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Ink pierced skin,
Image in
Thick black lines.
Skin bled
Adding red pigment
To all the haphazard
Gun shook,
******* up,
As he downed the liquor,
And smiled,
Admiring his work
Through proud
Drunk eyes.
don't feel sorry for me.
I am a competent,
satisfied human being.

be sorry for the others

rearrange their

juggling mates

confusion is

and it will
whoever they
deal with.

beware of them:
one of their
key words is

and beware those who
only take
instructions from their

for they have
failed completely to live their own

don't feel sorry for me
because I am alone

for even
at the most terrible
is my

I am a dog walking

I am a broken

I am a telephone wire
strung up in
Toledo, Ohio

I am a man
eating a meal
this night
in the month of

put your sympathy
they say
water held up
to come
you better be
nearly as
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
If you are uncomfortable when you look in the mirror,
keep in mind:
We spent thousands of years
trying to convince the earth
she was flat.

We wrote her maps as evidence of the things we saw;
and she believed them.
She cried tsunamis, and had earthquake breakdowns.

Keep in mind: the Sun never gave up hope.
The earth will keep spinning and breathing
the star-dusty space void of encouragement.

Next time you look in the mirror
and second-guess your potential divinity,
remember you will keep shining and living.

Because the Sun is out there
believing in you,
compensating for lack of the human capacity
to treat each other empathically.

You don’t need proof or approval
to be exactly what you are;
Eventually everyone will see
your infinite beauty.
I ate your thoughts
So you wouldn't have to think them.
Consumed them,
Through gaping ear
While you spoke,
The cavernous listening space grew full.
And still I listened
To those tormenting illusions
As they came spilling from your mind.

I ate your kisses,
So they'd have somewhere to go.
Ate them,
Tasted them,
Swallowed them
And wanted more.
You had kisses to give
And so did I,
But mostly I took yours,
Silencing your mouth
To let my ears recover
From devouring.

I ate your heart,
As it beat,
You broke off pieces
And I chewed
Delicately so as
Not to break you.
You served them to me-
Impaled on the fork
But I rescued them,
By taking them
Down the throat.

I gorged on your movements-
Feasting my eyes,
When you walked and sat
And did normal tasks.
And you especially filled me up
When you came closer.

I ate all of you up,
Because there was so much
To scarf down,
In the night when you couldn't sleep.
Because you couldn't stomach yourself.
And I am left,
In love
With an upset stomach.
Ironically this came from a doodle I wrote that said, "I ate pizza so you didn't have to"
Maybe my writing
Will improve
When strewn over
Blue lined graph paper,
Tiny boxes,
Coaxing out order,
Perhaps even
Clarifying boundaries
Between crazed truth,
And detrimental lies.

The grid putting
Poem in context,
Poem like graph,
Levels of THC
Number of Kisses
Tears Cried
Outliers of secrets uttered.
Box and whisker plot
Displaying anxiety,
Skewed data toward extremes.

Linear writing would
Reveal the chaos inside.
I can't fit the poems
To the squares.
A graph can't really cry
The way a person can.
There's a losing feeling
Etched in pen
On a harshly graded
Parcel of mathematical quizzing
That a poem has no place to
Instill in me.

And no one would
Be able to read my work
The way they tell you to show it.
My poems have no color coding.
Definition between data
Becomes hazy as
Layers of black are added
In empty,
All encompassing anger.
And I smoke while I write tonight,
Haze growing,
Lines wobbled,
And I may have put a poem
On a piece of graph paper
But it's nothing like the math homework
That stays in my backpack.
Needless to say, I wrote this on graph paper.
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