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 May 2019 Robert Guerrero
I wish you kissed others to make me mad,
not to make yourself glad.
with the rain comes realization
and with realization comes change
the clouds beckon the lamentation
the lightning beckons the thunder
the tornado extirpates the innocent
but especially the blind
to their actions
their effects
their afflictions
even with the sun
eyes remain closed
ears deaf
spirit unwilling
to move
you’re comfortable
on your tower of contenting
But I am the foundation
The brick
the steel
the glue
and I am about to move
Lack of assertiveness in life and people will walk all over you - but I’ve had enough.
I pray the day will come
When I close my eyes at last
To sink into the deepest slumber
And do not fear the thought
Of them opening once again
i spent the winter thinking
it was all a lost battle to me
until the leaves came out
shrouding the world in green

they say every
rose has it's thorns
but i've got a gizmo
to strip those off

one little ray of lost
sunlight found its way
through the ceiling crack and
now there's something
blossoming inside
my shriveled heart

notes scribbled in
sharpie on paper cups
and a kiss on each of
my freckled cheeks

vague shapes in
milkfoam and learning
to accept love that i am
not used to holding onto

i don't feel like i could fly
don't feel like i could dance
but i could tuck a fern behind
my ear and grab your hand
and we could skip
up the sidewalk

and like i could plant kisses
on the faces of everyone
who i have ever cared about
push them into that beam
of sun and watch the good
feelings begin to sprout until
one day our faces all flourish
into something no longer
dry and hopeless but something
more like smiles and cheer

they say to bloom
where you're planted

i say just have the strength
to make it through the
dormant phase and when
life begins to slip back towards
warmth and light the blooms
will find their way to you

some way
keep the flower
inside you alive
copyright 6/21/18 by b. e. mccomb
There are so many things
I want to say to you
But I don't have the guts
To hit the send button
Don't even know
What I would type out
Maybe tell you that
I love you
Or that I wish I
Had never walked away
Maybe that hearing
You're having a baby
Devastated me
It's my fault though
That you're engaged
Having a baby
While I sit and miss you
I regret not telling you
Exactly how I felt
When I had the chance
Because now we're
Different people
Living different lives
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