As I start to reflect
I begin to see a part of
life , I missed
It went on by
without saying hi
I had no clue it was there
I had no clue I might miss it
So here I am figuring it out
There's no way to say it
But I hope I can share it
I hope I can give it away
this life lesson
Maybe someone will
See it and stop it from
walking by and miss it
Then maybe they can
live it and enjoy it
and not regret
on this life lesson
Instead to reflect
on the fun they had
the cool things the did
And the life they lived
..For that's what I hope to
achieve from this
walk down memory lane
To what I missed those years
that walked on by
So there it is
my life lesson
© Jennifer L DeLong 3/15/2023 🛤