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O'Ryan Gloer Feb 2016
That tired practice
That keeps busy bodies satisfied
Until they find love.

The only illogical action
That anyone has been sure of
That has made a mockery of reason.

A cause for change
There is no reason
The Sun doesn’t ask the Earth
For a repayment
For the life it gives
Such a lack of reason,
Such a gift.

To give,
That which is a pure act
Of provision
Senseless and costly
But what light
What life is begotten
By such a pure act
Of honesty.

That which is raw,
It is only honesty
That is exempt from values
A history that is the only constant.

The only thing you can predict
When **** hits the fan
What will withstand
Who will out boast the highest bidder,
What a patient power.

The only thing which can be truly stolen
Yet you will always have it
The beat in our chest
May be silenced
But the formation of mountains
Will still shake your sepulcher.
True power
Deals in patience.

A knowledge of
And trust in
What is larger than this
The entropic force
That will make relevant
What is essential.

This is a love poem
Whom it is for
Only time will tell.
  Feb 2016 O'Ryan Gloer
before you **** yourself,
just remember
that there are
places you have not been
and things you have not seen.
and poems to awe
art to draw
fields to walk through,
people to talk to,
music to take in,
games to win,
and books to be read.

so why,
oh why
do you wish
to be dead?
it's your life
but the people
around you
get hurt too.
O'Ryan Gloer Jan 2016
When you fall in love
Love wholly,
Give him your afternoons, nights, mornings
And even the time between them.
When he speaks drink in his words
How he fixes them to your ear,
Let him dress you in a narrative of love.

When you meet his family
Always say thank you,
Even for the simple things like water
And listen when he speaks to his mother,
How his love for her is irreplaceable.

When you meet his friends
Always laugh at their jokes
They may be corny,
But you will hear pieces of him in their conversations,
Hear the passion in his voice
When he complains of them
He’s telling you what he values.

When he holds your hand
Hold his gaze
Let him know you see him for who he is
And keep your eyes sharp,
That way you will always be the first one
To see the stutter in his step.

When he takes you to special places
Breath deep,
You may be the only boy
Whose been this close to him
So hold the atmosphere
In your chest
That way when his eyes run
You will have the cardio to catch them.  

But don’t think you always have to run for him,
When he lies to you
Let him lie
He may never have been caught before
Let his words build him a shelter.

When he ignores you
Let your pain remind you of your vulnerability
Time makes it too easy for us
To become dependent.

When you fight
Don’t hold anything back
Say what you mean,
Be fair to yourself
Never let your sentences end on eggshells.

When he stops saying he loves you
Love yourself,
No one in the world could need your love
More than you
Let his silence
Make you stronger
Prouder to love you.

When he leaves you,
Try not to laugh
Let his words reveal
How false a shelter he has hid under
Be brave enough to cry in front of him
But be strong enough to walk away.
  Jan 2016 O'Ryan Gloer
Bianca Reyes
I am the queen of what ifs
Sitting on a throne of could've beens

My fears are my loyal subjects
Escorting my dreams to the gallows

My ambitions are now prisoners
To my court of procrastination

I, the queen
Reign over all of this regret
May we never forget

I, The Queen ©

I GOT DAILY POEM!!! Wow, thank you to everyone who read, commented, shared and liked this and thanks to anyone who reads this and does the same. Yay :)

Written and shared on Hello Poetry on January 11, 2016. Copywrite and all rights reserved under Bianca Reyes
  Jan 2016 O'Ryan Gloer
Missy Beminio
this little number
is for your sake
cause if you know
just how I feel
I won't have to fake
make no mistake
this is the quake
inside us both
if you hold me near
you can feel it too
you take away my blue
make me feel alive
I think I love you
  Jan 2016 O'Ryan Gloer
Akira Chinen
Do we dare dream to fall?, to fly... to go crashing through the bedroom door
Where we tumble and roll and slowly lose all of our clothes
Lost under the sheets we ride shooting stars
Circle the sun in the blink of an eye
Catch a glimpse of eternity inbetween the beat of our hearts
Do we dare turn the page and find ourselves living a storybook life
Hopes and wishes blooming like flowers all night and all day
And when we read between the lines we find a love so perfect it's almost cliche
If we dare to sneak a glimpse and skip to the last page
Would it be a black and white classic of two aged hands holding a heart that still beats wildly and madly and impossibly in love
Dare we..
The light you bring to our friendship
is indescribable. It’s like a melody
that makes me smile every time I hear.
You could’ve burned me from the start,
but instead showed a gentle glow.
It allowed me to gain a deeper
and larger view of the world.
We walk different paths,
see life in different ways,
but make each other better.
Remember you’re powerful enough to burn
through all the storms of life.
To one of my best friends
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