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2.0k · May 2021
Mister Pol Ice
nicaila May 2021
Cricket sounds echoed
My saliva I just swallowed
Rumors of the devil coming out
Let me tell you what its all about

Deafening noise at 3 AM
Must be Sir Pol again
Parting my ragged curtain
Scarlet drops pattering down the drain

Shutting the windows tight
For Sir Pol just met my sight
Moonlight hungs down, I'm creepified
Meeting eye to eye gave me a fright

Sir Pol looks so dignified
But under the streetlights
I caught a glimpse of a badge
Filled with resentments and grudge

Again... screams rang
Surely, It's Sir Pol doing his routine
Of acting like Gods, sentencing mortals into guillotine

Hey, Mister Pol Ice
Hear me, Mister Pol Ice!
The next dawn
Let me lay on my pillow at ease
And the town be in peace
Because police brutality is still rampant and in all sides of the world are voices never heard, buried into the deepest waters pleading for justice. Bullets imbedded into skulls of the innocents.
1.3k · Nov 2021
Morena Queen
nicaila Nov 2021
She had seen a glowing screen that emitted queens
Whose skin haven't touched the sun's cheeks
But had bathed in the moon lit's creeks
It glowed and beamed like a seam with a sheen
So she loathed and loathed; hated how bronze she is
She sought remedies; burying her color in sleeves

Hear her, o deities; she's down on her knees
She had thrown about a millenium worth of pennies
Hear her, o deities; whisper secrets into her ears
Cast away her insecurities crystallizing into fears
Tell her, she need not strip her cinnamon hue
To trade for a porcelained debut
Tell her, she wore rust colored armor
Stronger and more radiant than Helios's summer
Tell her, a crown awaits in a far away throne
She can also be queen even in her earthly tones
Tell her, to embrace what she hates
For her honey dripped shade need not to be ashamed

My morena queen, snatching everybody's glance
Like a finely baked bread seen in a window in France
With hairlocks in the rhythm of romance
Like a finely chopped chocolate
Oozing with a bouquet of sweetness and a hint of fate
Oh how she wore beauty like a swan waltzing in a lake
615 · Jun 2021
Nursery rhymes
nicaila Jun 2021
Twinkle twinkle my little star
How I wonder how you got that scar
Up above the world so high
I could hear your silent cry
In this lullaby
Let me tell you a story
It's not a mystical fantasy nor just a legend spread by many
It's nothing but a harsh and cruel reality

I once got off on a damaged road
And met this child who wore a tattered coat
No slippers on his ***** foot
On his back was probably some loot
He got somewhere in the neighborhood
The cemented path was scorching hot
Oh how could I forgot?
It's 40 degrees outside and I could see sweat dripping down from his face non stop
How could I bear watch him that way?
So I approached and say if he want some ice tea
The child nodded with his tiny head
I led him to sat on the grass at the nearby park
Talked about things that made me upset
Things that snapped by bottomline thread
With a muffled voice he pretended
To be fine as he recalled scenes that made me shuddered
Who could have known a child who should be in kinder
Is working his bones for what?
A money so meager it couldn't cover his meals for dinner?
It hit me
Blindfolded eyes that couldn't see
That Jack and Jill did not just went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Needeed some lumber
Till the soil for the cucumbers
Catch some fishes at the river
Dig the goldmines deeper
Lights flicker, it's time for supper
Only noodles for the tummy
Where is empathy? humanity?
This was a result of poverty
Lack of responsibility
And a deaf society
His name was Juan and Juan got a sister
Who was so lovely it became her tragedy
Caught the pervert's attention
Made use of her innocence for exploitation
Robbed her dignity
She couldn't care less for your sympathy
She needed for you to stop being a silent somebody
Itsy bitsy spider
Spunning webs on tiny rough fingers
Cover the nose, chemicals in the air
The sharp tools beware
Take good care of your welfare
Ah, why do they have to bid farewell?
To stardust dreams? To fluffy teddybears?
To have notebooks instead of burdens?
To play hide and seek instead of running away from the grim reaper?
Open your eyes, people!
This is nothing simple
This is not a fairy tale
They are our children with stories to tell
Stuck at the deepest layers of hell
Being slaves to demons who don't give a care

