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Ryan Clark Jan 2013
Tick tock
rapping of the clock.
A cold dead sham
of another mans cog.
So lay it down
on the hangman's block.
To sick to see
how it shepherds its flock.

It holds no rime
masquerades as reason.
A facade of truth
Yet I call it treason.
It puts up the walls
to the common man's prison.
A tool to be used
for a stronger man's mission.

a device of unity.
Implementing science
bordering necessity.  
Auctioned off
by the leaders of  economy.
You always work hard
but are left no time to dream.

Dreaming costs
who ever owns your time.
They look down at you
and threaten your life.
So you numb yourself  
just to make a dime.
Soon you grow cold
lost in the grind.

In youth
there is imagination.
not subject to discrimination.
As they grow
so to do their nations.
Furthering thoughts
yet short lived contemplation.
For as you grow old
you give your time to corporations.

The more things change
the more they stay the same.
from the dawn of man
to the information age.
More time spent
till your in your grave.
Yet time well spent
promises better days.

So dont sacrifice
your life for time.
It all stands short
in perspective eyes.
A relative thought
not a device that binds.
Spend it happily
for every day of your life.
I thought I'd try something out side of what I usually write. Inspired by Taru M and Zack
PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LET ME KNOW THIS IS NOT MY FORTE. I'm just trying new things here and openly invite criticism so I can get better and broaden my writing abilities.

May turn into a song ACGD chorus AEA
Ryan Clark Jan 2013
My breath
has long fleeted my lungs;
My body
is crippled tirelessly by pain;
My mind
begs for this moment to cease  

This is the moment to yield

Yet I press on...
Through the exhaustion.
Through my faltering muscles.
Through the wall of debilitation

My back is against the wall

Yet I will continue on...
Pass the limits of possibility.
Pass the boundaries of condition.
Pass the ambiguity of self.
'Till I have defeated my enemy
'or I stand before the gates of Valhalla.

My rival hits the floor

I can never accept Defeat
When its only separated from Victory
By a thin

I ascend its threshold
Not sure this one holds up to its predecessor, but when do they ever. Am I right!?!  ... Any way
Ryan Clark Jan 2013
The wind sweeps the leaves from their home;
Chilling the air and silencing heat.
This is the season of passing
Solstice of winter sleep.

Though the cold wards many,
I do not own such luxury.
My mind sits restless,
focusing on carrying my weary feet...

This weather invades my heart,
as it is shrouded over me,
by stingy fridged lips
sapping the strength from every beat.

So as my joints stiffen,
As my lungs freeze,
My resolve dissipates
fading into the darkness that kisses my heels.

I must keep moving...
"till I hear the death bell's ring
or I reach my randevu.
Ryan Clark Dec 2012
O' what a joyous day
to be of the living
and take the bounty of existence!
For who can deny such serenity?

The blossoms are in bloom.
Animals frolic in the wilderness.
The air is sweet and rich;
proof that life is wonderful.

There is no rush!
So savor this occasion.
There is nothing to be ruined
on a day such as this.

That is, unless
A 20ft ghillie monster
eats your face off
*Who wouldn't be hungry at this hour?
I thought I'd take a break from all the unnecessarily "deep" poems I pump out and have some fun. Post Your own additions you'd like to see in this poem and I'll put em in there.
Ryan Clark Dec 2012
They say the best Warriors
make the best poets.
For art can not be made for the sake of art,
but by the reflection
cast forth by the creators soul
                        their experiences
                              their emotion.

Though my hand has yet  learn to write
my heart does not need such lessons.
It has studied well from adversity of strife.
                                                                     of love
                                                                        of life

It is forever scarred in the shape of art
Joined by a community
Who's souls bleed to paper
in the form of poetry.

Poetry that takes many shapes
Holds many secrets;
Constructs beautiful stories
that express their agony,
                  their joy,
                      their thoughts,
                          their perspective.

If this is how poetry breaths.
How can I not be a poet?

As I join this guild of artist
I will  learn this art
                this wondrous expression
                           this mystery
For how could I not?
When my heart is there
and my mind races toward it
As too, the hearts and minds of many before me
                                                                    many with me
                                                                              and many... to come.
Got some inspiration from messages by Taru M. This is kinda experimental for me so be sure to give me some pointers and Don't forget to check out Taru M's work!
Ryan Clark Dec 2012
My hands tremble,
The cold nips my skin.
It consumes me.
Comes forth, sunken within.
I light my cigarette
And gaze into the day's light...

I leer on,
to familiar scenes.
They pause for a moment
then unexpectedly change.
I take another drag
And wonder on...

Thoughts relapse
Memories become vivid
Pain and pleasure gray
A thousand things at once
I finish my cigaret
It is night...
Ryan Clark Dec 2012
The sky so blue.
Sun tinted by shades.
With nothing to do,
Just lounging the day.

The guitar strings;
Music gently flies .
Like the brisk of wind.
Sweet summer; July

The hammock sways
in blissful breeze.
A day of days,
a heavenly dream.

And where am I,
on such a lovely day?
I'm just chilling...
Like a chinchilla
An old poem I recently found. I think I was in HS at the time. Probably could have ended it after the 8th line
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