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What part of God's love
Do you not understand
Where is your compassion
For your fellow man
Why is it that you hate
The way others might live
When excuses you continue to make
For your very own sin

What part of God's grace
Do you not get
The mere fact it's clearly here
So that you yourself might live
He knows the moment where you're at
And where it is you've been
Where all that you have when all is said
Again is your sin

What part of God's mercy
Do you not show
Do you help the lowly
And the widow alone
Are you there for the poor
Who call the streets their home
What part of God
Do you fail to show
 Sep 2017 Torontoisart
 Sep 2017 Torontoisart
What is love....
Is it only a feeling
Or is it a flight?
Does it really heal your wounds
Or you just lose your own sight!?
How do I know if I am in love.....
Does it knocks on the door
And says hiee?
Or simply keeps a tucked in note
And leaves without even a goodbye?!
Are you my love....
Do you make me feel like I am in heaven
And take me onto our cloud nine?
Or just give me a tight cozy hug
Even when you know things are not fine?!
Is this love....
When you suddenly bend down to kiss
My forehead while we talk?!
Or you just hold my hand while crossing roads
When we go on a long long walk?!
i hope you see me at the bottom of your glass
i hope you see me in your sunday mass
i hope you see me in your saturday cartoons
i hope you see me in the summer rain
i hope you see me in the cracked porcelain
i hope you see me in the smile of a child
i hope you see me in the sun upon your back
i hope you see me in your afternoon snack
i hope you see me in the daisy growing through the cracks in the sidewalk
i hope you see me in the face of everyone you love
i hope you see me in the beauty of a dove
i hope you see me in the ember of your cigarette
i hope you see me in every dog you pet
i hope you see me in your lovers eyes
i hope you see me in your dreams
i hope you see me in your favorite sports teams
i hope you see me in your nightmares
i hope you see me in your mirror
i hope you see me when you start thinking clearer
i hope you see me in the faces of a close friend
i hope you see me in the end
cause god knows i see you
 Sep 2017 Torontoisart
I know regret will get me nowhere, but maybe this is something different.

I can't believe I so wholeheartedly gave away pieces of myself to others in the hopes that someday, I'd become whole.

For a while, I imagined myself as a vessel
A vessel containing unconditional love, and that it was my job to fill everyone's cup
This kept me alive

But this vessel is cracking
And she's scared that nobody will love her when they see her smile cracking
When they see her cracking

A vessel can only hold so much, can only be dropped so many times, placed in the garage, forgotten and then remembered again, before she begins to question her worth.

From now on, I am the vessel, and I am the cup.
 Sep 2017 Torontoisart
This room is full of beasts

Some fiends displaying a mechanical grace

constant in their pursuit of a perfect numb

Convenient gods selling a discount lobotomy..

saying it will help reclaim silence in a crowded skull  

Some souls were left suspended

minds consumed by slow motion

fleeting bliss rapidly expiring

bodies in limbo

When free will falters..

madness makes moves

eyes reassemble for nonsense

Their only crime was observing

I've seen this all before...

reruns from a dizzy dawn
Have you ever been imprisoned by your thoughts and admiration?
yelling out that you want to be free from this suffocation

You're a prisoner by all means, your heart has abandoned you to the court, and your mind a witness to all the things you've done

Then, you found a key; the answer to moving on but it couldn't fit the locked door

So you tried the best to escape but all routes has failed. There's only one way to fix this, is if you've let yourself to be not guilty of your crimes

Just prove you were innocent but what can we do? we are all pros at heartbreaks
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