It's time to row row row our boat
Gently but quickly down the stream
To rescue Juan and his sister
And a million more who we owed
Childhood memories and sparkling dreams
Row row row our boat
Get that voice you swallowed
Be their voice in a noisy seas
Let the world hear their pleas
To the children who had factory noises as everyday melodies
To the children who had stale breads as cookies
Who had rags as clothes and having shoes means luxuries
Show them that you care
That you are aware
And their hopeful shouts didn't led to nowhere

Twinkle Twinkle my little star
We are not so far
Up above the world so high
I could still hear your silent cry
But be ready to say goodbye
To the life worst than ants

Hold my hands
Let me listen to your heartly laughs
We rowed our boat for that
To see you away from the labor's grasps

Twinkle Twinkle My Little Star
Let me see you shine as the star you are
499 · Jun 2021
Downward yet Upwards
nicaila Jun 2021
I don't want to die
But still I say and lie
'I am tired with everything'
In truth
Just needed some saving
From this void I'm sinking
Do you know?
It's just me being a dramatic fellow
Too shallow
Just wanting some hi or hellos
Want them to know the truth
Not that I'm strange
That I'm being Pinocchio
So remember my lie
When I shout and cry
I want to die.
A poem for suicide awareness. Don't be afraid to speak out. End the stigma.
488 · May 2021
Not a fairy tale
nicaila May 2021
Sweats flowing like falls
She fell

She fell-
             inlove at first sight
From that day on
            you became her kryptonite
Your cries
            made her petrified
Your smiles
           became her home at the westside

Dark town.
Beneath the twinkling stars
She craddled you in her mystic arms
Singing lullabyes of rainbows and charms

12 in the midnight
Child, don't be terrified
This is not Cinderella's tale
The magic won't be gone
Lift up the dress's veil
You'll see
               - the one who fell
Your lady in shining armor
              - the fairy god mother
The one who stays
         till the hourglass breaks
She'll be there
Happy Mother's Day!!
328 · Feb 2021
nicaila Feb 2021
When the clock tick-tocks
It's time to get out of the box
Just as the rooster crows
Gotta make some toasts

When the sun greets the lands
I'll warm your hands
Hold it tightly as possible
Chuckling, hearing your stomach grumble

We'll spend the whole antemeridian
Blissfully, with no plans
Sipping tea with our favorite cups
No distance-no gaps

i ask my classmate to give me topic. she said 'time' so here goes
nicaila Jun 2021
Shining gleaming coins
Cat's meowing as the background noise
Tomatoes red as his hair
Creaking sounds of the rocking chair

Must be nice to imagine
Scenes that only in dreams can be seen
What a ship that couldn't sail
A love story deemed to fail

Slacker life he's been trying to reach out
His shouts could only be drowned
He's no hero in a cape
Only a tired soul who needs a break

In this graphic piece of sheet
Parallel lines that could never meet
The x and y axis wept
When will these two lines connect?

Someday, at the midpoint who knows?
Perpendicular lines might cross
Lazybone and legend, contrasting thoughts
What if this ship stayed afloat?
278 · Jun 2021
nicaila Jun 2021
"A devil lurking within
Some spells it must spittin'
He got you in an illusion
Of a true love when it's nothing but deception"

Honey, you got rosaries under your bed
How about reciting some verses instead
Your time is not well spent
Stop with my sexuality check

I got no friendly bonds with lucifer
Did your brains lost it's luster?
Did not aligned with your belief of a lover
Pronounced guilty of being an offender?
Why is being different worse than being a murderer?
I showed you all my true colors
Yet you gifted me with faces of terror
Told me rainbows are associated with monsters
That rainbows don't have pots of treasures but failures
That my nature will bring nothing else but disasters
Applause . You received a laughter.
A pretend to be holy mother
Yet it's you who's reflected in the mirror
When asked who's really the cancer

