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 Jun 2016 m i a
Behind silence
is a dictionary
Which is comprised of
muddy thoughts
 Jun 2016 m i a
Part One
 Jun 2016 m i a
In the face of your glory, I will tremble but not stumble
I will raise my head, and look up
To the stars your eyes contain, jewels I may never reflect brightly from, though I am graced by their fabulous glean as you aim them at me.
With a sensation arising of desire and admiration,
I will meet your magnificent stare,
And I will be pulled into your space
plucks            all                 her

He                                         privacy

She                              moans
 Jun 2016 m i a
i love you, i do
but i am just too broken
for someone like you
Haiku #3
 Jun 2016 m i a
now i think of you everytime i hear this song
and it makes me miss you even more
10w #2
 Jun 2016 m i a
Jo Baez
 Jun 2016 m i a
Jo Baez
Why is it that at the end of every sentence I write.
There's a man with a knife piercing it's blade into the back of my brain.
My mind feels colder this year.
Minutes die faster but hours live longer.
Half-empty water bottles like my goals scattered across my room.
I wrapped a noose around concequences neck and kicked the chair he stood on.
I watched his legs dangle like dancing ballerinas on top of a frozen creek.
His face went colorless.
Then I buried him beneath my bed.
 Jun 2016 m i a
 Jun 2016 m i a
the screams
still caught in my throat
from that day;
want to let them out,
to cry,
be louder.

what if
I'd been louder?
could it have saved
my soul from
being torn
that day?

can still hear it,
your breathing;
can still feel it,
you pushing
me down.

can still remember;
oh, how I remember.

Like an ***** addict
I was addicted to your eyes
Eyes which did spark
Spark like clusters of stars
On a moonless night

Like an ***** addict
I was addicted to the luster
The luster about your skin
A skin pale unblemished
Gaily yet opalescent as an opal

Like an ***** addict
I was addicted to your lips
Lips so sweet as nectar
Nectar distilled from
All flowers of heaven

Like an ***** addict
I was addicted to your voice
A voice so fresh
And euphonious like
Whispers of a nightingale

But most of all

Like an ***** addict
I was addicted to your love
A love so indelible to me
Love that had me glance
Past beyond

Atop the stars
#***** addict #Her #Retrospections #Addiction #Beauty
 Jun 2016 m i a
There are many choices to make in life
but she wants to be his only choice
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