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 Mar 2016 Khar Yang
Ana Mendonca
After I pass I hope I can become a planet for thousands of beings to inhabit on, to fall in love on.
I hope after I am no longer I become a star for the lost beings on this planet to wish upon.
After I can no longer be, I long to become one of Saturn's rings, maybe even one of its many moons.
I also live in the hope that you embody Saturn so I can once again, revolve around you.
I am not wishing for death.
I do not wish something grant, although becoming a star seems rather extravagant and audaciously honorable.
These are selfless wishes.
I just want to be part of something much larger than I am.
Endlessly wishing I can at least once be in the presence of God in this lifespan.
I want to know what death feels like, I want to know what rebirth feels like, I want to be the moon, and you could be the earth.
*Shall We Begin Again?
 Mar 2016 Khar Yang
Nara S
At first
We started as Strangers
Then Acquaintances
Friends? Best Friends?
Finally ended up as Lovers
That is the stage we went.

Apparently that was not the end
Somehow we fought
And how we started,
I am sure we both lost it
I have to look back
Or look up to remember it.

But the eeriest thing was
When we parted
We didn't get pass through
Best Friend, Friend, Acquaintance,
We went straight as
Strangers, again.
What hurt the most
When Love shatters.
None can do anything
Because the pieces are too small,
They can slip through
Needle's eye
It was always our eyes
That find themselves hurt the most
 Mar 2016 Khar Yang
it is midnight and
i am plagued by thoughts of you.
why won't you come home?
I can't promise the world will never come between us
but whenever that happens, I promise to kick it's ***
 Mar 2016 Khar Yang
love is a four letter word that has always terrified me.
it has been replaced with other four letter words-  "lies" and "gone",
harsh words with harsher meanings buried underneath the gentleness of love.
but when I look at you,
I know that "love" is more than just a word.
I know that it doesn't hold nightmares behind its sweet exterior.
I can look at you and see myself loving you for forever,
and maybe forever is too long,
and maybe forever is more terrifying than a four letter word could ever be.
maybe you can't see forever when you look into my eyes,
but I see forever with just one smile of yours.
too many cheesy poems and letters are coming from this relationship
I miss you like the
Cloudless night sky would miss stars
If they were stolen.
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