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Oct 2014 · 636
Sabrina Oct 2014
This is a procession of bodies.
Him on the couch, right next to me tonuge stuck too far down.
You there too far away. Too confusing. Too much too anything. Too little everything.
Another stuck somewhere in the middle. Cute and sweet and here for now.
One right at my fingertips. A friend. A must have filled with so much hope.
Another too clingy, without spark. In no certain place at all.

And there will be others...  I think.
But what I have learned,
body after body,
Is that this is how the procession takes place.
Jul 2014 · 637
Heart Ache
Sabrina Jul 2014
I waited for you to tear me apart.
The "I miss yous"
And other sweet words
Nothing mattered while you were holding me.
I sunk into you.
Worrying all while
for another scar.
Another tear.
I gave up my fears for you.
And then you tore me apart.

And now I cannot eat
I cannot sleep
Waiting for those late night calls...
I cannot think...
Thoughts are useless...

Darling dear,
you gave me a scar
unlike anyone else

And I am not sure I will recover.
Dec 2012 · 603
this is it.
Sabrina Dec 2012
Something is opening up inside me
Fairy dust is leaking from my heart
And dripping into my deepest depths

And right now all I can feel is....
An abundance happiness that's leaking from within the palms of my hands.
I wait for someone to come,
Because just one set of hands holding so much joy just won't do.
But at the same time,
There is too much sadness bearing down heavily on my shoulders.
So I stand in the cold, waiting for others to help, and hold the excess.

I've become,
An emotional explosion of shattered-glass-flying proportions.  
And all I can think is....
This is it.
This is life and this is what it feels like to live.
Dec 2012 · 761
With You
Sabrina Dec 2012
With you and I hand in hand,
I met infinity,
Inside a ticking time bomb.
Our hands were interwoven,
as we walked through walls.
Somewhere along this awful winding trail with its many S curves ,
I'd found what most others have lost.
And inside forever I lived,
Until the end.
Happily with you I spent forever,
hand in hand.
Dec 2012 · 642
Sabrina Dec 2012
I am a bundle of tangled thoughts
You are my obsession
I heavily bear
We tear one another into thin, raggedy strips
Our aching pain is unparalleled
We both carry a barren torch
that yearns to be consumed.

Soul to soul,
And my heart splinters.
You make me ache and cry
In a wonderland filled of distraught.
How can something so beautiful be dosed in fresh pain?

New love, look at me.
New love, talk to me.

You **** me each day
And each day I awake new.
So darling dear why must you wait today?
Because I'm ready to wake anew.
Today, love, new
Dec 2012 · 2.5k
Sabrina Dec 2012
I dive in deep.
I expect to plunge into the deep depths of it,
Instead I fall into a shallow cesspool.
It's my own doing.
I am the only one to blame.
You told me to take a leap of faith.
Your faith.
I did this all for you.
I dove into a shallow, shallow pool
So why, tell me love, why do I feel as if dying underwater?
My lungs are mashing together,
And it is too late for me to speak.
Nov 2012 · 3.2k
Wrong Words
Sabrina Nov 2012
I'm the combination of too many wrong words
And not enough of the right ones.
Nov 2012 · 616
Outlive Me
Sabrina Nov 2012
I pray one prayer.
I pray this prayer because
I cannot live without you.
You are the only one who will throw my ashes into the sea,
So please don't go.
If you leave me I will cry a new river.
I won't be able to move.
I won't eat.
I won't be able to sleep.
My heart will have disappeared into a void
And a black hole will have taken its place.
So please, please...
Start running, start eating right, and watch your speed on those highways.
I cannot lose you.
If you die,
I will suffer.
The effect will be death.
I think I have this one right to be completely and utterly selfish.
Because who else will scatter my ashes?
I prayer this one prayer:
Outlive Me. Outlive Me. Outlive Me.
Nov 2012 · 9.0k
Sabrina Nov 2012
Sleep is the building block of my existence
Where else can you dream impossible,
Nonsensical dreams?
I hope they flood my mind at night.
I hope.
I hope.
Because while I'm awake mess everything up.
So I hope sleep blankets me up all nice and warm.
Right now too much could never be enough.
Nov 2012 · 404
Ruin it All
Sabrina Nov 2012
I never told you that one word could ruin it all.
But it's too late now,
Because you've found destruction in your own way.
Nov 2012 · 487
Sabrina Nov 2012
You make my heart burst open wide
And pick itself back off the ground
Then violently fly open from the hot heat of happiness
All over, again and again,
Until I no longer possess my own heart
I glance over at you
And notice my heart's
Now in your hands.
And it's beating like crazy.
Nov 2012 · 553
Sabrina Nov 2012
I wake up to the face of a shining angel.
Perfection cannot be found or so they tell me.
But I find perfection in your ridges and valleys.
And it is all amplified by the voice
I hear that slips out your mouth.
The most delicate poetry I've ever heard are the words you write.
Words are sewn together by the most fragile string.  
And I wish your magnificence could be spread across the world like pixie dust.
This is more than just mounds of revision
Or rough rawness.
This is utter perfection in one swift swing.
And I love your for it.
I love you for the perfection I'll never find.
Oct 2012 · 658
One of Two Ways
Sabrina Oct 2012
We can have this one of two ways.
We can choose a deep reddish-orange
Or choose to splatter blood across the room with our aching hearts.

