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 Oct 2017 Sandoval
Pagan Paul
A shepherd gently tends his flocks,
on the night of the Autumn equinox.
Patiently guarding his wayward sheep,
as the Oak King prepares for sleep.

And the Holly King from slumber wakes,
with solemnity his tired head he shakes.
Then joyous laughter he openly roars,
his half year reign once more restored.

Guiding all Nature to a bed of rest,
to energise, regrow, is his duty quest.
Bringing his peace and tranquility serene,
for the comfort of his bridal Queen.

For She is Nature, there all year long,
loved and celebrated in many a song.
No greater love could She invoke,
her two wild husbands, Holly and Oak.

So Oak pens his warm Summer verse,
and Holly writes of cold Winters' worst.
Her heart draped upon their royal thrones,
bringing joy to this eternal Game of Poems.

© Pagan Paul (03/10/17)
 Oct 2017 Sandoval
Pagan Paul
Come! Come! One and all,
come to my woodland hall,
attend ye all mid-winters ball,
in friendship harken to my call.

Paths awash with candle light,
in the branches burning bright,
such an enchanting magical sight,
to guide you gentle through the night.

Friends with whom to drink and eat,
cuddled warm in a sylvan heat,
while dancers fling to keep the beat,
songs are sung, lovers meet.

And by a fire in a little glade,
words are spoken, promises made,
the Bonding tree with hearts displayed,
brings memories that will never fade.


And when the party is at an end
I'll lovingly embrace my dearest friend,
and quieter than what lies beneath,
whisper sweet poetry to my Lady Leaf.

© Pagan Paul (04/10/17)
Poem 6, Series 2 of my Lord of Green collection.
Distance is a very confusing point. Some people are close to us but at
the same time worlds so far.
Others are kept and carried to our hearts even if they are
far away no matter what.

Since the beginning of time we are separated by distance, literally and
metaphorically speaking. But we come together with long lines.
Telephone, rails, coastal, dreams, emotions...

We can always transcend such distances with a touch, a kiss, a story.
The course is not always pleasant but worths the tears, the pain,
even the suffering...
I carry your melodies
that fill the air
and shove the waves ashore.
I carry a heart in rusty chains
burning for redemption.
I inhale
I exhale
I let you light my waning soul
and cast away the longing
i tried to bury long ago.
Your face starts to fade in my thoughts
and fear blooms within me.
I could not ask for more
just a memory of you singing happily
just the look of your sparkly green eyes.
Obsessed with your skepticism
obsessed with your lineage
obsessed with your bitterness.
Why limit your capabilities and
fear what you do not understand?
Always trying to maintain appearance
in public so afraid what would others
think of you.
Returning back to this abandoned place
felt like resting.
Tranquil wind could be heard like a silent
mourn to an abandoned castle.
Trees, roots and soil cover what was great
once before.
I pray for you, i hope for the change in your heart.
 Sep 2017 Sandoval
Thea Falls
 Sep 2017 Sandoval
Thea Falls
somewhere between
typing a message
and erasing it,
an untold story ends
something between
them would have changed
if only she clicked send
but she didn't
and so,
their love story
that haven't began yet ends
 Sep 2017 Sandoval
Autumn Rose
That night in the green velvet park,
we breathed sweet summer breeze
and shared kisses in the dark
while we heard the music in the trees.
Alas the romantic hour was a little too late
and your blue eyes were about to close
and give an end to our date
As I felt how the wind blows,
I thought of your dearest dreams
in the spring,
so I lingered on and began to sing :*

,, Let me sing you a lullaby
and take you to the stars at night
where you can kiss the moon
and make your lips silvery bright ,,

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