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Mar 2016 · 735
Saylor Kay Mar 2016
I hate myself with every fiber of my soul
I bleed, scream, and cry all because I am not worth it
I am not worth the love that people give me
How can someone love me? I am nothing...
I bleed in the hopes to feel something
I scream in the hopes that I might be heard
I cry with the thought that no one will ever care
I am not a creature worthy of your love
I am nothing
But I will not cry for long
One day, when I tie my noose and take the step
Then it will be you who cries
Your tears will be in vain
And you will feel the pain I felt everyday
But, you will overcome it
You are strong
This world was meant for you, not me
I will be happy
My soul, finally free from the body it did not belong in
*I am happy
Kori, I am very sorry. You will hate this so much. You hate all my sad poems. I didn't really spend a lot of time on this poem. I just wanted to write it before I went to bed to get a bit of my emotions out.
Jan 2016 · 2.1k
Saylor Kay Jan 2016
Soulmates aren't lovers
You dream when you sleep
Soulmates you fight with
While you dream
Soulmates aren't perfect
As some have you believe
Soulmates cause messes
That you have to clean
Soulmates are annoying
And drive you insane
Soulmates are friends
That will dance in the rain
Soulmates make you laugh
When tears fill your eyes
Soulmates don't always understand
Though they try

Soulmates are the ones who stay

They stay when you're down
They stay when you're up
They stay when you rock
And they stay when you ****
They stay when you love them
They stay when you don't
They stay when you're hurt
And need them the most
They stay in the end
After everyone's gone
They stay in the end
So you're never alone

Soulmates are the ones that stay
Dec 2015 · 803
Saylor Kay Dec 2015
Faith in God
Faith in love
Faith in life

Faith to me is like a dove
It's there for you to look at
Beautiful though small
But it's free and won't stay trapped

Having faith is like walking on ice
Difficult and easy to fall
If there's one small crack
The ice could break and end it all

I won't say faith isn't needed
For that would be a stretch
But faith is hard to keep
There one day and gone the next

Faith can keep us going
When we feel alone
But misplaced faith
Can hit you like a stone

I wish I had more faith
Unpredictable though sweet
Maybe then I would be happy
And no longer cry myself to sleep
Dec 2015 · 573
When I was Lost
Saylor Kay Dec 2015
When I was lost
I would watch the sun set
And the moon rise
For it provided the comfort
I lacked

When I was lost
Crying myself to sleep
Became a necessity
To remind me that I could still feel

When I was lost
I was alone with my thoughts
They consumed me
Then they became clear

When I was lost
I found myself

When I was found
I was bombarded with love
And the comfort of the sun and moon
Were no longer needed

When I was found
Every tear I shed was wiped away
No longer a necessity
For my way of life

When I was found
My thoughts grew stale
No longer my only form of life
My thoughts empty of meaning

When I was found
I was never more lost
Dec 2015 · 18.4k
The Life of an Anorexic
Saylor Kay Dec 2015
The life of an anorexic
Is never written in stone
One day you may not wake up
And leave your family alone

The life of an anorexic
Is a lonely on at that
You don't go out with friends
For they might make you fat

The life of an anorexic
Is not one to pine for
I hate myself with every bite
And it makes me want to cry more

The life of an anorexic
Is a life that I will die for.
Dec 2015 · 2.0k
My Friend Ana
Saylor Kay Dec 2015
I have a friend named Ana.
She made me be like her.
She tells me what to eat,
When I eat that is.
For most day she tells me,
"You don't need food to live,
All you need is to be skinny
Other wise you won't be pretty
And no one likes the ugly girls."
She taught me how to fix myself,
And now I stay on her tallest shelf.
She has glued me to my seat
And told me that I cannot eat.
For if I eat then my thighs,
Will massively grow in size.
She told me I can never leave
And now I'm stuck with her screams.
She taught me how to be like her
And I'm afraid there is no cure.
Now I sit and remember her words,
"No one likes the ugly girls."
Then I realise suddenly
Ana isn't her,
It's me.

— The End —