Bittersweet air.
Or the dominating smell of regret.

We get to choose.

Do we wish to keep our memories?
Or wipe them away, leaving a clean and sparkling slate?
Because we can have this only one of two ways.
Oct 2012 · 571
Sabrina Oct 2012
Your voice seeps into me.
And I'm not sure
How it got here or how it
Got stuck like peanut butter
On the roof of my mouth.
Your voice, it just won't budge.
And for just this one moment I forget
that I'm not suppose to remember
just how perfectly that voice sounds.
Oct 2012 · 500
What You Are
Sabrina Oct 2012
You are a parasite that burrows underneath flesh.
You're a virus that's about to be unleashed.
You're the line I want to find,
but I do not need.
In the end, you're just the needle that goes in too deep.
Oct 2012 · 830
Sabrina Oct 2012
I have written you a million letters.
You have yet to see one.
Instead, I watch as flames tear them to dust.
Oct 2012 · 748
Sabrina Oct 2012
They say we are all good
At one thing.
I look around
to find the guy who's good with numbers
And the girl who can play with colors.
She makes the prettiest art.
I see that person who searches for the truth.
I see the girl who is obsessed with fashion
And the guy who yearns to just help people out.
Looking around
At all these people
I realize
The only thing I'm good at is
I can do it perfectly
without any real effort.
So when they ask me what I'm good at
I'll think, self-destruction.
A mess of decay.
And I will wonder why one day
why I didn't just implode and wipe myself out.
Oct 2012 · 1.0k
Sabrina Oct 2012
My dreams.
I cannot really sleep.
I think someone would call it a nightmare.
Let me apologize in advance.
I had to shoot you in the head.
Bullets travel through this pistol
And I watched as you fell.
You were going to eat me alive.
I met a guy I'd never met.
He had a sawed off shotgun.
I said hello
Because he was the only one trying to save
And I kept waking up expecting you to be
Gnawing off one of my limbs.
But I awoke to loneliness.
My dreams used to be so sweet.
My dreams used to be my escape.
Now nothing is sweet.
Now there is no escape.
And I cannot sleep.
Oct 2012 · 1.0k
A Heart Shaped Shell
Sabrina Oct 2012
I wonder if I had the choice would I
yell for time to travel way back?
I want it to so much now,
For time to slowly inch its way back.
Or to at least to avoid this situation,
To have never walked into this place.
Because now I'm not really living
While I'm watching you with her.
I watch as you kiss her neck.
And it makes me miss you so much.
And I should be living
Because I can hear the clock ticking over my head.
But this is what happens to me
When someone scoops out my heart
And leaves me with an empty heart-shaped shell.
It is the oddest feeling.
I think it might feel like death.
But why shouldn't you be blissfully happy,
with her?
I ask.
Maybe it hurts so much
And that is the reason
I don't want you to become two.
Or maybe it is
Because she was prettier than me,
Taller than I am,
Or skinnier than I could ever try to be.
I was never enough.
Not for you.
Maybe my heart is just broken.
Don't worry.
Because I realized that fairy-tales don't exist for every little girl.
And I'll just leave you with her
All wrapped up in your magical world.
You won't see me.
And I'll walk out of the door.
With a scooped out heart,
Only a shell of a heart
To leave you unaware and wrapped up in your own fairy tale.
And maybe someday I'll be able to look at those magical dust filled pages
Without a single pang of regret.
But for now my heart-shaped shell
Cannot take the pain.
And I can try to yell for time to quick click backwards,
In hopes the memories will erase forever,
So I won't have to remember you with her.
Oct 2012 · 469
Sabrina Oct 2012
I've been told it happens.
Quite a lot actually.
But I'm not sure
That it happens at all
Who is to tell you that souls do actually snap?
And what happens if you cannot hear it,
Do you wander around
Listlessly like a ghost forever hovering
Without ever being attached?
Oct 2012 · 608
Duck Tape
Sabrina Oct 2012
You will have to take duck tape and
Shut me inside this closet
and throw away the key
Then while you are tearing
Picture by Picture
Into tiny strips
You will ask what did you miss from this life.
Because somewhere you headed down the wrong ***** track.
