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The sad thing is I barely cry anymore
Because my heart is so sore
It has nothing left to break
I wish I had something for you to take
But other things took that chance
before a man ever could have
This is what happens over and over
Yet, it doesn't make it easier
Sorry there's no sorrow leftover
But I'm not depressed
Just use to this distress
I cannot control my outer surroundings
But I can control what's in me
Maybe it's better I never uncover
Maybe it'll help me recover
I'm sorry I can not feel anymore
It's the last my heart has been torn.
Heart feelings
Poems expose my vulnerability
But it's something about the tranquility
that keeps me writing again and again
I like it when
they are my escape
from this world of hate
Most of my poems are sad
but that is how I get past being mad
I like to write
All day and night
I prefer my friends and family do not read
what secrets I keep inside of me
I'm scared of people knowing
About what my poems are showing
Honestly they don't show me
And how happy life could be
But they do show small parts
of my heart
I just need to try
and write things my
feelings always feel
like maybe about the happy appeal
Either way I'm happy with this
Writing poems and feeling Bliss
Writing poems on here.
In deep discussion with my friends
about those sad times that never end
They go home behind closed doors
And sit there and sob on their floors
They say it can happen for days
Where all they want to do is lay
They call it depression
And at that point of the session
I realized I have never felt that way
I've only had bad days
I had to think about it for awhile
Why I could not be a sad child
Then hit me
God was within me
The holy spirit is in my heart
and I know each part
How he has helped me through
Because he knew
He wakes me up every morning
So I can smile when it's pouring
Those "rainy" days will clear
The sun is near
To brighten your day
and guide your way.
stop inviting people
making them think they need to go to some steeple
to learn about Jesus Christ
and how he gave up his life
it's not about staying in your safe place
but stepping out to face
the fears put there by the world
which makes thoughts begin to swirl
Jesus is not something just for church
Where you search
for some magical change
inside your heart that is strange
it happens when you get a personal connection
when your truly feel the Lords affection
which doesn't have to be there
but it could be anywhere
"Go and make disciples"
Listen to the Bible
Go is the key word
Anyone can understand this for sure
So stop inviting
And begin uniting
God's children of all nations
And start bringing everyone to salvation
God doesn't tell us to sit comfortable and talk about Jesus when it's easy. NO. He's say go. To some people you will be there only chance to ever hear about Jesus.
When your finally out of my mind
I could leave my stress behind
I cared so much about you
more than you ever knew
I will move past these moments
And I will surpass the broken
I became someone who was not me
This was a disgrace to be
I am now a ******* a new path
now you do the math
To be me, I need to forget you
I'm sorry for everything we went through
But now I'm gone
And will continue to push on
The mirrors on the wall
tell something of us all
who we are destined to be
cannot be determined by you or me
we have to except our flaws
and love it all
don't loose yourself in this fantasy
of what we call society
Your life is run by fate
accept it before it's too late
Look into the mirror
And watch the image become clearer
Look through the flesh
and see the rest
only the true heart
will set you apart
and make you, who you are
Be you.
Respect is something everyone can do
Ages is just a number between me and you
I may be young
but I am definitely not dumb
I form my own opinions
but you don't stop to listen
No words i say can ever compare
Because you are not fair
Older does not mean you are smarter
that's the starter
I sit there and respectfully decline
how your ideas differ from mine
But I don't know.. because I'm young
and all i can do is hold my tongue
Because you won't listen
I won't voice my opinion
You will never know what I have to say
Or know what great things it may convey
If you can't respect me
then I choose to agree to disagree
I will not sit there and be put down
You make me want to shut down
my ideas are what I believe
But whatever I think, you misconceive
Don't yell at me
For being what makes me, me
Respect is something EVERYONE can achieve.
When I try to talk about any debatable topics with CERTAIN adults they argue because I'm young and they think they can treat me however because they are older and smarter.
I know you like to keep to yourself
and that's something you can't help
but every time I call
we barely have time to talk at all
You prefer not to speak
even if we don't for a week
and it bugs me
that your not the friend who will always be
okay with me calling at any hour
or who does everything in our power
to hang out and spend time together
but I guess me thinking this is stupid altogether
You just aren't that kind of friend
And it will take a long time to comprehend
why you aren't the calling kind of friend.
Introvert friends are difficult but worth it.
The nights that devour our minds
can't eat enough of our time
develops inside us
nothing left to discuss
but ourselves
almost like hell
constant agony within
something impossible to win
fulfillment of the heart
no where to start
no human can ever truly love them self
even in great health
no one can ever be pleased
with the sinful nature that takes us with ease
somewhere deep under happiness of the day
your conflicting emotions stay
to tear you up inside
but it's secluded with a simple lie
the very fake smile you hide behind
to protect you from your mind
the bridge of assessment
is always present
The inner self
will never help
Whether or not you know it
we ourselves commit
to the endless horror pit.
That we face day and night
attempting to fight
To try and stop this hell
within ourselves.
We are our worst enemies. Part of living in this fallen world.

— The End —