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 Sep 2017 Torontoisart
Life is like your feet. You can go around wearing shoes all day to protect yourself from rocks, glass or other things that might  hurt you, or you can go barefooted and feel the soft moist earth beneath your feet, enjoy the cold hard concrete.  Think of this as a metaphor for your heart. If you are constantly gaurding against the pain of life you miss out on alot of of the good stuff.
 May 2017 Torontoisart
Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
Here we go

The calm before the storm
Always as predicted
The stillness was reassuring
But I should have known

Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
I should have known
That as I opened my petals
Into the sunlight
Exposing my colours
My scent
That the storm would hit
Right as I started to grow

Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
Dark clouds are rolling in
Thunder is shaking my stem
And just as I am about to close my petals
You strike me with 1000 bolts
Again and again
Turns me black
But this time
I don't think I will grow back.

— The End —