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No one is born to be a certain something
Your life is yours to make
And no matter what anyone says
Be what you want and don’t let anyone stop you
Life is like a game
Growing up is your levels
The obstacles are the challenges you have to complete
If you decide to just give up
Then how will you ever win
Hey mom-dad, listen.
Hit me, hate me, throw me out,
But don't shut me up.
My dear mom, my dear dad,
Please listen to me talk.
You're the place where I can unveil myself and be true to who I am.
You're the place where I can pour my heart out and expect to be heard.
You're the place I want to spend my life talking and being heard.
Please don't tell me to shut up
Because I talk too much,
Because no one likes what I speak,
Because I talk *******,
Because no one would listen to me,
Because I need to stay silent sometimes,
Because nobody likes the stories I have to tell,
Please don't tell me to shut up,
Just because that's what I need to do.
Listen to me.
Are dishes,
They need, to handle
Very careful
No disturbances
For the reason that,
They are fragile
Any slight mistake
Will cause them
Into broken
They are more than
a rubber bowl
Because, they shines
They always kept
in a precious shelves
Using dishes,
lunch and dinner
Can be taken
On, every daylight
and night

They are more than,
Precious they are
Dishes they are
Take care of
They are mothers and they are everything
They say
Time runs slower where gravity is the strongest
That is why, when I am  pulled back to you
Time slows down
You have a gravity I can’t resist
I love to wake up
to the sound of your
racing heartbeat
feeling your soft lips
leaving tender kisses
all over my body
slowly waking me up
I would love to find the perfect answer
even though nothing is really perfect.

(Not really a poem)
A rose lay in an open grave
Vision of beauty in death
Kneeling prayer a saving grace
Breathing joy with every breath.

Your undying love my saving faith
A rose lay in an open grave
Addicted to your love I crave
Like a convert my life you saved.

Walking poetry true elegance
Your name within my heart engraved.
A rose lay in an open grave.
Beauty in death evident.

In death itself a endlessness
Like a limitless ocean wave
Thoughts conquered by benevolence.
A rose lay in an open grave
The Quatern is a 16-line rhyming poem that is somewhat like the Kyrielle. It is a French form and has 8 syllables per line. It is written in quatrains (four line stanzas). It also has a refrain line that appears in each stanza. However, unlike the Kyrielle, the refrain line in a Quatern moves. It begins as the first line in the first stanza, then moves down one line in each consecutive stanza, until it becomes the last line of the last stanza.

The Quatern does not have to follow any patterned meter, such as iambic meter, nor does it have to conform to any set rhyme scheme.
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