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  11h lizie
im so tired
it haunts me from the moment i wake to when i go to bed
i just want it all to go away
i feel so ******* lonely
lizie 14h
“if you’re having a bad day, tell me.”
“i have a hard time doing that.”
“well, we could talk about it.”
“i don’t want to talk about it.”
“then just tell me, so i know.”
“but i’m always having a bad day.”
“then tell me.”
guess which one is me
lizie 1d
grief was sharp when i lost her,
a knife that cut clean.
it hurt, but at least i knew why.
now the sadness has no name,
just a weight i can’t put down,
a dull ache that never leaves,
a quiet kind of drowning.
i don’t know what’s worse,
the pain that made me cry
or the emptiness that won’t let me feel.
lizie 1d
i used to need you like air,
sneaking away just to see your name light up my screen.
now i sit in the same room, same noise, same routine,
but without you, there’s nothing to run to.
instead, the cuts burn beneath my sweats,
a different kind of craving,
a different kind of absence.
i don’t reach for my phone anymore,
just press my hands to my legs and wait for it to pass.
im so sad
lizie 2d
my heart hurts
i can feel it in my chest
lizie 3d
i build walls,
thick and tall,
afraid of what might slip through,
afraid of what i might feel.

he touches the bricks,
his fingers gentle,
but i flinch,
afraid of the weight of love,
the pressure of it all.

i want to let him in,
but fear wraps its arms around me,
its grip so tight i can’t breathe.
how can i ask for something
i don’t know how to give?

still, i whisper the truth,
just a crack in the wall,
hoping he’ll hear me,
hoping he’ll understand
that i’m trying,
even when i can’t be all of me.
avoidant attachment style? does anyone know anything about that?
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