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12.5k · Aug 2014
furies Aug 2014
I hate myself
and my blandness.
I hate my hair
and my sadness.
I hate my nose
and my bruteness.
I hate my feet
and my bitterness.
I hate my legs
and my desperateness.
I hate my wrists
and my selfconsciousness.


11.1k · Feb 2015
furies Feb 2015
I'm laying in the grave
you dug from the *****
of your heart, covered in
petals of ignorance-
which are not
so blissful anymore.
6.0k · Apr 2014
Self Awareness
furies Apr 2014
I'm so done.

I cannot be perfect,
I was never smart.
I don't even scratch the term
Never mind me being
or of any worth.
It's not self-pity,
It's self awareness.
4.1k · May 2014
furies May 2014
You told me
I'd be safe.
You told me
nothing would go wrong.

I believed you.

I'm laying in the grave
you dug from the *****
of your heart, covered in petals
of ignorance-which are not
so blissful anymore.
3.1k · May 2014
furies May 2014
I see no benefit
to share my innermost thoughts
with anyone.
*Especially someone
intending to fix me.
2.0k · Mar 2014
furies Mar 2014
"Dare to be different"
I say, following the ideologies
of Everyone around me.
1.9k · May 2014
furies May 2014
Maybe it's just me,
but every time,
every single time,
the spotlight turns from you,
the light turns dark
and the line goes dead,
and no one ever even
gets a glimpse
of the supporting act.
Maybe it's just me.
1.6k · Sep 2014
The Sweater
furies Sep 2014
I've been lounging in the sweater
I wear it even when I know I'll be with
People that would provide their own sweaters.
But nothing can warm me like the sweater.
I wear it year round, despite the weather.
I once let another's fingers unzip the sweater
and the next moment I was across the room.
I apologized of course, but those fingers
Never did touch me again..

I know why people are tied to objects
I know why sweaters are so sentimental
The person whose comfort I seek
Could not have picked better torture
Than the torture of leaving me the sweater.
I broke the sweater wearer,
But now the sweater will break me.
1.2k · May 2014
Let me dictate your end.
furies May 2014
Follow me to the end of life
Face it-
There's only one way to end the strife.
1.2k · May 2014
I'm Boring
furies May 2014
My life
is made up of
interesting lives.
People that seem
to always be in
motion, doing
and experiencing life
and all that it offers.
I merely sit and observe
from behind the railings,
Yearning to join in,
But having not the courage
That would be needed to
Step away from my life
Into the one I wish I had.
1.1k · Apr 2014
Look for Me
furies Apr 2014
You will find me
between the flight to heaven
and the journey to freedom.
1.0k · Dec 2015
I Know
furies Dec 2015
I know I'm not enough.
I promise, I know. So please,
I'm begging you,
stop reminding me.
I promise, I never forget.
But sometimes I get tired of
being sad, being upset.
I start to hold myself higher,
I let myself get past that roadblock.
But then you drop it suddenly atop me,
and I'm left further down the track than
I ever was before.
I know I'm not enough.
How many times will you remind me?
909 · May 2014
furies May 2014
enlightened persons
drift like the wayward souls
knowing what others cannot fathom
living in a realm unlike all else
finding no one
and needing nothing
for what they've come to know now
supplements them
in ways that our forlorn talks
of ideals and perfections can not
What even am I doing?
833 · Jan 2015
furies Jan 2015
I am a *******.

My hands are not my own,
my words are spoken for me.
I do not have a choice
in where my legs drag me.

If not a *******, then what?
784 · Apr 2014
All in Vain
furies Apr 2014
Nothing I do is
Ever adequate for you
Still, in vain, I try
I can't stop myself from caring.
760 · Apr 2014
Terms and Conditions
furies Apr 2014
Smother me with your lies;
I'll unveil the blinding truth
In the midst of all you dared deceive.

Shackle me with your idealism;
I'll expose the true confinement
That lies beneath sweet words.

Stab me with your fake love;
I will pierce the illusions of society
With your own barbed heart- for though
Your title comes under caretaker,
I've lived my life knowing you
Would be my undertaker.
758 · Apr 2014
furies Apr 2014
Take it all.
I don't need your
I didn't ask for your
Leave me

I can't handle
and your
fake front.
Don't deny it,
don't you dare.
Leave me be
and for all I care
...go **** a tree.
745 · Apr 2014
furies Apr 2014
Not trying to be obtuse,
but tell me now-
Is this all a game?
Is this all just a past-time?
Am I so fun to mess with
that you can't control it?
Better yet,
Am I supposed to be okay with this?

