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you’re not mine

but not in the same way
that i’m not yours
this love has never been equal

it eats me up
that you’re not eaten up
i imagine how the ocean felt
when they put land inside her waters

i bet it ached
you have me so wet
every time you’re in me

it aches
i hate you with such a passion
that it could turn into love
in a matter of eye contact
we’re beyond toxic

i hate you

but i’ve never
wanted someone more

look at me,
and i’ll be yours again
you came back
because you can’t leave me

i left
because you can’t love me
we gave this thing
a second chance

you’re still obsessed with me
but you still don’t know
how to treat me kindly
if i was a better woman,
i would be capable
of wishing you
the best

if you were a better man

I got swallowed up by solitude
Addicted to its peaceful gentle touch .
It held me in my moments
It held me ….
You swore you'd love me until the end of time
But now the end is getting nearer
And I still don't even see your face
When I look into the mirror

What now I see is shadows
Cast from shaky lights above
Where your little voice cries out
"What once was here was love"
It is a  good thing I’m me.
Who would the rest of the world…
Feel superior to?
NOTE – Cheer up
Winter sleeps both cold and deep,
while spring is a madcap scramble,
summer sings and jogs along,
but fall is a definite amble,
dropping hints of cooler times
with every leaf and bramble
So darling
In the moments that exist
With you on the pavement
When night
I want to look in your eyes
And say the words
I love you
With a voice that holds the softest might
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