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Francis Apr 2017
Shall we dance together under this enchanting starlit sky?
Let us press up closely and sway to and fro,
Let my eyes glisten so deliberately,
As I daze at the sensation you give me by simply existing.

A dazzling penguin I appear,
While my peers sport identical attire,
Your glow is as bold as the smile on my face,
Every second I spend dancing with you.

How charming my humor may be,
Awkwardly shunning those who are near,
Your shoulders look like golden biscuits,
I crave the taste of them,
As they sit so shiningly in sight.

May I take out your hair clip,
Once we arrive at home from this soiree?
Would it be possible to admire your almond locks flowing,
So rivetingly down to your *******?

Would you let me unbutton your corset,
Kissing every inch of your spine from head to toe?
Can I wrap my arms around your belly,
Conjoining our bodies together like two molds of clay,
To form one marvel of modern art?

Life with you is as elegant as this moment,
Our laughs are like a melody of Mozart,
Our *** is like a jazz suite band,
Smooth and soulful,
When intimacy inspires the art of lust.

A soiree it is,
Having every moment spent with you,
I'm intoxicated on tranquility,
Knowing every second is where I'll find you.
Francis Apr 2017
Dreaming of what was,
Instead of what will be.
A night with my ol' Scottish friend,
Bluer than green as my heart mimics my liver,
Screaming to be cleansed of the poisons I give 'em,
To feel something other than remorse.
Pain is weakness leaving my tear ducts,
Mumbling some sort of ironic phrase,
Playing it Bogart as I sit in my own stink,
Separate from this mediocre world,
If my own world were isolated from thought,
Or If thought were a composition of Chopin.
Sweating the aged rye as it coats my ability to *******,
I'll light another cigarette for kicks,
Since death by smoke seems more charming,
Than dying of a broken heart.
I'll kiss the lemon twist,
Relevant to the aches I've felt.
Submerging the sourness in a pool of cheap,
Since I can't afford the good stuff.
We'll always have paris
Francis Jan 2017
Grasping onto my bed sheets like the moon's gravitational pull met its demise through the force of our love for each other. Your eyes are shut but mine are open, admiring your luscious body as it conjoins to mine. Hearing the songs you sing as I put-forth the utmost efforts to please you while playing my instrument in harmony with your voice, I'm reminded of a blessing that this moment symbolizes. As we reach the ****** of our enchanting nightly journey, I open my arms to you as you sink into me like warm butter sinks into toasted bread. We gaze into each other's eyes while the universe unfolds around us, without a care in the world I utter the three words every woman wants to hear, but most importantly, every woman deserves to hear after providing such a joy for a man that she has provided for me this evening... I love you.
I'll just leave this here.
Francis Oct 2016
Psychedelic dreams,
Images that flash rapidly,
Like a 16 millimeter camera.

I have the sound of ringing in my ears,
Her eyes are endearing,
Her Lips are motioning,
But no sound can be detected.

I'm somewhere not near my current location,
A place of my own,
Created by preferences pertaining to me,
I laugh instead of cry,
I feel instead of hurt,
I dream instead of sleep.

A place of my own,
No man should require skill,
As it is my own mind that does the accepting,
the judging,
    the dreaming,
          the creating,
A harsh reality creates the ideal fantasy,
The question being if the fantasy can become a reality,
Not by the grace of god but by the grace of my own,
To have and to hold,
A place of my own.
We all want the best of what we can get out of life.
Francis Oct 2016
As the shackles tighten,
My heart begins to contract,
Solitarily confined in such dreadful darkness,
I anticipate mortality as it slowly maneuvers itself to me,
Battling such evil created within,
I hold myself prisoner to my own uncontrolled psyche.

This misery has no escape route,
The light dances around me,
Forever I'll be strained by worn out emotions,
Chained to despondency until my heart stops the beat,
As these shackles reach maximum strength,
Leaving my hands held captive to my own misgivings.
Depression *****. Stay happy!
Francis Oct 2016
I search my soul, it's so dark and bold,
Carelessly shunning, those who seek entrance,
I listen but never learn,
I see but not think,
Forever I shall be branded,
One who quits when a situation sours,
And spoils like expired milk.
Francis Oct 2016
I search this ocean of emotional wrath,
Rage building up from below the core,
I study the textbook acts of feeling hopeless,
In a world of halfwitted fools,
Whom I claim superiority over.

Behold! This artifact of false pride,
I discovered it as I meandered the ocean on my love boat,
Fighting constant rouge waves of selfishness,
It calmly floated through the white foams.

I defected on the **** deck,
Holding no desire for consideration of my mates,
Mates who could care less for me,
And my prejudice towards sailing on this body of water,
They then made me walk the plank.

My heart rate reaches a point of vulnerability,
As I struggle to hold my breath below the surf,
I lasted unusually longer than a month's worth of travel,
Floating on nothing but my buoyancy,
I reached shore,
Suffocating with no use of my hands and feet.

A lady fisherman retrieved me from the waves,
Reciting a prayer, then proceeding CPR,
I regain consciousness, gasping for air,
Forgetting what was to become of me,
I grab her by the torso of her slicker,
And kiss her passionately,
With no ***** given.

She did of course kiss me back,
Confused but delighted,
Once she realized what was occurring,
She pulled away smiling,
I gave her a glance projecting my ruthlessness,
Because I am in fact,
Superior to the king himself.

The sun looked innocent,
As the clouds rolled in viciously,
This storm seemed like an old friend,
I recall it's grubby warfare,
Kicking me around as I swayed to and fro,
On the mahogany of my dear rig,
A rig that has been stolen from me,
On the lost sea of emotional wrath.
Couldn't tell you what this means.
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