I may be nothing in your opinion,
I may also be nothing in mine,
But sometimes I question
your obvious disrespect for me,
and my quiet acceptance of it.
734 · Apr 2014
Want, not lust.
furies Apr 2014
You pause in front of me,
take my hand in your own,
look into my eyes and
whisper exactly what I'd
not realized I was living for.

You pull me close
in front of everyone
without shame
without blame
and kiss me softly.

Then I awaken
from the dreams
that I knew better than
to think of
or believe in.

But it still hurts
and though I know
that I'm not fated to
be with you, or experience
what life is with you-
I can't not want you.
lol @ my idiocy
733 · Aug 2014
Strong Souls
furies Aug 2014
Ebbing through the haze
Overshadowing the little ones
Clawing at the backs of the elders
Whispering thoughts into the ears
of the impressionable naive ones
Silently beckoning all those
with the need for release
Eagerly awaiting a chance
To make a difference
To have a voice
To bring upon a change
Teenage Rebels
732 · May 2014
Controlled Chaos
furies May 2014
Always Victorious,
Systematic Defiance
Never Fails to Enlighten
721 · May 2014
furies May 2014
I'm craving your attention
I'm practically begging
But you're blowing me off
With a few comments peppered throughout
And an empty concluding statement
As if you kept a stash handy
For times like these
To end
What seemed to have been the most
One-sided and lonely
I've given up.
Not on you though
but on myself-
the problem MUST
be in me
if you won't even care
to look my way

You've distorted the
way I perceive myself
and taken away what
little confidence I might've
had at some point in my life.

All I ever needed of you was to
Pay Attention.
686 · Mar 2014
Image (10w)
furies Mar 2014
Everyone cares about their
Self portrayal to those
659 · Oct 2017
An Ode To My Therapist
furies Oct 2017
You say if I'm actively suicidal you'll have to commit me, so can I please verify whether this is a passive or active feeling?
You don't seem to understand that I am passively active at all times, that suicide is not something you have to die to commit.
You don't grasp that I am both fine and alive while being broken and empty, all at the same time.
You don't see that I can comprehend that something is wrong with my mind for the way it whispers to me of deaths inviting embrace, that I know this isn't normal, but oh, oh do I wish it was.
You ask me to rate my feelings on a scale of 1-5, quantifying my mind's nuances before I have a chance to explain that I don't even know myself half the time.
Do your best, you say.

My best ran out when I stepped over the threshold, next time I'll know not to waste it on a visit to you.
651 · Jan 2015
furies Jan 2015
Please please please
I can't handle
You're everywhere
You're smothering me
Please leave

You left.
Why did you leave
the flames?
Dancing flames
You're mocking me
I'm burning
I'm losing everything
The flame are everywhere
Don't leave me

Please please please
Come back
I was wrong
Please please please
Don't go
I didn't mean it

648 · Feb 2017
furies Feb 2017
I'll never be rid of the taint of ****. No matter how well I pretend, my nights are not my own. They forever belong to the shadows, to rough hands and blank eyes.

What karma did a child accumulate to be punished for such a lifetime?
617 · May 2015
Analogy of Feelings
furies May 2015
Want is to Lust as Need is to Love
611 · Mar 2014
Innocent Pain
furies Mar 2014
It doesn't seem like much
At least not at first
Just light little lines
Appearing so quickly
Seeming so innocent

But then the blood rushes up
And fills in the careful lines
Steadily in the beginning
But then you realize
That its not going to stop

Now they resemble smudges
A bit like a child's finger painting
Messy and uncontrolled
Varying shades of life's juice
Creating an unknown picture

Cool water pours down
Everything drips
Pink stains appear
But at last the blood runs out
Taking with it more than you know
606 · Dec 2014
tis' the season of trinkets
furies Dec 2014
I fall beneath the wings
I hang above the chasm
I let my resolve crumble

Breathless whispers bring forth
enticing thoughts of snow globe worlds
As useful as paper weights

