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or is it the air changing?
mood settles, or is it the
time of year?
Almost tattered with oil spots and all
when it was gifted I really can't recall
the colors are faded the surface rough
but in my possession is no better stuff.

The smell is old with layers of years
wiped bath water, sweat and tears
rubs me tender whispers sweetly
in love with you please don't leave me.

My old buddy without a name
hugs my skin covers my shame
post the showers it's been my muse
still not useless from years of use.

Why it's so special why can't I leave
the torn old thing holds love I believe
the touch of love that's never really gone
in a parting gift from the father to the son.
I'm desperately searching
For an ounce of permanence
In a world in which
Everything fades to nothingness
Sun dips, paints the sky ablaze,
with monsoon on the rise, the gloom yellow daze.
Folds of the bed, a sunken cove,
Hours swallowed whole, oblivious of.

Confined to the bed, my hold constricted,
Out there so much, vibrant, unrestricted.
I look to the lime yellow wall space,
more than a year, a neglected chase.

The vast unknown, I look from the window,
look at the people, come and go,
while I see them afar, are they happier than me
Do they feel as imprisoned as I be?
I know there is a world,
Somewhere in the timeline
Maybe not that far down the stack,
Where you and I are together.

And wouldn't it be beautiful,
A world where we could be ourselves
The secret weird people we can only be
Together, you and I are somewhere

Beautiful, serene, so safe from
Everyone, everywhere, all at once
The madness has always quieted
Whenever you and I are together

This is what I imagine in my
Wildest, most wishful dreams
Our success, the things we could make
If you and I were together
Life's biggest illusion is the freedom we're shown
Cause there's only so far you are able to roam
It never occurred to me that it was strange to be in this place alone
At first,
While trying to escape I wore my finger tips to the bone
But now,
I've got it so bad that I call this catacomb home
No land line phone,
No WiFi hotspot zone
Cut off from the outside inside this prison of skull and bone

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