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phalaenopsis Sep 2015
three years,

three years gone.

i'm zoned,
way out,
of this galaxy.

i'm not here,
i'm far away.
so don't come,
knocking on my door.

hey, happiness!
where are you?
sadness and death have already come,
knocking on my door.

i only let ****** come in,
and take control,
but it's you i need.

because you see,
for three years,
i haven't had you near me.

you died.

hey, happiness!
listen to me.

i need you,
come on over.

you left me,
with 'precious' money.
but for all the money,
all the estates,
you left me with,
it still hasn't,
brought you back to me.

if you aren't going to come,
i'm going to meet you.

Okay so I wrote this poem based on Jim Morrison's longtime girlfriend: Pamela Courson. She went a bit insane after he died and eventually overdosed on ****** three years after. This was basically me trying to interpret what I think would've been her thoughts.
phalaenopsis Sep 2015
when the tiny lightbulb in me,
flickers on.

i dream of love,
i dream of friendship,
i dream of trust,
i dream of all the good things,
i don't seem to

when that lightbulb,
begins to dim,
your face flashes,
in my mind.

it's not beautiful,
it's not spectacular but
there's something
about it.

i'm attracted to
your light.
undeniably so,
i think your soul
is so attractive.

more than anything.

once that light in me,
switches off.

the feelings die.
and i forget
who you are.
phalaenopsis Sep 2015
all i feel,
inside and out,
is pain.
pain all over.
i'm aching,
won't you save me?

save me,
from myself,
i'm starting to think,
my only demon,
is myself.
  Sep 2015 phalaenopsis
Pablo Picasso
navigator’s balcony cocktail hour
rocket orbit ocean liner rising
clenched no teeth no guernica no bam bam bam
correspondent notary republic
address book dial figure 8
charred with a thousand jigsaw pieces
false as a beach chiaroscuro black
on black graveyard womb naked milk glass lit
footprint tourism by candlelight and flare
vaccination fatigue puke fingernail fish
moving a bandaged echo **** him **** her
familiar bell music **** them both **** them all
stretched shirtsleeves spanish toffee slashed tires
(failure as a painter he shaved his wife’s fur coat)
bust your ***** Barcelona red alert
knock-kneed broken squeezebox no hands
standing room only ladies first (please)
unbuttoned interrogation coffee rolls (stop)
marine’s vegetation (stop) early morning tea (stop)
armless menus (stop) pink cathedral fingers (stop)

and (begin again) move

we move

moving inside an eye this eye
that advances step
by step
phalaenopsis Sep 2015
she laughs a thousand laughs,
but inside,
she dies a thousand deaths.
phalaenopsis Sep 2015
taxi, taxi,
come take me away.

from the blinding lights,
they're hurting my eyes.

and the people,
come take me away.

from the monsters,
pulling at my feet.

creating scars

i'm dying taxi-man,
yes i am.

physically i'm alive,
emotionally i'm dying.

slowly, slowly,
but surely.

take me away.

take me away.

are you even listening?*

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