I fear the collision of worlds
I wait for the ringing to stop
I allow the peace of destruction to befall

Covering the world
in satin trimmed words
Pretending the tides would shift for the better
586 · Oct 2017
furies Oct 2017
I messed up
Sorely and irreversibly
Stealing moments I can't return
Regretting them near
I ****** up
574 · Dec 2015
furies Dec 2015
Having an opinion
Is most definitely
One of the hardest
Things about being
564 · Aug 2014
furies Aug 2014
Never will it be said
That she was a genius.
Never will it be said
That she was talented.
Never will it be said
That she spoke kindly.
Never will it be said
That she was beautiful.
Never will it be said
That she carried value.

What will be said
Is that she was normal.
That she was average.
That she was capable
of ******* everything up.
That she didn't try enough,
didn't achieve enough,
didn't listen to what
would have saved her soul.
What will be said
Is that she wasn't terrible,
just mean.
Is that she wasn't stupid,
just dumb.
Is that she wasn't a gem,
just a pebble.

Scuffed soul,
scuffed body.
Imperfections layered
to cover the disappointments
of never being
of worth.
551 · Dec 2014
Caught in Plaster
furies Dec 2014
It's an echo of a scream,
lost in the midst of thousands.
All of whom just need one chance
to live a life dictated by their own hands.

Plaster poured upon bowed heads,
forever to be frozen as beggars.
Not one whisper to be said
from those immortalized together.
540 · Apr 2014
Escapades of the Night
furies Sep 2014
Losing myself
In clouds of desperation
Oblivious to the hands
Reaching towards my trembling fingers
Just asking for me to try a little
Asking me to reach and reciprocate
To allow myself to be pulled to the other side
But I've made my home here
In the pits of despair
And the effort to accept the help
Seems infinite
Compared to the ease of huddling
Into the nooks of numbness
528 · Apr 2014
Causing Problems
furies Apr 2014
It's funny how easy it is to do what's forbidden.
I care not for following guidelines and rules anymore.
So what if I'm ruining my life?

I shan't hold you accountable, don't worry your head about it. I've gotten a taste for self-exploration and for the freedom to do it.
No amount of your sickly sweet lectures will wash it away.

Tell me I'm wrong, see if I care.
I'll respond same as tonight-
With an open window and an empty bed.
There's a deeper reason for my gaunt face and dark circles.
526 · Mar 2014
furies Mar 2014
There's a secret within me
Writhing to be free
Sometimes it slips out
In wisps of whispers
and I clamber to pull it back
To retrieve the slivers before
Someone realizes what the
Whispers entail

There's a secret within me
Its too much to hold
But its too much to let out
So I let it gnaw at my insides
Pierce my heart
And drain me of what
Might've been a soul.

There was a secret within me
I really shouldn't have kept it
There was a secret within me
But now it's gone

So am I.
furies Oct 2014
Release me from this hell hole
Of feelings not yet felt
Of words not yet said
Of people not yet met
Of relationships too soon set

Release me from this hell hole
I beg of you, please
I cannot sit here and listen
To the petty problems of
Society. Especially when they
Fall out of my mouth.
How could I be affected
By crap that has no meaning?
Why do I pretend that any of this
Will matter in the end?
Why am I so ignorant of
The life I should be living?
How could I take part in being
A normal teen, when that right
Was taken at birth?

There are issues and problems
And then there is my life.
The embodiment of disappointment,
My life serves the perfect example
Of what happens when cultures are
Mixed by the hands of inexperienced
Adults, that think they know best.
516 · Sep 2014
furies Sep 2014
I learn so much about you
Everyday another boulder falls
Crushing countless other beliefs
Beliefs in your honesty being no.1

Forget what the words do to me
Don't you wish it wasn't said
That you'd lost your charm?
Or better yet, don't you care
About all the people you've lost!

