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Randy Johnson Feb 2016
In the future paradise, all wild animals will be as tame as kittens.
Children will play with poisonous snakes without fear of being bitten.
We will be able to build our own houses and grow our own food.
Everybody will be friendly to each other, nobody will be crude.

Animals won't attack each other, they will no longer be carnivores.
This and other wonderful things are what the future will have in store.
Jehovah God will give us our hearts desire, nothing will be begrudged.
But people who refuse to worship and obey God, won't live in the paradise, instead, they will be harshly judged.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
A bunch of allegations have come out against Hillary Clinton but people still want her to be President anyway.
I've never heard anything so crazy in all of my born days.
I do not like Hillary or her spouse.
I do not want her in The White House.
If you want to vote for her, that's fine, that's your choice.
But I do not like the woman and that's what I plan to voice.
There is one thing that you can count on from me.
This November I will not vote for Hillary.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
Jesus would love to see many people in churches but now a days many don't even bother.
What Jesus has always wanted is to please his father.
Since Jesus was created, he has lived to serve The Lord.
He is wonderful and ruling God's Kingdom is his reward.
Jesus wants to please his father and that is what everybody should imitate.
If we strive to please The Lord, it will be something that he will appreciate.
An excellent way that we can please God is to avoid committing sins.
Think about the sinful things you've done and don't repeat them again.
Some times when we're troubled or burdened, we feel like we can't cope.
If we strive to please God, he will make us happy, he is our only hope.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
People are nothing compared to The Almighty God, we are dust beneath his feet.
Without his influence, we can't have happiness and our lives can't be complete.
Even though we're like ants compared to God, he loves us and wants us to live forever.
If you're wondering when The Lord will give up and abandon us, the answer is never.
Jehovah will not abandon people even though that's what today's society deserves.
People can live forever in paradise but Jehovah God must be the one who they serve.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
Something happened to me a few years ago that was really bizarre.
I was arrested for drinking and driving but I've never owned a car.
I thought that I must have been dreaming, it couldn't possibly be real.
How could I drink and drive when I've never owned an automobile?
I asked the District Attorney if it was a prank or a joke.
Even though I've never had a license, it was revoked.
I hadn't had a drink for a long time, not even one beer.
After I was arrested, the judge sent me to jail for two years.
One year after I got out, something else happened that was just as insane.
Even though I've never touched drugs, I'm in jail for buying *******.
This is a fictional poem.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
In the year 2019, a woman had a *** change.
Then he traveled back in time and what happened was strange.
He and his former female self got married after having a relationship.
When I learned what was going on, it was hard for me to get a grip.

After having the *** change, he grew a beard.
When I saw him kissing his former self, it was weird.
Just thinking about the situation brings a chill to my bones.
I have a question, is this reality or is this The Twilight Zone?
I got the idea for this poem from something that I saw in a video game.
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
Because the amount of sin has increased, so has God's tolerance.
People no longer even regret their sins, they have no conscience.
When there was far less sin in the world, God killed a man and his wife for telling a lie.
If God killed liars today, millions of people would die.

Jehovah's tolerance has increased because the amount of sin has increased as well.
If people worship and obey God, they will live in paradise but many people will fail.
God's tolerance will eventually come to an end.
When Jesus returns, people will pay for their sins.
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