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Loving you
means accepting
all the dreams
you are
Patience my son
Rome wasn't
in one day
The clouds
are covering
up for the
I am reflecting all the time,
On every interaction, 
On every weather pattern,
the only way I make sense is through rhyme.

If you meet me, I'm an excellent listener,
And I'm working double time,
Thinking about your response and mine,
Sometimes, the inner critic takes over,

Derailing me off course 
For a moment or two,
My poetry can get blue,
Telling you the worst.

But, thankfully, these days,
I'm happier and true,
I keep my mind new, 
getting the thoughts out saves.

I am grateful for this new pastime,
And learning constantly.
I've become more free,
And congruent; with my original design.
If you're hurt, let it hurt today.
Cry over silly reasons.
Hold your breath for a while.
Then, only then, you'll be able to let go.
when the bars close down
I walk through a silent town...

an open window
a song is playing...

and you whisper in my ear
telling me everything
I long to hear

you chase me with your Cheshire cat smile
know all my failings

you come to me in sleep
and in sleep I hold you in my arms

such sweet lies
this crazy blue night
we know each other better than we know ourselves...
An unwanted prize
That's what lies
Beyond the reflection of skies
Behind these blue eyes
Past this gentle disguise
Child like but wise
Keeping from view what would give rise
To a litany of farewells and goodbyes

Sometimes words are the way we were.
Sometimes the words are the way we are.
I just want someone to listen to the ones I’m saying tomorrow.
On occasion,
With all due respect.
If you don’t mind.

I never had it so good.
How about you?

We all could use a little G.A.S.
NOTE – not a poem, a realization
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