neck.
I run my hands threw my hair
and the static electricty sends a dancing
Dandelion head into my palms
I think,
what would it be like to float around like that
falling into peoples hands,hair,and wherever else the wind takes me.
I smell the approach of a storm
where ill here the music of earth
here right now im smiling
without saying a word.
Brian Ellingboe Aug 2015
I am wood
You are fire
-scratch that-
You are an exuberant inferno.

There was no doubt in my mind that when I first saw you, I felt the sparks.

When you aproached me, I felt warm, and whenever we talked, I could feel the electricty -scratch that- I could feel the flames.

Then you left, but I was far from help. You set me on fire and then you were gone.

You destroy everyone you meet, leaving nothing but ash and ruin in your path.
The dangerous thing about the chemical reactions in fire is that they are self-perpetuating. The heat of the flame itself keeps the fuel at ignition temperature, so it continues to burn as long as there is oxygen and fuel around it. The flame heats any surrounding fuel which releases gasses, which make the fire spread when ignited.
Violet Rose  May 2015
Violet Rose May 2015
You know that I love you. You know that I adore that longing look in your eyes every single time you look at me. You know I adore your romanticism. You know that every time you touch me, it soothes me. That every time you hold me in your gentle arms, I am at comfort. I am at peace. I am at home.
     My past has a way of gnawing at me.
     Because every time he looks at me, my heart starts skipping. Every time he touches me, a mere second's worth of flesh, I am shot with electricty. And although he is not empathetic or even all that romantic, you've always known I've been an addict for adrenaline. You've always known I crave the danger. You know I'm in love with the rush.
     So forgive me Darling, if I stray away from home.
May 5th, 2015
William AL Nov 2015
When you are light and choir's angels
it comes like untouchable waves
in oceanic electricty

but entropy bricks
smashing open
twitching birds skulls

these are the things
that hold tangible beauty.

my vows are blood
on your bed sheets,
my hands are tied
to a thousand timelines.
Stu Harley Jul 2013
Lord i
feel your gravity and
the electricty
flows through
my soul
your power is omnipotent
when you choose
to manifest
your power
in this world but
still you are
my center piece
inspired by
your word
Dirt Witch  Oct 2017
Dirt Witch Oct 2017
What is it you misunderstand?
Your beauty, or my softness
that seeps through the gratitude we call
And fills the ever leaking stream of consciousness
I deem,
Take my hand
Fair Dreamer of warmth and honey,
Let me hold your sticky pollinated eyes
in the palm of my days
And caress the electricty
of your thoughts in motion.
Sit with me a while
in the quiet being of
almost sleep,
And eat these sweet raspberries
I plucked from the tree outside your window,
As we osculate into the
liminal tenderness of
your sheets.
Love raspberries
Lydia May 2014
God look!
A sky
What wonders I cannot describe
Lay not within
But beyond
As life
So expendable
Has no known meaning
And is by far
The most complicated thing we know
As we are just electricty
As we have no purpose
I give myself the purpose
To see the most brilliant thing I can
I believe it is there
Out past Venus
Or on the rings of Saturn
That I should find my meaning.
Please comment

— The End —