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Walrus Fat  Nov 2013
I Worry
Walrus Fat Nov 2013
The double wheel,  
Mooned sky,  
Dogs bark,  
Children they flinch,  
A spine tingling sense,  
I worry.  

The kids,
Soundlessly asleep,
They unaware,
The house creeks,
Eyes wide open,
I glance at side to side.

I worry.
The double wheel,  Mooned sky- Big storm is coming.
Nexus Sammy Sep 2016
Lord you have give me a solution
Yet people in interior Africa
Consider politics as a"***** game"
I try to express my views
But I'm highly misunderstood
Because masses are uneducated
Languishing in poverty
Yet blessed with many resoures
Many have got eyes
But few use them to see
Many have got brains
But few use them to think
For how long will we be like this?
Young people going on endless journeys
Just in search of greener pasture
For how long will our people
Fight each other for no reason?
My heart bleeds;my eyes cry
Lord please do not forsake us
I try to fight for my people
But some of them fight me
But I worryless I came for justice
Many have got visions
But don't translate their pictures into reality
Many have got a heart for the people
But they don't use it to serve people
For how long will nights pass without food?
For how long will my people stay homeless?
Yes crimes do happen
But to some that's the only way to survive
Revive us God,make us useful creations
Let's embrace brotherhood
For even in tough times God still exist.
Let's make ourselves proud by improving the living standards of everyone
nim  Jul 2018
nim Jul 2018
I'm feeling
Like an empty shell
But the core
Of nothingness
Is made out of
Pure sorrow

Is that the word?
It doesn't describe me
Hell, nothing does...
So I'll just
Keep doing
What I know best;

It's pretending
That I'm normal, even though
I am well aware that I'm not
And I was never near being normal
And I cannot be described by normal words

Nostalgic. Melancholic. Sad. Depressed. Abyss. Apathy. Darkness.
Pretending to be
All that I'm not.
But, I don't know, what am I?

Empty words can describe me.
But I cannot choose them myself;
If I could, what would I choose?

I'm tired.
Empty, inside.
Dead, inside.
Unable to be
The real me.

And it's wearing me down.
Every time I disappoint you.
Every time I'm empty.
Every time I'm not what I should be.
When I'm not enough.
And when I'm too much.

Empty words, empty head, empty promises, empty purpose, empty meaning, empty feelings.
Is that what you bring me down to?
Is that how you see me?
Empty, of humanity?

The words are echoing in my ears.
That's the room I sit in.
That's the life I lead.
Maybe that's me.
Perhaps it is, when you don't see what I see.

Happy, joyful, worryless.
Perfect, pretty, shallow.
Skillful, amazing, badass.
Crazy, mad, fun, reckless.
...but empty.

It's a mark you've made.
Are you happy?
That I'm empty?
That I'm turning into you?
Are you empty?
But am I?

A lot of people see me differently,
Like I just wrote.
Each line for one me.
Wait, I write?
Why didn't you write it down?
Because I had to write, EMPTY, twice?

So are you looking
At this empty moon tonight?
Are you staring at the starless sky?
Are you partying in your empty house?
Are you crying, in your room, or in  your empty soul?

Have you been feeling empty recently?
Is it contagious?
Do you feel sorry?
Did you mean everything you told me?
Did this world mean to hurt me?

Am I empty?
Is the world empty?
What's my empty purpose?
Is it to be empty?
Is it to be me,
Or is it to be you?
Mickey  Jul 2019
With you
Mickey Jul 2019
I want to live,
I want to love.

I want to live,
I want to love.

I want to live,
I want to love.
To the fullest,
To the milky way and back.

I want to live,
I want to love,
With you.
Oliver Onley Aug 2016
In my dreams I'm scared of things
Scared of death and all it brings
Scared that you might read these things
Scared of the future,
Scared of human beings
The man in the shop,
The person in power
The child that sings a new song every hour
Beckoning me back to a time of few worries
None of bills,
None of health,
None of politics and prowess
None of ***,
None of being scared to talk or talking too pc
None of babies nor showers
Or when's the next happy hour

I jot this all down in the hope I'll remember
The feeling I felt when I woke up this morning
Dawn was arriving but not here quite yet
I woke to a craving of diluted squash
Mercan Dede still playing quietly, gently and soft
I thought of enlightenment
And how it could be
Content with all
But not for real
The fear keeps you alive
And the worries keep you sane
But it's nice to wonder and ponder now and again
Of how free you felt whilst cooped up inside
It's nice to think it was better back then
but where did I really go when I was just 10

— The End —