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 Jul 2021 Poetic Eagle
As tears fall apart
I'm writing this
Years has been difficult
Many unknown paths taken
Went through all kind of emotions

Here I am
Still searching for me
Searching for my being
Searching for the purpose of being
A poem written in 2015
 Jul 2021 Poetic Eagle
Love wasn't enough
Love wasn't enough to tie us together
To keep our relation living
To let go of all the worries
To enjoy ever little thing with each other
To make our "happily ever after"

After all we lived in the society and
it has the "power"
to control us
to decide whether or not
we could be together
it made the decision
to separate us

Sadly love was not enough
 Jul 2021 Poetic Eagle
Here begins another day
With a new excitement for future
Curiosity to see what will happen next
Another day wasted
Wondering about next
 Jun 2021 Poetic Eagle
Note 127:
 Jun 2021 Poetic Eagle
You're amazing,
You're appreciated,
You're loved,
And you're valid.
A "poem" every day.
To express feelings you can’t
talk about.
Setting yourself free penning it down.
Or to just share a wonderful experience .
Let people know
there is always light in the dark.
To write in simple words
a simple story .
Tell what’s on your mind.
Tell about a life changing experience worth telling.
So others can recognize
themselves in it and know they are not alone.
So you share to show you care.  
You write to create.
Create an image which
stays in the mind forever.
You write to set yourself free and to help others see!!
Let your imagination come to life
So others can see life through someone else’s eyes.
You are worthy!
Respect what others write and learn from it!!
Poetry to set you free!

Shell ✨🐚
Expressing yourself to set yourself free
and to share with others letting them know they are not alone.. That there is always light in the dark!!
 May 2021 Poetic Eagle
 May 2021 Poetic Eagle
sanity feels so close
but so far away
reaching for a light
that fades
 May 2021 Poetic Eagle
Rose Cliff
I suffer from an exhaustion where sleep offers no remedy
 May 2021 Poetic Eagle
Ray Dunn
meeting you
is like reliving a memory

and loving you
is forgetting the worst ones
I used to look to the future,
        the only thing left is a past.
        There's an emptiness I can't fill.
        I've always been troubled fun.
        It's a steep price for a ticket
        to a ride that lasts a minute.
        The line is long but moves fast.
        Afterwards you change your name.
        We never drown in the shallows.
        We always preferred the deep.
Kathy became KC. Betsy became Liz. Terry became Tara. Lynette became Libby.
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