No people I trampled
No lives I troubled
Even so, I was met with scorching gazes
When I showered kisses to my happiness
"Devils! Sickening!' can see it in your scrutinizing eyes
What a mindset, I sympathize

I am a warbler with a freedom
Of whom I want to be in my kingdom
Of whom I can say I love you's
Of whom my heart can choose

Tell me
For the title of a sinner
Between me and you-a hypocrite believer
Who deserves it, I wonder?
Happy pride month!!
189 · Mar 2022
love at first sight
nicaila Mar 2022
I'll make a swing on Saturn's ring
Feet swaying, fingers crossing
Dear falling stars, grant me this whimsical wish
To put it into words make me seem foolish
But I'll put my chances in these clauses

To that celestial boy with stellar orbs
With strawberry cheesecake order
Who sat alone in a cafe on South avenue
Hi, how are you Mister Apollo?
You wouldn't even remember me— I know
My presence was nonexistent like little Pluto
It's not a big deal though
This echoes of starbursts I just can't swallow
Makes me want to tell you that babe
You got my butterflies in a rampage
Your are more celestial than the Aurora
Like a deity sent from above, Sinta

It was a bright afternoon of a Sunday
But I got to peek at the secrets of the Milky Way
One glance was all it took, swear to Neptune
All the waxing and waning of the moon
I'll spend it with you, dance with the tune
Of all the heavenly constellation
This cold heart of mine got melted
Gravity must be working real twisted
I kept thinking how every part of you was magical
I wonder if holding hands with you would be just as ethereal

So when you took one last sip of that coffee
I unconsciously called all the deities
To not make this just one encounter
Let us meet on the grounds of Jupiter
Brushing our lips on the Abyss
To be with you in every equinox and solstice
never had a love at first sight moment but i wonder if this is what it feels like
171 · Oct 2021
nicaila Oct 2021
I'm allergic to nuts
Almonds, pecans, pistachios alike
I get sore, red, and outright fading
Heavy breathing, I could hear angels singing

I'm allergic to milk
One day, curiosity killed the cat
I drank a carton in a blink
My stomach got smashed, I hurled rats

I'm allergic to shrimps
In a mistake I swallowed a pint
Itching back, thousand curses uttered
"Never again" a reminder I muttered

Consequences known of straying too near
Agony, suffering, and kicking the bucket
Hearing the crowd's jeer and sneer
I should have stayed far away from the culprits

I have allergy, you must have one too
Don't casually put food in your mouth and chew
Read the ingredients first, scrutinize every bits
You wouldn't want regrets as your daily visits
this is actually a political poem
161 · Jul 2021
nicaila Jul 2021
A gray blurry guy
In another person's film
That guy casually passing by
On the protagonist's screen
Got no dialogues
Only seen on the prologue

The shepherd's purse in the garden
Unremarkable; easily forgotten
The broken mug on shelf
Filled with flaws of varying depths
The ghost of the forgotten past
An unidentified abstract
Of nightmares, memories, and sands

But dear, that is his tale
Why see things this way?
Different trains, different rails
You are not made on the same recipe
That gray guy on his story might be you
But you have your own coffee to brew

You are the main character of your scenario
A Gladiolus in it's bloom
A resolute gladiatior with thousand scars
Reminder of a survivor when carved
Those cracks you can't expose
Let's fill it with golds
Mend it with the sun's dew and the moon's kiss
Still pretty even with the bruises
The phantom of a gleaming future
An unidentified abstract
Of daydreams, wishes, and stardusts

Reader Reader on my wall
Who's the fairest of them all?

Dear, it's the hero of every movie
the protagonist of every story
the leading actor of every film
the adventurer of every tale

It's him
It's her
It's them
It's you

You are seen
You are known

We all are

— The End —