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Power can change everything                                                       ­   
A man I once knew
Cared about being true
He had his heart broken                                          
  No liable way of coping                                                      
obse­ssed with winning                                              
  Always grinning                                                         ­                           
No one knew his pain
Hiding away his shame                                                            ­        
People loved him                                                      
scared of judging                                                          ­      
Changed his ways                                                             ­               
  for a glimpse of fame                                                            
­ doing anything to feel again                                        
He gave into the earthly way                                      
But one day he will know                                                        
After all the power
How he will feel at his last hour          
Stooping so low                                                        
The journey is the best part                                                             ­ 
Be proud of how you got there                                                          
End the way you start
My inspiration came from a close friend.
Do you argue your point
To argue for love
Or do you argue
Just because
Do you really care
For every American out there
What are you truly fighting for
Helping the millions poor?
Or are you morphing with society
Doing things unjustifiably
Our hypocritical democracy
A nation full of dishonesty
Soldiers dying left and right
Parents send their kids to school with fright
But all we care about are insignificant things
I’m told, “the ends justify the means”
A country full of hate
Keeping people out because of race
American is so blessed
But most are too obsessed
Many can’t even imagine
How a nation like us can have no compassion
We do not know others lives
For we walk vigilantly in our opportunistic thrive
So forgetful of where we’ve come
For a God whos love cannot be undone
To give back what he gave us
Something we always fail to discuss
We blindly became a nation
Who has no purpose for its creation
Future president, can you do it?
Will you help us get through it?
Maybe you can change it someday
Please. Change us back to who we were yesterday.
A nation without God.
The way of the world is      
The way of the world is                                                    
The way of the world is                                                    
The way of the world is                                            
The way of the world is                                                      
The way of the world is                                                          
Truth in us and society.
I know,
it's out of the kindness of their hearts
I know,
they care
I know,
they want to pay for every part
I know,
they just want to share
I know,
I can't afford
I know,
I do my best
I know,
I can only give a little bit
I know,
My heart can rest
I know,
I want to stop
I know,
I'm not a pest
I know,
My respect won't drop
I know,
my best friends
I know,
they are willing to embrace
I know,
we want to mend
I know,
we can
I know,
Once i stop holding back.
Wrote this about not being able to afford as much as my friends.
I hate to see her hurt
My most caring friend
Watching her lying in the dirt
Trying to comprehend
Why everything is falling apart
she just can't win
They tore out every part of her heart
But the worst is her skin
They way she deals with pain
Is what influences my thought
I think she is ashamed
of the battles she fought
But I don't know her well
she has always kept her distance
Its nothing I could ever tell
Not even think for an instance
I love her beyond words
And watch this happen
this repetition of emotional stirs
Something others cannot fashion
All I can do is sit and cry
Because I cannot sway her mind
Maybe one day near by
She will be able to rewind
And just forget everything in time
But for the moment
I will continue to say these words of mine
Hoping she will fix what is broken.
Really personal.
No one knows what I truly go through
My closest friends don't even know
I want them to ask but, I don't want to beg
If only they knew
Don't get me wrong , my life is great
but sometimes I do have bad days.
I sometimes want that one shoulder to cry on.
But I come off with hate.
I have a few rare times.
Where I actually do feel alone.
Where no one understands.
Wishing someone would read my mind.
A day like today.
But I know I will be okay..
The love for me is indescribable
the greatest I have ever felt.
His words are clear in the Bible.
I know what his son dealt
Payed our debt
but yet people still think I'm crazy
They say you can't let
this idea make you hazy
But I will argue to death
That I have faith for a reason
Gasping my last breathe
Knowing its me fighting these demons .
I know my friends don't understand
but I don't care
God always gives me a hand
and will forever be there.
Thoughts swirl my head
like stars in a galaxy
but I still don't know where that leaves me
My heart is like a transcript unread
I cannot decipher what it wants
No one has ever made me so confused
Because some part of me tells me its a ruse
Cannot help believe something that always daunts
Someone please tell me if I'm right
tell me how they should make me feel
is this something real?
why does my heart put up such a fight?
All answers I long for
but time is on my side
to help me confide
Why my inner feelings are tore.
emotions feelings
I think about you all the time
something that isn't mine
Every little thing goes straight to the heart
I guess that's where my anger starts
I spend the day
wondering if your okay
But you don't even give me a single thought
Even after the way we fought
But then again maybe you don't care
And it isn't fair
That my mind is consumed by you
And everything that you do
Why can't I just forget
And live without regret.
I just want you to be like everyone else
and let myself
Give you no more thought than any other being
Then I will finally be defeating
What has been keeping me
back from what I should be
trying to achieve.
Caring to much.
America is beyond blessed
yet we are willing to confess
how there are thousands of soldiers
and other cultures
who have nothing to eat
But we don't realize the way we treat
This rapidly growing problem
A reason why we have fallen
So far away from a place
Of mercy and grace
We continue to argue about those poor people
are we complete fools?
Actually do something
Help others rise from nothing
Instead of bathing in your luxurious ways
begin to pave
what will be the road for a new society
which will start a revolution
Of the ones who find a solution
to the disgusting amount of poverty
Lets not do this moderately
Lets make a difference now
Because true love is how
We can assist
Something we need to not resist
Stop debating who's right or wrong
Because that won't change what's been happening all along
End hunger everywhere
Because were more than capable to share.
Stop thinking of yourself
Start to help.
America is so blessed. I witnessed a debate about if we should help Syrian refugees. People argued their points that we need to help the poor in the U.S first. But who is actually doing something. People have no food. But we "NEED" the newest iPhone and a sports car and super expensive shoes.Lets be the generation to do something.
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