And then you will come back
Staring at this white door.
And when you try to unlock it
You will have found you have lost the key
You will dig through 10 billion pockets
Never finding your answers
And I will laugh through my duct taped mouth.
Oct 2012 · 440
Bit by Bit
Sabrina Oct 2012
Take it bit by bit
And remember
We will never be like this forever.
Oct 2012 · 605
Sabrina Oct 2012
I see her.
It's like I'm looking at a black and white picture.
Her light brown hair
Is curled and pinned up.
The long white beaded dress grazes the floor.
I can see
The slight curve of her shoulder-blade
And bare arms that connect to fingers
Tracing tears on glass.
That face of hers is plastered up against a cool window pane.
She doesn't want to be her(e).
I watch as her eyes flit to the floor.
Her eyelashes look newly paved and a mile long.
She looks as if her proper place belongs in the past.
Another era, a different click of the clock.
Beauty like that these days goes unseen.
Maybe I have jumped through a mirror
And found myself displaced in time.
She presses her face back against the cold glass.
I wonder what she dreams of...
And why she feels this needless urge
To run.
Oct 2012 · 827
Sabrina Oct 2012
I wanted to just be.
But I cannot just be,
Not while I'm here you.
Even though you rarely come around.
You slide into my door like a snake.
And for some reason
I let you back inside.
I'm crazy.
Explosions have wreaked my mind.
I must be insane
Because no normal person,
Who contains a sliver of self-confidence,
Would let you do this to them.
I want to cry, but the tears won't spring from this jail cell.
All I ever wanted was to be
And now I have to try to find that
After you.
That makes it so much harder,
Not because you were such a great lover or passionate or my world.
But because I finally realized you never did care.
I cannot calm myself.
Because my hopes of a good relationship
Is completely and utterly dashed
Thanks to all your crap.
And being, now, is just too much of a struggle for me to deal with.
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Red & Green
Sabrina Oct 2012
Red and Green can bleed together
Short quick flashes
Of Green spark my heart
And I dive into another world.
I often think it's like a green traffic light on the fritz.
Sadly, I forget this new world
Is based on the rules made way back in reality.
I want my own little world I discovered years ago.
I want to drown myself the murky muddy puddle of it.
I have found knowledge is deadly for some.
The up lifting emotions
Soon will turn to dread.
And the green flashes will slowly turn red.
My insides itch and my feet beg my mind to trigger a switch.
Then my heart drops like cement.
This is when I decided I've had enough
And I hit delete
Until the mix of Red and Green begin to bleed together once again.
Aug 2012 · 3.8k
Sabrina Aug 2012
I want to shatter glass.
Slow motion.
Bullets fly.
Glass rains.
A smile breaks.
Teeth gleam.
Eyes shine.
Aug 2012 · 3.0k
The Fractions of Life
Sabrina Aug 2012
Bad things happen in clusters
One right after another.
But good things only come one at a time.
It is like a messed up fraction,
Percentages that just cannot compete.

And the bad things linger
just as long as they can...
Grabbing onto your skin,
scraping lines in deep.
Until you can only sink
farther into the dirt.

So why do good things not linger?

Instead, they are like a warm summer breeze.
And you have to shuffle hard
away the crap.
So the good memories have a way to compete
with the mounds and mounds
Of bad.

Because that is the only way to live:
Turn this fraction on its head.
Aug 2012 · 4.8k
Sabrina Aug 2012

Pain flows through my chest.
Washing away the seconds and minutes.
Time Stops.
And the clock no longer ticks.
One more moment.
One last breath.
Lungs shrivel.
And blood freezes.
I sense her
Awaiting, Assuring, Strong.
Then the moment bursts.
A hand grenade.
A home-made bomb.
Life flashes back
And time ticks on.
Aug 2012 · 3.6k
Hearts are Sinking
Sabrina Aug 2012
Hearts sinking
This pain no longer a threat,
Only certain tragedy.
They say, "Risk it all."
To have your heart torn apart.
Surgery. No Anesthetic.
Find the bleeding parts.
No warmth.
You find heat.
Give away pieces.
Turn to stone.
Then repeat.

— The End —