I wish I could say
That knowing how painful
You're realization might be
Would make me stay by your side
And make me want to be your support
But it overwhelms me

I don't care about your pain
How selfish
Oh well
506 · Mar 2014
furies Mar 2014
are really just
with makeovers
that've gone
504 · Jan 2018
revise the moments //
furies Jan 2018
Technology makes it so easy to be intimate despite having voids of separation between souls,
Taking tiny screens and filling them with the image of joy,
Talking at it for hours on end,
Burning the night away into bliss,
and yet...
504 · Mar 2014
that feeling
furies Mar 2014
It's that feeling inside
Bubbly and Filling
Expanding through you
Making you burst at the seams

It's that feeling inside
Happy and joyful
Coursing within you
Making everything seem just right

It's that feeling inside
Bright and cheerful
Shining through everything you do
Making the world shine with you

It's that feeling inside
that appears only sometimes
But makes you realize
how much more there is to life
493 · Apr 2014
Where's the Joy? (2)
furies Apr 2014
It is said that joy is within everyone,
that it takes only a profound understanding
of perhaps the most demanding entity-
to reach that feeling, that unnervingly satisfying emotion.

I dove deep
into the void I call a heart,
the dusty corners of my soul,
and I found..

However this is not surprising
for I left emotion,
and my innate humanness,
back at the intersection we passed last.
Remember it?
The corner of
Love and Betrayal.
484 · Jun 2014
Patronize Me
furies Jun 2014
Convince me of my beauty
I'll retort with my blemished being
And accept not the superfluous comments

There's great reason
Behind my distaste for empty compliments
You may believe you have given me a gift
But it's really just a reminder
That I am not what people say
That I will not be what I wish
That I need others to remind me of my worth
When in reality
There is no real worth that I need to be reminded of.
480 · Mar 2014
furies Mar 2014

With No End In Sight

But Suddenly

You're There
473 · Apr 2014
Where's the Joy? (1)
furies Apr 2014
They say joy lies within yourself.
That you need only to delve deep and
You've found joy, or happiness, or, well,
I mean, you're bound to find something-
if you go deep enough of course-
but who's to say it will be joy?

I dove deep
into the void I call a heart,
the dusty corners of my soul,
and I found..

However this is not surprising
for I left emotion,
and my innate humanness,
back at the intersection we passed last.
What was it again? The corner of
Love and Betrayal?
Hmm, I don't know.
Refresh my memory,
if you please.

This did not go in the direction it was planned to go in. I'm just angry, sorry.
468 · Apr 2014
Pity Party
furies Apr 2014
Self pity is quite..
I know I'm being a downer,
But it's too hard not to be.
So I just end up being
that person.

You know the type;
The avoided, annoyingly sad
The person that knows exactly
How to **** the enjoyment
Out of others' lives.

It's as if unconsciously
I want everyone to feel as I do,
But trust me, I don't do it on
Purpose. I don't want to be
The downer any longer.

I want to be the life of the party.
The crazy and happy and witty person.
The one people like and enjoy.
Not the one that repels all these traits.

I promise, I've been trying
To be fun and sassy,
Open and playful,
Quirky yet Majestic-
But right now it all feels like an act.
Make believe, unreal, fake.

So I guess I'm stuck;
And in lieu of this, I cordially
Invite all those present to
My Pity Party.
furies May 2014
I listened without listening,
letting his words wash over me.
Yes, he was saying something
important, I'm sure-
But his animated actions and
quirky faces held my attention
in the way no words could.
460 · Mar 2014
furies Mar 2014
I sit
Listening to the
Letting it all wash over me

"Why couldn't you be perfect?"
"Why can't you turn back time?"
"Why did you have to ruin everything?"
"Why didn't you think everything was fine?"

I seethe
Listening to the
Letting it all sink in

"Don't do it again."
"Just listen to me."
"Repent for your sins."
"Obedience is key."

Nothing is clear
Was I wrong?
Was I right?
I've got my life to fear

Everyone thinks they're right
Everyone thinks I'm wrong
Everyone's got an opinion
But nobody's got an answer

I sit
I seethe

If only I could
drop everything
and walk away

I'd never look back.
Not once.

But I can't
I'm weak
and so
I sit
I seethe

Give in to the wise
& win the ultimate prize.

The problem is
I don't think
I want the prize

I never did.
460 · Mar 2014
furies Mar 2014
lingers in the crevices
of my brain
longing for a
chance to breathe
and to grow
but the thoughts
that overcame the
in the first place
are too dark
and resemble
the ever so cliche
black hole
******* up all the
leaving few traces-
just enough
to keep
the memory of true happiness
and the pure darkness
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