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my hands are always cold
but not when they're interlaced
with yours.

something about us is right.
i'm drowning in your light.

i never thought drowning
would be this nice.
i'm falling in love
before her
fall in love with the feeling of
your own skin
marvel at the light hitting each contour of
yourself, inside and out
her name on your lips
cannot, will not mend you until
you learn to adore
the color of your own eyes
and the feeling of your own hands intertwined
I am
the universe.
Unique and indivisible.
Focus on this, my inner truth.
Then, broaden bright consciousness
to subsume everything into this sphere
of most subtle and sublime reality.
Until a greater dawn reveals.
I am part of everything:
The universe
is me.
The road beyond is
Long, and untraveled.
Empty, barren,
And I step forward.

Cold and damp at my bare feet
But determined to find my way,
I continue.

Every step,
Every time I stumble,

I keep going.
Rocks and rough ground
My feet begin to bleed.
But I must walk this road.

I reach the end and look back.
Avast mountains and lakes,
There lies the beginning of the road at the horizon.

Miles I've come,
And all too soon I could fall,
But I grasp your hand as you pull me
Over this railing,
And save me from falling again.
You stared at me
and made me feel
like I belong
in the night sky
and I made you
feel like my moon
but darling
when you blinked
the sun came out
and I was gone

— The End —